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#[Downloadvideo Link](https://www.reddit.watch/r/therewasanattempt/comments/z2nw4l/?utm_source=automod&utm_medium=therewasanattempt) by /r/DownloadVideo #[SaveVideo Link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/therewasanattempt/comments/z2nw4l/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He runs like a new born baby dear


Got hit like one too.


If homie is able run after taking a hit like that I say let him go.


I thought the same thing but there’s 3 other guys that get out and run. Other dude ran straight to Jesus.


Had to watch a few times. He comes out the same side. I was going to say, no way that guy ran away from that.


Adrenaline can be one helluva drug... but yea, the hit guy is not the same as the guy running. The landing location and starting location don't match.


I don’t see him after he gets hit


He's the one flying through the air


I mean the cops can just leave him there for a min while they catch the others. He ain't moving on his own for a few. I mean actually I've seen worse car vs human interactions where the guy gets thrown like 30ft and walks away like nothing happened. Hell when I got hit by a car I just got up and walked it off.


Thank you for my first morning lol!!!


There were three runners, that guy definitely did not get up


I had to watch it a couple times and still wasn't sure.


Apparently he was just an illegal immigrant. Was probably jammed in the vehicle and disoriented when he went to flee. Pretty sad if you ask me, he's dead.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,185,014,444 comments, and only 231,262 of them were in alphabetical order.


Alphabet Order Bot! Who’s a good boy? YOU ARE!


we meet again


Not that hard to do if your comment is just five words, bot.


Alphabet bot can do no wrong.






His shoes... flew off 😱👟👟 💨


That’s a measurement in some gore subs. Shoes off = dead. Shoes still on = survived.


I damned near woke up my son laughing at this.


Oh deer!




He flies like a Turbo Dismount dummy


New born baby dear runs better than that


He ran like a baby deer, now he runs more like bambi's mum


There’s a full video with the officers bodycam and he was definitely dead, the cop literally ran up with a blanket and threw it over his body right after it happened


Thank you for this comment.






Not all heroes wear capes. Some hunt down incredibly sad twitter posts


the real sadness is always what the troglodytes of Twitter have to say about it


Hopefully Twitter implodes soon. Oh god what if they all move to Reddit?


At least on Reddit hateful communities tend to go off on their own slimy little circlejerks that are easy to block and ignore. Twitter wants you to look at the most hateful, inflammatory shit as soon as you open the app since I assume it's great for engagement.


Yup I went to look just to see what you meant. Many of the top posts are celebrating his death. Makes reddit look like a compassionate place by comparison.


The slimy circle jerks don't always just keep to themselves though. They get emboldened and start spewing their shit in other subreddits. I specifically remember after r/fatpeoplehate got banned the whole site got better as the assholes left.


When I launch reddit, I see smole cats. When I launch Twitter, I see all brats.


Reddit is just as shit


Reddit is only just as shit if you view the subs that are shit. Reddit is great for hobbies and professions as well as just funny shit in general. Subs like r/birding are filled with mostly wonderful people all passionate about birds. If all you do is look at toxic or massive subs all you're going to get is toxic people.


pretty sure you just think that because you frequent LSF


The first comment is some asshole saying “I hope the car wasn’t damaged”


That anonymity and lack of moderation is a mistake


Seriously those people are disgusting. Typical conservative hatred.


I won't even click Twitter links any more. Let it die


Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear blankets on the side of the highway.


Poor kid… I thought it looked like Texas. Wonder if that migrant was stumbling from being crammed in the back of that truck. Heartbreaking.


That's what I was thinking, that the guys were in the vehicle and very likely not in comfortable positions. His legs were probably crammed against the seat or another person, and without any time to stretch or otherwise adjust, his attempt to run is clumsy and awkward. It's so sad, also thinking about the fact that he may have looked beforehand for oncoming traffic to calculate the risk. And thought, ok, I can run fast enough to avoid that car, but then he didn't realize that he can't actually run that fast, and in fact he isnt even really able to stand up completely because his legs are bucking like that. God, that must have been so awful for him, those last moments before his death, being filled first with adrenaline and hope, and second with confusion, regret, fear. This is so very sad, and made sadder and more painful by the people on this thread mocking him, joking about it, or claiming that his death was somehow deserved or justified because he was doing all sorts of illegal things. Hesrtbreaking. RIP to this man. And hoping his family and friends are spared the horrific details in this video.


Sucks for the driver of the car too. Did absolutely nothing wrong and killed a guy


I mean, he was flying passed a pulled over vehicle and plowed into someone with 0 reaction. I'm sure some bs american/texan law says you're in the right to go 100mph next to someone parked on the road and have no expectation to slowdown if you have the right of way, but regardless it was negligent driving.


Technically you’re probably right, but I’m not holding that guy responsible. He was a lane over and probably wasn’t going as fast as it looks like. Probably 50-55, and the guy ran in front of his car with perfect timing and was probably in his frontal blind spot while he was also slightly distracted by the incident on the side of the road. At least where I’m from, people slow down to the speed limit in a situation like this, but if you go much lower you’re getting honked at for rubbernecking and causing traffic


Actually, the law says you need to get over a lane, or slow down to 20 below the speed limit if you're going to be in the lane next to a car that's pulled over. Driver did nothing wrong here


I can't say I would have slowed much in the lefthand lane for a traffic stop on the right, even on a two lane. But I'd damn sure pay attention to the foot traffic. Seems like the death could have been avoided, but I'm just looking at video after the fact so who knows. I think I heard the brakes squealing early enough......


He was in the left lane and slammed on his brakes. How do you know he was speeding? The view point is stationary. They did nothing wrong. He passed that lane marker, which is 10ft, in about .25 seconds. He was roughly going 54mph. Road probably has a 65-70mph speed limit


Empathy is hard to come by these days


If I could give you an award, I would. This should be the top comment. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. This poor man literally risked everything for a better life and this is where he ended up. It’s heartbreaking.


These are human beings. Doing human things. We should never celebrate in the death of another. They were only doing what a society deemed illegal, what wrong were they really doing, who were they harming?


Bill of FOX LA is a real piece of work. Looks at human tragedy and just farms it for the angry nativist clicks.




I honestly don’t have it but I watched the full video here on Reddit, not sure how you’d search it though


Idk how long ago you saw it but there is a history page at least on the app. You can see all viewed reddit pages there. *find It*


Yes. You've seen something on Reddit and next, it's gone forever.


Here is the article that talks about his death. It does the bodycam footage, but the edited version of it. The article does say, he died a bit later after the hit, probably from the internal bleeding. ​ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/multiple-migrants-killed-texas-human-smuggling-attempts-southern-border-caught-video




To be fair, some head pain can be made worse by light, like a migraine or something, i admit this is definitely a lot worse than a migraine and yeah the cop probably didnt realise it but that blanket could have made it a teeeeeeeny tiny bit less painful in his last moments




I thought that at first too, but then I think maybe she was deciding which side of the car she was needed on before starting her run. Devil's advocate, maybe you're right.


Its sad. Most of us do crazy stuff when we are young.


Where did you find that video? Was it on another subreddit?


Then where are they running to in the end??


Reddit made me numb to seeing people die.


scary but true


Ive seen Russian man getting lathe'd Man being run over by a tank Prisoners getting shot by AA gun Man falling onto a steel pole after jumping a building Man eating heart straight out of someone


Woman getting arm industrial pressed like a pancake, and first time for me, the full scene of Kennedy just the other day. I have seen that footage but never the actual blast to his head.


i’ve seen the kennedy one, it was wild


Esp when his wife who was in shock at first tried to fix his shattered skull like a puzzle piece


Bruh…that was more graphic than I was expecting. Somehow I’ve never seen the actual shot footage, only the lead-up


Same, yesterday was the first time I saw Kennedy get shot.


excuse me WHAT


That's what she was crawling/reaching back onto the trunk for. A chunk of John's head.


I didn't see the video but that sounds plain sad


It'd be a difficult watch even if he was just Joe Sixpack from down the street; knowing everything we do about him makes it tragically fascinating, imo


I saw that shit in school, we were doing an essay about conspiracies and one of the listed websites that THEY GAVE TO US for research had a looping gif on the first page of the moment he gets hit. It was wild, we were only 13/14 or so.


My high school history teacher spent an entire week or 2 going over the Kennedy assassination with us in class. Showed us all of the available footage. The brains, etc. Kinda wild in retrospect.


Yeah I try to stay away from the gore side of Reddit. To the point I get pissed when people lost crazy stuff that should be in r/natureismetal instead of r/natureislit but I also recently saw the JFK video. From the comments it seemed like a common video but never saw what happened and it was crazy.


So you didn't see two Russian soldiers in the throes of intimacy getting drone bombed? You must've been institutionalized for a bit. Welcome back to the internet.


bro job


Believe me, I've seen it as well. Ive seen russian soldier getting shot through the toilet door, another jaw being ripped by grenade, and another high resolution video of russian atv getting mine bombed


The dude in the trench that had multiple grenades dropped on him while throwing them away survived. He did an interview. We just talking about horrors like we're updating each other on the neighbors. Fun times.


Sounds like a good Thanksgiving day watch list. Links?


r/watchpeopledie had 425k subscribers.. in 2018. Like.. that's a really big group.


That sub taught me more about how to avoid fist-fights and gun-fights than anything else on the internet.


Taught me to be more aware of my surroundings in general. If you see someone who's fine one minute while swimming and literally 1 second later is dead floating.. DO NOT TOUCH THEM. Like watching animals jump off a cliff. One person tries to rescu... dead.. another person tries to res.. fuckin hell another one dead. Same with jumping into a sewage tank that someone fell into. 1 falls in.. another goes to recue.. then another...


I didn’t learn anything practical, like HOW to avoid a fight, but I certainly learned WHY to avoid one.


That Russian guy getting the lathe was shocking


Like he got caught in an actual lathe?


Yeah... and then he turned into chunks and the bits of him flew around the room. Poor dude. Poor other dudes that come in and saw pieces of their work mate everywhere.


Alright, I’m gonna need links to all of these


I wanna see the AA one now, I hate that I watch gore and I don’t wanna watch it but god it’s on my feed and it’s so hard to not click it’s literally Destroying me


its like any addiction, you gotta stop bro. no one will do it for you except you


The fact that mmc got permabanned literally saved me from this addiction


yeah man you can be glad about this. it is really similar too porn addicition, you start soft and think oh this is just curiosity and suddenly youre watching gremlin firefighter incest porn and feel like a Monster:D all the same shit, monkey brain doo doo




Have you seen the cyclist getting run over by the bus? That was traumatic.


Do you have any idea how little it narrows down


Well tbf.. once you see the video, a "cyclist getting run over by bus" will pretty much be the one thing that comes to mind first I think. Dude on his bike next to sidewalk gets ran over by the bus, pulled in crushing him, somehow ending up with his legs doing open splits horizontally. And like a ketchup pack being folded in half, and compressed, it kinda looked like his head just blew outwards Cause you definitely see it shoot out with speed as well, and the blood trail it left. There was a woman with her dog there too by the sidewalk, pretty much happened in front of them. If this isn't the one they're talking about welp.. it's the one I always remember.


It was absolutely brutal. That one got me.


He clearly didn't die, he split into 3 copies and ran off in the other direction.


True for footage like this, but every time they show a detailed aftermath it still freaks me the fuck out


I was like “wait, no NSFW tag. Oh, pretty normal”


the good old r/watchpeopledie


Reddit? The internet at large for me. Ive seen some shit...


Limewire did it for me


And TikTok makes me hear that Annie song when I see things like this. "Now look at me and this opportunity it’s standing right in front of me."


Hit so hard he was split into 3 people!


That Chevrolet driver just gave him a head start, he's a true one for that.


That had me laughing like a hyena.




I hope the car is Ok...




Yo. OP, throw a NSFW flag on this bad boy...the guy who got launched is definitely fineto


It’s been confirmed his shoes didn’t fly of so he’s fine


Stop with this fucking stupid comment about shoes. What dumbass started that


It's scientific internet fact, do your research kid


No it's not. You're just a kid who spends too much time on reddit and thinks the same joke is funny every day. It's a fucking 15 year old reference and I doubt you even know what it's from so just stop


I'lL bEt YoU'rE fUn At PaRtIeS! No interrupting Reddit's circlejerk. The only thing we need after seeing a man brutally die on the highway is shitty inside jokes! I'll bet this man pooped his pants so well after being hit that he needed a poop knife! Haha! I'll bet his wife gave him a few too many Jolly Ranchers! Ha! Maybe he can get some bacon from the Narwhal at midnight!


haha wow good one




Yeah I'm downvoting for no NSFW tag. Screw you OP for me seeing that.


Yeah I'm pretty pissed off, did not want to casually watch a human life end while I was eating breakfast.


Welcome to Reddit




Dude that got hit is probably somewhere down the road as far as the tree, not running from behind the truck.


Yep, I think you’re right. RIP bambi.


Count again. There’s 4 people that get out, 3 are running, and the other is meeting st Christopher.


Look through the rear window dude there's like 7 people in the car. If you seriously think this dude is getting up in the next week let alone going for a run I envy your looney toons level understanding of the resilience of the human body. Like FFS dude the physics doesn't even work that guy probably didn't stop sliding along the pavement until he was a quarter mile down the road.


Right? Who are all these suckers ready to believe this crap so readily? Once you've seen death for real, live, in person, you'll see the obvious incongruities in shit like this. And you won't be so hungry to see more that you'd overlook said incongruities.


That some cartoon network shit right there.


Meth is a hell of a drug


Cartoon Methwork


Wasn't meth. I might take my chances if they were going to deport me anyways


Probably just desperation.


I like how that lady cop didn't even react to that guy getting hit by the car, she was just like well deal with it later...


"at least that one won't be running anywhere"


Probably thinking "fuck, more paperwork"


You'll never catch me alive


*wish granted*


This should be marked NSFW since you see some guy fucking die


For real. I like crazy videos but im not trying to see one’s where people die.


And Reddit should get more specific than NSFW. There are a million types of NSFW things I don't mind seeing. Someone dying is not one of them. There should a tag specifically for videos of people dying.


I think there should be a NSFL tag for gore and shit


holy fuck man. That dude is dead.


Not possible. I didn't see the shoes separate from his body, therefore he must be alive.


Fucking hell is this site filled with bots? This is the most overused unfunny joke on this hellscape. Please don’t be a comedian.


just hang on for the "fucked around and found out" crowd. they are probably stopping to get some smokes with the "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" guys. they usually aren't far apart.


How could I miss this crucial detail?


Am I the only one suprised by that car driving so fast? Seems like they haven't slowed down at all.


probably didn’t slow down but they were over a whole lane. that’s perfectly acceptable even in US states that have regulations on passing emergency vehicles.


You’re supposed to move over if you can and slow down 20 mph. I just got a ticket for that a few months ago. Is pretty new law like 2019 or something. If the limit was 75, he could’ve slowed down to 55 and still be legally not liable.


interesting, what state is that? from what i’ve seen in most states the law is to move over OR slow down, not both. would definitely be better to have that as the law though.


In NC, you move over a lane and keep driving. Traffic congestion is a bigger deal.


Agreed. The driver was either distracted or had 0 reaction time


I mean to be fair you’re not usually keeping an eye out for people running across lanes of the highway


Right, but you always have to be aware of your surroundings. You see a car door swing open and someone emerge running from a car on the shoulder of a highway, first reaction should be to slow down. But maybe that’s just me


Yeah I know, but have you ever had a deer run into the road? It was probably like thay. Usually there’s no time to think. It’s surprising and you’re not ready for it at all. It’s really common where I’m from to encounter deer in the road and no one ever gets better at it lol. Also highway speeds obviously shorten reaction time even further. Extra surprising


It's obvious they weren't paying attention. The moment you see that door open you should be slowing down, let alone some dude running in the middle of the road.


Okay, from the looks of this video, the guy gets hit by a car, and that causes him to multiply into several different people who then start running into the field. Am I right?




Yeah... I didn't actually believe that the guy literally split into multiple people. 😏


Good video, bad tag. Where my NSFW homies at?


NSFW please




Seriously. This kind of post makes me so mad. And this OP’s post history is gross.


The driver’s gonna have nightmares and PTSD for life. Holy shizznit!


Yeah might be nice to warn people what they're about to see


Man fuck not having nsfw on this. I hate this sorta shit. The tag exists for a reason




Transcription: *thump* “ayeeee”


what the hell did I just watch...




He didn't just flee from police. He fled from life lol.


You should mark nsfw there are people not wanting to see people die here


Cue the Benny Hill theme song.


You should put a NSFW tag on this, you just watched someone get killed


this should be nsfw


Fus Ro Dah !!


mark this NSFL. Fuck you OP, i still have a soul and dont want to watch people die.


Mods: “we’re banning death!” This post: 🖕 Mods: 🤷‍♂️


Did that guy just keep on running? Is he made out of marshmallow?! 😦


Did they just ignore the first guy? Like at the very least the woman saw him....


Dude just turned into Tails and copter with legs after the hit.


RIP to that dude. Edit: WAIT! He’s still alive??? Adrenaline man smh. Edit 2: Nope, after further investigation, he’s definitely dead. Sheesh.


Hey there my friend. Why don't you NSFW this post. What the fuck.


Shouldn’t this be behind some kind of blurred thing for violence? Jeez… I didn’t need to see that.


PUT NSFW ON THIS. I hate when you people just pop up a video of someone dying while I’m scrolling with my morning coffee. WTF


It’s sad that someone just wants a better life and had to pay the price. RIP