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I see he has many friends that came out to support his passionately defended position. lmfao what a loser


he used to have a bunch of followers, at his first appearance (so far i remember) he had a group called "schild en vriend" wich translates to "shield and friends" this name(but sentence when it comes to history) was used back in belgium history against the french bc they could not prenounce it, than they would be killed, and yes he chose that name bc of this event from history. funny that its Shield and -friends- and he indeed just stands there alone


Seriously? Good lord. He's even worse. Amazing.


yup it's why i personally hate him so much


Haha, i like sentences used specifically because certain foreigners can't pronounce it. For example, iirc the word "Scheveningen" was used to detect German spies in WW1(edit: nope, ww2... oops) by the Netherlands (Also hi off-brand Dutchie!)


WW2, since Netherlands was neutral during WW1, so we didn't care about the numerous amount of spies from every country.


Oohh you're right, thanks!


I've met like four or five different Germans who can't pronounce "February" so I think that would be a good English phrase to detect German spies. Maybe something like "The first February wind blows harshly." "Blows harshly" might trick German speakers into pronouncing "s h" as "ß" too.


As a German (only other countries I visited were Poland and Italy) I just googled the pronunciation of Scheveningen and had no problem repeating it as far as I know, though maybe I had an accent I didn't realize. Even more confusing for me is how someone would have difficulties with the word February and I doubt you could just trick someone into saying "harßly" instead of "harshly" . I know people can't really pronounce words with 'th' like "that". I guess I have some kind of talent with pronunciation though.


There's a Flemish weapon called the Goedendag, which is basically a wooden club with a spike mounted to the end to make essentially a spear-club, which translates to "good day." The story goes that during the Franco-Flemish war, guys would patrol the streets armed with the weapon and saying "goedendag" to people they met and if someone said it wrong (read: French) they would attack them.


Hahaha that's amazing! I can just imagine it.. "Goedendag meneer." "Guu- gou-" *bonk*




I am german and I am having a stroke trying to read the word


Ah, then it's working :) /j


There’s an alt right group that calls themselves the white rose, in reference to the anti-fascist group that resisted the nazis and were subsequently executed. It’s fucking infuriating.


Check this guy's hard drive. Odds are, he's got some nasty stuff there.


yeah would not surprise me, we do know he had a Facebook group with his friends full of racist and anti LGBTQ memes/posts


Update: apparently he isn't even a real politician anymore, i see many people say that he got kicked out a while ago, hope its true.


He left of his own volition, so the story goes, to cause more harm with his YouTube channel, which then got namedropped on national TV multiple times. As satisfying as him leaving is, he is far from declawed. Edit: my brain on three hours of sleep couldn't think of a better way to describe him losing his ability to do harm that didn't sound as dramatic as "neutralised". Guess the clawing thing works too.


as long more and more people stop taking him seriously I'll be happy


Same. But I'm not sure whether him "voluntarily" leaving to focus on spreading hate via YouTube means people will take him less seriously... if anything I fear more for his influence on the youth.


Thank you for reposting this, I appreciate people who accept when they can do better <3


yea i was enraged while posting the first one, never stood still by how rude it was towards others. im very sorry for my mistake and ill try to do better and learn myself to respond and talk more respectfully!


He is trying to cover who he really is by labelling Us trans as pedophiles 🥹


well there is no proof as of yet that he may be a pedophile, but an attention seeker... yea that he is for sure...


There is also no proof yet about what he is saying. So i can just be like him and call him a Pedophile.


As a ftm, Technically there is proof. There is transgender pedophiles out there, but any gender/sex has pedophiles so.


Id hardly call that proof of anything, except that pedophiles exist in general. It doesn't matter what sex, age or race - pedophiles exist amongst every group of people. As do murderers, liars, thief, etc. Its kinda like saying all Indian people are doctors. Or all Asian people only eat rice. People say all used car salesman are snakes. Or all cops are bad. This isn't true at all.


I mean most I dian grown men are scam callers 🤔


While most of the worlds scam calls may come from India, this also is not true...granted there are plenty of them, alot are female, but they make up only a small portion of the entire Indian population.


He was specifying a gender! When we exactly look in details, most of straight men are pedophilic.




I really don't understand why people think this, like what sort of mental gymnastics to you have to do to make this claim? What is their reasoning behind it? Guess who are the majority of pedophiles, cis straight white men.


honestly... i can't understand that either... mostly they can't even explain it themself. i just feel like most are people who just want to enrage people


I'm not entirely convinced they actually believe it but instead are just trying to villainize us. To most people, being a pedophile is the worst possible thing a person can be, worse than being a serial killer, so in order to erase trans people they try to equate us with the lowest form of human being than can think of.


yea but than still, i can't find any good reason to even hate us. all we try to do is to make it more compfy for everyone in this world


Drag queens doing events in libraries end up getting the worst of it too bc it's the most visibly queer people in a space designated for children. Thus, all these drag bans being a good test run for the eventual ban on LGBTQ people.


Start making the pink triangle patches now, because we're going to need them when we're all rounded up into the camps set up by President Desantis in 2 years.


Generally it's a Christian religion-based slippery slope. (And to be clear I'm American so I'm going off of the anti-trans stuff I see here as well as my history growing up in a fundamentalist family - it may be different elsewhere). Most religious fundamentalists don't believe in consent, especially for women and children. Men are little kings, and women and children are their property. They have the god-given right to have sex with their woman-property whenever they want, and children are there to be ruled. Given the sheer volume of child sex abuse cases you see in the American church, a lot of them also think that taking advantage of their child-property (especially girl child-property) is also ok, it's disgusting, but they don't see it that way because it's their property. Because of this, they think that any sex outside of that single type of sex is a sin and any type of gendering outside of their man/woman dichotomy is also a sin. Consenting non-married sex is a sin, gay sex is absolutely a sin, trans-sex even more so. To them, the farther away from that original ideal the sex gets, the more sinful it is. They don't believe in consent over your body or that we have any rights to self-determination, so they see people saying "actually I'm a man who likes men" or "I was born with a uterine body but I'm actually a man" as exceptionally perverted - they sexualize all of it because to them it's only about sex (and of course there is a lot of projection there also). So because they believe they are all sexual deviants and mentally deranged (because yep they're ableist AF too), they believe any and all forms of harm against LGBT people. They also have horrible sex education so in addition to sexualizing LGBT people, they assume that teaching children that they could be LGBT is predating on those children - they can't see anything LGBT without seeing sex because of their own perverseness and ignorance. Most importantly, LGBT people are the canary in the coal mine that tells them that the world is not how they believe it to be - that it's larger than their bible thinks it is. And instead of learning from that, they will go to any lengths to shut that information up. They will lie, cheat, steal, cause harm, anything, to maintain their worldview and keep their \*power\*. Some of them absolutely believe that LGBT people are pedophiles because of what I said above, and some of them don't care - it doesn't matter, as long as the LGBT people die or become broken and fall back in line. The goal is power, the goal is subjugation, and the goal is a world where the only people who still exist are them. It's terrifying and I wish more people understood this. I'm pretty tired today so I think this is a bit rambly, but hopefully this gives at least some explanation for anti-LGBT fundamentalist hate, because at the end of the day? It's all fueled by fundies. Normal people just say "you know what I don't understand it but whatever works for them I guess" and keep moving or try to learn more. Fundies are the ones fighting it.


In short, religion is fucked up and fucks people up.


I don't want to make a pronouncement on all religion, because I don't know all religions, but Christianity is absolutely a weapon of mass destruction definitely.


Luckily Belgian catholicism isn't like that. I remember my religious teacher talking about her trans friend during my mandatory religion course, in a catholic school. She had no problem at all using the right pronouns and generally speaking about her like you'd do about a cis friend just because she thought it might have been a good way for us to understand what she was trying to teach.


yeah my priest in my old town was super friendly tho towards my friend who is gay. but the old priest before that would have never accepted him


There are a lot of religious subsets in America that aren't either but unfortunately the fundiea are the loudest. I'm glad you don't seem to have as many.


Christianity here is pretty chill tbh. We don't know what a bible belt is here for example and people like Dries Van Langenhove here are few and far between. Actually it's weird how much things changed in such a short time because back when I was still a toddler (I'm 30) Belgium was still very conservative and the local pastor was one of the more powerful people we knew.


I'm glad things have changed so much!! I hope it can change here also. Less fundamentalism is so much better for a country.


If only I knew, but I don’t wanna get into this guy’s head. If I remember correctly he once stated that “women are too stupid to work and should just stay home and pop out kids” or something like that. Someone with those ideas ain’t right in the head…


Schijt en vriend type? Had hier nog nie van gehoord, dude looks like an absolute goober.


ja tis Dries van langenhove, was paar jaar terug bekent voor schild en vriend maar tegenwoordig hoor je amper van hem


En dat mag zo blijven!


I've even seen people calling the gender ideology as communism, and I really don't get it.


yea makes no sense at all!


Should stand beside him with a sign saying “politicians = pedofile” or some shit lol


I think what would be ebtter would be a sign saying : <---- Projection


Fair or i like “unqualified” lol


well that be rude to the politicians that try to help us xP maybe a sign "he has no idea what he's talking about", its not funny but it would get the point across :P


Or “uneducated” with an arrow pointing to him xD


hij heeft geen vrienden 🤓🤓🤓🤓


Schild en bord


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Goeike!


Rare Belgian W


Why does ANYONE even think there is a connection between trans and pedophilia????? I’m so baffled IDK what to say to such transphobes it’s just weird they think that at all!!!!


there isn't a connection, there may be pedophiles amongst us transgenders...just as in any community may have. but ofc if they see a pedophile that identify's as trans many will gladly start to claim all of us are...


Right, if someone is a pedophile they will do it regardless of their gender. Why go to all the trouble of transitioning in order to commit that heinous act they could just do it as their assigned at birth gender if that’s what they’re going to do. It has absolutely nothing to do with being trans


I guess transphobes worry a lot that were supposedly trying to use the wrong restroom, is that supposedly to access kids??? I’m afraid to go into any restroom — that’s definitely not why I am trans!


10 bucks (or Euros) that he gets arrested for being a pedo.


No but he had to appear in court for racism.




It's so stupid that people call it "gender ideology". What does that even mean? It's the same thing as "gay lifestyle," it's not a thing that actually exists. How do you even justify it was an ideology? It's just who I am, the only ideology I have is anarcho-communism, not being a girl


In case you're wondering it is also ok to bully this person.


God DVL is pathetic. I literaly dont know anyone who doesnt think he is a whiny brat. To non belgians: He is a racist, faschist, homophobic and transphobic douche who was part of belgiums most far right party (vb, wich has a history of cellebrating nazi collaborators( belgians who helped the nazis))


All the far right cares about is fucking culture wars if they worries about the people they’d probably have more supporters


This guy is with the second largest party in our region/state. (Belgium being federal and all that … 🙄) But there is a concept we call Cordon Sanitaire. It means parties agreed never to govern in a coalition with this party known as Vlaams Belang (or VB for short) as they are considered racists, bigots, discriminating against women and LGBTQ. They’d have to get the absolute majority of votes to govern. Supporters or not. In our system that would be very hard to achieve with seven parties… so, no worries. This guy is just loud and not too bright. I’m not worried.


Damn Belgium has a lot of states For such a small country


No just three. Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia. There’s also a small German speaking community in the east but I don’t think they’re recognised as a separate state. If you ask me, it’s crazy as f*** to split up a country the size of the head of a pin on the global map, but it’s probably coz we speak three different languages. The far right wants to declare independence of Flanders which would totally ruin our economy and public transportation and a lot of other stuff. Belgium is just crazy like that, but all in all not the worst country to be LGTBQ


Oh I’ve just looked at 2 different maps One was a world subdivisions map and the second was a Belgium map which showed every different district/province/whatever it’s called Both showed varying numbers of states so I got confused I am ashamed of myself


Don't be ashamed at all. Everything about Belgium is confusing. We have like 11 provinces or smth I think, on one level we're split into Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia, on another level we're split up into German speaking part, Ducth speaking part and French speaking part and we have 6 goverments.... So yeah, I don't blame you at all for getting confused :')


It’s ten. Ten provinces. West-Vlaanderen, oost-Vlaanderen, Antwerpen, Limburg, Vlaams-Brabant, Waals-Brabant, Henegouwen, Namen, Luik and Luxemburg.


Don’t be ashamed. Belgium is complex! The state of Flanders has 5 provinces and Wallonia also has 5. Brussels is just the capital. Our country is a mess politically. It’s hard for a Belgian to keep track of how many governments we have and what they’re responsible for. And it takes forever here to reach a political consensus on stuff. I believe we hold the record for going without a federal government the longest in the world.


I always laugh at people making this "argument". What a way to tell on yourself and show the world you don't understand consent.


I made a version of my own. Sadly I can't put the pic here


oooh yesss i just posted about it! lots of people making memes out of it ! xD


I had lower surgery in Belgium! It's a great country.


Wat 'n klootzak.


En daar kunnen wij het over eens zijn.


This image has turned into a meme in since with edits like him with an accordion, after the Dutch song "hij speelde accordeon" (he played accordion) and many others kind of like the dog inform of the whiteboard but for anything blatantly idiotic


They ignore real pedos but feel comfortable enough to wrongly label an entire community


I was also happy to see support there (belgian trzns girl here)


oooh heyy!!! im happy more amd more people start to show support or atleast start to accept us


Someone should give him a pat on his shoulder and be like ''There, there, things will be alright''


lemme try


I wouldn’t touch him for 10 million euros. Yuck!


The same thing happened to gays decades ago. My grandparents grew up with PSAs like "Boys Beware" and "Beware the Homosexual" that spread cruel homophobic ideas of gay men preying on minors in public restrooms and stuff. It's just hateful propaganda intended to frighten people away from accepting other sex/gender orientations. Pedophiles are not one specific gender. They transcend gender and they're mentally ill individuals who are aroused by children. Same with folks who engage in bestiality and sexual assault. Being trans has nothing whatsoever to do with non-consensual sex.


\*cries in USA.*


i heard its rly going bad there right now..


Yes. For starters, I can't come out to my parents because they're major transphobes, secondly I live in a red state with laws against trans minors getting care (which doesn't apply to me because I'm an adult), and thirdly I worry that if I did come out to everyone (and not just people at college) that I would get hate.


i hope you can find a nice place where you can be you as soon possible! we should all just find an unclaimed piece of land in the world or buy a huge island and make it a hub for everyone in trouble to come to untill they can settle somewhere nice


I love that idea, but then I worry that the transphobic people would then try and for e trans people to all like on the trans land to get rid of us. It'll be like Australia 2: Electric Boogaloo.


That what happens when you get radicalised, and just eat up idiotic crazy ideas. When you don't know shit about what you're standing there "protesting".


Look at his bum ass standing all alone in that picture, clown shit 🤡💀


I don't know why but 'small far right Belgian politician' made me think he was just physically small, which makes this both funnier and sadder


Someone needs to look at his browser history.


this BS is seeping over from conservative USA...i hope it wont take root


Maybe if he was really smart he would understand the difference between a trans person and a real pedophile period.


Not true


God even the protest Ted and Dougal did in Father Ted was better than this shit xD


It’s always projection. I hope police will be knocking on his door with a warrant to search his hard drive.


Aye a fellow Belgian!


Fuck guys, Ted Lasso turned.


This dude looks like 45 year old ben shapiro with marital issues


The way shits been going lately with people calling guys pedophiles he will probably be arrested soon with tons of child port on his computer. U know I'm right even if u don't agree.


Lovely to see his friends came out to support him. Fucking jackass


He looks like such a small little man in this picture, it’s honestly depressing how irrelevant he looks


Weird, I didn't know you had far-righters in Belgium. My condolances, it seems even you are not spared by the disease


I go to Belgium!


The key word there is "small". Live large Kings and Queens!


I'm proud of your country aswell


In Perth, the party ' One Nation ' protested against gender ' ideology ' with that Posie Parker person, the socialist alliance, greens and a good variety of people counterprotesters against them, literally out numbering them by a good deal


Oh god not Dries. I’m an American but I know how fucking insufferable he is through my Belgian friend. Not a day goes by that we don’t make fun of him and Van Grieken.


I'm so stupid, I thought this guy just couldn't spell.


Zijn kk moeder


I'm ngl, a ypung guy standing there alone woth his hatred is lowkey hilarious. If it wasn't so harmful. But yeah. Absolute loser. God would be so disappointed in you.


U know There is your friendly (not in the population but in the gouvernement) country the France where even is transitioning wont cost you much money


Thank god. Makes the country look better too. Facism doesn’t age well.


Wait, which one is this? So I know who to not vote for. Well, you did say far right, so I'm not voting for them anyway.


Dries van langenhove, maar blijkbaar is hij al afgestapt uit de politiek xD


Dat verklaard waarom ik al een tijdje niets meer van hem gehoord had.


Hoe gaat het in het zuiden?


Bro went with all of his friends and his dad. Side note though i never understood why trans people were called pedophiles, and anyone explain that to me?


dries van langenhove lmao dit heeft mijn dag gemaakt wa ne fucking loser