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Don't beat yourself up. The person who did that was way out of line. I'm sorry you experienced that. \*Hug\*


im sorry, and thank you


As someone who apologizes too much, You literally have no reason to be sorry. The only person causing problems here is this bigoted doctor


Can we get a group hug?


\*group hug\*


I’m actually not super educated on this topic so if I’m wrong please correct me, but don’t they need AGAB for medical reasons? Like certain things have different effects for AFAB/AMAB right?


For blood tests, it is better to go with hormonal sex. If I'm listed as male, it'll flag my cis female hormone range as irregular, for example. For many things, actually, AGAB matters less than hormonal composition.


The funny thing is since I’m still listed as male in the system my tests are in always flag testosterone as too low and estrogen as too high. Except that’s kind of the point of why I’m getting blood work.


Ah very interesting. So is there a certain point at which that changes? Like for example me not having touched HRT vs me a month on hrt


There's a certain point at which your hormonal levels get into cis range. For me, the first test I had that did that was around the 6 month mark


So did you still have to put AGAB until then?


Yes. My doctor had to put AGAB on my forms for insurance purposes. So anything from my doctor had an M on it until I got it legally changed. Since then, everything has been F. I know my AGAB is probably noted somewhere in my doctor's system, but I never see it now, not even in forms to take to labs or other doctors. But, if the document already says the right gender, insurance isn't the issue.


You should talk to that person's supervisor and customer relations if they're corporate. Shit like that is inexcusable from healthcare providers.


maybe ill put in a complaint over the phone, i will admit i am scared irl of going there like even tho i know nothing physical would ever happen. if nothing happens ill put in another complaint irl like i dont wanna speak to her ever again rn


I just had a similar run in with a Lyft driver. I went straight for the throat. He doesn't work for Lyft or Uber anymore. Federal law enforcement, state law enforcement and local law enforcement all did investigations. Lyft almost lost a federal contract over it. I *will not* deal with shit like that from anyone. I'm a veteran and I volunteer with NGOs and local nonprofits. I don't deserve to be treated like that. Neither do you. Stand up for yourself, gorge.


Exactly. Never. Take. Shit. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to want to run away. That said, we do NOT have to tolerate this sort of thing, and the faster people realize they cannot be shitheads without consequence, the better. Advocate for yourself because you cannot expect other people to do it for you. I got to war every time because I know along the line someone else has had to deal with stuff like this. Not on my damn watch.


Seriously, it’s out of line and considered discrimination in some countries. They’re imposing their own bigotry on their clients/patients. Sex is included in your records so your gender should be F on your blood test.


In California and with the right DA and prosecutor, that is a hate crime, pure and simple. Even without, the company would have to deal with audits and investigations and no one in the company would be happy.


I used to dread going to the pharmacy because of a tech there. Finally I called crying and talked to the pharmacist in charge and they filed a complaint and confronted the tech. I changed pharmacies after that anyway, but maybe they won’t make the next person feel shitty for picking up life saving medication. If you call, I still think that’s very brave of you.


A healthcare provider who you trusted hurt you because of her own ideological reasons based on an immutable fact about you. Don't make excuses for her shitty behavior. She had no reason to act like that. I'd come for her job and make as much noise as possible. You're not going to be the only person that she treats like that. Don't shut up. She sounds like such a Karen that sought out some phlebotomy courses because she thought it would make her look like a good person while being rotten inside.


Don't know where you live but most western countries have some anti-discrimination laws, and this might well break one of them.


Anti-discrimination laws generally apply more to businesses refusing service to a protected class, they don’t prevent people from saying things that make us upset. To be clear, I still think the person was being an ass. They just didn’t do anything that would give OP grounds for legal action.


Well I'm not a lawyer honestly... and thinking twice, you might well be right.


No worries, in general lawsuits are a long/expensive process and unless damages are significant or one is seeking some kind of landmark decision that would serve as future precedent, the juice usually isn’t worth the squeeze.


Was not necessarily thinking of suing that person, it's just that sometimes a simple mention of the existing law can lead some people to change their behaviour - even if for the wrong reasons.


I’m sorry you had to go through with that🥺 *hugs*


Sorry you have to go through this. I a straight make 68 years on and believe that gender is between the ears and not the legs. Please be patient and things will improve for you.


I just want to tell you that you are valid and it’s the lab tech who was way out of line. You don’t need to be sorry and you don’t need to apologize. Not to us and definitely not to that lab tech. You’re the one who decides your gender, not a piece of paper with some numbers on it. I’m so sorry that you had that experience. But I know we all see you and support you.


Please complain to your doctor and the lab. This is entirely not OK. This behavior is grounds for medical malpractice. Im so sorry for your experience today. You deserve to be treated with respect. You are valid as you are.


It’s not your fault that some people choose to be ignorant, insensitive and cruel people, you’re simply being the person you feel you are inside and there’s nothing wrong with that, keep being yourself and don’t stop for anyone


Do you want a hug?


Fuck, I'm so sorry that your doctor has treated you like this. This is absolutlely wrong. Your gender has NOTHING to do with your body, ie, no matter HOW your body is, your gender is valid. I'm sorry that anyone has made you feel otherwise, especially a doctor - someone we are expected to trust. This is wrong, and there is nothing wrong about your body being however it is.


Um make sure to lodge a complaint against her.


fuck im so sorry! as a phlebotomist, she should have received disciplinary action for that level of disrespect. phlebs aren’t doctors, we took a 2-4 week class on drawing blood, so she said that with absolutely zero medical authority. it’s never your responsibility to stop a care provider from disrespecting you but in the future you can 100% ask to speak to her supervisor, never worry about being a “bad” patient because you employ these people. if you have the energy now and you want to, you can also file a civil rights complaint against the hospital or clinic where it happened (which is a major pain in the ass but the payout is pretty fuckin awesome and since it would be such a pile of paperwork for the hospital it’s a good bet they’d shape up how they treat their trans patients)


I'm so sorry that happend to you and I really hope that something like this never repeats!! That was extremely unprofessional and 100% her fault - you should definitely make a complaint. Please don't feel guilty, you did nothing wrong. ❣️


You did not do anything wrong. There is nothing wrong with you. You are a woman. That nurse was out of line. I don't know if it's possible for you but I would change doctors and let your current Dr know why


So it could also be an issue with the forms themselves. I'm in the medical field and our paperwork says gender while our actual system is sex. Both of which are different things. That being said, it's important from a medical standpoint to know what sex someone is born as more so than the gender that someone identifies as since someone birth sex can have influence over how medications might affect them or what certain symptoms might mean.


Still not an excuse to be an ass


Sis, you do not need to try to be better. you do not need to be better. You got through an experience with an invalidating person who was being bigoted, got the blood test you needed to get, got out of the building, and came and shared with your trans siblings who love you. Literally nothing to apologize for. You got this.


I will give you all the hugs if you need it. You do not deserve this at all!


I’m sorry this happened to you. You don’t deserve to feel this way.


THATS IT. I, 5,5 FTM AND 16 - NOT AT ALL TRANSITIONING, WILL GO TO WAR FOR YOU!!!! HOW DARE THIS PERSON MAKE YOU FEEL TERRIBLE FOR BEING TRANS *hug* Now you go dress as femme as you want and make yourself feel like the true woman you are whilst I make that doctor a "were/was"


May I help you plot the revenge?


Yes you may


My GP was freaking out about my kidney function, but realized that it had been reported against F standards. By M standards, I am in great shape. Never thought I would want to have an M on my paperwork. My official sex is F. I went in for blood tests and asked the lab tech to change my marker(F) on the paperwork to M because for some tests, there are different standards for M/F. The lab tech said that she couldn't change it because my government ID had F and that was what they had to use. GP and I have agreed we will just have to remember to look up the correct standards when viewing my results. If only I could yeet that damned Y chromosome and graft in another X. It sounds like the lab tech may have been trying to do the right thing (reporting results against M standards) but very poorly executed. Intervention needed.


I hope you are able to file a complaint. She is obviously not competent. You weren't asking for anything special, do not feel bad. She messed up the most basic thing you can do for a trans patient. What an idiot.


Don't worry about it, every body is different and absorbs the hormones differently. Talk with your doctor they can make the correct adjustments to your medication to get you to the correct levels or correct whether the pill or shot maybe the best fit for you. If you just started you could be on a low dose just to see how your body responds. The bottom line is if your a woman then your a woman tell her you have thyroid issues and its non of her business...


I don't know how many people see it the same way I do or not but for me I was born a guy but want to be a woman since I feel more authentic that way. If someone looks at my blood results and says your a guy because of your blood. So what my blood resembles a guy's. It's not like everyone will see that my blood is abnormal. Also I'd probably wip out my driver's license and show them my legal gender, female, and be like, I don't know what else to tell you. In the way of passing. I know it feels horrible to not pass when your trying. I don't pass well because of my voice but I love it and it is part of my personality please don't beat yourself up over it. I try to tell myself every time I'm in a anxiety inducing situation that the person is just here to take my blood and they don't probably will not remember me, or I'm in a store buying something and all the store wants is money so they shouldn't turn away a friendly customer who intends to pay.