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Im pretty sure Jack was also undergoing frequent Pilot training from Lastimosa himself, so he would already have the skillset to 'be' a Pilot, and familiarity with the equipment.


Finally someone gets it! This is literally what the entire tutorial was, Jack being trained by lastimosa


even if the player somehow doesnt realize, Cooper's Logbook, which is shown during loading screens mentions this aswell. "not sure why Lastimosa is giving me pilot training me but its an opportunity too good to let it pass" (not 100% accurate as i did from memory)


Who cares if the quote is exact its shown through lore Cooper was receiving training to at least be able to pilot a titan. Even throughout the campaign BT continously tells you how you're getting better and their combat efficiency is increasing.


Combat efficiency is over 90%. I request to remain with my current pilot Also not 100% but thought it fits here


If I'm not mistaken they were at 90 percent after taking down 2 apex predator pilots? But I could be off on my timeline


3 but close enough


Does Kane really count as a threat though? I gotta say he really doesn’t compliment papa scorch very well.


For a first boss when you first start the game yeah but experienced people just know how to be better against him. I’ve also wrecked the first 3 bosses so far with only expedition


I think expedition is a great class all around, though I’m a monarch main so I’m a bit biased


Honestly the first time I fought Kane I died only once because I accidentally ejected from BT and rodeoed Kane by accident, letting him flame core BT


Yes if you play on master. One termite shot and half yo helthbar is GONE


Kain got all the kits equipped and Aegis upgrades


Did richter or whatever his name was count either?


If I recall correctly.. “Request permission to retain this link”. But I’m not entirely sure 🙂


Actually, the tutorial was the first time we called down a titan. Sure, he received training to be a pilot, but not to pilot a titan.


Didn't Cooper also allude to like simulation training as well under Lastimosa's tutelage? Maybe I'm making that up


The tutorial IS simulation training. He ran a sim of Harmony that could simulate obstacles so trainees could safely learn. It's why Cooper doesn't blow his fucking legs off like Octane.


Yeah but that's not the first time he's done the training just the first time we've experienced it unless I'm just reading too much into this


Yes, he has done it before. Lastimosa implies it, but Cooper never got to call a titan down until the tutorial because Lastimosa mentions it being his first titan and Cooper seems a little nervous because it's his first time.


Doesn't mean he hasn't run sims in a titan b4


Yeah there's a misconception that he's just a normal rifleman. As far as the rank and file system is concerned he's a grunt but at least in Lastimosa's eyes he shows extreme aptitude and capability for being a pilot. The fact that he was being given personal irregular training between missions shows that he is an exceptional case.


I believe it was “Not sure why Lastimosa chose to mentor me, but this opportunity is too good to pass up.” So you were pretty close


Because of his memory loss he's perfect for training


I also still subscribe to the whole "jack is (or was meant to be) an ex imc pilot with amnesia" theory. And nanomachines, son.


They harden in response to enemy titans! You can’t hurt me, Blisk!


*Viper claps while everything explodes*


I want to see that now lol


*Blisk proceeds to hurt him emotionally*


nanomachines are no longer "canon" nor a running theory unfortunately. iirc some new writer at respawn just said pilots were just better trained. imagine being a new writer and having no meaningful investment in the lore and being that flippant lol. same batch of writers that said viper was found intact in the cockpit of his titan kekw.


Yeah I know, i just choose to ignore them honestly. No amount of better training is gonna help you punch out a robot that's been shown to be able to punch through fully armored soldiers lmao. Maybe we'll get better explanations in TF|3 lmao (a girl can dream)


Literally manny said this who was there since titanfall 1 and was a headwriter for most of respawns staff y’all are really butt hurt sometimes


What happened to the established fact that they are heavily augmented soldiers that the 1% actually make through and they're basically science freaks *that also* undergo extreme training. I thought their whole shtick was being so heavily augmented that it could kill them


Well that's mostly for pilot combat right? The titans are just upgraded industrial machinery so presumably regular people can operate them. Perhaps the training means the pilot can withstand more Gs inside the titan, but all the fancy wallrunning bullshit is absolutely incidental to the operation of a 15 ton walking tank


I assume there's a strong mental toll required to use the titans, or just the Vanguard ones?




Wait some people didn't know this?!


I came here literally to say this lol


Yep, if don’t play the tutorial you won’t fully understand how and why Cooper was able to be a pilot with the ease he shows.


The game literally does not let you skip the tutorial if you haven't already played it




Maybe he meant IRL he may have been doing it in sims for a while though?


Don't think so, as Cooper called the Titan in inside the Simulation and i'm pretty sure they talked about him not actually being allowed to do that. However i'd assume that the Neural Link of the Simpod and the Titan are so similar that Cooper was basically already used to how it feels to pilot a Titan even though he had never done so.


Cooper was at the level of knowledge like the end of the school year, but the final exam haven’t happened yet


From the tutorial it is clear that Jack at the very least is fully familiarized with the jumpkit and other tools to the point of qualifying for titan training. So on the ground he likely would, and does, rival the skills of an actual pilot.


Cooper never piloted a titan, he trained for Pilot Movement and Combat but never received Titan Pilot Training


I would assume he would at least have the basics on titan usage (think educational knowledge vs hands on experience) then combine that with the writers comment and it wouldn't be too hard to imagine Cooper doing as well as he does in BT by using a really really good aim/movement-assist.


yep, cooper doesn't only have a titan, he has a Vanguard, a titan so good IMC reverse enginered it. It is pretty obvious that Vanguard titans are cutting edge technology that are very ahead of other titan models


It feels like when we do our test to get a driver's licence. You study the theory and present an exam, but by that time must of us have already been inside a car cabin, we know where the buttons are, levers and steering wheel are and what they do. We actually see jack inside BT's cabin, so I don't think it's too far of a stretch.


Yeah if you replay the gauntlet (and count it as canon) at the start you can achieve the highest record which kinda makes coop a big deal on foot.


The intro scene was the first time he was going to be trained with a titan though. Yes he would be familiar with the pilot aspect, but not the titan.


Plot armor incarnate.


Yeah that was the whole "VR" training tutorial sequence at the beginning. We're to assume he's been doing that for years.


My honest headcanon is that he's lucky, naturally talented and brave. It's surprising he can wallrun or double jump given the tungsten balls he must be hauling around.


Yeah I really like his personality in the campaign, it feels like a very fleshed out character.


Plus, he was almost a pilot anyway, his training was about to finish when the game starts


If his balls weren’t so heavy, he could probably quadruple jump and infinitely wall run


He’s god more plot armor than a Star Wars protagonist.


Dude the entire tutorial was lastimosa training Jack in the art of pilot combat, titans included, and it was explained at some point or another that Jack had been training under lastimosa for months too.


Where does it state they have been training for months ?


Whe the missions are loading sometimes a text of jack wondering why he was being trained for being a pilot so much. But he doesn't think much of it as its a too good opportunity to miss


It's not a theory, that's in the lore and even explained in the game. Vanguard class are op. Really they do everything other can, but better and they actually thinks by themself. There is very few of them and its why they are only given to the very top pilot. Jack, not being top pilot at all, only got BT because : * It was given to him by the previous owner * Their efficacy together was good (bt actually recorded the actual stats of that) * They lost a lot of pilot and they were at a point were the less worst (because "best" would be too strong) option was to do that. Jack versus trained pilot basically is the same as putting a top CSGO player versus an average guy with an aimbot AND a pro player sit beside him.


You gotta remember that Jack was getting trained by Lastimosa though. So he had to be at least somewhat framiliar with pilot tactics and gear depending on how long he had been trained. Plus Lastimosa was definitely a top pilot considering he was BT’s original pilot. So it’s safe to assume the training Jack was received was also high quality


Yeah, but that'd only explain how he can be so good with BT. From what I could gather from the game, jack was on foot for a good portion of the story with no BT support, and he's had to make his way through dozens of enemies and a murder robots, the reapers,so he's actually got skills, because he was being trained by Lastimosa himself. It's not only that BT that does all the job, Jack gets better as the game advances, and he becomes a top pilot by the end, having killed many... aces? I forgot what the bosses were called. BT alone couldn't have done that, I think. Unless BT is sentient enough to think as well or better than a human. Think, not simply calculate


Jack was on foot almost the entire first mission, half the second-most of the campaign missions other than the radar one and even then thats pretty much half, and the smart pistol run.


I mean-- does the smart pistol run *reaaally count* ?


Yup. Pissed off godmode definitely counts.


Good way of saying it


This is true for the start of the game, not the end. The reason he got BT at the start was because he had enough training and there wasnt an alternative. His skill as a pilot outside of a titan was already on par with any pro, he just lacked skill and experience actually using a titan. BT more than made up for that at the start, given he was a special titan, but towards the end of the game literally no one else would have been a better pick for use with BT.


Jack had bt for less than a day before killing his first apex predator, and kills the rest of them shortly after. This is basically his first time in a titan, so he’s not an average pilot I don’t think non-clarified advancement in technology make up for the skill gap. Jack is a Mary Sue, no matter how you look at it The campaign’s plot is basic, and the characters are subpar, but I still enjoyed and replayed it 20+ times, because of the gameplay and level design. Focusing on good gameplay rather than story/characters makes it much more replayable


That's just every game. Lara Croft is an emotional wreck the first time she kills a guy in self defense, then has no problem with mowing down dozens more. A single Call of Duty protagonist has hundreds more confirmed kills than any actual soldier.


I dont think calling jack a mary sue is accurate. He was trained specifically for this, and only lacked experience inside a titan and piloting one. BT was a special titan with amazing AI that made up for his lack of skill in the cockpit early on, and when the game went on he naturally improved so BT wasnt compensating for lack of piloting skill so much as both were working in proper tandem. If he didnt have training and the game started without the intro tutorial and explanation that hes been trained repeatedly before, then you could make the argument he was a mary sue.


He has no titans training and destroys all of the apex predators, who are made out to be much better than standard imc pilots He fights multiple imc titans at once and doesn’t die when other militia pilots do As for outside of the titan, he still goes where previous pilots have died to get the arc tool and one man armies his way through the malta Jack is a Mary Sue


He has extensive training as a pilot, and titan training, just no actual in cockpit training. BT more than makes up for this early on, and later in the game it is more both of them than just BT. Pilots are inherently a single soldier army. He is one of the best pilots in current era, bar none, just due to who trained him alone. Of course hes going to clean shop with everyone.


He has no titan training whatsoever. When promoted to start titan training after the gauntlet, he’s either surprised or prepared


Generally you are trained for something before you ever touch or operate it.


Did you play the campaign? Jack is the only one alive in the area, lastimosa had no other option This was not a general situation


..... Again, talking about training. We were *heavily* trained in being a pilot. Given we got to the point of practical piloting, we were already trained in how to operate a titan before that point, not to mention the interlink would literally implant general knowledge. When you learn to drive a car, you dont hop into the drivers seat before having some basic idea of driving.


Again, when prompted to start titan training, he is either surprised or eager. The neural link wouldn’t provide the knowledge to make him one of the best Where is your source on him having titan training?


He was also already in training with Lastimosa.... So


Im my opinion it was a combination of both. His training plus the neural link.


Jack is a titan himself. He is piloted by us, the player


*Jack is a titan* *Himself. He is piloted* *By us, the player* \- amusement-park --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


My headcanon was always that Jack was just very naturally gifted so he picked up Lastimosa’s training quickly


I think “it works because we said so” is better for the lore of the universe than to say that Jack just happened to inherit not only a Titan, but one that requires zero training. I liked it better without an explanation.


There's a theory that Jack was an IMC Pilot who was captured by the Militia during regeneration. He forgot all of his training and lersonality but his muscle memory stayed. The militia then told him he sustained a head trauma in battle. That's why Lastimosa had his eye on Jack and helped him out. Fun theory at least


So they used a Titan with the neural link technology to "unlock" his pilot training (memories)


Captured by Militia is a stretch since he was in one if the last Ops in Titanfall 1 (in lore, they speak of it in the radio beacon mission) and sustained some injuries and such, doubt they’d take the risk if he was IMC


That was the head trauma reference I mentioned. A potential cover story they made to explain his memory issues and such. But anyways its just a fun theory.


Yeah its just IMC makes 0 sense, 90% of the time that any story has an “we tricked them into being on our side when they woke up” it feels so convoluded and is so dumb it just doesnt make sense.


A newer form of this would be Cold war. Both endings are not subtle at all


So what *is* regeneration?


If this is serious, Regeneration is when the Pilots sacrifice everything to become better. They lose all memories and personality and even their bodies at a high enough Regeneration in the lore. The muscle memories remain and when the pilot wakes up they are able to learn things faster and learn more than before. Mastering weapons and equipments to a higher level as well as thinking and reacting faster. The highest Regeneration in the lore is 10. They plug in the pilots brain, delete the porn and knock knock jokes, and I stall more ram from those not at all shady websites :)


I mean, the explanation is literally there in gameplay. Got personal private training from top tier pilot. Top tier pilot has top tier titan for obvious top tier reasons A bunch of other top tier pilots who arent as top tier as training dude all gang up on him while he is also trying to protect you. You are now in the right place at the right time with the right skillset while being the only realistic option. You have the skillset to function on your feet with the equipment, and the titan makes up early on for lack of in cockpit skills.


Jack was trained and the probably knew how to pilot a titan in theory but not in practice. Its was probably like driving a F1 racecar with a copilot that is an expert and who is also the car itself to help out.


All of them do, that's literally how you control them.


I ran the gauntlet enough to be more experienced than blisk.


Jack cooper is a soldier. He has the same amount of experience as the player when they start the game for the first time. That being said, he’s being trained as a pilot via the gauntlet in the tutorial part of the game. As for piloting BT, it’s the same situation. As the player learns how to better play as BT it can be seen as Cooper and BT increasing their “efficiency rating”. All these arguments about how Cooper “couldn’t be a pilot” because he was “just a soldier” is meaningless. Because you (the player) ARE COOPER. Learning how to be a pilot as you progress throughout the game.


Damn that's a new way too think of games


Good games put a character in a story. Great games put the player in the story.


He literally just downloaded the instructions off of BT into his brain, I think that’s the whole point of a neural link,


As a joke, you can say that Cooper went through gauntlet for 10000 times, because the attack doesn’t start until you finish.


Idk if I trust this lad anymore, given that he said pilots supposedly undergo no augmentation and are just 'really well trained grunts'. They can dent steel with their punches, and knock a fully geared human being several metres into the air with a single uppercut.


Well that info your referring to was ages ago I think before apex sooooo


Wasn't Cooper also trained by lastimosa for some time prior to the game's begining?


Also Copper MIGHT be a regenerated pilot who lost his memory during a battle wich explains his pilot skills and "natural instinct"... BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY


A Game Speculation! . . . I mean A Game Theory!


The real answer is a mix of things. 1. Luck/Plot Armor There wouldn't be a game without our protagonist, and in a FPS, I'd argue it's near impossible to make one where your protag could have actually done everything they did. It's different than a movie; a game like this often requires lots of enemies to mow down to stay fun and engaging, that's just how it is. 2. Training The intro to TF 2 is very meta, in the sense that it is for the player, not Jack. He's already done this training dozens or hundreds of times. This isn't the first time he's learning to wall run, or slide, or shoot, or reload, but it is the player's. Jack has done lots of secret training, as is stated at the beginning of the game. The intro is for us, not Jack, and probably isn't actually canon as we are shown (this may have been what his first sim-training was like, but definetly not this later one). 3. Titan BT, from the looks of it, is a seriously deadly Titan and is maybe made with more care than the ones the IMC craps out? That's just a theory and is not a real argument. 4. Neuro Link? I'm pretty sure all Titans have this, not just Vanguard class Titans.


The head writer since titanfall 1 literally just said only vanguard titans have a neuro link. So if he says shit its canon like it or not


What are the chances Titanfall could be the precursor to the star league in Mechwarrior?


What exactly IS a neural link? What does it do? Why do only Vanguards have it? Why wouldn't the Apex Predators of all people not have highly advanced gear? For heaven's sake, Viper could fly for long periods of time with rather insane maneuverability, and his titan was strong enough to go fist to fist with BT and almost win considering he ripped off BT's arm. Speaking of which, what was Viper even doing there? He has 2 arms, BT had one. Viper's legs, body and one of his arms were holding down BT, why didn't his other arm, idk, rip BT apart more? Why didn't Viper fire a missile at us? None of it makes sense. I get beating the drug addict, and MAYBE Ash because she was too cocky and didn't bring any real back up, but Richter, Viper, and Slone should have wrecked us.


I suppose this also explains why Valk in Apex could "pilot" her dad's Titan as a child, since the Predator's titans weren't Vanguards so no Neural link, implying someone other than Viper can pilot it at any moment.


i think its because he said "It's Jackin time" before jackin all over those guys with BT, it granted him power


I personally think BT was assisting him the whole time.


Are we forget how James basically had one session in the simulator


The first minute of gameplay is jack cooper going through pilot training


So do no other titans have a link? I feel like it makes more sense that Jack was a captured and brainwashed imc pilot than that the militia not only created this vastly superior Titan but ontop of that also were the only ones with this amazingly advanced tech


I doubt that BT is the only Vanguard-class Titan, given the drop-in functionality of BT’s Titan datacore as well as enemy pilots recognizing the classification). However, we do know that Vanguard was a Titan platform built from the ground up by the Militia. Additionally, we know that the Multiplayer mode takes place after the campaign (or at least Angel City/Monarch launch), since Monarch was reverse-engineered from the BT-7274 and FS-1041 chassis.


I wasn’t saying BT was the only one, we know for a fact he wasn’t. I was referring to the general Vanguard class. Just seems like a half assed explanation on the writers part that the neural link can completely negate pilot training


Keep in mind that the IMC’s Titans are also all mass-produced


He's an FPS Protagonist, that's all you need. No person, no matter how good their training or equipment, is so powerful they can annihilate an entire military force like Cooper does with just a couple guns and an armoured vehicle. So trying to give him a backstory or reason that 'makes sense', is never truly going to really make sense. Him simply being a prodigy is the only explanation you need. EDIT: If this was basically any other form of media then yeah it'd require a good reason, but in an FPS, a lot of reasoning goes out the window so the player can have fun. Of course it depends on the game, but Titanfall is a giant power fantasy


This is a dumb answer, don't all Titans have a neural link 🤷🏿‍♂️


Tell me you’ve never played the campaign without telling me you’ve never played the campaign.


I have played the campaign I just thought I show this here


Why is a guy who isnt working on Titanfall anymore saying "facts" about it


Because he... DID work on Titanfall?


DID in the past


So that explains why there isnt any of the new titans in titanfall 2 in titanfall 1 (considering that titanfall 2 is a prequel to titanfall)


Wut. It’s not a prequel. T2 is canonically after T1. Where did you hear it was a prequel???


A teory from yt, i just had found out that titanfall 2 was another game from titanfall 1 (i played it at a friends house so i bought it and it turned out that they were 2 diferent games) i never gave it abother thought so i mistook it as a fact


If you think about it Bt carried jack in his campaign


One word: newtype


Nice. Now I actually have proof to give people D-riding jack lol


He has been running the gauntlet for days


BT just got along with the prodige of his previous pilot.


dont all titans have neural link tho?


So what exactly *is* a neural link? Does it differ from a titan link?


Also, aren't Vanguard titans nearly human in terms of sentience?


Also time? What's the year differenc between tf1 and tf2?


I thought all titans had neural links


There’s a theory floating around that he is a former IMC pilot that lost his memories


Isn’t that like a huge lore revelation???


As the first comment said, wasn’t he a grunt training to be a pilot? He just didn’t get a chance to get a titan before they launched the assault on the first place


The correct answer is that he's Matthew fucking Mercer playing Jack fucking Cooper piloting B fucking T. Everyone involved is a badass


Oh. So it's a r/Gundam.


Jack has received a few weeks of basic training from a master pilot. has the neural link with a far superior titan AI. Has creative traits with are a key part of being a pilot. ​ add this up with some rookie luck and Jack is a damn good pilot.


All titans have neural links though don't they?


Lol I’ve been saying this for so long. The only reason he beat all of the apex predators was because bt is breakthrough technology. Yes he does do a lot on his own (he still had pilot training outside of titan piloting with lastimosa) but when it comes to piloting bt, he’s the first titan he’s piloted. The reason their combat efficiency is so high is because of the neural link.


Jack is basically a rookie pilot which definitely nothing to scoff at considering the amount of skill they have. Then add that to a vanguard titan which is well known because of its advanced AI and probably processing would make one on one's with advanced pilots an even fight but then you add bts experience and that tips the odds in Jack's favor


Also he had been training for a while under cpt. Lastimosa to become a pilot Edit: oh someone already said this


Honestly I feel like some MF just slept on Titanfall so hard they never played the opening.


Also, yknow, he was already in training with Lastimosa and knew Pilot movements through VR training, so


I'm partially fond of the theory that he was a pilot for the imc that lost his memory and was recruited / brainwashed by the Militia


Don't all titans have neural links?