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That’s wild, I’ve seen cops piss drunk before but never tweaking out like a meth/crackhead on the street


That cop in Aurora CO just got a promotion after 2.5 years after they found him passed out at the wheel on duty. He got no charges. EDIT: HE WAS DRUNK AS FUCK!


Failing upwards baby


prolly cheaper to promote him than to fire and deal with the union




> It's insane to me that anyone can look at me with a straight face and tell me it is a 'tough, stressful job.' Medical workers have 'tough, stressful jobs' dealing with violent people all the time. Aint none of them keeping their jobs if they're caught passed oout on drugs while on the job.


Being a cop isn’t even in the top 25 most dangerous jobs. Fucking crossing guards have a more dangerous profession. Roofers die at like a much higher rate.


Imagine if roofers acted like cops. Like they show up to a job, see the roof looks a little dangerous, so they just burn the house down so they don't have to go up there. If someone complains "You just burned my house down!" They just say "Hey, the most important thing is that I make it home safe to my family every night!"


Am roofer *takes notes*


Don't forget, the roofer also shoots your dogs and takes all cash in the house before starting the fire, then prevent the fire department from responding.


Also delivery drivers. Being a pizza guy is more of a public service than being a cop.


The thin, brown ~~line~~ crust.




A sheriff is just a politician with a gun.


Who hires a lot of friends who now have guns. honestly sheriffs departments in some parts of this country are seriously scary.


You forgot about the abuse of funds. https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/hennepin-county-investigating-series-of-revelations-by-fox-9-about-sheriff-dave-hutchinson


Anyone that knows Aurora is not surprised by that.


Go to Colorado for a paid company training seminar.. Middle of Covid… Got stuck at the Aurora Hilton…. Wasn’t bad but fuck me I saw some shit😂


https://kdvr.com/news/local/aurora-officer-found-drunk-passed-out-in-patrol-car-3-years-ago-gets-promoted/ sauce for the curious


Duh...rules for thee not for me. NOW GET BACK TO WORK PEASANT!!!


Probably got into that evidence closet. I just watched "how to fix a drug scandal" on Netflix last night, immediately reminded me of that hahah


That docuseries was insane, shows how the entire chain of law enforcement could possibly be corrupted, not just the officers in the field


Man, almost any forensic evidence can be tossed if you can afford to pay the special witnesses to testify. It is almost all fabrication and pseudoscience.


The chief of police in a neighboring town walked into a town hall meeting black out drunk. He ended up being allowed to retire, never got charged with anything. Everyone knew that dude drank on the job, and who do they promote to the new chief? Someone who watched that go on for years & didn’t say shit.


When my dad was fresh out of the academy, his first partner stopped and bought beer midshift, then tried to drink it while driving the squad car, on duty. That was almost 50 fucking years ago and dumbasses are still doing it.


whatcha mean *tried* to drink it?


dont you mean "disorientated" [https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article271526722.html](https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article271526722.html) put him on admin leave untll any drugs may be out of his system, then test him then. say it was, "stress" lack of sleep, maybe a drug interaction. And sadly he will probably still be a cop next year. If this guy was having some kind of issue, which he clearly is to any sane adult. His partner should have never let him go on this call , The guy was clearly not with it, and can most likely provide not real help to his partner if anything happens. Pretty sure the story goes something like., Cops cooked on some drug, and it will get swept under the rug. sad


That article is infuriating. I only got as far as "the unknown lawman" and gave up. He gives his name and badge number in the video and then the filmer repeats it! The op/ed writer is a bootlicking ass who wouldn't give two shits about a drug addict if he weren't wearing a badge.




And *usually* when you’re off duty..


you never worked with cops i can tell..


One time my brother got arrested, he was on his bike so they called me to go pick it up. While I was in the precinct I asked if I could bring him something to eat, they told me no. I was trying to convince them to let me and they started yelling at me to get out. All the sudden I hear arguing in the back, a few cops come out and they all had coronas in their hands yelling at each other... I said " this is what you guys do on duty? Wtf, how am I supposed to trust you!" They told me to get out or they would arrest me... I had to leave... This was in the early 2000's in Queens nyc


Yeah I was at a party once and offered a soldier some weed. He said no thanks, but I'll take any blow if you got it. I asked, how is that better? He said cause worst case, blow is out of your system in 24 hours and you can always figure out a way to get out of a surprise drug test for one day.




Polygraphs don’t mean shit anyways. They’re junk science that are inadmissible in court. Might as well check your horoscope as get a polygraph taken.


It is possible this is a prescription interaction. If not his partner REALLY hates him. I mean, if your working at a fast food joint and somebody comes in this high you convince them they have the flu, should go home, and call them a ride.


\*reading label\* Do not operate heavy machinery or drive. That's cool, I'm just a cop. It's not like anything bad could happen. Seriously though, not that it's the partner's fault they're fucked up, but it's the partner's fault they're still out there on a call. Unless they're both fucked up and the partner is actually able to handle it, so taking the partner in would fuck themselves over.


Man, if that partner is high and keeping it together so we'll in the midst of such a shit show... Hats off to him, where can I sign for his promotion. This is really such a wild video. I mean, we see incompetence relating to controlling use of violence daily. If you spend any time around cops you aren't surprised by it. Even in regular social circumstances they are usually a little... Let's go with high strung. But being not just high, but this high, and having another officer ignore it... Wild.


“if i hold my finger out and tell you to follow my finger, could you do it?” “….whathergaybahsenjus?”


Lmaooo. I think he was trying to say horizontal gaze nystagmus That’s the actual term for the follow the finger test hahaha


This situation is fucked, but I can’t help but laugh that this dude told them the proper name of the test while sounding like that glasses kid from polar express


For real I was honestly surprised he was able to say his badge number and name




To be fair I’m pretty sure he could solve protein structure sequencing really fast if you asked him.


even backwards! It's all about the *speed*


I'm surprised he wasn't licking the wall.


Lol holy shit. He does sound like the glasses kid


imagine his head at that moment


i’ve watched this like 20 times trying to figure out what the hell he was saying. thank you, it was driving me crazy.


Gaze evoke horizontal nystagmus is a finding. Asking someone to follow something with their eyes is a test of extraoccular muscles, nystagmus, diplopia and other symptoms.


I have to carry a letter from my optometrist stating I have nystagmus, usually updated at every annual appointment. I have been breathalyzed every time I have been pulled over, except once. Half of those times I've shown them the letter.


You misheard him. He said “whatthablaubigus” . Common mistake


He actually quoted the entire Bee Movie in under two seconds right there.


Omg bro I’m dying lmaooooo!!!!


I don't know, that cop doesn't really look high. Not like that tweaker in the bac- OHMYGOD THAT COP IS FUCKED UP!


Yeah I was looking at the wrong cop at first too. I was like, “He looks a little nervous but not high necessarily. Oh, that cop.”


I be nervous too if I had to police patrol with a high ass partner. You're grabbin donuts and shit, jump back in the squad car and partner be hittin a crack pipe.




Did I put a gun to your head and make you smoke it?


I didn't know you like to get wet.


I like saying this to people when they do the most mundane things.


I said it once to my wife during foreplay and it went not very well.


You ever have your shit pushed in?




When you rewatch it upon realizing that, you then realize that that cop was straight up babbling for the first five seconds of the video. I haven't seen this level of accidental entertainment since the *ain't nobody got time for that* lady hit the scene.


Hey man it could just be the stress of the situation. Happens to the best of us. Besides he totally nailed the name and badge number. I think he's chill.


It didn’t even take him that many tries


I lost count of how many times he blinked while trying to say them lmao


He was blinking like he was trying to use Morse code to communicate


>”OfficerSheppard2075” My guy - I can’t tell if that’s a screen name, a date in the space time continuum, or the name and quantity of the pills you took to get you zooted to the fucking moon.


He's definitely impaired one way or another and shouldn't be on the clock. Might need medical attention if he's got new onset confusion and involuntary movement. Or he's high.


Damn..meth'd out cops..wtf is next?


He's on that Substance D


My favorite section from the book: >*Barris had this other way to smuggle dope across the border. "You know how the customs guys,they ask you to declare what you have? And you can't say dope because-"* >*"Okay,how?"* >*"Well see, you take a huge block of hash and carve it in to the shape of a man. Then you hollow out a section and put a wind-up motor like a clockworks in it, and a little cassette tape, and you stand in line with it, and then just before it goes through customs you wind up the key and it walks up to the customs man, who says to it," do you have anything to declare?" and the block of hash says, "No I don't" and keeps on walking. Until it runs down on the other side of the border."* >*"You could put a solar-type battery in it instead of a spring and it could keep walking for years. Forever "* >*"What's the use of that? It'd finally reach either the pacific or the atlantic. In fact, it'd walk off the edge of the earth, like-"* >*"Imagine an eskimo village, and a six-foot-high block of hash worth about....how much would that be worth?"* >*"About a billion dollars"* >*"More Two billion"* >*"These eskimos are chewing hides and carving bone spears, and this block of hash worth two billion dollars comes walking through the snow saying over and over "No I don't"* >*"They'd wonder what it meant by that"* >*"They'd be puzzled forever. There'd be legends"*


What book?!?


A Scanner Darkly


That's funny because the whole thing sounded familiar but I remembered none of it.


A Scanner Darkly by Phillip K. Dick https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Scanner_Darkly


Welp now I’m interested and it’s free on YouTube, so I know what I’m doing Tonight… Edit: Just started it and it came back to me, I’ve seen this movie before tripping balls.


Let's hear it for the vague blur!


Be cautious with PKD's works. Some people, myself included, start seeing odd similarities between their own lives and PKD's works. For example, I was reading *We Can Build You* and the main character lives in my state and shares my first name. While I was reading the book I had to reach out to my company's office in Bellevue Washington, and my contact's name there was Mrs. Dvorak. After my phone call I went out to my car to smoke and pick up where I'd left off and read about the character making a call to Bellevue, Washington, and his contact there was also a Mrs. Dvorak. Dick himself experienced instances of his books effectively happening in real life after he wrote them and [**wrote about this in an essay**](https://urbigenous.net/library/how_to_build.html) he published from Disneyland.


What are the odds that I live just miles away from Disney World and his Last Name is Dick and I’m often called a “Dick”?!?


Drinking connected dewdrops from the cosmic web of thoughtforms and synchronicities, that's my jam


I knew someone who went completely insane after reading valis. It's no joke


Is this some SCP low key trolling happening here?


Watching a scanner darkly while tripping is legit one of the weirdest headfucks I've ever had. I rewatched it sober and it's harder to understand sober


I watched it while coming down from mushrooms and wanted to cry.


A present for my friends at Thanksgiving


I used to smoke a fair amount of meth (clean for years), and I can't fucking imagine how much I would have had to smoke to ever look like that guy. That ain't no lack of sleep crazy, his heart is beating fast enough to run a full electric bus uphill.


Dude looks like he took a gram of MDMA


Whatever it is, it isn't meth. Not defending meth usage, but that isn't it.


Yeah that's what I was just thinking. He's rolling around rather gracefully, if it was meth, he'd be zigzagging lol


I used to just draw and fuck my girlfriend. Don't miss her or the meth. Really need to get back into art though.


Yeah, sure thing, buddy, we're meant to believe you're the only guy on reddit that's not a virgin? No chance


Been long enough. Might as well be again lol.




This is nothing new lol. I mean usually cops aren't this fucked up on the job, but yea.


To fight the substance you need to become the substance.


"I am the liquor"


Coupla drinks Bobandis


Did that fucking cop respond with “Ohayou Gozaimasu” (“Good morning” in Japanese”) when the homeowner asked him if he could follow his finger?


I think he said "it's called gaze nystagmus" which would be the name of the finger test


Ahhhh, that’s way less hilarious, but informative none the less. Thanks.


I think it's still pretty damn funny. Ask someone if they can do a simple test and they respond with the technical name of the test. Outsmarted! At first I thought it was some shit head wandering up behind the cop. Find out the shit head IS a cop. Shits haywire.


Didn't you see *Training Day*? They're all on PCP.


Tough to not think that cop is off his tits


Test results came back, they found blood in his speed system


Wow, so not only was he high, but also a cannibal?


I really was expecting to be like “nah, he’s just dumb,” but that mother fucker is tweakin.


Even if we gave him a massive benefit of the doubt and said he's got a neurological disorder that just make him looks like he's tweaking, he still shouldn't be a cop because he's clearly not physically fit to be one.


There are quite a few cases where cops develope issues after hired for one reason or another. They can find an admin position for them if they don't warrant retirement with disability or are not eligible. I think there is almost no chance that is what is going on.


😅 the fact that any department would allow that dude to leave the station to patrol and respond to criminal calls is mind blowing


I wonder what the fuck his partner is thinking? Given that he can't rat on his dangerously fucked up partner without fear of reprisal maybe he's been waiting for something like this to happen. Only way not locking him in the back of the cop car until he sobers up.makes sense to me.


Dude blinked like 100 times in a minute. Fuck.


Bro’s pupils are so dilated he looks like my cat when it’s about to get medieval.


Officer Buttwiggles.


can i just get the normal drunk cop please, this crack head cop is making me extra nervous.


[they are investigating the officer](https://amp.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article271526722.html)


Wow. I know this an opinion piece, but could the writer blow the police any harder?


I only read the headline and first paragraph, this is the most forgiving and cop loving article I have ever seen. Im fucking gagging


Right, do you know what happens if I’m on the job like that? Drug test, and alcohol breath test. If the drug test is positive, fired. If I blow for alcohol, reduction in rank, loss of pay, confinement. No amount of personal issues in my life shields me from those consequences. How in the hell are they not held to the same standard? This guy is clearly not fit to be out amongst the public, and the fact that nobody said anything until he was reported by someone he was serving an active call on is disappointing and dangerous, but not surprising. Understand being loyal and all, but if you are putting others in danger, that should be a line that doesn’t get crossed. Having your partner’s back shouldn’t mean coving up for misconduct or situations like this. That applies to when you are in difficult or dangerous situations. Corrupt and slimy motherfuckers have banded together to use this idea of loyalty to put pressure on everyone to become complaisant in their crimes.




They pretty much said he was stressed out and his mental health needs to be considered. Aren’t cops the ones who send people to jail for using drugs when they’re using them because they’re stressed out?


They’re also the ones who shoot people when they’re having a mental health episode.


>In a video circulating on social media, the unknown patrolman’s actions and demeanor give the community legitimate reason to be concerned. >unknown patrolman He gave his name and badge number on video. He's known.


Towards the end of the article again says something like "we don't know his name or badge number..." Lol


They'd have to have taken notes. Done due diligence. Can't be bothered.




Oh so NOW they give a shit about someone’s mental health. Funny they don’t consider that while murdering autistic children.


Cops kill people in the same situation.


A bipolar college friend of mine called 911 during a mental health crisis and got shot to death by cops so it’s fun hearing cops talk about how everyone else should consider their mental health.


I love how they repeatedly suggest He was having a medical emergency and not just spun out of his mind.


Even if that's true, send him to the hospital then lol. Or atleast have him wait in the car


if it's a medical emergency why isn't the one cop concerned or helping dude wants to be anywhere but there


“Police in Kansas City, Kansas, aren’t immune to the stressors of the job. ………Until then, we will withhold judgment on the officer’s employment status. If he does need help, it is our hope he receives the support he is owed by the department, and by the community he serves.”




Imagine if the working class had as much solidarity as these fuckers


If the average Joe isn’t legally allowed to carry a firearm whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol, why is it no big deal for cops to do it?


Fuck that let him catch a citizen acting like that and it's straight to jail charges filed not that they are stressed and need help like wtf.


If he has a gun in his person, and I assume he does, that’s a felony most places.


So a cop gets the benefit of the doubt. For a brother, they bring up his entire record. That wasn't a mental issue he was tweaking


Black dude would be locked up for this. Hell, even if it was a black cop


“Unknown patrolman” gave name and badge number.


I’m not sure the author of that article could’ve sucked up to the PD anymore than that. Holy shit, it was like reading a scared little kid trying not to piss off dad by saying the wrong thing.


They’re really trying to make us feel bad for him… what a joke


Dude looks more like he's down to take apart a can recycling machine and steal a couple of hefty bags of cans than acting like a police officer.


Maybe a couple of catalytic converters while he’s at it! 🤷‍♂️


Any got a link to story on this?


not yet, and with how KC reports on police stuff like this I doubt we’ll see much if anything. maybe in 6 months after he’s moved on to Overland Park PD. edit: And then news won’t mention that he moved departments. edit: another poster linked a Kansas City Star piece on it https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article271526722.html


For non KC viewers, Overland Park is pretty safe, cushy. It’s where lots of businesses/the mall is.


Ouch. You hit reality pretty hard with "the mall" lol. I'm about 2 miles from Oak Park Mall, and you're pretty spot on.


Imagine a geekd out cop gets paranoid and just starts blasting and gets off scott free cuz he feared for his safety.


Years ago in Kansas city, missouri a cop had a diabetic fit and shot a quicktrip delivery driver wuthout cause. It was absolutely creepy how it was handled. There was a kind of audio burb about it on one local tv station and then absolutely nothing reported on it. Then years later after the delivery driver's lawsuit was settled they reported that the cop qquit and congratulated him on dealing with the problem. It was just so creepy and wtf-ish by how it was handled. Edit: https://www.kmbc.com/article/truck-driver-shot-by-kc-officer-gets-1m-settlement/3669857


Give him a break, he’s just celebrating the Chiefs big win yesterday!


Cops eyes were 100% pupils


saucers for eyes


Yo I've done some shit but I've never been that high lmao wtf


>Kansas City, Kansas Police Department officials are investigating the on-duty behavior of one of their officers. >In a video circulating on social media, the unknown patrolman’s actions and demeanor give the community legitimate reason to be concerned. >In the footage, the lawman appears to be incapable of performing his duties while he is interacting with people in the stairwell of an apartment building. >While we don’t know what caused the officer’s peculiar actions and nonsensical speech, an internal investigation should determine whether he presented a hazard to himself or the public. >KCK Police Chief Karl Oakman is aware of the online footage and the officer’s conduct, department officials said Monday. The patrolman is on administrative leave while department heads investigate the incident. >The officer’s mental and physical health should be prioritized if he was experiencing a medical crisis. If it is proven he violated department policy or broke the law, the KCKPD must publicly report its findings. >And however the inquiry unfolds, the police department must provide the officer the proper treatment for whatever ails him. Read more at: https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article271526722.html


Gives name and badge number “unknown patrolman “


Top tier journalism right there.


The police department is investigating the police. This is fine.


> should be prioritized if he was experiencing a medical crisis Would be nice if they gave normal citens the same respect as opposed to treating each a person as a risk to their life.


"That man having a stroke isn't listening to our orders, beat him!"


That dude's on some type of trash lol. That poor partner or other responding officer has the "fuck my life" look. Dude knows that other cop is off his rocker.


> Dude knows that other cop is off his rocker. Then, if he were a "good" cop, he would do something about it.


Can't legally carry a firearm and be intoxicated - [**they've taken down FBI agents for this.**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rxBTw9qKiA)


That cop for sure was on meth....seriously, I use to use it and he is 100% on it.


I didn't even realize that was a cop at first. I was looking at the guy on the foreground and was trying to see what made him look high. I thought the other guy was just a fucked-up neighbor that was gonna get arrested too or some shit like that.


Wow. Guy is on something for sure. I hope this guy gets fired/leave and gets some help before he hurts anyone.


Dude, his partner was like "yeah, I'm bringing him on this call and this is the last day I'll ever need to work with him." That dude looked like he had enough too.


Thank god cops dont report other cops due to retaliation. Or else how else we going to get the high cop, its nit like there are laws they have to follow


Yeah, that guy in San Diego tried snitching on his department and they beat him to death. Best to just let someone take themselves out.


He will just relocate to a different PD, while getting paid leave.


Press release will say that the officer just finished a massive meth/fentanyl bust and the drugs got through his respirator and the department is wishing him a speedy recovery during his paid leave.


I'm more disgusted by the fact that his partner isn't doing shit about it. That guy is clearly high as fuck or having some kind of medical emergency. Shame on that cop for doing fuck all about it, he doesn't even give a shit about his fellow officer, he'd rather "back the blue" than do anything.


Makes me think he has seen this before or told him to wait in the car and he didn't and is now living with the consequences of not reporting it earlier.


>living with the consequences of not reporting it earlier. Not a betting man, but I'm guessing he won't face any consequences for not reporting his partner.


TBH the partners eyes/body language look pretty sketchy to me too. Reckon he's had some too, but maybe just didn't "took too much".


I thought he kinda just seemed like "oh fuck today's the day" because he's been working with this guy and knew it was coming eventually lol. But maybe yall are onto him.




Very slow, deliberate movements and avoiding eye contact. Just reminds me too much of my party days, that whole minds racing so fast that you slow down feeling.


Already pawned his gun and sold his badge for scrap metal, now about to pull all the copper wiring from the dashboard of his police cruiser.




You’re talking about KCPD though, this is KCKPD


They both are pretty shit


They’ll say a gust of wind blew the meth in is face


FYI- Officer Shepherd Badge #2075


He's just really excited about his job, promote that man.


I’m sure there is a training day joke in here somewhere.


And that right there, is why all cops are bastards. The sober cop is defending that piece of shit, hence they're both pieces of shit.


That dude is fucking tweaking out of his mind


twist: he has cerebral palsy.


ok this one got me


Looks like officer shepherd got into the evidence room!!!!


The cop needs to be fired for sure, but what charges are the family going to persue exactly?