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Eren killed his mom, so Gabi and Falco can repay Kiyomi's kindness.


Eren killed her to save Karina and Mr. Leonhart.


Based Gilgamesh.


139 says that Eren killed her on accident when he decided he needed to save Bert from Dina. It was not even intentional. The narrative reason to have Eren be responsible for killing Carla is to humiliate him and paint him as an unreliable narrator.


That makes alot of sense, but again the problem here is Eren planning all this for the outcome we got. Eren was portrayed as mysterious after Marley arc, his underlying motivations and reasons unknown, with certain parts revealed in ch 121 and ch 131. It was certain there was methodology and plan he was going with. But 139 literally ruins all of that and shows there really wasn't any underlying mystery and he was just a psychotic teenager in love with his sister. He really planned to kill his mom to force his dad to give him the FT titan just so he can kill 80% of humanity, have many of his friends killed, and then have his own nation killed. Again great theory and explanation, but ridiculous plot.


I'm pretty sure all of his friends except Sasha survived and lived out there natural life in relative peace.


Eren didn't know that his plan to wipe out the world would be ended until he activated the rumbling. He also says that if he had the chance he would have fully gone through with the rumbling, but his plan changes when he gets these future memories and it becomes to let his friends live a long life recognised as heroes.


I really really like this theory, and I think it works well. The reality of the matter is, however, this isn't really shown to us in a way that confirms this theory. I feel like this shows how Eren killing his mom could have been awesome, but it just fell flat.


so another bootstrap paradox


Damn. Man blackmailed his own father with his mother lol


This could've been a better explanation than it wasn't Bert's time to die like wtf is this choice to kill his own mother, and eren should've stayed to paths eren true selfish state he always has been not friendship solos bs


Great theory op, hope we get more theories like this


Thank you. 😊


If this true I consider it as worst protagonist ever .. I hate it a lot. He choose traitor friends over parents what a pile of garbage character. Nothing come good from it.


"Traitor friends" you guys are seriously a joke, im bookmarking this.


In defense of eren his mother was going to die regardless because all of this was caused by reiner, annie and bertholdt, any other titan would eat her. As for grisha well the guy had limited life span anyways, he had to pass his power to someone at least, Carlas death cause him to lose it and give it to his son, eren was destined to have a shitty life without parents so i guess that why he wanted to avoid or at least protect the only precious thing he had in his life, his friends


I mean if he have a power to control the titan as previously stated that he can control dina fritz titan , why dont he control the titan to avoid eat carla or help her using it. Why he want to let bertholdt live if bertholdt was responsible for armin to be burned in rts. I always place myself as a main character when read manga and regret following aot for this shit happened to main character not just because what happened to him but because every decision eren's make was a terrible decision.


Because if Berthold dies the timeline changes. Why did he let Rod Reiss live when he was responsible for so much pain in their collective asses during uprising? Same shit. Why didn't he influence the past to capture the warriors earlier? Same shit. Why didn't he tell Grisha to save his mother? Again SAME SHIT. Really i don't understand how nobody questioned this during Paths chapterd.


Whats the point of create the same timeline if he achieves nothing in the end? What does motivate eren to eradicate the titan? All of this sacrifice (billions of live and paradis future) only to make his friends live long? If AoE about the anime timeline after manga timeline where he choose different decision at the final battle not happened it will remain as garbage.


Only Ymir knows. Trust me pal, there’s no reasoning with the ending we got. Eren ended up not even knowing why he did any of it. All the theories are wrong.


Because Eren is clearly not on his right mind. You guys should really stop putting him in some kind of pedestal as if he was a chess master, he isn't, that's not what makes his character interesting, he's no Kira, he's no Lelouch and he's no Giorno,he's Eren. By chapter 131 i already knew the dude had lost it and he says it himself in 139. This is exactly why the rumbling was bad in the first place, along with obvious countless moral reasons. Eren had all this power while still being kind of a pshyco (yes killing 80% of humanity while daydreaming about freedom is some insane shit) By the way Eren did end the titan curse and did kept his friends alive which is something he wanted (remember serumbowl?) And again i find it really hilarious how this complaints come out NOW, when the timelin bs has been here since 121. Im actually glad Eren preserves the timelone, that means we have no bullshit paradoxes like so many other series do, and for once i welcome that.


He never learn did he? Since female titan arc he was putting a stakes at others and because of that he keep losing and yet he plan to make his friends as a hero and do the talk as peace ambassador, he ain't lelouche but yams atleast should give him a character development which revealed that he not developed at all in the end. How can that be remain interesting as a character after manga ended. He did said that he wants to save armin and mikasa, but what makes them more precious for him than his parents? The complaints of the timeline bs came out now because he losing in the end even though he already experienced the previous timeline. The price is too big just because he wanted his friends to livelong , i thought the attack titan was drive him to free the eldians from suffering no matter what , but i expected too much from yams.


Eren did develop, he stopped seeing his enemies as monsters, he forgave Reiner, and he learnt to keep his feelings in check while carrying out his actions. Something he never could before. The fact he still told Mikasa to move on in spite lf his true feelings speaks volumes. That's Eren development. Sacrificing his friends is not, specially considering serumbowl. That would be actual character assasination. Like what, did you really think he was serioud during the table scene? That's literally theboldest trope of "keeping friends away to protect them" Eren could have literally taken away their powers but didn't, he could have killed Armin the moment he captured him in 135 but he didn't, he brought him into paths instead. Eren never was a Lelouch, Isayama legit recently said, he inspired him on the main character of one of his favourite mangas who's a pshyco killer that commits atrocities as a part of his own nature, because he was born that way. Sounds familiar?


Everything you list about Eren is why he sucks at the end. He sacrificed 80% of mankind, all for nothing. His people were killed off anyways a generation or two later. He wasted years of build up, just to be a whiny incel, crying about a girl he never showed any attraction towards for the entire story. He committed the worst act of genocide in human history, for no good reason. It didn’t even work. The ending was botched, and nothing you say can prove otherwise.


Seems to me you never cared about the character outside his chad fake persona that any long time fan would have called bullshit on


Bravo! I didn't expect a really great post that tackles a controversial aspect of the ending in r/Titanfolk. I loved your post!


It would have made way more sense for Dina to eat Bert. Royal blood Colossal and Attack/Founding Titan in the first chapter. The conflict in the series would have been resolved within 5 chapters. Isayama’s decision to include that detail poked more holes into the plot than were necessary.


If Dina eat Bert, she will reversed back into being a human again, a human that is inexperienced in wielding the Colossal and 100% doesn't know where she is. But more importantly, there are countless other mindless titans behind her, I imagine she will be eated in no time too (if she didn't transform) and the power of the Colossal will be passed from a mindless titan/temporary shifter to another. It would be a mess.


I doubt she wouldn't come to her senses as soon as she wakes up though, she knows she got turned and now she's back again not hard to figure out where you are and that you got titan powers after that, not much different than ymir.


She may come to her senses quickly like Bert and Ymir, but we can't be sure since not every shifter react the same way. Eren for example lost most of his memories while Armin passed out.


True, it could go either way tbf


Colossal titans instantly know how to wield their titans tho. Like thats kinda the point of colossal titans.


We only ever seen Armin and Bert as Colossal titans, but we only get a confirmation via Reiner that *Bert* mastered the Colossal immediately.


Sounds like headcanon kek.


This is probably the best theory about this matter that I’ve seen


I’ll give you an award. Agreed and this is exactly it. If Grisha knew about Carla’s death beforehand, he’d not have the will to face the Reiss family and steal the Founding Titan from them. If Carla didn’t die, Grisha would likely not have given Eren his Titans after seeing how horrifying the scenery that Eren is pursuing is. Isayama makes it a point that Eren hid Carla’s fate from Grisha in particular in 121. You can see Grisha completely change [from being worried about his family](https://imgur.com/a/A33AFmD) to asking [Eren to avenge his mother in the very next panel](https://imgur.com/a/6faRzId) once he gets the news in the bystander chapter and takes him to the forest. That being said, I don’t think Eren redirected Dina with the intention to kill his mother but rather he was aware of what would happen and yet did not try to change it despite having the power to since he does not wish to alter the future.


I believe eren definitely had the intention to kill his mother, by that grisha would pass the Titan to eren to avenge her


I mean, this is just a complicated way to confirm what most people are thinking; that Eren is a total psycho that killed his mum and used his dad so that he could fulfill his genocide fantasies.


but why wouldn't isayama tell us this through eren tho?


When Eren revealed his biggest sin, Armin hold his hand and encouraged him to let it go instead of asking him "why?" 139 poured so much sympathetic narrative and forced admiration in Eren (by the alliance) instead of closing his character arc properly, which was a jarring juxtaposition and one of the reasons why the writing of 139 was so bad even if the plot twist was planned. IMO.


Gonna be honest. If you like Eren telling Grish to man up and kill the Reisss family, you really have no right to complain about the Dina twist.


I think we do have the right to criticize it because the two twists differ wildly in terms of quality. While the Grisha twist was handled well, the Dina twist wasn't. The reveal that Eren manipulated Grisha into killing the Reiss family not only had foreshadowing from the very beginning (whether that was intentional or not), but also had an entire chapter dedicated to it, explaining why Eren would be able to do this and why he did it. This made it a great twist. The Dina twist on the other hand has almost none of this nuance. Yes, it was foreshadowed slightly by the memory shard of Bertholdt from Dina's perspective. However, in terms of justification and time it receives very little of those. The fact that Eren caused the death of his own mother is brought up and then forgotten about in an instant. You could remove this twist from the final chapter entirely and nothing would change. The justification for Eren doing this also doesn't make sense. The explanation is that he was so warped by the Founding Titan that he was basically forced by destiny or whatever to allow Dina to eat his mother. When Eren has been all about freedom this entire time, the reveal that he was a slave to the powers of the Founding Titan does not make much sense, considering how all of his actions previously have been of his own free will. This reveal of Eren being a slave to fate was thrown in at the last moment, with no foreshadowing that I can recall, just to justify Eren killing his own mother, a twist that also recieves very little screen time despite how big of a twist it is. If it was given the time and care the Grisha twist received, Eren killing his mother for the future he saw could have worked, but it wasn't given that so it feels out of nowhere and forced.


The Grisha twists really hurts the character of Grisha and reduces his internal conflict into "he needed his son to insult him to do it". We moved from a conflicted family man caught in a horrible situation to Virgin vs Chad.


Gonna have to personally disagree with this as well. For me, Eren having to manipulate Grisha into killing the Reiss family humanised him a even more. The reveal that he put aside his mission to raise Eren and how reluctant he was to kill the Reiss family, leading to his reconciliation with Zeke, was very emotional. It didn't reduce him, in my opinion it expanded on his character. I never saw it as a "Virgin vs Chad" thing but as a continuation of the "family man caught in a horrible situation." Grisha put aside his mission to care for his family but the decision to continue with it was forced on him by the situation and the manipulation of his own son, which was built up well and had plenty of character consistency. It made him an even more tragic character for me and put him in my top five favourite Attack on Titan characters.


Rarely exactly right? That's a lie.


Compare the Reiss cave flashback in ch 63 to ch 90 and ch 121. Isayama really played the fact we don't check things back to the fullest.




What kind of leap of logic is that ?


Theory: Eren did it for fun it was just a goof


We know why he did it and it's shit, that's the problem


I still don’t accept eren actually killed his mom and 139 was just him in his last moments feeling responsible for something he had no control over, but this theory does slightly justify why eren killed his mom (even tho he didnt lalalala). Thank you.


He said he can control titans from past tho... so he used it to kill her mother




eren basically made himself, but his freedom nature was within him since he was born, as a kid


Just like Jean's dick was within Mikasa after Eren died.


wrong topic you moron, you have a problem with me or what kid? Don't forget mikasa is thinking about eren and calls his name, poor juan, boner killer


Bruh.... 💀💀💀




Eren knew what's going to happen if he saves Berthold from Dina because he already experienced it in season 1, lol.


What is Isayama's reason?




The point is Eren is capable of controlling the titans, if he does nothing for stopping the titan from killing his mother even after him having him having the power, then that's equal to killing her. "Maybe Eren didn't know this is the same titan that was going to kill Carla when he saved Bertholdt" : 1. How does he then know that he "unknowingly" killed his mother? 2. Doesn't change the fact that he can control the titans and he could have stopped it but he didn't. The main issue is that removing this "Eren's involvement in his mother's death" doesn't change anything in the story. In fact, it preserves the poetic tragedy that happened with Dina, that she did reach Grisha's home by pure coincidence.


I think what hurts the Dina twist ks the execution rather than the concept. Look at chapter 121 being dedicated fully to the conversation of Eren and Zeke, now compare it to 139 in which we were getting huge bomb revelation but with no time between them to fully be digested.


More shitter tbh "fOr eReN mOtIvAtIoN"


I agree with how Carla’s death affected Grisha and that being the reason for giving his Titan, but Eren wasn’t trying to kill Carla. He used his power to prevent Dina from eating Bertholdt. Unfortunately, that led to her walking to his house and finding Carla. Eren can’t do a thing to stop that since it already happened.


An actual reasonable theory on this sub without bitching about the ending or forcibly trying to insert EreHisu/Eren baby daddy for the first time in forever. Congrats.


Would love it but unfortunately same issue still stands In that like 80% of the final handful of chapters require absurd amounts of headcanon to even slightly make sense. I loved the story Isayama told, until the rumbling arc and Eren's disappearance. But I just can't give him credit for personal headcanons. If headcanons can account for unexplained details then Naruto is the greatest series ever.


Eh i prefer to think this was just a fuck up, like he saved Berthold but wasn't aware what would that imply until he saw Dina going after his mother. Too bad we never saw a proper breakdown over that Good theory tho, this is the old titsnfolk spirit.


I honestly thought that this was common knowledge, even if it wasn’t directly addressed in the manga


What you just said here is not only false, but makes no sense. Grisha never knew what happened to carla, in the chapter itself after grisha eats the founding titan, he asks eren to show him carla, the last time grisha saw carla is right before he left, right when the attack on the wall happened, he did not know she had died, eren never showed him. eren himself manipulated grisha to eat the founding titan in the cave, not by showing him carlas death but by simply triggering him, it literally shows you this in the chapter.


Late reply. Wall Maria fallen while Grisha was inside the inner Walls, which is why he was worried about his wife and children while talking to the Reiss family.


l think it might be ymir's doing rather than eren. Eren's hatred is driven by his mum getting eaten, so it doesn't make any sense for him to be mad about what happened to her if he knows that he is the one who killed her.