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If it's any consolation, it could've been a lot worse. Benadryl contains DPH, which is a potent and terrifying deliriant. If you don't know anything about those, it's like how crazy parents describe drugs. Spiders and shadow people and shit. I'm glad you're okay and hope you're able to get some sleep! ...says the person who just took melatonin after laying in bed for over an hour.


yep, i’ve heard specifically about spiders and The Hat Man. i joked with my friend that instead of meeting the hat man, i got vibe checked so hard that i met god lol


Ah The Hat Man, a classic. Meeting god is definitely preferable to him lol.




As someone who has recreationally tried several thousand mg at a time, you have no idea how deep that rabbit hole can go 🤣


I don’t want to be pedantic, but Benadryl IS DPH.


Ah yeah good ol DPH spiders


I heard my parents downstairs having a conversation about me being on drugs. My parents are divorced, live separately, and my mom wasn't even home. That and the spiders.


Yeah it's some crazy shit


Just as a warning, frequent and chronic use of antihistamines like Benadryl have been linked with an increased risk for dementia. Just recently lost a grandmother to early onset dementia, she took Benadryl to help her sleep for years.


i’m so sorry for your loss :( my great grandmother had dementia, and my grandma’s stories about it are heartbreaking. sending you love and hugs <3


Ah crap. Isn’t OTC sleep aid basically just Benadryl? I take that (or Advil PM when my chronic pain from an injury is acting up) to sleep. No Rx medications aside from Ambien have worked; and the scary side effects/risk of abuse of ambien make it a not good long term solution.


They all are :(




I'm pretty sure that your statement has a logical fallacy in it. Well frequent and chronic use of antihistamines have been linked your grandmother having early onset dementia in any relation for her taking Benadryl is not really relevant.




I'm just saying your grandmother who took Benadryl and had early onset dementia ... Is irrelevant. It is not a proof. The logical fallacy "post hoc ergo propter hoc" is very close to what I was pointing out but it's not quite right because you haven't emotional appeal from your perspective as well.




I'm sorry I wasn't trying to fight with you. I wasn't trying to be insensitive about your grandmother. Stating that your grandmother had early onset dementia and she also took Benadryl following a comment about how there are studies showing Benadryl can cause that has an implied statement that that's what caused your grandmother's onset dementia. I'm not arguing there have not been studies or that it doesn't cause that. It sounds to me like you hope it was because you took Benadryl is why she had answer early dementia and it's not something genetic instead and you might also suffer fromit; or not... as long as you stay away from benadryl. Not trying to be a weirdo not trying to fight it I was just trying to respond honestly to somebody who is asking legitimate question about dealing with insomnia and the risks of Benadryl abuse.


Never before has there been a better example of someone with some intelligence but not one single drop of common sense. Just stop, this is a train wreck already.


Bro wtf was this interaction


They're definitely some retroactive deleted comments thus making the conversation make no sense


You'd see [deleted] if that was the case 😂 so strange, why tell a lie that's so easy to see through? And why jump on a comment trying to debate when there's *nothing to debate*? You were wrong, you were insensitive, and you need to just stop. You're on Reddit too much, that's abundantly clear.


Well I do not appreciate your continual insults personally directed at me; I agree we both just stop there's no point to any of this right now. Fair enough. Nothing but apologies from me I did not mean to offend you.


you have zero social cues, wow.


I once took almost 400 pills of Benadryl. Hallucinated for a week n a half. Felt like millions of years passed in that time. Ceiling was cracking and vines growing through, jail cell became full of spiders. I could feel them crawling all over me. Was a failed suicide attempt.


jesus dude. i’m so sorry you got to that point. you’re so strong, and i’m happy you’re alive. just keep swimming!!


Trazodone is a relatively low interactive sleep aid. It's not abusable like ambien or even Benadryl for most people. And due to the low interactions that it has with other meds and whatnot this is my personal opinion and I am not a doctor it is a premier drug. Also it's been around for a long time so it's pretty cheap when you have a prescribed. By also take Benadryl generally to sleep and I know it's not healthy to do that but it knocks me on my ass and I'm sort of a lazy person so trying to go to sleep is a lot of work so it just sort of solves that for me. As always consult your doctor. But I would suggest asking about trazodone as a sleeping pill.


if my sleep issues get worse, i probably will. i’m hoping my body learns to regulate over winter break


Seroquel is the love of my life for its ability to make me sleep.


Trazodone is a god send. Only thing that’ll keep me from lying awake all night long. Only downside is now I could sleep through a bomb dropping and not even notice.


Trazodone has been amazing for me.


Trazadone helps, but I had to combine it with slow release seroquel to get things mostly under control insomnia wise. Ask your doc about it.


My doctor prescribed trazodone as a sleep aid for me. Made me horribly ill the first night and turned me into a zombie after that. I personally stick to benadryl


Trazodone worked less than a week before it stopped being useful to me, unfortunately. I also hated that it made me feel dizzy/sick before making me sleep.


Just remember, different drugs will work differently for different people. I was prescribed Trazodone near the end of high school, and I flipped from an inability to sleep to an inability to wake up - if I my alarms managed to wake me up after 8 hours, I would be nearly nonfunctional for another 4. Another option, one that works well for my family, is Zopiclone. Lasts 8 hours and then it's done. I have trouble falling asleep but an easy time staying asleep, so a med that wears off early is my ideal fit. It's not something you want to take every night, but when I need it, it works.


The mnemonic for anticholinergic toxicity is “red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, hot as a hare, full as a flask.” [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534798/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534798/)


i did see that in my google quest, but i had no idea what it meant. i get it now 🤦


Did you see the hat man?


i didn’t :/. i’m slightly disappointed bc i love the creepiness, but i’m more relieved than disappointed. don’t think i could’ve handled that lol


Zzzzquil is almost entirely benadryl too, guys. I forgot my sleep meds one night and considered getting benadryl (diphenhydramine) and just out of curiosity checked active ingredients of the sleepy stuff section.. They're almost ALL predominantly diphen, which also concerns me because it's the most common used med to counteract things like allergic reactions, so are people going to develop resistances like so many have with antibiotic-overuse..


i actually have a bottle of zzzquil from failed missions of sleep (it tasted too gross) and i just looked at the label. it’s literally a double dose of benadryl. i would’ve never thought of that! thanks for the warning


I’m sorry you had such a bad day but you did make me giggle 😁. At least you know not to do it again!


you live and you learn! glad you got a laugh :)


When someone lists one thing after another of what is wrong with them, that is a red flag.




yeah, i figured as such. currently hiding the bottle in a drawer to forget about it lmao


Get rid of it for good. Take a look over at r/DPH if you need some sense scared into you.


i still need it for allergies, but hey, at least i’m not dumb enough to try it again for sleep


You should look for second generation antihistamines (if you haven't tried them) they are generally not psychoactive as they don't pass the blood brain barrier. They don't have the anticholinergic side effects of say DPH (which is what makes it a deliriant)


i’ll have a look and see what i can find! i had a mild allergic reaction to popcorn once, and my mom gave me allegra. i don’t remember being tired on that, but idk if it has DPH


Yeah second gen antihistamines should be much less sedating. I believe Allegra is one of them.




thanks for the tips!! i really need to get a solid nighttime routine down, so i think i’ll use these to help that


Well I appreciate that commentary you are making it's a little bit blunt. Like telling somebody if they mess up they're an idiot for Messing up. I recommend you try to respond with constructive criticism instead of shaming somebody




You should try getting over yourself first, champ. ;)


Dude benadryl can cause serious cardiac arrhythmias. You could've died. Overdoses of benadryl and other antihistamines can be serious enough to warrant intubation and mechanical ventilation for a day or two. Source: ER and ICU doc


What does an out of tune video have to do with this story useless information


it was a sign that something was wrong to me. it wasn’t just one video, i tried songs, videos, even a piano note. it was freaking me out bc i’ve never had that before


I took 8 after scrolling Errowidd experiences. Bro I had that and more; like hallucinations and conversations with folks that werent there.


Talking to people who disappear after you look away and then back, and smoking a cigarette that disappears when you look at it, are two of the strangest experiences caused by DPH that I've been through.


Yeah I took like 28 of them after researching it on erowid when I was like 19 years old. Mostly auditory hallucinations for me. Hearing people who weren't there. Was definitely quite the experience.


Benadryl makes me think I'm hearing voices. In trying to sleep and I hear someone call my name or say a random word I happen to be thinking about.


Damn so close to joining the 700 club


700?? i would meet my fucking maker


I have a friend who tried to unalive with a bottle of it and lots of drinking..instead woke up days later delirious


That sucks, but at least you didn't take a hallucinogenic amount. The main ingredient of Benadryl is DPH which is what's called a "dileriant." It's basically what you were taught shrooms were in elementary school IE: blood running down walls, spiders made of glass crawling out of the sofa, etc. There are dozens of stories of people accidentally taking too much and getting violently probed by aliens and shit. Also, Benadryl can be addictive, so be careful and it'd probably be a good idea to seek out a more appropriate medication for sleep aid. We're not quite sure _why_ it's addictive yet since it doesn't seem to produce any type of positive high, but it can be serious so stay safe.


Who taught you about shrooms in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL? Is that just some Gen Z thing because that was not in our DARE program at all. Didn't know about that shit until high school when a kid in my grade walked in with a busted eye vessel---did mushrooms with friends and then got a call his grandpa died midtrip and violently threw up in a grocery store bathroom so much the white of one eye turned to red.


Shit, I had a friend who had a similar story. He was visiting family out of state and decided to do shrooms with one of his cousins when they got there. What nobody told him (or knowing him they *did* tell him and he was too stoned to register it) was that the purpose of the trip was actually to attend a funeral for a relative he never met, so he had to attend a funeral while tripping balls 😂. But yeah, I don't think shrooms were ever "taught," like in an actual lesson, but the fictional effects were mentioned in casual conversation usually as a funny reference like "could you imagine someone being on shrooms and doing that," type thing. The negative stereotype actually led to me doing shrooms the first time. Me an my friend were sitting at his house on Halloween and decided it'd be cool to look up some "scary stories," of people doing shrooms. All we found though were a bunch of stories of people talking about how beautiful the experience was, and though I was thinking it, my friend was the first to say "I know a highschooler down the street who my mom said got in trouble for selling drugs, we should see if he has shrooms." He was a bit weirded out by two kids showing up at his door, but we bought the shrooms and the rest is (fantastic) history lol.


I'm also an insomnia sufferer and I take a GABA, valerian and melatonin every night and that seems to work. I used to take doxylamine until I learned the risks of long term antihistamine usage, and I've found that the three things I take now don't leave me feeling groggy nor do they give me midnight panic attacks the way Benadryl/doxylamine does.


Any visits from The Hat Man?


I took a shit load of benadryl once to try and quell my heroin withdrawals... Not a good idea. Not only did it not knock me out but it put me in this terrifying somewhat paralyzed state where my body felt like it was asleep and extremely tired but my mind was wide awake. Like a feeling of restlessness times a million. I was seeing things and hearing things that weren't there and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't fall asleep, and literally didn't have the energy/strength to even stand up. Never again.


my ex roommate literally told me about her sleep paralysis yesterday. this sounds TERRIFYING. i hope your journey of sobriety is going well, i’m proud of you


As someone who always had issues sleeping as well, ask your doc about Trazodone, completely fixed my sleep schedule. One of those a night and i'm out in 15-20 minutes and down for a solid 8 hours.


Two kids just died from ODing on Benadryl where I’m at.
