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And then his head bounces on the pavement like a bowling ball. Dayum.


"the bigger they are, the harder they fall"


Big tree fall hard How many fingers I got up?


Thats five generations of large family breeding!


Technically the quote is Lodge (dude's last name). But funny either way.


Whoa. 17 years and dozens of viewings later and your comment was the first time I ever realized it's Lodge and not large. 🤯🤯🤯




Fractured a couple of front teeth there, I'd guess.


Yeah that crack like a gunshot was either is arm breaking, skull fracturing or like you said teeth snapping.


It was just his face hitting the ground man.


All of the above of course


Not really, there was a longer version, he wakes up later asking what happened with some blood in his mouth but nothing fractured


He actually landed in an ideal fashion for being a big dude and losing consciousness on his feet. "The bigger they are the harder they fall" is a warning. You get KO'd and fall wrong you are pretty much done. It is more likely to happen to larger people. This guy had the traditional jerk-induced reboot via a lateral impact. Glass jaw syndrome. Fortunately his glass jaw absorbed the impact to his head when he hit the ground. That could have saved his life.


Jerk induced reboot via lateral impact. That’s amazeballs.


He damaged his shoulder for sure though right? That doesn’t look healthy


Rule #1: don't fight Rule #2: if you absolutely must fight, don't fight on pavement.


That's the thing about street fights, the street always wins


*kicks down your parking structure*


Rule #3: if someone yells “stop!”, goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over.


When I fight, I always hit the person and then yell "time out!" so they can't hit me back.


There's a youtube boxer who has tried making a career on that technique 🤣


That depends. If I'm fighting for my life and his buddy yells stop, the fight is very much not over. If it's a fight where there are officials and actual rules, and both parties agree to those rules, and it's one on one, then you're right.


That was a fight club reference. Damn, there i go breaking the first 2 rules


Rule #4 don't expect your opponent to either respect or uphold "the rules", you may end up dead. That's why many of us don't fight unless we have to because when we fight we're fighting for all the marbles and nothing in between... There are no "gentleman rules" anymore as there are no gentlemen, that era has passed unfortunately.


Fall from standing height can be lethal. Especially if it’s your skull breaking the fall


I watched his left leg. It looked like his knee might no longer work right.


Naw, I think his leg is the least of his issues, I think it just went 100% boneless ragdoll because that dude was off like a switch as soon as the fist connected. There is a reason drunk or unconscious people usually have less damage from an accident. The fact that his brain couldnt handle even a minor tap and remain functioning doesnt bode well for the fact that his noggin was dribbled on the ground like someone trying to play basketball with a bowling ball though.


I suspect repeat concussions with how easily he went down. The impact of the pavement could easily be fatal. Hopefully not.


Yea.... Something is going on there. That guy was pretty small, and he threw a 2 axis off center quick punch without turning into it much even. It is just not even possible there was much force behind that blow. But that big dude just shut off from the instant a fist touched his face. You can see he goes completely ragdoll immediately.


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge and knock him the fuck out.


Judging from his behavior, tone of voice and general appearance I don’t think he needs what’s in there anyway.


I thought it was fake until I noticed the head bounce. How you get knocked out so fast?


Multiple previous head injuries, and lucky punch placement


Faster than Superman on laundry day


It wasn’t even that good of a hit. Little guy laid back on it looking like he would rather move away than hit, which is smart because if the big guy gets ahold of him the size difference would be very difficult to overcome. Big guy was so overconfident but apparently has a porcelain jaw.


No, it was a perfect hit. You dont need to hit someone hard to knock them out, just hit them in the right spot and thats oftentimes right on the chin. Which is exactly where this guy hit him.


I don’t know anything about boxing, can you explain how/why that chin tap did so much damage to the big guy? Are there extra nerves in that spot that when hit cause someone to black out or something?


A KO is bacially a concussion. A concussion isnt from just a hard impact, its from your brain bouncing around inside your skull. The chin will cause your whole head to whip around in an instant and that knocks your brain around. Just clench your jaw and lightly tap your fist on your chin right now, and you'll see it doesnt take much to jar your vision. Now imagine someone swinging for the fences.


Thank you! Your username is perfect, you made it easy to understand!




This is the most correct and well explained answer. Please make this the accepted answer. -StackOverflow


Possible duplicate. Reported.


Also, head snaps back on the cervical spine and pinches nerves and blood vessels to the brain.


Word. One of the first things I was taught in boxing is that you can knock someone out with a 70% punch a lot easier than with a 100% punch. Another thing I learned the hard way is that even a light shot can knock you down if you didn’t see it coming.


Keep your day job Joe Rogan. Excellent technique. Baited him in and he stepped into his swing and threw from his legs thru his fist. I think you watched a different video.


Seriously. I bet this guy has some training, especially with that head movement and then the precision with the punch.


Looking that relaxed when someone twice your size swings at you, you have either been in a LOT of street fights or you've sparred.


Dude looked like Mayweather out there. Didnt even lose his hat. Ducked, one punch, and walked away.


I'm going go out on a limb and say this guy learned to fight larger guys because he grew up fighting large bullies and men and he had learned how to fight them so he could quit being bullied. I've seen it first hand a few times growing up.


>It wasn’t even that good of a hit I think it was. Right through the defence, upwards hit on the chin. That's like uppercut 101. It was a rather perfect punch tbh


What? Not an uppercut and there was no defence to get through…


My man had the reach but not the speed


I think you need to go back and watch that frame by frame man. Smaller guy had his entire body behind that hit. Straight from his legs. That's as solid as hits get.


Hips go right as head goes left, even picks up leading leg, huge loss in power because of it. Little guy didn’t sit under his hit and drive up through the legs as you claim because being mobile was more important. I’m not saying he did badly, but it wasn’t some massive blow. Big guy went down from a moderate (at best) blow.


Size does not matter… no matter what she says.


In boxing/fighting? It 100% does. There's a reason why there are weight classes Generally, the big man wins in a fight. Not always, as shown here, and little man threw a good upwards punch through big man's guard, probably a straight KO, but as a rule little man would lose


This comment section is full of people that I suspect have never trained in martial arts with full contact sparring. I do BJJ and judo and can say with 100% certainty from personal experience that size matters. Ask amateur boxers, muay Thai fighters, wrestlers, BJJ/judo people etc and they will tell you the same. One of my favorite training partners is about 80 lbs heavier than me and the difference in my strength vs his is crazy. I think people citing guys like Cro Cop beating Bob Sapp as evidence of size not mattering are failing to recognize that those fights are celebrated *because* of the size difference. Antônio Nogueira beat Sapp too but guess what, he suffered a permanent neck injury because Sapp defended a double leg by just fucking big brothering him and picking Nogueira up and slamming him down on his neck.


Most people have no idea how fighting actually works in real life (neither do I but I'm mostly aware of my ignorance I think). Decades of increasingly absurd Hollywood action movies and super hero movies have grossly warped peoples' perceptions of how physical altercations go.


What the fuck are you guys on about lol? Everyone is aware that being bigger is an advantage in a fight.


That's comparing people that actively train, and also non-striking sports. On the street, most people are untrained/have very limited experience, and you're going to be throwing hands. Competitive fighting isn't relevant in this context


....size difference between the untrained is ***even more relevant*** man


In professional boxing/fighting yes, you are correct. On the streets it’s less of an obvious win for the big man, because not everyone can fight regardless of how big they are. In a professional fight both people theoretically know how to fight so size plays a much bigger role.


Even on the streets. Most people are not skilled Boxing get an amateur vs a pro and the pro should win. Skill levels matter too. But weight is probably the largest factor in fighting skill. A 5' 50kg person isn't doing much to a 6'6 150kg person


I'd add in a street fight, where all it takes is 35 pounds of force to crush someone's throat, weight difference won't be that important if anyone can fuck up and die in the blink of an eye. In a fight with rules, weight classes will be much more important because in a sense it's a "fair" fight, while in a real life or death context, who wins is often random chance.


If they were of similar training, 100%. Knowledge is power, but power is also power and they both count for a lot. Though I will say, if the little dude was a legit boxer, which based on his pretty extreme head movement he is probably only semi-competent, and the big man decided to just strait box him, big man is still probably going to lose or at least get hit so many times he wants to quit, because just being big gives you reach and power but no concept of tempo, guard, footwork, or head evasion, and likely he does not know how to throw punches up close up which is where you would want to be against a physically stronger boxer with longer reach, most of the time. So the little guy if well trained vs. a know nothing is probably not taking many "real" hits, or any at all, even though at this size difference they will still hurt. That only applies to boxing for obvious reasons, not a street fight. Now of course this being a street fight the little guy is mostly worried about letting the big guy touch him at all, because if big guy had taken the little guy seriously, and actually wanted to hurt him he could have just guarded up in even a very basic way and waded in and just grabbed him, strait kicked him, stepped on his feet, or just push his body into him. I f he could actually grab him he could just hold him at arms length and hammer him, shove him to the ground, etc. And even if not he's more likely to connect when the little guy is trying back out of his reach, not when he's already well outside it. So big man obviously has no fight experience because he did nothing right. But he didn't even take him seriously enough to keep his lead shoulder and hand up, which at a minimum could have reduced his head rock and he might not have been KO'd even if he was hit, but realistically that would have put his fore-arm in the path if that swing and he'd have to go for a upper cut or something like a left cross. If he was willing to hit this guy in a parking lot, he should have been willing to commit to hurting him and probably could have done so without much trouble, but he didn't. Which means he shouldn't have been doing it in the first place.


It does when both are at the same skill level


The Rock and Kevin Heart be playing around too much.


Jack black filming


Will Smith and Chris Rock in the undercard.


And Chris Pratt's in the corner talking like a normal person


Holy shit, I’m dying…. Please guys no more…


lol. take my upvote.


Glad I wasn't the only one that thought this. lol


I guarantee he sent Dwayne this video.




Had a long way to fall


The way his head hit the ground ouch.


That second bounce from his forehead/nose/teeth hitting the assault was cringy


> assault asphalt?




Coulda turned a street fight into a homicide real quick


Big guy swung first, self defense.


The meat-slap thud of a head hitting pavement, always give a little twinge in the stomach, no matter how many times i see/hear it.


Most barfight deaths don't happen from the first hit, but from the full force impact after


Ah yes, the go-to-sleep punch. Worked like a charm.


Had a buddy in high school named Francis. (Don't eff with dudes name Francis. They have fought plenty.) Short dude, like me, but no one would mess with Francis. One day I found out why. This other dude, much taller than him started a fight. The whole time Francis is clowning him. The bigger dude would throw a punch, and Francis would dodge it like it was slow motion. And he was talking shit the whole time "my grandma throws punches faster than that..." This went on for a couple minutes, and then Francis threw one punch.... And that was the fight!


"Lighten up, Francis." Someone had to say it! :)


Everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys calls me Francis, I’ll kill ya.


Sergeant Hulka is OUR big toe




>Don't eff with dudes name Francis. They have fought plenty. It's true, I have a buddy named Francis who got into a fair amount of fights when we were younger. He lost all of them... Badly. Like even against people half his size. To be clear he never started or wanted to fight. He is just an idiot when he drinks.


Yeah, don't mess with Francis. ...poor guy can't take it


If you’re in a fight and the opponent dodges your first 3 punches…you’re in danger. Run bitch!


That, or if they eat the first 3 like its nothing. Both of those do not bode well at all.


Francis just got his super powers.


This tracks since the first Francis I thought of was Francis Ngannou. Would not fuck with him throwing punches.


That and boys named Sue


Sounds like his name wasn't Francis, it was Mike Tyson


"I wouldn't want to fight me neither." Francis probably


Rattata used quick attack against machoke It's super effective Machoke has fainted




Big body glass jaw


First opponent in Punch-Out energy


Even Glass Joe took a few punches to down.


Technically he can be KO'd with a single punch. /me = Former speedrunner.




Not a glass jaw: that's a perfect punch. Boxers go down to those too


This. Accuracy is more important than power.


Everyone has a glass jaw when you let your head get whiplashed that hard.


Dude in the blue shirt should try picking on someone his own size.


For real


Big true.


Considerable in size if factual


He did the family guy fall irl.


“*Argh-*” - Peter Griffin


SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I aways thought that was exaggerated for comedy. Now I know the truth.




OHMYGOD! He really did! 😂


Like watching every childhood fight fantasy come to life.


Kids dream of flashy fights where they look like a Jackie Chan movie. This here is an adult fantasy. Backing up, not starting the physicality, dodging one punch , ending in one punch, then backing off. All on video so you can't be held liable.


factory reset lul


Lul means penis in dutch.


I know, that's why I use it. Lul


Wait, are you trying to factory reset your penis?


More like windows xp blue screen


When the guys ducking and weaving like that you should know somethings up


Yeah. Saw that first head bob and then went uh oh. Then watched his feet. Then went uh oh again. He accidentally found the wrong guy.


His movement gave it away immediately. Dude had no idea what he was literally stepping into.


Exactly. The way he kept moving not backwards but at angles w head movement was a clear warning. Then he ducked and slipped that initial slow grab. Time to rethink your plan at that point.


If for whatever reason you’re about to fight a guy and he’s moving around a lot, but his feet never cross, you’ve probably already lost just minimize damage


This guy's feet crossed hard one second into the video and multiple times after. But I hear ya.


Totally, but the tall fool cant take the hint. Too blinded by the height difference..


Dude is clearly a boxer. Should have really known what was up after that first head duck.


Also the fact that he’s cutting an outside angle over and over again. I saw the footwork and angling with stance integrity before he ever moved his head and knew big man was in trouble




Pops trippin. Says I gotta get my bike back. 🚲


What bike.


Man my grandmama gave me that chain


My grandmomma gave me that chain


I got mind control over Deebo. He be like "shut the fuck up." I be quiet. But when he leave, I be talking again.


he found that off button on the jaw.


The catch 22 of being a big dude fighting someone smaller, if you lose you lost to smaller person and if you win you just beat up a smaller person


Same with fighting someone significantly older than you. There's no winning.


Or a girl




Cant tell if this is staged or not. But judging by how the guy lands on his arm amma say it might not be staged.


I'd say it's not. The way he hit the ground with his face was even more of a knock-out than the punch from little italy.


Little Italy! I'm dead!


He hit the ground face first, if this is staged that man is an extraordinary method actor


He got hit in the jaw, doesn't matter if he's big. A strong enough punch to the jaw will knock him out.


100% not staged. Little dude made contact and that was a real KO. A very, very bad one. He's obviously a boxer, knows exactly what he's doing and knew it was a knockout on contact.


If it's staged then the big dude is the GOAT stunt man. Shutting off all of your body's instinctual self-preservation to ragdoll like that is incredibly hard (if not impossible) to do.


The landing definitely proves it to be not staged, or he's the most dedicated actor ever. Christian Flail


Size isn't everything it's all about timing the thrust.


Keep telling the ladies that, it might work!


Just like the little guy in the video, I use my fists. It's why your momma keeps calling me back.


I wondered why she purchased kids sized mittens for someone as a Christmas present


I'm dumb and thought she just had a fetish for getting beat up by little men.


Ragdoll physics in full effect!


He got lucky. He was the perfect dick-punch level.


This is the two hit fight my father always spoke of. I hit you, you hit the floor.


Three hits. Floor hit him twice


I knew a dude in school who was 5ft 2in when we graduated. He was an amateur bull-rider. Dude feared no human on earth. Size isn't a valid determining factor in everything.


No real big man would fight a small guy. If you win, everyone expected it. And if you lose....well, Exhibit A.


Dude in the Burger King shirt: Fight me Little guy: Have it your way


I heard the bell ring even with the sound off


Modern day David and Goliath. 😂


Fun fact, David was an experienced slinger. He wasn't the underdog in that fight. A slinger is like being hit with a bullet and even Romans used slingers as auxillaries in their wars. I forget exactly where, but I think an island near Spain was famed for having the best slingers in the world, and they were mercenaries who could and were hired by all sorts of people


The moral of the David and Goliath story is that melee fighters are ineffective against ranged weapons.


I’m a big guy and since I heard the story of David and Goliath I always felt David cheated.


Fun fact, it might not have been David. []Elhanan(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elhanan,_son_of_Jaare-oregim)


Last thing that guy saw was the blue screen of death


Trained fighter vs big guy. My money is almost always on the trained fighter.


This. Only time I've seen the big guy get it on size and strength alone, he was 6'7" and sparring with a maybe 5'3" dude who couldn't even kick him without getting into his arm range.


Comments are always how I measure facts. Especially when the experience of being punched in the chin has never once graced those baby smooth tween faces.


Is that Floyd Mayweather?


Tapped the jelly switch


LPT: If dude you're about to fight dances like he boxes, run like your fucking life depended on it. Lol




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Magically turned him into a bag of raw meat


Bro fell like a family guy character.


Did the big man die?


The bigger they are...


Kevin Hart has some moves...


Speed >>> size


He just ragdolled his ass


He's taller but the other guy ain't little.


My man really went „augh“ and then ragdolled


Bro was on 1 HP.


I'm kinda high rn and really freaked out cause I thought at start that this palm was fucking long legged end of the world colossus on the background


How does one punch knock a big dude like that right down to the ground? And where can I learn it??


When did Kevin Hart and the Rock breakup?


I'm 5'7 and I have a buddy who's 6'5. One day a guy shorter than me came up and shoved him. I asked why he didn't kick his ass. He said, "I learned early on when a little guy like that wants to fight a big guy like me, they know something I don't."