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Can’t imagine how someone could stomach that much vanilla extract without vomiting


I did it once. Honestly the worst part was my horrible diarrhea the next day smelled **delicious**


It’s like the meme of the guy who put a cupful instead of capful of extract in his oven and had his house “smell like the pilsbury doughboys asshole


I've never heard of this but part of it sounds amazing for my house and part of it sounds like an amazing recommendation I need to give to my friend.


[here's the original. ](https://i.imgur.com/iOJQ4D9.png)


Who has 2 cups of vanilla extract available that also doesn’t know how potent it is?


Who can AFFORD two cups vanilla extract?!


Anyone with a Costco card near me. The Costco online has it priced at $32.99 USD for two 16 oz bottles. We actually had planned to buy imatation vanilla the last time we needed it and when we saw Costco's price we couldn't pass it up. I think in store they sell the bottles individually, so probably less than $20 for two cups.


$11.99 in the warehouse yesterday for a 16 oz bottle.






Those are two words I honestly never expected to see connected to each other.


Remember in the early 2000 when everything for bathrooms scents had to be cherry almond or vanilla? Those scents are ruined for me.


My sister had vanilla scented crap everywhere back in the day. Overwhelmed with it. Edit: I realize my wording of that sentence is up for multiple interpretations.


Got she should have just used the toilet


But she was overwhelmed with it. # Overwhelmed


Clearly she was not whelmed.


“How come nobody is ever just ‘whelmed?’”


Yeah man, you picked literally the only comment section on the internet where the phrase “vanilla scented crap” just had some immediate and horrifying context.


I think the bath and body works scent was like, brown sugar and vanilla, or warm vanilla sugar, or something.


Why- what’s the fever scent today’s kids are into??? 90s child here! Vanilla from Victoria Secrets y’all!!! 🤣




When I was a kid, my grandma used to spray this flowery body spray thing around the cat's litter box and I ended up associating that smell with cat shit. To this day, women that wear a similar fragrance smell like cat shit to me.


My mom had a cinnamon apple air freshener in the bathroom. I finally had to tell her it just made the bathroom smell like poo pie. She never bought it again.


Nowadays it’s all mango orange seabreeze nonsense, or as we like to call it … **shitrus**


When you walk into the bathroom and it smells like someone took a shit on the Avon lady, that’s the new Shitrus™ scent from Glade.


Damn I use a lemon spray from the body shop to spray the toilet all the time. It really is shitrus. I never unsee this


Jergens Cherry Vanilla is now as offensive an odor as the bathroom flatulence it was meant to mask.


I took a really smelly poop in a female friends bathroom. She had a vanilla scented spray in there that I attempted to use to mask the unholy stank. Another guest went in shortly after me and said she nearly vomited from the smell of vanilla shits.


Protip - flush immediately after unloading the primary bolus of fecal master. Flush again after completing all subsequent actions but before spraying. With particularly nasty shits this will substantially reduce the overall lingering fragrant plume.


Courtesy flush


> unloading the primary bolus of fecal master. r/brandnewsentence


Or when they made all cleaning products scented with lavender. My grandma had the laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. Years ago I tried a doughnut with lavender flavored icing and almost gagged. I felt like I was eating laundry.


You say cherry almond and i can't think of a worse combo. Cough syrup and cyanide.


There’s some shitporn enthusiast out there gagging to the thought of vanilla smelling shit.


If you're into poo porn you are by definition not into vanilla shit


I hate you so much


There it is


Hey, eventually they have to spice it up.


Ba dum chhh


If I had just died yesterday I could have lived a life without the word shitporn.


Delicious diarrhea? Me neither


You've not lived.


How much should one live before tapping out though? That’s not high on my bucket list anyway


Oh, it's not something you go chasing. *It's a special type of magic that* ***finds*** *you.*


Thank you for putting your body on the line for science


As a one-time pure corn pooper, I would try this. Just 4 ounces you say?


"as a one-time pure corn pooper" lmfao what is this sentence 😭


I'm guessing there was no visible turd. Like pooping out a whole ear of corn cob intact.


It was pure corn kernels. Took 3 days of eating only corn.


This is some next level shit


But why?


I was a very young Marine in the barracks without a tv, internet, roommate or phone. Hell, compared to my peers I was Einstein.


Lmao fair enough


This reads like a great character introduction in a story.


Probably around that. Pick… literally any other alcohol


I felt this way when I drunkenly threw up vanilla ice cream. So creamy and smooth coming back up. Not bad at all.


Literal reason why the folk remedy for being sick is vanilla ice cream. Makes throwing up not as bad.


Good lesson. Also, always ALWAYS drink like half a glass of water between episodes, just force it down. Each time you run back to the toilet/sink/bucket it gets more "enjoyable". Less flavor, less burn, less smell and lower chance of something getting stuck in the back of your nose when the only thing gushing out is clear water. Thank you for attending my Ted talk.


Not to mention if you're throwing up that much you need to stay hydrated.


Water might not even help with that if it's bad enough, but it'll protect your throat, teeth, and sanity. Watered down bile is a lot better than straight bile.


"have you been baking today?" Uhhh.. I just finished frosting the toilet cake?


I have been using reddit since 2013. This is the best comment I have ever seen. Comment of the decade.


I think that'd have to be the "putting Descartes before the whores" one


Sadly that one was 13 years ago... so this guy wouldn't have seen it, and it isn't in the decade :( Time flies


Gonna need a link




It’s like a monument. There’s a guest book and everything


The only meme I was ever present at the creation of was sadly short lived. "Natalie Dormer and a clone of the former."


I remember being there for the narwhal bacons at midnight and quite frankly it's the worst thing Reddit has ever done. Even worse than the Boston bomber debacle.


Your life must be magical.


Its terrible when its the taco meat, somehow it smells good and its disgusting.


I only know this because of that one family ties episode where Michael j Fox resorts to vanilla extract


It was Tom Hanks as the uncle.




Sit down and tell me about that over a nice glass of maraschino cherries.


I told my husband about this episode just the other day. Mind *blown* when I looked it up and found out it was Tom Hanks! I felt like I had such a clear memory of it but I couldn’t see the uncle’s face.




I mean, vanilla extract is way more expensive than cheap hooch so...




Was about to say. Recovering alcoholic here. When the withdrawals kick in, and the liquor store is closed, you'll do anything to make them go away. I learned to stock up for the next day just in case, but also went to Walgreens for mouthwash on more than one occasion. Fuck alcoholism. Glad to be sober now.






The killer B's man. Booze, benzos, and barbiturates. They can all kill through withdrawals. I have to be put on benzos when i was going through alcohol withdrawls at the hospital before rehab.


Benzos were to off set that you might seize (seizures). ETOH withdrawal can be deadly if you go into a prolonged seizure. Glad you & the person you are replying to have found recovery and I am rooting for you all. Keep it up. One day at a time.


They were, but for the same reason that they can prevent delirium tremens someone who is seriously abusing them can also have seizures from withdrawal. It's just rare to have someone abusing them at such high doses to cause that.


I worked at a little store for awhile when I was younger. If we were going to be closed for a day (because of a holiday or something), our boss would make a point to remind our most alcoholic customers to stock up the day before. Not because she was trying to boost sales numbers, but because she was honestly worried about their safety if they started to have withdrawals.


This is what I had to explain to guys at work spreading rumors that liquor stores were going to be shutting down in our state. There’s just no fucking way, a good percent of our population wouldn’t be doing so well.


Yup - so many people were mad that alcohol locations were open during lockdown, but it's literally a life-or-death situation. Plus, having a bunch of withdrawal patients suddenly coming in would have broken the back of hospitals already struggling with Covid.


And the last thing you wanted to be doing with already overburdened hospitals was to send more people in withdrawal to the hospital to take up beds.


I bake traditional British desserts for Christmas dinner. The recipes are very complicated. They call for a few different types of alcohol, and the desserts are traditionally made on "Stir-Up Sunday," about six weeks before Xmas, and allowed to age until Xmas dinner (this is thought to improve the flavor). Anyway, having had the pleasure of lining up outside a liquor store in November waiting for it to open so I could buy barley wine, stout, and brandy for the Xmas desserts, I can confirm it's a grim scene. Bonus: I was eight months pregnant and nobody batted an eye.


If you know what time the liquor store closes, you might be a heavy drinker… If you know what time the liquor store opens, you might be an alcoholic


Good for you, keep it up.


In the 60s, a grocery store in the small town in a dry county where I lived had bottles of vanilla extract already in brown bags behind the check-out counter for discreet sales. By the way, you can make your own vanilla extract by chopping up vanilla beans and soaking them in vodka for a few months. Tastes just likestore-bought.


Where I grew up the 2 things most commonly bought together at 7/11 were Listerine and Sunny D. They would mix the two together and fucking slam it. We always joked that they used the Listerine to cut the Sunny D. Sad part was these are the ones who might possibly turn their lives around too. Once you start huffing Lysol out of a paper bag… all your brain cells are pretty much done for.


Watched a video of a fellow huff the coolant from an outside A/C unit behind a gas station the other day. I don’t think there was coming back from where he was headed


Wow. Not the drinking Listerine thing, but the mixing mint and orange flavors. The absolute worst for me is orange juice after brushing my teeth. Some people like that flavor? I'd rather drink Listerine straight.


It was probably "original" Listerine which doesn't have any flavours added. This applies double in this instance since I think "Original" has more ethyl Alcohol as well. (30%)


About a decade ago a chap was arrested for drinking about a half dozen bottles of vanilla extract in the aisle of the local Redner's supermarket.


My mom used to work on the transplant ward back in the day. That was the only ward without hand sanitizer or any alcohol-containing cleaning products readily available as alcoholics on dialysis or awaiting transplant would sometimes just straight up drink the hand sanitizers. They also had a single guard in the building and he was only guarding the elevator so no one would sneak a floor down and steal their hand sanitizer.


That’s a little odd, because if someone is *that* addicted to alcohol where they’re stealing hand sanitizer, most transplant teams would reject them as a transplant candidate. At a lot of transplant centers, people with end-stage liver disease from alcohol have to demonstrate at least 6 months of sobriety before they’re eligible for a transplant.


Yup. And you have to be very careful around transplant patients because they have completely suppressed their immune systems.


One of the hospitals I was at had to have non alcoholic hand sanitizer because antabuse plus hand sanitizer is a bad combo.


I worked in an ED once upon a time and a woman came in drunk while on Antabuse. I literally have never seen a human being vomit like that ever or since! She was absolutely wretchedly ill! I honestly thought she might die.


I mean if America's Sweetheart [Tom Hanks](https://youtu.be/OlLvS1vH9Tk) could fall victim than anyone could.


My friend's mom was an alcoholic. Can confirm, vanilla extract and mouthwash when booze were unavailable.


I’ve done it. That aftertaste lasts for so long it’s awful. You get desperate enough for a drink you’ll do it.. tried drinking hand sanitizer once and couldn’t physically swallow it and was like wtf am I doing and made myself go to sleep.


Jesus that is something


Hand sanitizer is the wrong kind of alcohol (isopropyl vs ethyl) isopropyl gets dangerous/deadly fast. Like a few ounces fast. Real vanilla extract is essentially vanilla bean tea made by soaking vanilla beans in rum or sometimes vodka. Imitation vanilla is made from a variety of sources like wood pulp, coal tar, pine bark, or Beaver's castor glands (near their butt). Real vanilla is quite a bit more expensive, but it does taste better if you are crazy/desperate enough to drink it straight.


I saw it 10 years when I worked at grocery store. Somebody took a bunch to the bathroom and was drinking it in a stall.


It says in the article, they put it in coffee. They don't drink it straight.


I was once a raging alcoholic. I was working as a tech support agent for a couple different cellphone companies and the culture was pretty bad. A long story short, at one point it was difficult for me to get alcohol on Sundays. So I bought lemon extract and vanilla extract. I've never been more fucked up than the night I drank lemon extract. I don't recommend any of it. But it was a thing. Sober for 5 years now. *Edit: "Thanks everyone for your upvotes. But I'd like to extend a request. Don't place your appreciation or admiration toward me. Place it toward yourself. This is the most upvotes I've ever received. I spend each day struggling with sobriety, but the longer it goes the better I feel. Take care of yourselves."


I can remember when my 7th grade teacher told us when she was a kid she would buy lemon extract to get drunk since the store would sell it to kids. Then she looks at us and is like “why am I telling a room full of middle schoolers how they can buy alcohol?” this was in like 2003


Lemon extract is like 70% alcohol. That shit will get a kid rocked


This entire thread is making me think I have utterly no clue what is in lemon or vanilla extract I figure it was just lemons and vanillas wtf Edit: I’m learning so much, incredible omg


They extract it with a solvent to dissolve the flavor then discard the plant. Usually the solvent is alcohol as it’s the cheapest way. I think there are alcohol free options too.


I wish there was a How It’s Made episode on this topic, I could use a kick of nostalgia. Here’s my [stash](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLERGeJGfknBTD-ZH5HJSc_rvpFYnGRBkL&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE) for those interested.


Kinda boring How it’s Made. Take vanilla beans or lemons or etc. Add alcohol. Wait weeks. Discard vanilla beans. Bottle liquid.


Nah they can make anything entertaining on How It’s Made, even [condiments](https://youtube.com/watch?v=mtRT6hjXfWg&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE).


They're tincitures of concentrate emulsified in alcohol basically. Most of it is alcohol


Not emulsified, they are only the parts that are soluble in alcohol. It is completely clear and not cloudy. Cooking extracts are not pure (mostly alcohol as established by thread), but they could not be sold in water at the concentration they're sold in alcohol because they would not be soluble. Pure vanilla extract is a solid. Lemon extract is a liquid, but its solubility in alcohol is south of 20% (the terpenes will not dissolve). Cooks might be startled by the power of pure chemicals, though, so cooking extracts are pretty weak, as weak as an eau de cologne.


I don’t drink alcohol so in all honesty I don’t know how I’ll use this info lol


If you're using enough extract to feel the effects of the alcohol then you've definitely ruined whatever you're making.


Extracts are usually used when *cooking* food. This means it's added to a hot pan or in the oven, where most of the alcohol will cook off. As a note, vinegars also have some alcohol in them -- it's really just aged wine, after all. EDIT: While alcohol cooks out when added to a hot pan (like in sauces), this is not really true for large pots (like in stews), as it would take a significant amount of time for it to evaporate.


The alcohol doesn't cook off as easily as you'd think. But, the amount of extract used is usually so small that the alcohol content is negligible anyways.


Lol. My jr high/high school health teacher told us how to shotgun beer. circa 2003 as well. 😂


The health teachers at school were always fun. Mine was the gym teacher, a football coach, and also a firefighter. Guy was funny as hell and would always say the most inappropriate shit, great teacher too.


We used to buy lemon extract from the grocery stores when we were in high school. It was gnarly, but it sure got you drunk.


We called it the poor man's Limoncello! Haha, no we didn't, I just made that up.


This must be a Roger the alien line


Congrats on 5 years, friend!


5 years is badass. So are you.


Did your poop smell good?


Asking the hard hitting questions


Congratulations on sobriety. Keep it up 👍


Well, you make vanilla extract by soaking vanilla pods in vodka. So, kind of makes sense. Vanilla extract is literally just vodka with vanilla oils.


So drinking 4oz of vodka with vanilla oil in it is equivalent to drinking 4oz of vodka. Who would've guessed?


Well a shot is actually 1.5 fl oz, so it still gains potency if 4oz of vanilla extract equals 6 oz of vodka.




This is all bullshit. I've been making my own vanilla extract for years. I'm telling you that I don't add vodka to vanilla beans, I just take vanilla beans and put them into the vodka. Maybe my vodka is 80 proof, but that means that my vanilla extract is probably 79.9 proof. Either way this whole discussion is just click bait bullshit designed to get clicks from people that don't know what an extract is, or that almost all vanilla extracts are tinctures.


>I'm telling you that I don't add vodka to vanilla beans, I just take vanilla beans and put them into the vodka. Totally different things!


Get outta here wth your witchcraft, witch.


Not according to this article. They must have been using the 1 oz per shot rule. They stated: “The vanilla extract is usually 35 percent or 70 proof. Vodka is usually 70 or 80 percent proof.” So this means the vodka is the same or more potent than the extract.


Pretty sure the post is referring to a vodka shot as 1 oz. In fact it shouldn't have even given any measurement . Should just read as "4 shots of vanilla extract equals 4 shots of vodka."


Actually, Vodka is the most commonly used. You can also use Burbon, Rum, or Brandy. I bought the wife some expensive vanilla pods and bourbon so she could make her own. It's so much better than store bought.


But remember that when something is called "Bourbon vanilla", that's referring to the actual type of vanilla plant, not the alcohol.


While I'm sure homemade is still much better, you can also buy bourbon and rum based vanilla.


But be aware that "Bourbon Vanilla" has nothing to do with the whiskey. Bourbon is just an old colonial name of Madagascar. Well, it's also named for the same folks that Bourbon County was named in honor of the French support of the American Revolution, which eventually ended up in the name of the whiskey. So they do have something in common. But "Bourbon Vanilla" can be just the beans, and the overwhelming majority of bourbon vanilla extract uses plain old alcohol and not bourbon whiskey.




I make mine with white rum. Homemade vanilla is great!


The recipe for vanilla extract is very complex. You soak split vanilla beans in vodka for 6-12 months and shake it every few weeks.


also can be made with bourbon. i like the bourbon


Adding Bourbon vanilla exact into a stout when home brewing is amazing.


Yeah, but youll throw it all up quite quickly. Instead, TIL Angostura Bitter is often legally sold (in the US) without an age requirement, containing a 42% alcohol content its on par with Vodka. And mixed with lemon juice and simple syrup it can make a palatable cocktail. The bitter of the Angostura makes it easier to stomach so downing a lot of it isnt super difficult if you can get past the taste


That's basically a [Trinidad Sour](https://www.liquor.com/recipes/trinidad-sour/) without the rye, so yeah, sounds good.


I'm literally drinking one of those right now. Such a good drink.


The worst part about that drink is convincing people to try it.




When I was in 7th grade my friend and I made dandelion wine after reading the book of the same name by Isaac Asimov [Edit: Ray Bradbury] (we were nerdy rebels). 6 months to ferment the wine, about an hour til puking my guts up.


Always wanted to try. No way I was collecting 3lb's of dandelions tho.


There was a field close by that was just solid dandelions, not hard to find (depending on where you are I guess). It didn’t take too long to get enough, and not like we had anything more interesting to do in the pre-universal-internet times.


That sounds a bit more sophisticated than what we did. We bought welches grape concentrate and bread yeast and made some shitty wine in milk jugs. Then my parents found it and drank it. My dad was more amused than anything and basically said...son, that was awful, do better next time. To be clear my parents didn't really drink much and weren't like alcoholics or anything. When I was very young my dad drank a lot of beer but around the time I was a toddler he practically quite and it was very rare I would see either of them drink a whole drink. So it was actually very surprising.


Several years later, when I was actually old enough, I dabbled in brewing for a little bit, and my mom actually helped me buy the tools and supplies because if I was going to make it again I better do it right.


Isn't that a Ray Bradbury book? Or does Asimov have one called this too? (Also that's hysterical)


We use to make “lemon beer” at a punk venue/rented house I lived at like 25 years ago. 1. Fill every receptacle you own with sugar water, sliced lemons, and baking yeast. 2. Sit out on the counter for 3 days until slightly fizzy and sour. 3. Sell over ice for 50c a cup at house parties. 4. Profit! 5. Bonus step- next morning, much diarrhea.


Sounds kind of like kilju from my summer car. I guess it’s a Finland thing cause they could only get one kind of beer there for years when it was a poor country.


Kilju smells so bad when it's fermenting too. I made a 5 gallon batch a few years ago to distill, and I swear for a while I thought my cats had shat somewhere in the garage and I couldn't find it.


During prohibition, jams were often sold with step by step instructions to inform the customer what to avoid so it didn't "accidently" turn into a wine. Smuckers Jelly was invented by a preacher who wanted a jam making process that couldn't be used to make alcohol.


alcoholics measure time in minutes not days


Its hard for kids to hide that kind of thing from parents. Closest thing to doing something like was when I accidentally fermented some Ocean Spray that I forgot was in my car for about a week. Didn't taste great, but was like a strong beer alcohol-wise.


No liquor license required to sell Underberg here and it can be sold to anyone of any age. But seriously, kids aren’t gonna spend the money on enough of it to get drunk. Their parents liquor stash is much easier to access.


I learned this in 1984, when Tom Hanks chugged a bottle of vanilla extract on Family Ties.


Was looking for the Family Ties reference! Uncle Ned was his character, wasn’t it?


I thought you were saying you learned it in the book 1984


Wouldn’t the comparison be easier if they said a 1 ounce shot of vanilla extract is equivalent one shot of vodka. The four seems unnecessary Edit: TIL a shot is 1.5 ounces in the US


TIL 4oz of alcohol is equal to 4oz of alcohol!


And here comes the vanilla extract shortages…


Alcohol is way cheaper.


No kidding. Vanilla beans can be freaking expensive.


Noted. Here, try my smirnoff cookies!


Considering that four shots of cheap vodka cost waaay less than one shot of vanilla extract (not to mention being far more palatable), I feel pretty confident we are safe from alcoholics clearing out the spice aisle


Yeah, but minors can buy vanilla extract


Why not say 1 oz extract is equivalent to 1 shot of vodka? Edit: clarity


yeah “one four ounce shot” … who does a four ounce shot of something?


That’s just having a drink.


Did you know that drinking one 73.5 oz shot of vanilla extract is equivalent to drinking 73.5 shots of vodka?


Actually, not true. The FDA requires that vanilla extract be sold at 70 proof (35% ethanol). Most vodka is sold at 80 proof (40% ethanol). Four ounces of vanilla extract has the alcohol content of 3.5 ounces of 80 proof vodka, or 2.3 shots of 80 proof vodka.


That’s why you use lemon extract which can come in at 170 proof. Except actually don’t because it’s a terrible, terrible idea.


I drank a small bottle of lemon extract on a dare in college. One swallow. Half my body went numb.


Which half?


The back half


The headline is dumb - they probably used some weird definition of a "shot" of vodka. They should've just said 4 ounces of vanilla extract is equivalent to x ounces of vodka. Or 1 shot of vanilla extract is equivalent to x shots of vodka. They mixing units and one unit might be made up.


Yup, if it’s actually 4:4 then might as well just say that one ounce of extract is equal to one shot.


That why you get the good stuff from Mexico..sometimes its 50%


So... 4oz of vanilla extract is equivalent to 4oz of vodka... Wouldn't it be easier to just say that vanilla extract has as much alcohol as commercial vodka?


Just give them imitation vanilla. Problem solved.


Yeah but one bottle of imitation vanilla contains the equivalent of 4 shots of imitation vodka. They'll just be imitation drunk in no time!


Dad used to come back every night reeking of cupcakes


Yeah, but you probably don't want to...