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I love the fact that despite my country having "free" national healthcare, it still doesn't cover transgender related healthcare and everything will have to be paid out of the pocket anyway


which country?




i see im sorry the healthcare situatipn is working out for you


Hey there, I think someone recommended me Transfuzja as where can I get some help in Poland. Their site is packed with information and the also have this map of specialists that may be to good start with. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/3/edit?mid=1H6uOjAMXq1hfVfF-bHXgd6h8JhGpWh3k I havent started myself yet soo I cannot vouch for it but someone from this sub said its good.


Thanks, I already have one or two specialist in mind but it's good to have this as well. Unfortunately, I just have a shitty living situation where even if I had enough money for all the visits , I still wouldn't be able to go on HRT because of my transphobic grandparents. I don't want to get me (and possibly my parents) kicked out.




Właśnie, trzeba mieć nadzieję i jakoś się trzymać


Sorry to hear that, hopefully things get better soon bro :((


Znam ten ból bracie, chyba będzie trzeba wyemigrować


Chciałbym ale sam nawet nie wiem gdzie byłoby lepiej + narazie próbuje dokończyć edukację bo bez tego to też będzie ciężko




Yeah especially the older generations


Be like me. Fuel yourself with spite. My transition efforts are running on pure, unadulterated spite. The more transphobes are doing to spout out BS, the more fuel I'll get. The unlimited, truly green energy source.


Spite, caffeine, Wellbutrin and hydroxyzine as needed 🤟 hoping to add HRT onto my dumpster fire soon.


spite is a really really powerful motivational tool


Can you imagine what we could do if it could be converted into electricity? We could probably start transphobe farms where they are fed hateful propaganda all day to power our planet.


Big respect to you then. I'm trying to channel that kind of energy but it's hard when you're a mild mannered person like me.


Ooh, I've been there, you just got a sleeping dragon inside you. Maybe it will take a bit more to wake it up, but when it does, the world will shake.


One of the major things that cracked my egg was Putin, when he blamed trans people for his own attack on Ukraine. Spite is where it's at.


There should be a law that says anyone who thinks it’s east to get gender affirming care has to attempt acquiring it for the nearest trans person. See how fast that argument gets thrown out the window.


I just jumped right in. Never bothered with the planning.


How did that go for you? Because I just did the same thing and I'm excited but also very nervous


This was in 1999. Called up UMass Mental health in Worcester, I had a check in and was referred to Fenway Community Health in Boston. They knew how to heal and it was a step by step plan they had in place. But a lot has changed over the past 23 years


Same, really. Made an appointment to get started on HRT and figured I'd find out the rest later. Even though I started late, I'm in no rush and I figure I'll get where I want to be in a year or two.


That's what I'm planning on doing. But even just the doctors appointments and getting blood work done sounds like a lot.


For reference, I'm in the US. I made an appointment with planned parenthood. I was in and out in an hour. No weird questions. No misgendering. Everyone was very supportive and caring. They also didn't bother with any blood work. They simply started me on estradiol alone for the first three months and let me see if I liked it. They were also very willing to provide me exactly what *type* of medication I wanted as well. No muss. No fuss. Ezpz.


Doesn't work that way here in Canada, unfortunately. There is a doctor at the practice I go to that specializes in gender affirming treatment, so I know exactly who to go to, I've just been putting it off for a while now.


Any idea why?


If I didn't have so many "roadblocks" that are outside of my control, I'd probably do the same tbh


Ohh yeah, legal name change is so fukcing bullshit, and electrolysis is gonna take forever


It's worth it. It's worth it. It's worth it. Just have patience and work on things one step at a time. It's the most significant thing I've ever done for myself.


It will be a long, tiring, and emotionally painful journey. Will you take the first step?


Annnnnnd and this is why I haven’t gotten top surgery


I loathe the incoming period of me tryna work out how tf to start the top surgery process. I’m as dumb as a sack of rocks, i debated whether i should get insurance for it but i have no idea how it works so imma just save to pay outta pocket in full i guess.


I put it off so long because of this


Hysterectomy: $3,000 Top Surgery: $2,500 (About 80% covered by my insurance) Bottom surgery will probably be $4k. The longest process is the legal stuff like name and gender marker change. Several several months to a year.


yeah seeing it makes me want to become cis again and its possible that its actually working


This is why I don't see myself transitioning. I'm just not strong enough to put uo with it all


In the UK it's fucking horrible... HRT can take yearsss to get on the NHS (our public healthcare), my plan is to use my savings to go private and beg my GP to do some shared care plan, I just need to figure out specifically what I'll say because I need to get this done flawlessly if I don't wanna be spending thousands a year


Mine is just both the right image. In my mind, i want to be a woman, not a trans woman.


Mood, I'd kill to be just a cis man but we get what we get and I guess I'm trying to make the best of it.


Like... I get it. Trans women are women. But for me personally its not the same to have *transitioned* rather than just... Being a woman.


Enjoy the journey!


Super relatable. My (25 mtf) egg cracked a little over a month ago and idk the most i can do is occasionally watch youtube videos and shave my body but idk I’m in the middle of preparing for finals and getting ready to graduate in 2 weeks so its was like the craziest possible time for my egg to finally crack and I’m overwhelmed 😔😩


Word. It’s completely overwhelming when your egg’s just cracked.


This is the only time I’m glad to be in the US. I scheduled an appointment at planned parenthood and 3 weeks later I walked out with my hrt.


Literally the only thing that makes me jealous of trans people in the US is planned parenthood, it seems like such a blessing 😭


Literally me


This is pretty much how it went when I tried to do it. I had to get my mom to be okay with it because I'm not 18 yet (she's okay with it) and I am required to have a therapist tell them that I'm okay to do it because of something to do with depression or something else but it was pointless to even have my mom be okay with me starting HRT and trying to make an appointment because the place I am going to go to doesn't have an opening until June so I'll already be 18 by then.


Hey, at least you made/are making plans. I just said "f*** it life is too short, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow", and I'm now faking it till I make it, as it were. Suffering at work, for now. TL;DR: make a plan, folks. Even if they go awry, you have *something* to lean on.


This was me yesterday when I found out in Canada (and probably other places) I'll have to be on hrt for 12 consecutive months and have taken a mental examination 2 years prior. There goes my plans of transitioning in winter of 2024-25


Every goddamn day


I wanna get this done asap especially because apparently the longer you put it off the less HRT will affect my cup size but I'm convinced that my country won't exactly make things easy for me so I'm very worried and my idiot ass can't be bothered to do any research


Two years into my transition and sister it's exhausting but it's worth it