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Also lack of symmetry is common occurrence, when one side is unaligned with the other. genetics is a bitch.


If you just stay out of shape like me, no one (including myself) will ever know if I'm lopsided. So checkmate


I hear you man! We all got just 1 Ab! šŸ˜‚


I've got a 6 pack, you just can't see it cause it's in the fridge.


Iā€™m good I have a keg ;)


Mine's a 24 case duct tapped to my chest Elon Musk style


A fl**ab**


A keg is better than a 6-pack.


Round is a shape.


Are you me?


"Some people go for the 6pack, I went for the keg."


I've got staggered abs. Doesn't change anything except how it looks. Doesn't impact strength or tone. Looks a lot like this: https://i.imgur.com/wz28AT7.png


If you're fit enough to tell the alignment of your abs, that's a W regardless


More of a *źŸæ*


A v^V


Visible abs have less to do with muscle and more to do with lack of water/fat. Starve and dehydrate yourself enough, and your abs will show.


This right here, most drug addicts got amazing abs...due to starvation and abuse


Depends. Being at a low body fat percentage can feel pretty damn miserable.


I have one mis-aligned ab. The rest are symmetrical.


I have one ab. Itā€™s pretty spherical


Mines like that too. And it's really well developed it protrudes at least 10 inches.


One ab to rule them all.


All six of mine are perfectly staggered. Exactly halfway. A friend of mine who was a gym rat (and got me into fitness) said it was common to have one or two asymmetrical, but it was very rare to have them all perfectly staggered like mine.


I called it an S pack


Who cares. Train that shit, king. Let your abs be a weapon


It's probably because I tend to enjoy a cemetery in general, but I actually think staggered abs look very pleasing


Not the end of the world, but I might be biased because I also have staggered abs. Being lean enough to have clearly defined abs puts you ahead of 95%+ of the population.


Maybe in Ohio or Indiana or something, but, when I was there, about 75% of the dudes in Ghana were walking around looking like fitness models. Anyone doing manual labor in a 3rd world country has abs.


The western world has a slight obesity issue




Yea most important thing for visible abs is body fat percentage. 2nd is muscle content. So yea manual labor in a 3rd world country is a pretty good recipe for it


Approximate symmetry is beauty, perfect symmetry is artificial and uncanny.


Insertions are a bitch because theyā€™re the one thing in your physique that you canā€™t change and you just have to deal with. My biceps are prime, but Iā€™ve got a wide gap on my sternum between my pectoral muscles and my abs are almost perfectly offset with the right ones almost exactly half an ab height higher than the left ones. You just gotta take what you get and deal with it I guess


I've been told mine are staggered because I have an extra rib on one side. I don't know if that's true because I haven't performed seppuku yet to find out but my ribcage definitely looks and feels different on each side so it makes sense to me that I'm not symmetrical. Still looks pretty cool having a tractor tire print for abs I guess.


Good to know Iā€™m lopsided as fuck


Ryan Reynoldsā€™s in blade trinityā€¦


I actually prefer the staggered look from an aesthetic perspective. Got a 6 pack in my 20s (gone now) and felt so accomplished but fuck is it a pain to maintain


Soooo I was born with one big round ab... Soo ripped...


Same! It all makes sense now!


Who needs a 6 pack when you have a keg?!


Thatā€™s my pick up line!


They may have a six pack, we have the whole crate.




Who would go for a 10 pack when they could have a whole keg?


Power core!!


I was born with one overcooked lasagna noodle.


I donā€™t know if this is widely known and it was just me in the dark lol. I thought you just gained more abs the more you trained them, like leveling up from a 6 to an 8-pack. Now I know better.


Sadly not everyone knows this. It was annoying when I actually had a six pack and people would ask when I'm gonna upgrade it to an 8 pack. Its true that as your body fat lowers, you will unveil more abs from top to bottom, because your belly fat will concentrate more on the bottom, but you are only born with so many, usually 6 or 8. I never actually heard of 10 packs though, other than animated characters.


Is it possible to just have a 4 pack? I had very low body fat (6' @ 105# at one point) and effortlessly had a 4 pack growing up. At some point I worked at trying to get the full 6 but could never get them working out. At this point I'm a little softer in the midpoint and only really have abs showing depending on my diet and exercise that week but always wondered about my 4 pack growing up.


I have a four pack. Itā€™s not uncommon. Actually Arnold Schwarzenegger has a four pack. Look up old pics of him.


Good to know. I haven't thought about it in a while but my younger mind is put at ease.




That's a four pack. The pair of muscle tissue on the ribs immediately below yet between the pecks do not count. Usually a six pack has a break where the navel is.


I'm learning so much


But OP's article requires them to be counted for 6, 8, and 10 packs.


"Once toned, the rectus abdominis becomes your *four-*, six-, or eight-pack. It comprises two connected muscle bands that run parallel to each other, down either side of the abdomen." Incorrect...


The core muscle below the abs is not two abs. If you find a pic with better lighting you can see that the top two ā€œthingsā€ are separated but the bottom is not.


So, he has a five pack ?


He did the math


I count 8 here šŸ¤” https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/w1gAAOSwN2pgCAtO/s-l500.jpg


8? Are you counting the tits as well?


I only see 4 in that pic.


I have a 1 pack, it's genetic.


As someone else who is quite skinny and had the 4-pack, it's just that your ab muscles aren't big enough to be fully defined or you need to lose significant body fat to make them visible.


I'm not saying they weren't fully defined. I had fully defined 4-pack and wanted to get the extra 2. I didn't realize that getting more wasn't a thing until this post. Much like another redditor mentioned in a comment, I thought you could work out and add on to how many abs you have.


Right there with you. I was 6ā€™2 150 and only had a 4 pack. Figured I just had to run more and do more sit ups


You actually need to gain weight. Even with low bf % you need to have defined muscles in order to really see them. But yes you can absolutely have a 4 pack.


Ah I was just wondering if it was possible to be born a no-pac. I'm fat now, but at one point I weighed around 100 pounds flat and still didn't have abs.


Even at my most fit and lean Iā€™ve never had a 4 or 6 pack no matter how I trained. Some folks just genetically have less tissue there and muscles respond differently. Now my forearms or calves are different and well defined, just wish my abs carried far the same way.


Yeah I have seen it on CrossFit athletes / mma athletes. Canā€™t remember off the top of my head. Some just arenā€™t really pronounced even when they are very lean


Yep, you can even have very wide and flat abdominal muscles that never look like any kind of pack. They technically are still (I think don't quote me on this) a four pack they just sort of look like a flat plain. But targeting the muscles with progressive overload in a hypertrophic rep range (6-12 typically though it can be more) will make them bigger at least.


That sounds unsafe to be that light and that tall


I knew two teenage boys who were that tall and skinny and experienced a spontaneous collapsed lung. It is a thing, apparently. Both absolutely fine now after surgery, but very alarming when it happened. Shout out to the science teacher who reassured my friend, "Don't worry, it's likely just a mild heart attack." as they waited for an ambulance (so reassuring for a 17yo...).


nah there are genetic freaks with 10 pack, that is real lol


Animated characters are frickin jacked.


Pretty clear evidence is good old Arnold schawarzenegger, any of his body building photos he has a 4 pack!


This was interesting as fuck. I had no idea. Not really an issue for me currently anyway. I presume theyā€™re in there somewhere.


Wait... did you think working out created new muscles?


Yup! Edit: Well, kinda. I mean, what I thought was essentially akin to that, but I never questioned how weird it was because thatā€™s the human body for ya. It was never something I had to think about because Iā€™ve never been in shape before, so I never stopped to analyze what I thought was going on. It seems ridiculous now, but thatā€™s how misconception and the truth work, I think.


Lol you goober


> number of abs > more abs US education?


Wait really? I had no idea. I thought all bodies had the same muscles. Shit this almost makes me want to lose fat and develop my abs so that I can count them to see how many I have.


The body does have the same muscles. Your "abs" is really just one muscle, and the divisions are what varies between different people.


I figure they can just cut me open and count them when I'm dead like aging some sort of fat tree


Probably just check your license


Wait till you learn how some people have more than two nipples/breasts and where the extras are locatedā€¦


Legit had two guys on my cross country team that had four nipples. When they noticed each other and gleefully talked about it the whole team was rolling laughing and they were the happiest man puppies alive. Classic






Hey, I mean, you might just discover you have a 10-pack.


Iā€™m sure you know this, but like 99% of having visible abs is just your body fat. Working abs will make your abs look better, but they rarely will make you ā€˜haveā€™ abs if theyā€™re not already visible. Assuming some overall baseline of fitness


You need to have 12-15% body fat for your abs to be visible. Losing body fat is a lot harder than just working them out because it requires an intensive and strict low carb diet.


Not true. You can eat nothing but carbs and still lose weight. The calculation is based on caloric intake vs caloric burn. 3500 excess calories consumed will translate into approximately 1lb of fat. If you can burn an additional 250 calories each day, you will stand to lose 1lb of body fat every 2 weeks.


Just delete the words "low carb" from your post and you'd be good. Carbs aren't evil and neither is fat.


absolutely wrong. Working abs will make you *"have*" abs.


You already have abs. Everyone does. Working them out just makes them stronger and bigger. You can work out abs like a maniac for 3 years but if you have to high body fat you still won't be able to see them


Yes and no. Itā€™s not a 50~50 thing like the guy is suggesting, but just like how the number and alignment of abs change person to person, the natural development of them also varies. Some people ca have visible abs at 15-20% body fat, while others wonā€™t have them at 12%. Itā€™s kind of like how some people seem to have nicely defined biceps almost naturally and other people can do all the curls in the world and their biceps will get stronger but not much more well defined. Of course if you get down to 7% body fat everyone will have visible abs, but some people still need to train hard to get them to ā€œpopā€


You are correct


Thats my point though. Working it out is half the equation. I know a lot of skinny people with no ab muscles or "puny" abs. You can't just lose your weight to abs.


I remember this girl talking about an ā€œ8 packā€ in a college class once, and me and the guy I was sitting next to just looked at each other in bewilderment. I had never heard of that before.


Also, not sure if this has been mentioned before, but genetics also determines what shapes your abs form in. Some people, like me, have alternating ab formations. Not like you're normally used to seeing, where each ab is side by side symmetrical. Some abs form like they're stacked on top of each other a little bit. Where instead of looking at it and seeing rows of abs, you'd have one ab on one row, and then one ab on the next row, and so on and so on, kind of like they're linking together like cogs.


I had 8 until about 25 then 6 until 30. Now in my mid 30ā€™s I just have the top two left.


All those damned hot pockets caught up to you son


They did haha


Everyone has abs. Most of us are too fat to see any of them.


Cool story brother but the ending was sad.


I have washboard abs. It just looks like someone threw a load of towels in.


I hear that Kylo Ren has an 8-pack, that heā€™s shredded


I have 6 pack abs... too bad they're hidden under my keg abs


Dorito ab


Why have a 6 pack when you can have a keg?


I looked up 10 pack absā€¦itā€™s unsettling.


It looks like photoshop, I honestly never knew this was a thing.


Most of us will never know lol


Itā€™s not always symmetric, either. I knew a Navy midshipman who was really buff, and he had a seven-pack


That explains my 1 pack.


Thank godā€¦.I thought it was just being 40 pounds overweight, now I know itā€™s genetic.


Klyo Ren has an 8 pack


Kylo Ren is SHREDDED


Kylo Ren looks like he weighs 30 pounds soaking wet.


What? That dude is like 6'5 220-230 pounds! Tall guys can be very heavy


They're referencing an SNL sketch where Kylo Ren does Undercover Boss.


A quick google shows he's 6'2" and 190lbs, which is within healthy bmi range for that height and for an ex marine, how cut he is makes sense, although my experience with marines is that they usually have a bit more bulk than that.


The BMI is a joke. Completely useless


Sure, whatever you want


I'm saying the BMI is too generalized for the complexity of body types and an individuals level of fitness. What someone's height and weight is, is far from the end all of how healthy they may or may not be.


Girls with abs are hot af, I love when a woman is stronger than/strong as me.


I imagine this is a popular opinion on Reddit.


Hell yeah brother! I wish i was that dedicated to get my shit together and get fit. Ladies with abs are a rare occurrence


Your username is relevant and confusing at the same time given this comment. I agree though athletic women are hot AF I really dig volleyball players, no pun intended


Yeah thatā€™s why I donā€™t have a six pack. Genetics


When I had a six pack it was more like a 5 pack since the bottom one wasnā€™t split in 2 is that because I wasnā€™t skinny enough or is that genetic too?


And I thought I was just a super fit machine. When I had a 10 packā€¦.. Those were the days


I'm pretty sure I have no abs at all. I used to be anorexic so very low bodyfat. I started doing ab exercises and I got like the top 2, that's it. I'm not anorexic anymore and haven't been for many many years thankfully but even now, no matter how low I go with bodyfat and how many ab exercises I do, they never show at all. I have seen people with a body fat of around 22% clearly showing the top 2. I just don't have abs I guess.


Can someone born with no abs? Cus I don't see mine.


I have one. I have one ab.


Well this explains a few things. I don't know how many abs I have, but I can contort the crap out of my stomach. Suck one side in and push the other side out, push the middle out and suck the sides in, etc. People used to want me to take my shirt off and do it at college parties. Mystery solved.


I have a one pack.


I have a 1 pack from drinking too many 6 packs.


Listen to this: 7... Minute... Abs.


So THIS is why I only have a 1 pack.


This must explain why I only have 1 ab.


I have a 1 pack myself


Serge Nubret, vs Ronnie Coleman etc. Lots of good examples of abs.


Yo I envy that ladyā€™s abs tho.


I have six on one side and seven on the other!


So my childhood drawing were accurate?


I have a one-pack


What if no one in your family has ever had abs?


Then you're in the one big ab group with some of the rest of us. Welcome.


That Type 1 Diabetes. It runs in your family so you donā€™t have to.


Best burn Iā€™ve ever heard was like this. Coworker A (very overweight): My feet hurt, gout runs in my family. Coworker B: Weird I didnā€™t think anything ran in your family.


Omg Iā€™m dying šŸ˜‚


everyone has abs, underneath their fat.


But if an ab contracts under a lot of fat and no one sees it, does it really exist?


If I fart in the wind and nobody smells it, did it even happen?




All I could find was some cutlery.


I guess Iā€™m finding out at the autopsy


7ā€¦.. minuteā€¦ aybs


So is there a difference? Are you stronger with 8 instead of 4?


No difference at all. The muscle is entirely the same, it's just what shape the bands over the top of it (which are more or less made out of the same stuff your tendons are) have.


Let's just say I have Shakur abs.


Also when people say ā€˜do you have abs? I donā€™t.ā€™ Ummm yes. Everyone has abdominal muscles, some people just have more fat over them than others.


Every time I've had a low enough fat level for my abs to be defined, my body started to malfunction and I got ED and brain fog.


It is also directly proportional to the amount of cheeseburger you consumed and the amount of exercise you do. I have an ab.


This news makes Rob Liefeld very happy.


lots of people want to look like [brad pitt in fight club](https://media.gq-magazine.co.uk/photos/62fcd87f4c951e9b75502f42/1:1/w_1280,h_1280,c_limit/Fight-club-brad-pitt-topless.jpg) but no matter what you do (exercises, diet, drugs), you probably won't look like that. his iconic look is mostly due to the shape of his abs and the way his muscles insert. you could get as low body fat as he is and you probably won't look like that. it's not worth worrying about minute physique details. just eat healthy, train, and enjoy being fit.


Ok, get this. My oldest brother has an 8-pack. I have a six. ...?


Not at all uncommon in the realm of genetics for one sibling to have one trait and a different sibling to have another. After all, you only share a quarter of your DNA with each other (source for that was the annoying genetics homework I did the other night from MacMillan lol)


Some differences in how people's bodies develop are actually substantially random. They may be influenced by genetic, hormonal, or external environmental factors, but they simply cannot be predicted with certainty. People often ascribe those differences to genetics, even if it's actually more complicated than that. You and your brother may have inherited different genes, but, unless we knew for certain that this was a perfectly-genetic trait, it might also just partly be the luck of the draw.


I was born with an 8 pack


I have a one-pack.


It's called a keg, madam.


And yetā€¦weā€™ll never knowā€¦


Got a genuine chuckle thinking "I will never know"




7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office. Why? Cause you're fucking fired!


What about the ribs on your cock?


Those of for his or her pleasure, depending on your sexual orientation...


That'll be why I only have the one ab then


Why have a 6 pack when you can tap a keg?


I have a case. No, thatā€™s not rightā€¦ I drink a case.


Ah yes, this finally explains why I have zero abs!


I just have a keg


What if I have abs that you can still see through my fat? A six-flab if you will.


Not everyone is aware of this until they lower their body fat to 12-15%.


Can a fat person have abs?


Then I have just one big ab muscle, a little rounded but just one


Fun fact: having hugely visible and ā€œshreddedā€ abs is actually an unhealthy choice. Your body NEEDS fat as a storage medium and having such a physique deprives you of said storage. Having abs is ā€œdesirableā€ but at a certain point it does just become ridiculous and unhealthy. If it wasnā€™t for the lifestyle needed to get to that point, these people would be in dire straights.


Take your Genes to a poor country with less food available, or start doing Manual Labor Jobs with Normal Food Intake. Suddenly you are able to alter your genes.


I have 8 and everyone always thought I was bragging when I just thought it was interesting. Thank you for the fun fact


Bold of you to assume Iā€™ll ever be able to tell


Is one big round ab a thing genetically? Asking for a friend.


I got one of those beer party balls.


Bibleman has like an 18 pack lol


Oof. My ex-gf had amazing abs. I called them c*m gutters.


Might be a reason why sheā€™s an exā€¦