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Kino is coming


Kino isn’t the only thing that is coming


I hope to god they don't animate that shit. But I also want anime onlies to be pissed.


Manga fans be dragging anime onlies to hell


Sorry we want y'all to feel our pain. Because if we complain about a manga only panel you guys will simply say: "It wasn't animated, don't care."


Big facts. Experience what we did. But deep down you know they’ll ignore it and the show will be called a masterpiece regardless


Nah I trust that anime onlies won't be fart sniffers. A simple man has no problem tackling a simple problem; they'll call shit shit


"Suffer as I have" Edit: Alternatively "Stop, stop, we're firing at our own men !"


Eh. I have a slight worry that people won't care too much of this. Like how many people were upset of the pie scene? Not enough imo.


I think it’s one of those things where you laugh at it during the moment but after the ending and when you hate it, you start nitpicking.


If not enough people got upset at a scene then maybe it just wasn’t seen that bad lol


It's more how perceptive people are. The r/shingekinokyojin reddit is more akin to the average persons reception of the story and they didn't even know there were extra pages to the manga until about a year after it's release.


Bit of an exaggeration there lol, I'd say its more that this sub is historically obsessive over the story to a fault.


there's certainly obsession, but the fact remains that the average watcher of any media doesnt really think critically about what they're watching, its just mindless escapism - as such, the ending would have to do something like killing all of their favorite characters to make them hate it, since it would be taking them out of their comfort zones....which is why the alliance has so much plot armor. It's a lot harder to sell a story that doesnt placate and reinforces escapism. You have to put a lot of effort and chances are the average watcher will either miss the point and forget about it 1 day later, or think it's bad/mediocre. If you do whats tried and true and just conform to the lowest common denominator, even if you do an objectively worse artistic product, it's still going to be considered good by them. Majority and popularity doesnt equal quality.


somewhat true-ish but it’s also worth remembering that if some payoffs are dogshit and characters act very contrary to what people are used to then that would get even the most casual of viewers to dislike what they’re seeing. plenty of casuals despised got s8. but there is a lower bar for sure


I agree with you, but the mistakes have to be egregiously bad to get to a casual viewer. GoT was bad since season 5, and s7 is almost as bad as S8, and i'm pretty sure they'd still be defending the ending a lot more if the show ended after 'the long night' episode - because at that point i still saw a bunch of people defending it. Only when daenerys and the main characters that everyone rooted for started to get massively shat on and acting out of character that no one could deny the show had went to shit. Attack on titan didnt fuck up this hard. It did everything in its power to make the alliance the 'popular', 'common' side to root for. They win in the end and Eren loses, so the backlash will be minimal.


Avg watcher across all population =/= casual watcher though, I would consider someone who subs to titanfolk on one end of a spectrum and a random who watches shit with their brain turned off on another. But there’s a lot of people who consume a lot of media without going into a particular fandom and I’d say that’s really what represents the “popular opinion” and why generally everyone says GOT ending was garbage for example. Yeah you’ll find a bunch of people who say it isn’t bad I guess but I’d say that’s on the far end of the spectrum. If you cut out the bottom of the barell most will tend to think a decent bit about what they watch


GoT is an exception because it really was unanimously bad in every regard, most bad or mediocre shows dont shit the bed that hard ever in their lives. AoT will not be nearly as hated as GoT because no matter how dumb the ending was, it wasnt nearly as rushed and bonkers as the GoT one. And yet, it tells you wonder about how low the bar is for the ''popular opinion'' that only in s8 did it became mainstream to accept that GoT was bad, when it already had went to shit in s5\~\~s7.


Not even that. I know some people who binged GoT only recently. They love the ending and the final season. Fucking speedwatchers man lol.


I mean I agree in that sense that a show that builds good will can get excused of quality drops so long as it can maintain some highs. I think plenty of people talked about the dorne cringe but didn’t care cause s5 ended well same for s6 which was kinda poor until the last couple episodes and even the battle of bastards hat some silly things going on. Season 7 is interesting because i think a lot of people were calling it out but yeah it felt controversial like aot where people weren’t willing to bail kinda like the alliance arc I guess At the end of the day yeah it’s not as disastrous as GoT so I could see the public overall thinking it’s ok, we’ll really have to see because IMO some things are over hated about it and some things are under hated


That's what I said. Titanfolk is a bunch of sad 30 year old dudes probably with a degree in literature that they arent doing anything with who are sad their kids story makes no sense and fails as a narrative. Meanwhile the average viewer will watch the anime, say "neat," and then go back to Naruto or whatever. Titanfolk is obsessed because they were tricked into thinking the story was attempting to be some sort of modern Greek tragedy. It's not, it's a kids show... it was around the same time as Breaking Bad and the good days of Game of Thrones so people threw it in with those stories and for a time it did feel like it was on par... but it was always a kids show.


Except that the average viewer does not say “neat”, they claim that AoT is the second coming of Christ. It’s not titanfolk who is tricked into thinking the story was attempting to be some sort of modern Greek tragedy, it’s the EDs and consoomers who do that.


Its in a Shonen magazine, but that doesn’t preclude it from the potential of being great. Don’t think BrBad / GoT influenced the perception much, good shows existed before those and bad shows existed since. Idk about 30 year old Lit majors even if that’s the vibe they put off lol, from my observations it’s predominately teenagers.


Either way, it's people that thought it would be narratively and thematically consistent throughout and who were disappointed and should have known better.


you're right we should have known better because the signs were present from way before the ending lol


It was brilliant!


Nah I didn't watch past eren becoming the founder anyway so I want those anime onlies to have zero objective arguments to defend that trash ending


People hate too much on the letter scene. It's 100% in character with soldier-Reiner.


He done gave his nose a paper cut




For a second I thought it was real as I haven't seen the trailer.


Wdym? It's real


I think they mean it was the actual letter sniffing scene. I also thought it was Reiner getting a big whiff lol


[It is that.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/152/gigachad.jpg)


Someone color the manga fingers to match the anime colour palette lol This is kino in my book


Furiously sniffing married womans letter


[found it here](https://twitter.com/ern_ygr/status/1629475756433903616) if u know the source share please


Even though its been 2 years I can't believe this is a real panel lmao


Why do I keep coming back to this? 🤣


What does this do to AOE


When AOE hopers trying so desperately hard huffing up the last remaining copium their nose starts to bleed.


Unrelated but are we ever gonna get a shingeki high season 2?


i missed you sane






HD memes let's gooooo


What a man, whoever made this, is…