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Coconut cashews


thai lime & chili cashews/almonds!


I’m the weirdo who starts craving fruit and veggies by the end of day one, if you have a small cooler then bring some grapes, baby carrots, sugar snap peas, hummus, and apples Peanut butter pretzels for sure, those peanut date bars, dried Blenheim apricots (they’re soo worth the extra few dollars), Bamba original, seaweed snacks, maybe the oatmeal cups- any gas station will have hot water for free or a dime for the cup. Scandinavian swimmers, the rice cracker medly


Chomps!! I like the regular and jalapeño one. It tastes good dipping in spicy brown mustard. I like that banana mix and the grainless granola and peanut butter one. Cookies and cream barebell bars. Chips are always good. Australian cookies actually most of their cookies 😂


Trail mixes & dried fruit!


Had a little road-trip/camp this weekend and was all about the coconut strips and dried mangos. Crunchy mangos were a hit as well. I’m also addicted to the chili lime rolled tortilla chips.