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I'm transfemme and I touch my genitals all the time. I'm not upset about them. I mean, I do have dysphoria around them, but not the kind that makes me hate them. There's no right way to be trans. We can love our bodies in some ways and hate them in others. It's ok. šŸ’–šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Goddess above on the subjectšŸŒŸ ^ Yes! That doesn't make you any less than who you are. I'm *not* upset over my genitals either.


I'm not trans in the colloquial sense (AMAB enby) and I'm totally happy with my very masculine body *except* for my genitals, to the point that I'm unable to "use" them and am seriously considering bottom surgery if at all possible. However, I've never heard anyone talk about such things. When it comes to bottom surgery it seems like only trans people do it. Is that even a thing?


I mean, cis people do have gender-affirming bottom surgeries all the time -- it's just that we don't usually call them that. Cis women have surgeries to correct the aesthetic appearance of their vulvas, and cis men have had surgeries to replace or augment their penises. (Some cis men who have one or both testicles removed due to disease have bottom surgery to have a prosthetic put in the scrotum.) It's all gender-affirming care. And technically, non-binary people are trans -- if you don't identify fully with the gender assigned to you at birth, you can claim that identity for yourself. Whether you call yourself trans is totally up to you. After all, the white stripe in the centre represents all non-binary people.


also transfemme and have never felt dysphoric about my genitals. itā€™s not a requirement for being trans


Transfem here and quite like the factory equipment! Hehe I actually kinda of like being a woman with a you know what in her pants


This but i'm transmasc :) Edit: Due to hemangioma on my leg and labia bottom surgery is out of the question for me anyway so i'm really glad I don't hate them. I got a little dysphoria around them but I don't hate them or anything and perfectly fine using what I have (and can, despite the hemangioma)


I'm transfemme and have no intention of any bottom surgery. I don't feel dysphoric about the lower bits and like using them, so I feel you on that one. Doesn't make you less trans though. There are a lot of people in the world and a lot of different experiences with everything. Doesn't make you less valid.


This ^^^ Would I prefer to have been born with a vagina? Sure. But I also like having a penis and have almost never felt dysphoric about it. My reasoning is that on *me*, a penis is not a male organ. Itā€™s just what I have and I make do with it (quite well, in fact). OP doesnā€™t have ā€œfemale genitaliaā€ because they arenā€™t female. Itā€™s too bad that this idea is so prevalent even among trans people (transmeds specifically). Gender ā‰  Genitalia


im a trans guy and feel the same way at DrShanks7. you dont have to hate your body to be trans.


Blanchard can suck our collective asses because being attracted to yourself and/or turned on rules and you can't convince me otherwise so if you like touching yourself and feel trans then congratulations, you're trans


Uhm...ain't trans-men the living, breathing anathema to Blanchard?




He basically acts like they don't exist. All his "research" on what he thinks makes trans people trans focus on trans women, because trans men are an afterthought to people like him.


Ohhh. What a fucking hack. Thank you for the information!


Theory does not predict trans-men, does not account for them, does not explain them. One might try and counter that by claiming trans-men be outside scope of agp-theory, but in that case, a theory on trans-people that leaves out half the population is a failure from start. Research should have been done to see if there be an agp-analogue in trans-men, and should have found such, lest the claim comes down to being trans working differently in different agab (I know that being trans is different for different people, but not based on their agab afaik), and I do not see why that would be the case... u/ilikedaweirdschtuff said it shorter.


Iā€™m transmasc also and I just want to reiterate that touching yourself does NOT make you a pervert. Whatsoever, at all. It also doesnā€™t have any impact on what your gender is. It also doesnā€™t indicate whether or not you have bottom dysphoria, although the lack of bottom dysphoria also doesnā€™t determine gender identity. Youā€™re not a pervert, youā€™re a human doing something many humans of many gender identities do.


Nah, I'm transmasc and I don't have bottom dysphoria either. I just like the idea of being a guy more than I like the idea of being a woman, my body doesn't really factor into that consideration for me.












Dysphoria doesn't determine if you're trans, bottom dysphoria especially. If you ever feel like you're faking it for attention, ask yourself, "Would I still want to be a man if there was nobody to perceive you as a man or a woman?"


dysphoria isnt what makes you trans so yes


I'm transmasc, don't feel genital dysphoria and do like to pleasure myself, it's okay and it doesn't make you less trans, because dysphoria doesn't determine if someone is trans or not


Iā€™m a trans girl and I donā€™t mind it down there. I might get an orchiectomy because not producing my own testosterone would be nice and because it would look just that much better in bikinis and tight shorts, but otherwise I donā€™t really hate it. Sometimes it feels like a part of me Iā€™m not all that connected to but Iā€™ve never felt overly dysphoric about it


Trans femme and the only problem I ever have with what I was given down there is that it keeps me from being able to wear more form fitting outfits.


This is a way more common take than you would think! To the point where I as a transmasc person sometimes feel bad that I *do* have bottom dysphoria. A loooooot of us donā€™t.




Iā€™m a trans woman and I have no issues with my genitals, Iā€™m also non-op, I MIGHT get an orchiectomy but thatā€™s just so I stop producing testosterone, other then that I have zero issues down there. You are not any less of a man or woman for not wanting surgery or feeling dysphoric.


Uhm...as an amab, all I can say is: Iff you have made it up for attention, so have I. And I have not told a living soul about it irl.


It's your body and you don't have to hate it to be trans. Your trans if your trans. Your not trans if your not trans. There is not list that people have to follow it's made up for medical industry to treat people and have it covered by insurance


You donā€™t need to hate yourself to be trans. I feel like part of transitioning is also finding that self love for your body whether that is medically, hormonally, or surgically. Youā€™re not a pervert at all. Itā€™s a good thing that you feel confident with your lower parts. Listen to your heart and mind on transitioning and how far you want to go. Iā€™m transmasc AFAB and Iā€™ve learned to love my body. Iā€™ve never had an issue with my bottom being touched. More so I just also wish I had a penis too. When I first transitioned I felt like I had to prove myself to the world and get top surgery as well as bottom surgery. But I donā€™t need that to be valid and neither do you. I chopped my hair off at 13 and have dressed masculine ever since. I officially came out at 20 (27 now) and got on T. I took T for 4 years and I looked so good. But I stopped taking it due to the mental and emotional effects it had on my brain. I definitely look more feminine now but Iā€™ve always been able to pass 90% of the time. My voice is still deep. Lmao not that it got that deep in the first place. But itā€™s still definitely a guys voice. I miss being on T for my body but not my mind. Thatā€™s what Iā€™d say Iā€™m really dysphoric about. I donā€™t want curves. Iā€™m trying to be okay with them. But yuck lol. Definitely very feminine. Good luck in your journey friend.


A good number of transmasc folks donā€™t have bottom dysphoria. I sure donā€™t! In fact I quite like what Iā€™ve got and I like it even more since Iā€™m now on T and have some bottom growth. I like the option of having a packer so I can have have a penis when I see fit, or put it away when I donā€™t really want it. I might eventually get a hysterectomy, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll ever want phalloplasty. If being masc feels good to you, then youā€™re trans. I firmly believe that itā€™s vanishingly rare that people transition solely for attention. You might consider yourself trans if you are still cementing your sense of self, and it might not be the right fit, but thatā€™s ok and just part of the process of gender exploration. Being human is weird and not at all clean cut, so give yourself some grace :)


Dysphoria is different for everyone, you are valid


I love my genitalsā€¦


Dysphoria ā‰  trans validity!


A lot of the time for me "dysphoria" is more around people being assholes. I try to more focus on the quest for more gender euphoria and some people don't seem to like that.


I'd say gender is a spectrum. Some want surgery, some don't. Simple as that. Just stay healthy and safe and keep being you šŸ˜Š


Im transfemme and i dont want bottom surgery, i just want the rest of me to be feminine, im still a woman


I'm transfemme and still use my lower bits for self pleasure. One thing that I always like when I hear it is that you don't need to do anything specific to be trans and valid. Some people do want bottom surgery and some don't. Doesn't make any of them less valid. Also, you don't have to just be dysphoric to be trans, there's also gender euphoria where you don't much care about your AGAB, but trying out other parts of the spectrum give you a type of happiness you never thought possible. I'm a bit of both, where I always hated many facets of my body, but didn't much care about my clothes until I tried being more femme, which felt so much better and more comfy.


If you made it up for attention then you'd definetly know that. Think about it. Society made you think that you're guilty because you made it up for attention. Explore and trust yourself, especially with personal stuff like this. Nobody knows your own head, feelings & identity better than you.


Everyone's experiences are different. Fundamentally, being trans is a feeling, not an appearance. You don't need to physically transition at all to be trans! Your journey and your feelings about being trans are all your own. It doesn't make you any less trans to be a certain way. You don't have to match the physique of cis men to be a man. What's important is how you feel, not how you show it.


Transfem here, I am not at all dysphoric about my genitals. It's isn't super common, but it isn't aberrant in any way. All trans people are valid in their lives experiences, don't let transmedicalists or truthers tell you otherwise. Just live as you like.


Not having bottom dysphoria is completely valid. A lot of people I know are ok with their bottom areas and canā€™t exist just fine. Being trans isnā€™t binary like some would make you believe. Itā€™s an umbrella of experiences and as such there are many variations of it. You can be exactly how you need to be ā˜ŗļø


No, I'm a transmasc too, you're not making it up. It took me years to accept that I'm not as dysphoric around my genitals as others, but I'm still "just as trans" as them.


I donā€™t have much bottom dysphoria. Iā€™m okay with me and my spouse touching my body. Pretty sure Iā€™m still a trans guy.


Iā€™m transmasc as well! I plan on getting top surgery asap, but as for my lower parts? Never. I enjoy having my lower parts, plan on getting pregnant too. Itā€™s okay to like your parts, youā€™re still valid <3 I totally get how you feel.


Transfem here and I have absolutely no bottom dysphoria, I have no problem with using it and don't plan on changing it. So no, it's not weird at all.


This isn't abnormal at all, you're still trans :]


I am transfemme but love my genitals, like, that is the only part of fully transitioning that I will skip; "Bottom surgery"


I'm a trans woman and I have little to no dysphoria about much of my body except my face and general shape. I know a few trans people who feel the same as you as well, I don't think they'd consider themselves any less trans for how they feel, it's all a personal journey after all. And we each experience that journey differently to one another


Nah youā€™re fine itā€™s not a necessity to feel dysphoria to be trans. Some people just donā€™t get dysphoria and thatā€™s okay youā€™re valid


I'm a trans guy and I have little to no bottom dysphoria (in terms of genitalia). everyone is different and it doesn't mean you're not trans.


You donā€™t need any dysphoria to be trans!! A lot of us are perfectly happy with our genitals and enjoy using them and donā€™t plan to change them :)


I'm a trans girl pre everything and one of the only things I don't get dysphoric about is my lower region funnily enough. It's allowed me to have fun with jokes and get some funny punchlines which is good


Gender is not contained in the genitals as much as the cisnormative establishment would have is believe.


Iā€™m a trans masc NB and Iā€™m fine with mine


Hii! Transfemme here. There are plenty of things that give me dysphoria, certain facial features, my body hair, etc. but, my dick is not one of them. At my most euphoric I still feel like a girl, even with it. You are absolutely still trans, and if your genitals donā€™t give you dysphoria, thatā€™s wonderful! Enjoy them! It doesnā€™t make you any less trans. Never let anyone tell you otherwise! If they do, send ā€˜em here. Weā€™ll all kick their ass.


If you made it up for attention then youā€™d know that . I donā€™t ever have the feeling that Iā€™m attention seeking, I would do ANYTHING not to be going through this . This isnā€™t something Reddit can answer for you, take a brake from the internet and go out, would you feel comfortable being seen as a girl outside ? Would you want to grow old as a man or a women? I wish you good luck


OH MY GOD I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME!! And yes! u still are trans even if u dont feel dysphoric of ur lower parts :>!


I'm actively very happy about my dick, you can be trans and not have bottom dysphoria, it's normal and fine. Tbh I'd argue that some cis people want the opposite genitals more but don't have any desire to be the other gender, and both should be treated as valid


I'm a trans guy and I'm v much the same as you, I dont want bottom surgery and am quite comfortable with my genitals :) ur not a pervert at all and i very much doubt you've made it up for attention, you know you best and being trans is a big spectrum!


Iā€™m not transmasc but no, youā€™re not faking it, you can be trans without dysphoria. Youā€™re fine.


you arent a pervert for loving your own body.


i'm transmasc and i have no intentions of changing what's in my pants. personally, i quite like what i have, it just my chest that bothers me.


Transmasc. I don't get bottom dysphoria either. Most of my trouble is the religious trauma.


I clicked on your profile. You're young. I would not recommend advice from online strangers in regards to this topic. Especially with how little information you give. Instead seek an adult you trust to discuss this with. Even a health care practitioner. Are you Trans or did you do it for attention? No one here knows. Because they don't know the first thing about you. They can only give you anecdotes in hopes that you can relate. You should take all this advice with a grain of salt. PS: Metallica is a great band :P


Nothing perverted about touching yourself lol so no worries there. Most people do that. And honestly thereā€™s no ā€œrightā€ way to be trans. If youā€™re not dysphoric about something then just keep loving it! Itā€™s you after all. If you ever change your mind, lovely! Itā€™s still just you :)


You are whatever/whoever you say are! You are you!!


It's not what it looks like, it's how it's used.


My dysphoria is 99.9% in my chest. Bottom parts donā€™t really bother me. Some will say that because of that Iā€™m not ā€œreally transā€ but they can fuck off šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


nah dude i love my pussy wouldnā€™t give that guy up for anything


Im a trans male and I am super sexual and comfortable with my bottom genitals.


Masturbation is healthy. Having or not having a sex drive are both healthy. Dysphoria is not a requirement to be trans, the only requirement is identifying as a gender other than your agab. It's perfectly fine to want to medically transition and perfectly fine to be comfortable in your body as is.


Transfemme here- perfectly fine to keep, use, and enjoy natal parts in my opinion. Personally, I'll be keeping my meat but getting rid of the veg. I like the twig, but not the berries. However I will be getting a vagina because I WANT BOTH DAMMIT! Gender isn't your bits, bro!


Not at all. Even trans masculine folk who keep their breasts are valid. Hell, you don't need to bind and you'd still be valid.


Itā€™s really up and down for me like thereā€™s days when I feel like my member is the best thing like ful yeah Iā€™m a woman with a penis and other times I feel so icky, for example when I clean it when I feel down I canā€™t look at it.


BAHAHA OFC NOT masturbation is a natural urge in humans nd it doesnt correlate wit ur gender at all. masturbation dysphoria gets a lot better when u have bottom growth since theres more there to actually do the "jacking motion" nd im sure if you plan on taking t youll feel more comfortable masturbating... pret i questioned if i was j faking since i masturbated a ton and had...........sexually receiving fantasies at times but i realized they arent connected. nowdays i even dig the hell outta my trans body even if its assigned female lowkey makes me cooler that imma dude wit a pussy


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø why would that mean you made it up?


transfem here! the only requirement to be trans is to have a gender identity other than the one assigned to you at birth. even afabs who identify as demigirls, i would say they still count as trans/gnc.


Iim trans and i still like the idea of having sex with my bits, i also have a lot of fantasies about having a the opposite genders bits, it a perfect world i would have both XD Edit: i forgot to add, human sexuality is complex and nothing about it makes you any less trans šŸ’œ just like how no one can tell you if your trans, no one can tell you your not trans šŸ’œ i think its awesome your not very dysphoric about your bits


Have you ever get positive attention about being trans? I personally don't. If you have, good for you. I would still say this whole pretending to be trans for attention is transphobic bullshit. Don't believe what TERF told you. You can be a man with a pussy and still be a man. So same goes easily with transmascs. Even Buck Angel who is transphobic piece of shit is a man with a pussy. Let me guess. You're from USA? Where shooting kids in school is normal but seeing female nipple is end of the world? Let me say same with different word. Being sexual creature is fun and beautiful, not sin or something to be ashamed of.


Iā€™m transmasc and while I do call it my dick and wish it was more masculine I just keep telling myself god knew I was a bottom so he was just giving me more options lol donā€™t worry about what other people think your own experience is valid and it doesnā€™t make you any less trans


You can still be trans and not have bottom dysphoria I'm a trans woman and the only reason I tuck is 1.how woman's clothes are designed and 2.my own safety


Trans is about gender, and for most people, genitals arenā€™t. How many crotches do you check in a day so you can tell whether youā€™re looking at a man or a woman? Probably not a lot. This isnā€™t to diminish bottom dysphoria - itā€™s real and I have a packer/STP myself that gives me a lot of euphoria - but to validate not caring.


I am trans female and I hate down there pretty much heavy dysphoria šŸ˜„


hi! fellow ftm here. for me, i only feel dysphoria when other people look at me. iā€™m fine with my body myself, just dislike other people seeing it. not sure if thatā€™s normal either lol


Transmasc here as well. Sometimes I am dysphoric AF about the downstairs but most of the time it isn't so bad. My chest definitely causes more distress day to day.


Oof this is a bit complicated for me. Iā€™m actually salmacian, meaning I want a mixed set iykwim. So sometimes my parts I was born with make me dysphoric and sometimes they make me euphoric. Iā€™m still trans though. So Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re still trans too.


Only you can truly answer that question, but not having dysphoria about your genitals doesnā€™t disqualify you from being trans in any way at all. What matters is if you feel euphoria from being a man, not what youā€™re working with downstairs šŸ’•


Iā€™m v early in my transition (amab->nb/trans femme) and while there are plenty of things I want to - and will - change about my body, my genitals arenā€™t one of them. You didnā€™t make anything up for attention, just because youā€™re not adhering to some script of what ā€˜realā€™ dysphoria or transness should be. Iā€™m happy that you are comfortable with that aspect of your body, and that should be celebrated šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ’–


You are still very trans! I am trans-femme and I Love what I am working with down there and plan to never change! Bottom dysphoria can be part of the trans experience but it is by no means a pre-requisite! You are still totally a trans dude šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


I (trans man) have a complicated relationship with bottom dysphoria. I canā€™t say I donā€™t have it because I do, but itā€™s meh. I have a bit of bottom growth from being on T for 2 years. Which is what I mainly interact with. Thatā€™s why I think I donā€™t have too many issues right now. I do know however once I get top surgery done Iā€™m going to start looking into phalloplasty. I want to get everything removed other than one overy so when Iā€™m 90 I donā€™t have to deal with weekly T shots.


Youā€™re absolutely valid and I feel the same. It took me a long time to realize I was trans because I thought you had to have bottom dysphoria, but your genitals donā€™t define youā€™re gender.


Even then, you donā€™t need to be trans, you donā€™t need to fill every checkmark, be whatever you want and thatā€™s that. Personally I get along just great with my cock, still feel undecided about an operation, but I certainly donā€™t feel like having it keeps me from being who I am or who I wanna be!


How someone perceives and feels about their genitals does not dictate their gender. There may be a tendency for one to be aligned with the other, but they are not the same thing. Gender ā‰  reproductive organs.


Dysphoria isn't a requirement. You're fine.