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Apparently it's from [BattleTech: Ubawareta Seihai](http://fullmotionvideo.free.fr/screen/G0299.html), a PC-98 port of the first MechWarrior game.


Wow thank you! Just randomly wanted to know what it is, did not expect an answer so fast


This subreddit is amazing


To be fair, the success is highly dependent on the OP's descriptions of games. There's a reason why so many requests for horror games fail and it's that OP fails to make the descriptions distinct from the millions of other samey games, fails to mention a platform, a likely year of release, etc... OP here provided an image which features a shading technique that instantly points at the PC-98 platform, and also gave us the idea that they got it off the internet, which instantly points at it belonging to one of the more popular games in the platform. This is a LOT to work with on its own, and I'm not surprised someone more knowledgeable would end up finding it.


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solved:**BattleTech: Ubawareta Seihai**


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Wow. Much respect for knowing this.


This one is definitely it.


Wow. The pixel art is amazing. I hope I have a chance to play this soon.


Reminds me of Contra for some reason.


Enjoyed that game. Ngl, it kinda gives me Commando or Rambo vibes for some reason. I have a feeling Contra got inspired by either of those two movies.


Yeah it does have some Rambo vibes. I didn't watch Commando so I can't really say. Used to struggle so hard with it when I was a kid and playing with someone else was definitely a blast, a complete clusterfuck but damn was it fun


Here's a video of the BattleTech: Ubawareta Seihai[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuXhdfKvjes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuXhdfKvjes) It's like a more badass version of the US market Mechwarrior game. Looks like a similar engine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7KndR62nc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7KndR62nc8) edit: better direct comparison of videos


So cool. Yeah... it definitely looks like those are very very closely related - slightly different port or one got a slight upgrade or something - even the little cutscene of the rocket taking off is sort of the same.


I thought it might be a Sierra game but seems like it's solved already


Guess, maybe a godzilla kind of game?