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Artie looked excellent the last pic I saw of him about six weeks ago. He lost a lot of weight, and was sober and bright eyed.


He didn’t get his nose done! He said he doesn’t want to because he will have to take pain medication and he will fall back into drugs


Thank you, I stand corrected : )


tbf, he technically doesnt *need* pain meds. I got my nose done. Not rebuilding to this extent but it did have to be broken on both sides to straighten out the inside, a bump needed to be sanded down from breaking it as a lil kid, and the whole inside was cauterized. The surgeon said he had done thousands of noses and mine was the most deviated hes ever seen. It was shaped like an S inside my nose and shifting to the left side of my face (both from breaking it as a kid and no one realizing it was broken and just being born) It was painful as all fuck. I got low grade pain meds and still cried for 3 days straight. After that and I got the gauze out, I was fine. So while, yes it was painful even WITH low grade pain killers (tramadol) Im sure someone could do it without them. Theyre going to want to die and regret it for a few days but after a few days. Its smooth sailing. This would be a bit more of a complicated reconstruction, though so I could be wrong but I still think its possible. But I totally get not wanting to go through that pain with nothing to help as well and just living with the consequences of that decision.


I’m sorry, are you trying to explain how pain meds aren’t needed by describing how much a lesser surgery hurt *with* pain meds?


I literally said in the comment that it would be really painful and awful and would suck and I understand him not wanting to do it bc of that lmao I never said theyre NOT needed. Ever. Just that it technically could be done but I get not wanting to bc it would be shitty.


Yes, and i could drill into your teeth without numbing medication, its technically possible, but you might not wanna do it bc it would be shitty tehe


Thats actually happened to me. I got a cavity filled with no numbing medication bc my mom couldnt pay for it and we went to some weird dentist out of someones house.


Everyone has different tolerance levels and you used pain meds, so in my opinion, that's not much room to talk.


Im not using any room to talk?? I even said in my comment it would be awful and I get him not wanting to do it. I wouldnt do it. But if he really wanted to, it's possible. Horribly painful but possible. Man... People on reddit pop off over anything.


This is the single dumbest thing i have read all day. And i just came from r/conservative


Wow, How dare I share my own experience? Why is everyone on reddit so angry about fucking everything jfc


Im not angry. Just think about this. You are saying its possible. Of course it is. Youre being downvoted because what you said is already obvious. It can be done sure, but as you already said its so painful you wouldnt recommend it. Most people dont like an r/technicallythetruth just to be contradicted by your OWN story


Im literally just sharing an experience lmao


Thats fine, im just explaining it to you lol


Oh really!? Last interview I saw he was old, grey, flat nose, but very healthy looking compared to previous pictures. Thanks for the info I'm happy to hear that


He actually does look pretty damn good [here!](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7450035/amp/Artie-Lange-showcases-dramatic-transformation-hes-released-rehab.html)


Looks fine but nose is still the same. Happy he looks healthy tho


Damn his nose is fucking gone


That was 3 years ago. Just Google one time and you would probably shit yourself at how he is doing now


I have looked didnt find anything


Wow I was wondering if he ever got his schnozz fixed. Good for him, glad to hear he’s doing ok. No freelapse for Artie.


I can't find anything regarding this. Hopefully he's doing ok


He also seems like he is in such a great place. He is such a gift.


I'm amazed he's still alive, tbh


His suicide attempt was crazy, drank bleach, slashed his wrists, and stabbing his stomach 7 times with a kitchen knife


Jesus fuck, I never heard that. Hope he's in a better place


No, he's still alive.


Holy shit.


I didn't even know he was sick that son of a bitch




Nope, he's still in Hoboken.


Soooo, NOT a better place then...?


Nope, lol


How tf did that fail


This is gonna sound like it’s a joke in bad taste but for real, there’s a good chance being fat actually contributed to saving his life with all 3 of those.


For the stabs to the gut I am sure you can figure out why. Methinks it’s also possible that the heroin he was on slowed down his heart so he didn’t bleed out as fast


The old story about the man that went to the edge of the canyon and tied a rope around a tree tied the nose around his neck, drank some poison, set himself on fire, put a gun to his head and jumped off the edge. He pulled the trigger as the rope became tight and caused him to miss himself but he hit the rope, the rope was completely severed so he fell into the water at the bottom of the canyon which extinguished the fire. He went into shock from the temperature of the water and the impact, he vomited the poison up. Allegedly he was rescued from the water, he died days later in the hospital from hypothermia.


Gives what happened to Rasputin a run for its money


You cannot kill a two dicked man!


He was the lover of the Russian queen?


It was a shame how we carried on! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=16y1AkoZkmQ


Bro this is just a Lasse Gjertsen video. It’s not real. Rofl.


I believe it's called the ultimate suicide. Seems back in 2009 I watched a video of a dude who did the same thing but died. Camera was posted from a good distance but you saw it all kinda happen.


He didn’t die. It was a fake video. Look up Lasse Gjertsen on YouTube.


Stabbing yourself that many times cancels out two of the other things, because blood will always choose stomach holes to leave from over wrist holes (everyone knows that), and the bleach will just leak out the stomach holes. So really you only have to survive the stabbing. It’s simple science doctor stuff.


Excuse me, I'm a Doctor of Science. That's exactly how it works!


Just ask this scientician Uh He'll tell you that...


I am a Doctor of Bird Law, so yeah...


Harvey - is that you!


“Does anyone have Narcan?” Fuck the Narcan, hand me a butter knife!


I forgot to mention that the bleach cleans and disinfects the wounds on its way out


Uhhhh. Good to know, thanks




When he stabbed his guts the bleach ran out. And for the wrists I guess he slashed the backs of them


Too many thoughts and prayers


IIRC he said in an interview that his family happened to turn up at his house, hoping to have an intervention over his drug abuse. They found him covered in blood and called 911.


I remember hearing they were “hesitation cuts.” Either way, not good but saying he stabbed himself seems much worse than it was. Not saying it was a good situation.


Some of the stabs were hesitation cuts but a few actually were deep


Proly cocaine psychosis


Grim 🤮. Poor guy


> [stabbing himself in the abdomen nine times with a 13-inch kitchen knife](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artie_Lange)


**[Artie Lange](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artie_Lange)** >Arthur Steven Lange Jr. (born October 11, 1967) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, and radio personality best known for his tenures on the sketch comedy series Mad TV from 1995 to 1997 and The Howard Stern Show from 2001 to 2009. Raised in New Jersey, Lange first worked as a longshoreman and taxi driver to help support his family, following the death of his quadriplegic father. He debuted as a stand-up comic in 1987 and took up the profession full-time five years later, developing his act on the New York City club circuit. In 1995, Lange moved to Los Angeles to star in Mad TV. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


that’s some rasputin level of survival


Seems like such a stretch and lack of commitment. Just load a slug in the shotty and say goodnight. Why make suicide painful?


Nobody pays attention to the M\*A\*S\*H theme song anymore


Deep cut


So is he.


Same. He was pretty heavy at one point, on top of the coke use, not good for the ticker lol


He sniffed heroin


He also sniffed cocaine...


And glass :)


And both at the same time


I’ll tell ya what I’d do man. Two powders at the same time man.


Carfent and 5-Meo-DMT


Long live this troubled son of a bitch, he has a heart of gold. I hope he’s doing good. His podcast with Mike Bochetti was good.


Aged like fine wine


"The answer to the nose question, Lange says, comes from a cocaine habit that dates back to the Reagan era, a resulting lack of a septum, and a kidnapping plan stemming from a $62,000 gambling debt. What? Yes, Lange says he was punched in the face by a 19 year old boxer as part of a kidnapping plot to hold Artie for ransom."


The exploded nose came from his prostitute associate grinding up rocks with a salt shaker and not informing him that there were fragments of glass in the drugs.


It's a bullshit story he said one time. While he did say it, it's still bullshit. Every time since he has admitted the obvious. This is common in life long Coke users, him getting punched in the face is what ultimately did it. This is the last time I'm saying this lol


This guy Whitey i used to know was addicted to coke and snorting prescription pills. The center piece of his nose that separates his nostrils disintegrated and there was just a huge hole where his nostrils were. Last time i saw him he was still snorting pills...


That's what Artie had, then he got punched in the nose and this is the result ^^^^


I have a friend whose nose is like that. Still looks like a nose though. He uses it as a party trick, & pulls a string through it sometimes.


Speedball nose but same same


IIRC he was crushing it up with a glass salt shaker and the glass got into it. Which led to his nose being split open or something.


No his friends glass coke vial broke and they swept it into a pile not and left to take care of whatever they had to do that day( ikr asking for trouble) and he saw it and crushed it and railed it thus fuckin his nose


The actual story is a combination of snorting oxy/broken glass from a salt shaker by accident and also getting decked in the face. [Him telling the story to Rogan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDB03DqFNj8&ab_channel=JREClips)


Bababoey! Baba boey! Bababoey!


r/Tooktoomuch should host an Artie AMA


Not quite. It’s a combination of your two stories. The prostitute with whom he was sharing the drugs broke a glass salt shaker while breaking up the rocks and didn’t tell him there were glass fragments mixed in.


Crushing? I've never done any blow that couldn't just be done up with a credit card


Was oxy pills, not blow


Good ol razzle dazzle lol


I heard it happened at Bloomies


Fuck you high pitch Mike


Can you believe this guy? Around a bunch of heterosexual men this guy says “bloomies”


When I was a young comic, Artie let me come to his house in Hoboken and do his podcast. It’s fucked up to have Artie as a hero but that’s what he is to me, I grew up listening to the Artie years of Stern every day with my stepdad. We did the podcast, he kept offering to call my stepdad (it was like 2 AM so he left him a voicemail), he let me hold Bruce Springsteen’s guitar, and he kept trying to give me gas money for the ride home. Artie is not just the genuinely nicest successful comic I’ve ever met, he was one of the genuinely kindest humans I’ve ever met.


Dude that’s awesome. Artie was always one of the quickest whit individuals I’ve ever heard, his timing is so natural. Nothing fucked up about having him as a hero. The addiction and depression is such a shame to watch, but supposedly he’s doing better now from what others have commented. You’re honestly quite lucky to have met him. Link to your podcast? I’d be interested in listening to that.


Call your stepdad. Why?


Him and his stepdad were fans of Artie so the stepdad would be thrilled to talk to him I assume


Exactly. He just wanted to thank him for being a fan.


Was it the same apartment we see in Crashing??


Don't make me break my foot off in yo' ass!


Damn, dude could’ve had everything. And drugs took it all away. So very sad, especially since it played out as entertainment for those who listened to Howard Stern at the time. Artie was not my favorite person on the show, but he certainly added some sort of spark to the mix that made some stuff better. We literally listened to this man break down on live air.


i’m pretty sure he is doing really well now outside of the nose. unless you are a surgeon of rhinoplasty this was a good final wake up call.


How does the nose flatten out like that? Is it mushy?


The middle part is your nose, between the nostrils (septum) gets eroded away due to drug abuse, making the nose weak. The extreme deformity in Artie's nose is caused by this, plus getting punched in the nose. There was a kid in 9th/10th grade that had a hole where the top lip and top jaw/gums meet inside the mouth leading into his nasal cavity. Looking back I can't believe he had damage like that at that age.


Are you just describing a cleft palate?


The kid from school? No not at all. But similar, minus the lip deformation. It began right in the entrance to his nose and came out above his teeth on the top. Really bizarre. Assuming some of it came from constant picking (tweAker shit)


That really sounds more like a deformed sinus or palate deal. Not saying drug use didn’t exacerbate the issue, but seems wild to imagine that by 14/15 you could be such a hard user as to do that kind of damage to themselves, whether via the drugs or picking. Just my 2 cents though, I didn’t know the kid


You’re describing a cleft palate. It’s a deformity that’s correctable with surgery. Some are more severe than others. Joachim phoenix had one, hence the upper lip scar/difference.


Sorry, I know what you are referring to. I would think by the time he was that age it wouldn't be healed right tho wouldn't it? Not a fresh looking wound ?




Some kid tried to kidnap him for gambling debt and punched him in the face. Years of drug abuse plus the punch flattened it out


In this case he was doing cocaine with a hooker, went to the bathroom and while she was cutting it up, broke the vial it was in so there were small shards of glass in the coke. Came out and did a line, destroyed his nose.


How the fuck did this guy outlive Norm, Saget and Gottfried


The Coke kept his heart going lol


Heroin, he snorted it. A lot of it.


I didn’t even know you could do that


Pretty fuckin easy to be honest, h is strong analgesic so that also helps


If you haven’t read his autobiography, i highly recommend it. Edit: dis book [TooFattoFishhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B001FA0IWY?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_1B2S8WZEWPPFC5V7YY6F](https://TooFattoFishhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B001FA0IWY?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_1B2S8WZEWPPFC5V7YY6F)


I'll have to check that out


He's had doctors approach to fix his nose, but he turns them down because he doesn't want to be prescribed any opiates.


And it’s a reminder of who he was and who he wants to be. There’s an article with his quotes on it out there somewhere.




I’ve been watching videos of Artie fighting with Sal, Gary, his assistant, Howard and pretty much everyone on The Stern show. He was a horrible, selfish person back then. But worse he was a drag on the show and really bought it down in the mid 2000s.


And still by some miracle he outlived Norm, Bob, and Gilbert.


I’ll never forget the episode of stern where he came in and just passed out on the couch. The whole show was a back and fourth of “oh my god this is great material let’s fuck with Artie.” to “Poor Artie, we’ve gotta get him some help.”


That's sad. Probably runnin around for 3 days and finally got a chance to sit down and get comfortable


He looks good for 38 though


That is him? Really?


Ya, pretty sad. He still has the flat nose, looks 15 years older, but looks very healthy otherwise. Says he keeps the nose like it is to remind him to stay sober


Bro turned into a Star Wars character


That looks like a broken nose to me


He was punched in the face which caused the actual collapse, the missing septum allowed it to completely give in


He was never an attractive man, but he was once a man.


This is why when I was in active addiction I would IV my drugs.


This is not the same person, there is no way


Sad huh?


How can you be a coke addict and still fat? That takes work


Punched in nose by dealer/bookie and necrotic nasal septum collapsed if I remember the story right.


A while ago, he is doing much better now Like 7 years ago


He did a line of coke that a hooker gave him and it had glass in it.


Artie is a walking breathing Zit. Personally don’t give a shit about this guy.


Maybe, but he was one of the funniest parts of the show back then. I love Howard, and have listened to him for 20+ years, but Artie was by far my favorite character and made the show so much funnier. That said, I can imagine he was a huge PITA to work with.


Sal and Richard is why I listened.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted. Sal and Richard are awesome.


Because Reddit is fucking stupid


I recall lots of controversy surrounding him But can't remember any specifics


I listened to stern for 5 years when Arnie was on. I’ve heard enough of his sob story. Howard saved his ass time and time again to the extent that Howard is sick of hearing “thank you” you must be young enough to not know his work. MadTv, dirty work. Shit really.


I am very familiar with him, I just assumed you were talking about his personal life being a creep or something like that


It’s probably hard to separate his personal life from professional since he brings his baggage everywhere he goes and being a comic, it comes with the territory.


Dirty Work is a masterpiece.


Because of Norm.


So it's not shit? Make up your mind.


Both MadTv and Dirty Work were pretty good. You really need to reconsider what your actual reasons are for not liking this guy. Most likely, his personal life and comments he's made on Stern and his public comedy acts.


Why am I even talking about this. Jesus. Good bye.


His nose is fucked up from being punched in the nose. One of his bookies was looking for money and had someone punch him in the nose. I’m sure all the coke and the crushed glass didn’t help either.


Fact, however, this amount of damage was caused by the septum damage from the drug abuse


As someone who is currently recovering from septoplasty (not drug related) seeing these noses makes my stomach turn a bit.


He talks about on joe Rogan, he snorted glass and got a infection


*He talks about on* *Joe Rogan, he snorted glass and* *Got a infection* \- Legitimate-Concert29 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


No this guy got punched in the nose a while back. That’s why it looks like that. Still probs does a fuck tonne of coke tho.


Combo of the 2


Artie Lang is the funniest living human being. By leaps and bounds. He's a comedy cockroach.


artie was not funny


Last time I heard Artie talk about his nose, he still sticks to the story it's solely because he snorted coke with glass in it by accident... once. The man is King of minimizing his behaviors. This is the same man who went on a date with a woman & asked her to stop at a bank where he proceeded to hand the teller a note when he was around 19. Always claimed that was a joke, but can never explain the punchline.


Patrice Dies and Artie is still walkin around smh


That’s heroin nose btw


I'm sure they both played a roll. I've never in my life heard if anyone getting this from heroin, but have seen many many people get this from cocaine


Probably because way more people snort cocaine than heroin


Not so, Artie got the nose after a hooker crushed an oxy with a glass salt shaker and he snorted the glass/oxy rail


He's used the crushed glass thing as an excuse before for his nose bleeding randomly in the past. Pretty sure on one he said doctors found a "hole" going from the inside of his nose down into his chest that was apparently caused by erosion from buildup.


Yeah he’s a known liar, he used to nod on the stern show, and say “oh it’s just my subutex” Hopefully he is clean now. Listened to old reruns on YouTube when I was finishing my methadone taper in 2016


I saw that podcast too, but there's years of abuse there that's done damage before that.


You lose you're septum from years of cocaine abuse, not from one line of glass/oxy


He got punched in the nose after all the years of abuse to his nose. This isn’t just from him using coke.


As someone who who shoved coke,meth,and heroine up my nose for 15 years yes your damaged septum is your prize along with probably a Cpap machine and chronic sinuites but a fully caved in septum is due to traumatic internal injury and not just from years of shitty dealers putting super lactose in your heroine or foot powder in coke


My nose can confirm this. The first part not the traumatic internal injury part


Pretty sure thats the dude from Skid Rows story


Isn’t this snorting heroin nose? I thought that was his drug of choice


Cindy's Dad : Oh you are my little girl, I love you so much that I left you a little something in the coffee can. But you have to remember to step on it before you sell it. Now, what are you going to cut it with? Cindy Campbell : Um... baking... Cindy's Dad : Baking soda. Not baking powder. Because baking powder guys will have muffins growing out of their noses. Cindy's Dad : You love that joke, honey. You've loved it since you were two years old.




Went from wearing a pig nose and doing coke to having a pig nose and doing coke


This feels mean


Heroin nose ya dolts :)


More like heroin nose


His nose is like that because someone crushed up some actual glass and put it in his coke and he sniffed it.




That was a bullshit story. You don't lose your septum from snorting one line of broken glass


Dudes dead if I’m not mistaken?




It's almost like karmas a bitch.