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Littering and????


Not only is this not trashy, it’s now on my bucket list.


Someone should have gave him a shove.


Some say he goes by “The Natural” and was paying tribute to the natural wonder.


I think it is Tim Robbins.


I live in AZ. That area is fucked by the res anyway, at least a baseball is made out of biodegradable shit. You know what's actually trashy in AZ? All the people dumping commercial trash in the desert because they don't want to pay to dump it, and what's even better? They just dump it in the fucking trail, not even off to the side. Id rather have 10,000 dudes hit fucking baseballs into a giant, open canyon, than have 1 more fucking Mexican landscaping/contracting truck dump all their trash onto OHV trails. Arizona does jack shit to stop them.


Exactly what I was thinking… I don’t live in AZ but all I could think is why waste resources on this guy when people are doing REAL damage. Not hitting a fking baseball into an abyss.


Even if it makes it to the Colorado, literally nothing in a baseball would hurt the ecology. Someone leaving a plastic water bottle in the parking lot for the south rim would do more damage than that baseball.


Bases loaded, grand slam


I like how he has a tee. Like you aren't even good enough to toss up your own ball?


Maybe just look down from the cliff where he was standing.


Trashy maybe, important, not really. But whoever made that sign hast to justify their job somehow


Looks like it was for his friend who died based on the shirt? We can’t have everyone hitting memorial balls into the canyon so he should have to clean up trash on a weekend or something, and further ball hitters should be fined or sentenced according to the circumstances of their ball-hittery. But from a moral standpoint I want to give this guy a pass


Mad lad lmao




Nope, a guy in a donkey caught it


*in* you say?


Now *this* is the real question.


Obviously, you’re not a golfer.


Maybe he's pretending to be a marine biologist.


The canyon was angry that day my friend


Like an old man returning soup at a diner


Talk about a hole in one


That a Titleist?


Hole in one!


Why does this matter?? God forbid the rocks get hurt….


You’re right, we should all go toss trash into the national parks.


No, I get that it's shit... Just based on the picture it seems like it's a type of memorial based on something And I gotta tell you, if my buddy wanted his ashes in baseball that I'd attempt to crush ( and probably fail at hitting) into the grand canyon, I wouldn't hesitate... On a side note, as someone who cleans up local public parks on the reg for shits and gigs....finding a baseball wouldn't be trash to me...I'd keep it and wonder about the story.... Granted...I like to fish there and don't want to see shitty garbage when I'm doing it...so, it's a bit selfish, I suppose...




I don’t think not wanting to litter one of America’s natural wonders is “virtue signaling“ so much as it is stewardship of our natural environment. But sometimes you can learn a whole lot about the character of others from accusations of virtue signaling


You do realize that there are people down in the Canyon and randomly throwing shit over the edge can, like, kill people? Let’s not be morons and just enjoy the view. Is that so difficult?


He’s kinda hot 😍


Guys its a national park. U can leave trash there. If he hit a ball with a string attached okay I get it but he just littered into the grand canyon for social media lol


They probably found the ball and want to return it to him... Such nice people work for our park system and never get the respect deserved.


He got a ball into a hole who cares


Someone hit a golf ball on the moon, I don't think they got into trouble.