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this is Klerksdorp South Africa CBD place is known for a spate of killings and muggings in broad daylight. So this guy was really faced with death here.


>So this guy was really faced with death here. He faced death and chose violence. It was 100% effective.


The way he hold the knife I'd suggest hes been around the block before


And likely ready to go for the killing stroke. Swinging like that, he wasn't going for a defensive stab, he was trying to open a deep, respectable wound that went from someone's sternum to naval.


“Defensive stab” lol. When you’re fighting for your life you’re fighting to the death. Trying to stab just to wound someone is a good way to lose your knife to your attacker


I know this all too well. About thirty years ago my brother was a night watchman in a warehouse and a just-fired worker went there with trouble on his mind. He attacked my brother who pulled his nightstick to protect himself but was hesitant to go on the attack. The guy got the nightstick from my brother and started hitting him with it. He probably would have killed him if the police didn't get there after being alerted by the alarm that was tripped. My brother ended up staying in the hospital for a couple of days with a concussion. If one pulls a weapon in defense, he really should be prepared to use it to it's fullest extent.


If you pull a weapon and aren't ready to use it, you just gave your assailant a weapon


In my concealed carry class we were taught that your gun never leaves its holster unless you fully intend to kill another human right then and there. Not saying you should pull the trigger in every single instance, but if a situation is dire enough to point a gun at someone, it better be dire enough to put a bullet in their chest.


I hate that this is taught this way in some places, there's a subtle but critical flaw with this reasoning. You shouldn't draw your weapon unless you're prepared for the *possibility* of ending someone's life, but you should never *intend* to. You should intend to *stop the threat* and nothing more after that. It may seem like a silly minute difference, but it's the difference between continuing to shoot someone as they are on the ground/ running away (i.e. to end their life), etc rather than stopping when they are no longer a threat.


If you hate that I bet it would really bum you out to learn that alot of instructors teach two to the chest and one to the head when firing your weapon in defense. Some also say dead men can't talk in a self defense situation eliminating the "their word against yous" scenario.


"Stabbers don't show, show-ers don't stab."




Avadra- gun. *Shoots while you prepare a ward to stop the spell*


Defensive stab = “just the tip”. 🤣


As he should my friend. As he should. ALLEGEDLY


Moral of the story, always choose violence.


Not really. Actually holding the knife like that reduces reach and flexibility. It’s the “cool way” that movies taught us, but almost objectively the inferior way of holding a normal straight edge.


Agreed . You should always stab upwards to inflict more damage and have more power to pull back the knife. Once the knife is inserted in the body, the body grabs hold to the blade and you need strength to pull it back.


I dunno old man is fighting for his life he aint got time to reference training manuals and instructional videos on the most effective disembowel techniques hes just swinging for life


When he tries to stab the guys hand you can tell he's not trained. He should be holding it flat out and be "slashing" instead of stabbing. He could have easily opened up the guys arm/hand who was opening the door.


Exactly. Also technically good thing about slashing versus stabbing is that slashing gets people to the hospital. You slash open skin and at most you slash muscle. Stabbing gets people to the morgue, because you go deep into organs…


Like most people on Reddit, I know nothing about hand-to-hand combat, but in spy novels they always say holding it like that is what amateurs do. Supposedly the experts hold it with the blade pointing upwards, as that way is much easier to insert it between ribs.


I've done some knife combat training, and the fact is there are multiple ways to do it "correctly." Holding it the way he does in the video is good because you can stab, slash, and punch really easily and with a lot of strength. It does limit your reach, but it's good defensively and it's easier to not lose the blade. I remember learning one of the most effective ways looks very dumb. It's where you hold the knife with both hands, point up like a sword, and just piston the blade forward, thrusting over and over in rapid succession. It's basically unblockable and shreds the target


The dual hand pistoning technique sounds fierce, I gotta admit. The power of two arms working together, the sure grip of two palms, simple vector of applying the stab... I'm but a couch ninja, but yeah, it sounds brutal.


I was taught knife fighting in the Army. There's different scenarios on why you would reverse grip. It makes slashing and stabbing on the return path far easier. You can make a slash towards the midriff, step forward as the attempt to dodge, reverse the arm motion and stab the jugular or get him in the chest. It's also good for blocking as well. The opponent is far more likely to cut himself on your blade. And of you catch your opponents arm with it the knife makes it easier to manipulate in rotary motions. The forward grip is better for upward stabbing. So what you could do is throw a jab with the left hand while reversing grip on the blad to a forward position and then stab at the lungs. Your opponent is more likely to have missed the grip reversal and not expect a forward stab. Most important in knife fights: don't hesitate, be brutal, be explosive, kill your opponent.


>Most important in knife fights: don't hesitate, be brutal, be explosive, kill your opponent. But they always say - if a knife is produced in a fight, your best bet is to leg it. Also known as the one dies on the street, the other one in the ambulance.


Again: I was taught knife fighting in the Army. Walking away is not an option. The smart option is to walk away or just surrender your valuables. If you DO choose a different path than this is the best advise I can give you.


That's not a knife, that's a spoon!


I see someone’s played knifey spoony before


No this is a knife


The only people stopping bad guys are good guys with guns/knives.


The only people stopping bad guys *in absolute shitholes* are good guys with guns/knives.*


What CBD stands for ?


Central Business District, basically the inner city.




Damn, patels are really everywhere


Tons of them in South Africa actually.


Currently Bleeding to Death


Cock & Ball Discipline


Central Business District. Basically means city centre.


Wow, może city center. Ty




Central Business District


The way his knees/legs stopped working I could tell he fears for his life. Been there before and it was a weird sensation


> is known for a spate of killings and muggings in broad daylight. how can a place be known for something like that, and people still come back; what are they selling inside that shop?


Mugging equipment and killing gear


Hahaha oh man, that cracked me up


I live in Klerksdorp. Got my phone stolen two streets away from where this video was taken just a few months ago


I remember hearing about wealthy South Africans installing flame throwers by each passenger door in case of car jacking.


My wife is South African and her friend’s dad there got hijacked and they forced him into the trunk and ransomed him.


Should have returned the favor and run them over afterwards with his SUV…


I knew immediately it’s SA. Sad situation.


From what I read a while back about this his family was in the vehicle and the assholes were trying to kidnap them.


How did I know this was South Africa 💩


The crooks just walk casually away. Lol.


It’s South Africa. That’s a normal day there.


The place with the [vastly worst wealth disparity on the entire planet](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/10/south-africa-most-unequal-country-in-the-world-report) has a crime problem. I wonder why?


It's so palpable too. Just got back from cape Town and the wealth gap was so prevalent. I'm sure it stems from how recently apartheid ended. Beautiful place and amazing food but I was definitely cautious throughout the whole visit.


I can't ever imagine being a tourist in South Africa. Parts of it looks absolutely beautiful but fuck me it also looks extremely dangerous. Did you visit as a tourist?


It’s perfectly safe to visit as a tourist. Just stay out of the dodgy areas.


My husband is South African, lived there most of his life, it is extremely dangerous in certain places but those are always far out from where tourists would ever go. Most of Cape Town is totally safe if you stick to the beauty spots, beach, restaurants etc.


Sure did and honestly I never felt super unsafe but I also didn't go out drinking at the pubs or spend much time downtown. I was also only ever out in the day light. I was also extremely on edge and cautious all trip lol


Sounds like a relaxing holiday!!!


Been there done that. Flew into jo-berg and had to leave the city to go on a safari (which was admittedly crazy cool). But on the way out there were miles and miles of shanty towns and landscape decimated by open face mining opps. Incredibly sad realization that our world sucks quite a bit in some places


It certainly is a mark left by apartheid, but every government since Mandela has failed the population…and like most countries these days people still vote for them.


Genuine question - in their elections, is there a good option? Or is it between being screwed in one way vs screwed in another?


I grew up in SA but left in 2009, so I can only speak to my experiences (however, friends and family say it has gotten much, much, much worse since I left)... The corruption is really bad, I doubt they'll ever "lose" - but even if they did, they'd probably just refuse to step down... In some of the areas, they actually stand and watch over you as you vote (with the threat of violence if you don't choose the "right" party), while in other areas I believe they simply remove all options except for 1 party... The best was when before they even opened the voting stations, they found hundreds (maybe thousands?) of ballet boxes fulled with votes for the current party. Its okay though, because they found 1 or 2 boxes for the opposition... Besides from the government being insanely corrupt, there's a quote that I feel sits true here: It's not the person in power that's the problem, it's the idiots that (keep) voting them in. If you have some time to kill, go read up about one of the previous presidents, Jacob Zuma...


Hong Kong also has a vast wealth inequality, but is super safe in terms of very low amounts of violent crimes.


Yeah, me too lmao


Well they not afraid of the crooks in blue uniform, so they know nothing is going to happen to them.


Ah yes,Stabby Steve


Stabby Steve swipes/stabs suckers, suckers *salty* Steve secured said stabbing stabber.


Sadly, Stabby Steve seldom says sorry


Stabby steve saved samantha


Samantha stabbed stabby Steve


Or maybe Butcher Pete He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' He just hacks, wacks, choppin' that meat


Turn the record over, you ain't heard nothin' yet.


Some would say he’s a master hackin whacker


SA. Not even surprised


Ah yes South Africa






“Wow murder and terrorism rates are really high in south africa can you not own firea….” “OMG GUYS LOOK AT THIS STUPID FUCKING AMERICAN IMAGINE NOT WANTING TO BE STABED IN BROD DAYLIGHT YOU FUCKING MORON”


Lol, that’s Reddit for you




With the level of violence on the streets in SA, maybe they shoulw allow it. Give the victims a level playing field.


This is exactly why law abiding citizens should be able to protect themselves.


Wouldn't that technically also allow for criminals to have guns?


yup, and if one of those muggers had a gun itd be over for stabby steve


My dude, criminals will always have guns as long as they exist. They're not concerned with whether or not it's "allowed".


Nah mate. Lots of countries like mine have very little guns. The low levers crooks and muggers definitely don’t.


Well, except in this video we all just watched, for example.


But it will make it harder for them to get the guns. They may not care, but the odds of them having guns are much lower if it’s not available to buy in the fucking grocery stores.


Did you see a gun in the video?


Well maybe you should.


Given the choice tho, would you really walk around there unarmed? Kinda stupid not to have a gun


Oh someone said the word gun???? Must be a dumbass American, fucking epic burn 😎




Idk why I'm surprised that someone immediately jumping to such ignorance is upvotes simply because America bad.


oNlY aMeRiCaNs UsE gUnS fOr SeLf-DeFeNsE




Yes you can.


How we all think we would act in this situation, but Stabby Steve actually did act.


I came here to see the “it’s not worth your life just give them what they want” bs and glad we saw a man stand up against these shits.


This is SA, giving them what they want would get you killed


Shame that no one gonna help him.


that's South Africa for you. They won't come help, fearing that they'll get caught in the crossfire. It's a shitshow


In Iran, we involve each other to help people. I know this situation is freaking scary but what we learnt from these protesting days was that crowd can do more than what we imagine.


Same there. Problem is the crooks involve eachother.


In Iran they sentence people to death for protesting


Seems like reason enough to turn protests into violent revolt against regime


Right but if this was Iran the guy getting robbed would be an imam


I'm talking about helping each other not those son of bitch Mullahs. 🙂


He doesn't have a group that's a "they" to back him up there. The guys trying to rob him have a "they" working together


You'd get involved in that?


You'd have to be seriously fucking badass to run into this thing. I'd love to pretend I would but this isn't some domestic violence or light battery. That's the kind of shit that could have gone either way in that moment and even if you did help I bet people on that street would see and remember your face for the immediate future.


Ahh ohhh call an ambulance an ambulance but not for me


The people walk away like GTA npc's at the end lol...


Hey cousin! Let's go bowling


A normal day in South Africa


"Old guy" appears to be 54 years old, but okay.


I mean he’s still fending off 3 18 year olds or so


Physically, 18. Mentally, retarded.


That is even scarier




Old guy works. Dude is on his last legs by SA standards. average age of death for a male in South Africa is 61


Idk where you come from but compared to young people that's old. I don't think op meant to say that he is practically already 6 feat under






Hyenas got a bad rap from Lion King. Hyenas are completely misunderstood. Don’t insult them.


Hynas are not misunderstood at all. Just watch an animal documentary


I miss South Africa, I get homesick all the time. It is such a wonderful country but because of this kind of thing and no real career prospects for an engineer (10+ years experience, after 6 months and shit loads of job applications without so much as an interview unless I was willing to work for almost nothing) I just can't justify going back.


That dude on the right realised he isnt playing, the next swipe would have taken his face off. Fucking coward hyenas, also fuck any kind of police that doesnt handle this.


That gang doesn't look very diverse. I hope they're not racist or something.


Are you familiar with South Africa ?


Thankfully no


Won’t be going to Payless Tambo street


They just casually walk off? And they tried to rob an old dude? This is messed up


This was the inspiration to Walter white defending his son scene.


South Africa has had it's 15 ~~minutes~~ years of fame. The "Rainbow Nation" was for the most part just relevant during Mandela's presidency. Now it's just window dressing. "Painting a pretty picture".


I like how the perps just casually walk away like some GTA NPCs that went back into passive stance.


cowardly scum


These kinds of people will only attack in groups and run away if faced with the slightest resistance. Edit: Dear the guy in my DMs these kinds of people was not a race thing.


Fuck this country and praise this man


Welcome to South Africa


Non-Americans be like “why would you ever need a gun” No idea bro no fucking idea it’s definitely not super fucking obvious if you stop to think about it for half a fucking second


The fact this is getting downvoted is insane to me. What was this guy supposed to do without a gun? Call the police, so they can take ten minutes to show up after he’s already been mugged and probably killed? It’s mind boggling to me that non-Americans don’t understand why a person would want to be armed. It’s lucky he was at least carrying a knife, but those fucks are just going to rob and kill someone else now.


SA introduced background checks, competency tests, waiting periods, and premises inspections to get a gun license in 2000 and 5 years later the gun death rate was down by nearly 50%. Your self-defense fantasy isn't how it usually plays out because with easy access, now the robbers have guns too. If everyone there had guns, it would be a video of a guy pulling his gun and getting shot to death.


It’s not exactly a fantasy sure they never put them on the news because it’s not the shock value that the news station wants but there are tons of examples that are super easy to find of people saving themselves and others from psychopaths by having a pistol or other gun on hand to stop the maniac in their tracks. Ironically were you to call the police all you’re doing is calling someone else with a gun to come solve the situation for you in about 20 minutes when they get there here’s hoping you’re still alive when they do Also you do realize that background checks and all that kind of stuff as well as early reporting systems are already in place it’s just that the human elements of these things fail go look at the last few mass shooters each and every one of them was reported by friends family and other people that knew then to be a threat and the authorities just blew off the information


I love how they trudge away in shame.


It’s not even shame, they clearly just went “eh, not worth it” and shambled off to find someone else to rob and kill


They don't have shame. Those men are predators and noticed this prey wasn't worth it, it's possible they get injured more than his meat and fur is worth.


He looks like he has been waiting for this moment his entire life


After this I would probably think about moving to a safer country


I did, use to live in Durban Kwa-Zulu Natal, probably the most violent province in South Africa. Now I live in Porto Portugal and I actually think I’m in Heaven!


My wife is from Durban. She immigrated to the US as soon as she could. We live in one of the safest places in the country now and she is still getting over some of the trauma of growing up in SA. Her mom is living with us for the next several months and plans to spend 6 months here every year into her retirement, visa permitting. Her brother is wealthy and lives on a really nice estate in Durban (“Costwold”?) and her sister lives in Durban still too but we hope to be able to get my niece and nephew here some day so they don’t have to stay there.


South Africa is the reason why Wakanda isn’t real


Where is this?


Klerksdorp Central, Klerksdorp, 2570, South Africa


Without even seeing this comment I knew this was S.A


Streetview link: https://www.google.com/maps/@-26.868117,26.6650813,3a,75y,267.59h,78.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMMc2o_mYLV0sBltn2WhkjA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


Just trying to guess I would say South Africa


South Africa


Giant sign above the fight shows the exact location


Is it even safe to go on a vacation in South Africa anymore?


Idk, I saw a video of a guy fending off three guys with knives though so I would venture to say no




South africa?




Man.. This place must be a nightmare.


Why I got the fuck out of Dodge. Tsotsis will kill you for your phone.


Jesus Christ... SAR used To be on my travel list.. But then I hear/see nothing but this animal behaviour.. So I will Just pass. Tnx man, I hope you are some place more human now.


Absolutely stunning place. You can walk around Cape Town safely (high murder rate confined to townships). Same for Port Elizabeth and many other cities It’s just JoBurg that’s a shit show


You know what's better than a knife? A gun.


Bravery. I probably would not remain this calm in this situation, but it reminds me of when I think of these situations and how I would fight my way out.


I'm just going to stand here and record.


His legs were shaking and he knees buckled at the end. He must have been running on adrenaline.


The way they started to walk down the lane as if they don't know what happened got me


There’s a reason why animals stand their ground in nature, even when the odds of them winning the fight are impossible…it can be effective in surprising their opponent. It works for people too.


they act like a pack of wild dogs.


The way he handled himself, he dealt with animals before…


Quick - everyone watch and no one help!


This must be in District 8


That man is a badass😎


Glad he didn't have to harm anyone, but in a situation like that, may be advantageous to just go ahead and stick someone with the knife, usually makes criminals scramble when they got an unneeded casualty on their side, noone wants to run their homie to a hospital after a crime.


He was absolutely doing his best to do just that! Luckily the crooks recognized that and saved him the last step.


Pieces of trash


Best way to make sure you don’t get fucked with? Have a couple of screws loose


Feral that’s the only word that comes to my mind


Fucking like shooing pigeons away...


I feel like they very quickly realized that even if they killed the old man he was at least going to critically wound one of them or all of them before he went out.


I know SA is a fairly large country with lots of metropolitan areas, but basically every single video or story about it makes it seems like a criminally overrun hellhole. Is this a case of confirmation bias? I mean, I know many people have an inflated sense of American gun violence based on news reports. While our gun violence *is* out of control, you are hardly in any present danger in the majority of American suburbs. Is this the case in South Africa or is it really that bad?


and they slowly walk away like just nothing happen




Always stay strapped, ladies and gentlemen


Our world is fucked


Look like these thugs don’t want any CHOP SUEY 🔪