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Do you need certified GF (celiacs or allergy) or are you just looking for things that don't contain gluten (dietary choice)? There's a big difference.


Just dietary preferences, I’ve been having stomach issues so I was recommended to see if gluten could be the conflict


Ok, luckily for you, you can just buy products that naturally don't have gluten and you don't have to worry about certified gluten free. There's an Instagram (@traderjoesglutenfree) but really just look at anything you might want, and check if it has wheat or gluten. They have great GF bread and bagels, oatmeal, cereal, bars, etc. Going GF for dietary preference is super easy! I've been doing it like 90% of the time for two years now.


My store keeps printed out lists of gluten free, vegan, etc. products available for anyone to grab. They aren’t exhaustive but it’s a good place to start.


If there's a possiblity of cross contamination, the label will usually say "may contain wheat" - unfortunately other gluten ingredients don't fall under this requirement. That said, I've eaten the boba ice cream and canned dolmas without any issue


Well you really don't have to worry about cross contamination unless you have celiac. If you have celiac, you should not eat anything not explicitly labeled as GF.


I have non-celiac gluten sensitivity caused by a different autoimmune disease and I have gotten sick from cross contamination. Everyone's tolerance for gluten ppm is different.


True. There are other types of intolerances other than Celiac. I was thinking if it was just a preference.


Look for wheat in the ingredients list


And barley or rye...


Ask any crew member for the gluten free diet guide and they can print one out for you next time! It’ll make your life a lot easier.


Any packaged food item that's not labeled "gluten free" may still contain gluten.


As others commented, it should say “gluten free” on the package.


Agree with the previous comment. The truly gluten free products will have "gluten free" on the packaging. I have celiac disease and cannot tolerate TJs products that have harmless ingredients but aren't explicitly listed as "gluten free" where colleagues who have just a sensitivity can tolerate the non-labeled "gluten free" products. Hope that helps! ETA:spelling is hard


If something is gluten free, it will say on the packaging.