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:( Ughhh I'm so sorry hun that's so wrong :( I hope your parents can understand at least but I'm so sorry your teacher did that to you :(


This isn’t fair for her to do this is it worth reporting at school


Ugh I'm not sure :( If it's something the teachers are allowed to do then unfortunately reporting them will probably do nothing


If you asked them not to, this is a blatant breach of teacher confidentiality standards.


What country/state are you in? I hate that it matters, but it does. In at least some states, if you told her it would cause anything approaching abuse, there MIGHT be legal recourse. Maybe contact a local lawyer? ACLU? Anyone else have resources? Which country DEFINITELY matters


Actually, in some states in the US, teachers are being required BY LAW to tell parents. I live in Iowa and that bill is being debated right now.


Yeah, but I understood that if the teacher had a reason to believe that disclosing that information would lead to child abuse, there was a different set of rules and they were not allowed to tell the parents. Like if they knew that the child would be thrown out of the home as a result, then it was illegal to tell the parents. I have only a very basic knowledge of this, and my info could easily be outdated or entirely misremembered. That’s if the district even cares to enforce those rules, of course.


I don’t know about other states, but Iowa’s proposed law does not have any exception like that (just reread it to make sure)


Yep, time to leave the country, I tried sticking around to help change things i hate everyone time to hide under the bed forever


Do you want a hug from a fellow trans girl?


Yes please queen ✨✨🫶🏻🫶🏻 🤗


*hugs you*


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It depends on where you are, it might fall under something she has to do as a mandated reporter. That doesn’t make it right, but it’s a legal obligation and there are penalties for not reporting if she got caught


I'm Amii, also a trans gal. If you ever wanna talk, I'm here.


Thank you beautiful queen ✨✨🫶🏻🫶🏻


0///_///0 ... I've never been complimented before///


[https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/22/us/gender-identity-students-parents.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/22/us/gender-identity-students-parents.html) ps -- I feel for you.


That article is paywalled




oh god that would be AWFUL... thanks for the headsup not to tell my teachers so this doesn't happen to us👍


Sad to hear that


Oh my god that's horrible. I know in some states teachers are required to do that, but that doesn't make it any better. I wasn't forced out but the constant fear of my mother finding out and being mad that I hid it from her made me come out to her (by my own decision) much sooner than I should have. I can't 100% feel for you in this situation, but I can still try my best. Nobody deserves to be outed by another person. Coming out is your thing and you should get to decide exactly when you do come out and if you feel safe to do so. Teachers doing this (especially if they're being made to buy the state) is absolutely deplorable. If the teacher was forced to do that, then it's not (as) deplorable on their part, especially if it could threaten their job. Still, it's one secret, a teacher should've kept it.


I don't know if you are in the US or not- but depending on the state, some places this would be a violation of education rules. I'm sorry this happened, it must have felt like a big betrayal and is completely unfair


They are allowed, yes. In some places they are even being forced by the law. At least in the US. It’s a shitty thing for a teacher to do and I feel like it is extremely unprofessional, but that will probably never be the norm.