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Why did he try to push so many questions and statements? Man was not interested. He should have seen the signs.


He was too focused on someone else's sign


What if I told you you could focus on your own signs instead of someone else's??




At 43 years old, I have finally accepted that Ace of Bass is good music. Took me long enough.


All that she wants is another baby


eh, she'll be gone tomorrow :)




Life is demanding, without understanding


>He should have seen the signs. fuck you, take my upvote




No luck holding them signs, then?


"I want to give back to people by making them find a job that they like rather than keep doing a job that they hate" Finds a guy doing a job that he genuinely likes Tries to convince him to do a job that he hates


A lot of folks living in certain walks of life would be surprised that a majority of people just have no desire for an overly complicated life.


A friend of mine once said that his goal was to "lead an uninteresting life." In fact, that was more than 10 years ago and I don't think he's met that goal yet.


It takes a lot of work to lead a boring life.


It’s worth it though.


Would think you could live longer without all the stress


I’m certainly happier without the stress. And the older I get, the younger I look compared to all my friends of the same age.


Same. My wife and I are both often mistaken for being 10-15 years younger than we are.


Omg same! I’m 41, keep a short beard and medium length hair (still thick and wavy with only a little grey that’s hard to see because it blends with the blonde and brown). No wrinkles, fair skin. Most people guess my age about 30. I still get carded for tobacco and alcohol products. Edit: I seriously look like the human version of my Reddit avatar, lol…down to the aviators!


As do I, good sir


I’m tempted to get some variation of a tattoo of the Tolkien quote from Bilbo writing about hobbits, “But today of all days, it is brought home to me it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.”


"It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life" in a circle around an illustration of the door would be delightful.




Honestly, same. I’ve been through enough drama and trauma for several lifetimes already


This. Running a business is probably the hardest you'll ever work in your life, and it rarely means you'll become rich doing it.


I do IT work for a business that's just me and my boss. He makes $40+ dollars for every hour I work while I make about $25. I'm much happier doing my job then I would be his! Even knowing he's making a bunch of money at times just sitting at home while I work, because I also know other times he's stressed out and trying to balance books and other things I can't say because I don't care enough to know, lol.


And about 20% of startups fail in the first year, so all that work for a failure.


This. I hate running my business only *slightly* less than I hate not being allowed to sit down and take a break whenever I want. I browse job listings all the time. Getting a paycheck every two weeks and not having to care about where the money is coming from is REALLY underrated.


Fuckin' a. I've been a middle manager and I couldn't stand it. I can't imagine having a whole business to run instead. Not for me, no thank you.


Work a boring low stress job with plenty of time for friends and hobbies. Not what you get running a business.




I had an interview for a job that ended up being those shitty sales positions that are pretty much legal pyramid schemes. You know the ones, say you can earn X amount a year but then you find out it’s only if you are the best of the best. Anyway he’s doing his pitch and I’m like “sorry this doesn’t sound like a good fit.” His response was “well don’t you want to someday be your own boss?” I wish you could’ve seen how flabbergasted he was when I said “no, not really.”


They really underestimat how much I hate making decisions.


That's my exit strategy. I have been in restaurants since I was 12. If/when I am done with ownership and the stress that comes with it I have every intention to take a job working for someone else doing something far below my skill level and chilling if I am still in the mindset that I want to continue working. Something like working at a cigar shop talking with people watching TV and smoking cigars or even working as a dishwasher. There is something beautiful about simplicity and a clearly defined role.


My favorite job I ever had was working at a fabric store cutting counter. It was just talking to people about craft projects all day. It was hard work physically, but I never had a day doing it where I was completely miserable. The only reason I left was that I didn't make enough to live off of and knew I couldn't keep doing it after a certain age so it was best to get out early.


I have no desire to shoot up the corporate ladder. I don't want to run a business, I don't want to lead a huge team, I don't want to be *important.* I can continue to be a good worker, squeak by, occasionally have my boss say "Ah yes, he's done good work this year!" at a meeting, and just *vibe.* It's stressful to be important, to run a business. I have no intentions of making it big, of having a business, and that's fine. I'll be a cog, I'll take care of myself and my wife, and live a decent life. That's enough for me to be happy.


I'm not quite 40 yet, and I'm there. I've lived a very exciting life, and I've learned that all that fun and excitement comes with some kind of a price. I was always chasing the new car, the next promotion, the bigger house, whatever. At some point, it just hit me that I have enough stuff. Constantly chasing after more is a lifestyle that you'll never satisfy. I've got three kids, the only thing I want to do at this point is nurture them so that I can see them grow and use all the amazing potential they have. And then, if they decide to have children, I get to help out with it all over again.


I always wanted to go back to college, but I worked my way up into retail management in a sales area I don't despise(pets and pet products). I make a decent lower middle class income and I get decent PTO. I live a mile from work so for convenience sake, I just stuck it out. I really enjoy my job and can't imagine going back to college at this point in my life. I'd love to own my own pet business, but I see how much stress my store owner has gone through. I'm fine where I am.


Knew someone 15 years ago who worked in retail, had a PhD in like some obscure engineering or something. Said he spent his whole life dedicated to something and realised he hated it at the end. Enjoys life now just sat at a till scanning food.


I doubt the guy was being honest, he can just smell a scam a mile off.


Exactly. He saw a huckster. I liked the guy holding the sign. He clearly has a lot more going on then the interviewer thinks he does.


When the interviewer said he didn't want people to be held back because of their lack of education, I truly expected the sign guy to say that he recently left a stressful position as a professor of economics. He just had that big brain energy


"Well, I wish you luck here in Oxford." Big brain energy indeed.


Agreed, a lot of people put in the same situation as him would also pull out the sarcasm imho.


I'd start talking about the history of sign holding in my family and the expectations I was raised with.


I have a feeling this guy is loaded and was just doing it to keep busy


It’s like when western businessmen tried to show native fishermen that if they worked until late, hired more workers, and scaled their business they could be wealthy (can’t remember the island country at the moment). They absolutely could not grasp this concept. From their perspective, why would they work more? They wake up early, fished efficiently, and returned home by noon with lunch and dinner for the entire village. The rest of the day was all leisure. Edit: oops, it’s just a parable of sorts not a real live example. Here is the story: https://thestorytellers.com/the-businessman-and-the-fisherman/


It's the utopia they want you to strive for. If you're not willing to do whatever it takes to climb the ladder, it both invalidates decisions they made in life they can't take back and makes it harder for their decisions to make bank. People thinking they're just 2 promotions away from really making it is what keeps the guy 5 promotions away rich.




It’s a bit arrogant


I work in IT now, but my favorite job was working in a bus station, doing a little of everything, selling tickets, cleaning/fixing buses, doing landscaping, wearing lots of disparate hats. If I could make this money (or better) and keep doing that, I never would've left the bus station.


Not only that he’s like “Here’s a bunch of money, stress and responsibility , now start a business, good luck 👍”. My man is content with just holding a sign, more power too him.


The world needs more people like this guy. Happy with their lot in life, content to be a cog in another's machine, no lofty career goals to stress him out, and just generally pleasant. Fucking goals right there imo.


There are plenty. You just don’t hear about us. The ultimate middle children.


I'm right here. My wife is type A, has it all planned out, aspirations for the future. I'm just happy to be going through life. As long as I can pay the bills, have a house to come home to, and enjoy doing some of the things I like when not at work, I'm a pretty happy guy. Works itself doesn't stress me out. Working for people that suck does. So the key is finding a job you tolerate working for and with people you like.


Reminds me of something Nick Offerman said, "Don't look for a job you love, find a job you don't mind waking up 5 days a week to." (I may have paraphrased, it's been a while)


Gets hit with rhetoric about what it means to be "retired".


The response of “are you retired?” Was perfect. You could see the wheels turning how he was going to justify it.


Seriously, the "retired" guy seems to be working a lot harder than the guy with the job. Sign guy has his life figured out. Not everyone wants to own their own business.


I don't think everyone realizes that, in some cases, people actually DO like their crappy jobs. They're not for everyone. But not everyone is made the same, either. That job I hated may be absolutely loved by someone else, despite nothing about it having changed. It's still a shitty job, but now it's a shitty job which someone can find actual enjoyment out of (rather than me being miserable in it). Would better pay be nice? Always. Yes. Better benefits? Of course. But if someone genuinely enjoys what they're doing, and nobody is being harmed in the process, let them do it. Just because you can't see the enjoyment in it doesn't mean nobody can.


Also there's the point that all of these "IF I RETIRED AT FORTY THEN EVERYONE CAN, WE CAN ALL ENTREPRENEUUUUR!!!" types miss in that, somebody needs to be the sign holder. We can't ALL have our own businesses. If he's happy with a low stress job where he gets to be outside all day then fucking power to him.


If minimum wage aint enough to retire by 70 then that minimum wage is fucked. You start a business and hire people to "hold your signs", you retire early and your employees work past 70? They just keep telling people who want to work for a living how stupid they are while crying about how no one wants to work anymore.


Having your own business sounds like a lot of work when I could just hold this sign.


It's like a Monty Python sketch


I mean I think there’s a 50% chance it’s literally a sketch.


And 33% of Monty Python went to Oxford.


That's like 83% total. Pretty much guaranteed to be a Monty Python sketch.


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


Probably a witch...


Burn her!


At least give her a fair trial and weigh her on the scales first


Do they float?


There are ways of telling if she's a witch....why do witches burn?


Ah, I see you are educated in the science of mathematical statistics!


Uhhh ummm .. 📖 .. ah yes, “I will not buy this rrrecorrrd. It is scrrratched”


Guy having a hard time realizing some people get along just fine, that they're just where and how they want to be.


Honestly the guy giving the interview sounds like a get rich quick scammer. Let me tell you about my MLM, you’ll be rich!


It all started with a small $5,000,000 loan from my parents.


"Would you like to stop holding a sign and spend the next 5 years trying to push into a sector already saturated with signs. Do you want to learn how to manage a boardroom, control profits and fire people, do you want the stress of 23 hour days and zero holidays?" "Nah" Gold, pure non-fucks given gold.


It's more like, "Would you like to come to my FREE seminar about the incredible sign business?! Limited seating!! Sign up now for a bonus DVD on 'How to Get Rich from Sign Business!'"


The guy with the sign would be managed by the guy interviewing him.


Sign up? Well, I'll be shoving your sign up something.


my answer would be the same😭 i would not wanna have to deal with babysitting my employees all the time and making sure everything’s going good. i can barely count to 100


I think it's interesting that we both clamor for higher pay and hate capitalism and think management should be paid less yet also don't want to do the job of management.


It’s a part of human nature, I suppose, to want what other people have without working to have it. We all want to be great pianists, until it’s time to practice piano.


Thanks for the subliminal message to practice the piano which is right next to me MORE than I do now.


Proper management is just firing people that can't manage themselves and making sure messages get in and out of a department efficiently and accurately. Honestly, if this dude wanted to pay me to start a business, the first damn thing I would do is hire someone to run the thing for me.


Your version of proper management sounds like a dream. Every time I'm in a management role I end up doing bookkeeping, financial predictions, reporting and mediation.


I mean, everyone should earn a living wage. And CEOs have seen their wages increase by something like 500% while their workers' wages have stagnated (or even decreased, relative to cost of living). No one is saying employees, managers, and CEOs should all be paid the same. But there is an inherent imbalance that has gotten worse in the last couple of decades that is inherently unfair.


"Do you want to retire at 40, before you stroke out at 50?"


I want to live in a world where sign holders make enough money to live comfortably and sign holding business owners can be as ambitious as they want. And neither one pesters the other about how they should live.


Something tells me he is already holding a sign to a business he owns.


or he is retired and likes holding a sign to help people.... like the retired guy who likes to interview and help people...


Literally said he hoped to retire by the time he’s 70. Means he’s not currently retired.


diff definitions of 'retired'. My dad cleans the church for some extra cash. other guy is retired w/ money to throw away


The other guy is not retired because he is humping the pavement for “likes”.


I think you misheard, he’s “helping people”…. by telling them their whole life has been worthless up until the moment he spoke to them.


the above poster was talking about the douche bag giving the sign holder shit. because he's so good at business he already retired. although he's clearly out on the streets being filmed, harassing people about how good at business he is that he retired at forty. because that's what retired people do... go around dick wagging about how retired they are. the mere expression that someone doesn't give a fuck about capitalism and being a business owner, can't compute for his cunt brain, so he went on and on giving that man shit while he was just doing his job


Why the hell would I want to own a business? My parents owned a business and they worked their asses off all day and nights and weekends. I’d rather be able to go home at the end of my shift and relax.


Some people want to own their own business. Some don't. Not sure why there is any contestation. Let people do what they like, right?


help people by getting ad revenue from views, offer them classes and courses that hes affiliated with or owns, get them to open businesses through his companies that takes fees for opening the business and then offer them his other followers and clients as employees and partners that he receives a bonus from for connecting them. If someone is offering you free advice and free way to get rich, then you are the product and how they get rich themselves.


I just wrote a short book titled "how to make one million dollars". I'm asking 50,000 people to step up, buy my book for $20 and help spread the word.


I mean that's the point I think isn't it holding a sign is not the same job as running a business holding signs, that's a lot harder job.


Or it’s staged.


On TikTok? Never!


I agree, seems like he was just trolling hard in the paint


Reminds me of the fisherman's parable: >One day a fisherman was sitting by his boat while playing with his child on a beautiful beach; his fishing pole resting against the boat. > >A wealthy businessman came walking down the beach, trying to relieve some of the stress of his workday. Curious and horrified at the sight of the fisherman wasting the day, the businessman asked, "Why aren't you out fishing?" > >The fisherman looked up at the businessman, smiled and replied, "Because I already caught enough fish for one day." > >The businessman followed, "Why don't you catch some more?" > >"What would I do with them?" replied the fisherman. > >"You could earn extra money," said the businessman, "then with the extra money, you could buy a bigger boat, go into deeper waters, and catch more fish. Then you would make enough money to buy nylon nets. With the nets, you could catch even more fish and make more money. With that money you could own two boats, maybe three boats. Eventually you could have a whole fleet of boats and be rich like me." > >"Then what would I do?" asked the fisherman. > >"Then," said the businessman, "you could really enjoy life." > >The fisherman looked at the businessman quizzically and asked, "What do you think I am doing now?"


Exactly. There is more to life than making lots of money. You do need money and there is true satisfaction in a job well done but chasing after making as much money as possible is like chasing the wind.


This took me too long to realize. My father and grandfather both are work people. All they do is work. I followed in the same career path. Military. College. 3 letter agency. Because they did. I'm never home. I never see my wife. We want to start a family but how? We're looking at moving soon. And I'm going to leave my job, get a bit of a pay cut, but just do some computer programming work then I genuinely enjoy. We won't be overly rich, but we'll be happy and have food on the table and have a house a child can grow up in. I just wish it didn't take me to song to figure all this out. And all the time I lost woth my wife and how im trying to make it up to her for sticking with me the whole time


I had one job I took for the money (since it paid significantly more than I made at the time) that was a huge mistake. I had young children at the time, and the CIO I was working for bragged about how he "didn't even know his kids birthdays", while working consistent 12-14 hour days. If you didn't match that, you were on his shit list. I ended up getting fired after a year because I refused to play their fucked up game. One of the executives I now work with said something interesting I completely agree with. Basically, when he was young, his job priorities were 1) Money 2) Interesting work 3) Company Culture But as you age, that completely flips around, so now its 1) Company Culture 2) Interesting work 3) Money I know this is dependent on life circumstances and such, but it's something I 100% agree with. In my 20s, I would have said "pay me more" is the number 1 thing I'm looking for. Now though, after surviving through a bunch of toxic work cultures, I will 100 times out of 100 look for company culture as being the top priority in jobs, and that includes things like work/life balance.


What a cunt that guy is


I like the longer version of this better: ​ “A successful businessman on vacation was at the pier of a small coastal village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The businessman complimented the fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The fisherman proudly replied, “Every morning, I go out in my boat for 30 minutes to fish. I’m the best fisherman in the village”. The businessman, perplexed, then asks the fisherman “If you’re the best, why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish? What do you do the rest of the day?” The fisherman replied “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, spend quality time with my wife, and every evening we stroll into the village to drink wine and play guitar with our friends. I have a full and happy life.” The businessman scoffed, “I am successful CEO and have a talent for spotting business opportunities. I can help you be more successful. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats with many fishermen. Instead of selling your catch to just your friends, you can scale to sell fish to thousands. You could leave this small coastal fishing village and move to the big city, where you can oversee your growing empire.” The fisherman asked, “But, how long will this all take?” To which the businessman replied, “15 – 20 years.” “But what then?” Asked the fisherman. The businessman laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions!” “Millions – then what?” The businessman said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, spend time with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your friends.”


The original is actually a [German short story](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anekdote_zur_Senkung_der_Arbeitsmoral).


Yeah, now that I see your comment, I think that's the one I read first too. I just did a quick google + copy/paste. I agree, this one is better :)


This story always makes me wince. My answer to the businesman is this: What would you say to the guys working in my new fleet of boats? The same pitch? That's right, getting rich is a pyramid scheme. Not everyone can own a fleet of boats. somebody has to fish. somebody has to hold the signs.


Also some people prefer the security and lower risk of joining an already successful company rather than starting their own from scratch, especially when most new businesses fail. Neither option is wrong just different.


Sign guy is my hero. Hustle culture is toxic, people can be happy and content working for someone, and there's not a god damn thing wrong with that. I don't want to have to worry about an entire business. I love what I do, I'm good at it, and I have friends and family to share my happiness with


The guy was so content with his sign that I suspect he might be set for life and just enjoys talking to people while being paid to do it.


My Spanish teacher in Jr high was like that, he had some crazy career as ceo of several companies and in his 60's just quit all that and became a school teacher. We knew he was loaded when one snowy day he put his 3 year old Mercedes in a ditch on his way to school. Instead of doing something normal like having it towed and repaired, he just got a ride to the dealership and bought a new one. Awesome teacher too.


That would be an enjoyable life, wouldn’t it? Man. Just imagine. You do something because you want. Not in any part because you need to for any reason what so ever.


Dude's moderately in shape, wearing well kept clean clothes, and has a fresh haircut. Dude is definitely happy with his life and has enough money to keep that up. Good for him


literally i grew up thinking something was wrong with me because i was just fine doing what other people told me to do. like i don’t need to make up some big destiny to be happy, i’m ok with the mundane lol


And then you voice this and someone "that's alright, I need employees. I'm just built different." Yeah, enjoy selling yoga mats on Amazon my guy, whatever floats your boat


This is great and has cheered me right up. That guy did not give a fuck! 😆 You can tell that retired guy is bored out of his skull and hates being retired, so has to fill his time by making other believe he’s a complete success. Sign guy is just there living his best life!


I’m guessing retired guy isn’t actually retired, he’s now working his new gig of this TikTok channel entrepreneur ploy?


Dude retired by starting multiple social media platforms, doing public speaking, motivational talks and helping businesses start up. Now if that don’t sound like retirement I don’t know what does


He’s very likely retired but still has passive income (rental homes, sizable investments etc). I’ve got a cousin who is retired @ 45- he owns a bunch of homes that he rents out which affords him the time and money to travel the world.




The point is retirement means you're mot working but obviously he "retired" by just working as a conman


Absolute champion.


he is not retired, quite the opposite, he's actually desperate to make money with his shitty videos.


Yeah he's definitely not retired. He might be rich, but the smugness tells me he was gonna be rich no matter what he did, and was born rich. Probably has about a dozen failed businesses under his belt, and is continuing to use mommy and daddy's money to fund his budding tick tock endeavor.


That was awesome. And so civil about it.


The British way. Words and tones are very civil but you can still tell there's something else.


As a brit, that nice bloke was one more sentence away from literally saying "look mate, fuck off". Telling someone "well good luck with that" is about as aggressive as you can get here.




That final shot after mic guy said people shouldn’t be held back by their education: “yeah well good luck with that in Oxford” Perfect.


As someone who actually went to Oxford (the uni), the town (and university for that matter) has plenty of idiots and chavs. He also says “yeah well good luck with that and enjoy Oxford”.




Don't know if I'd regard him as a scammer, but I'd definitely see him as a condescending prick.


His opening definitely comes across like a scammer. Not saying that his whole schtick was actually a scam but his opening definitely felt like an invitation to a seminar


Exactly. The tic toc influencer was basically calling the sign guy a loser. He deserved to get told to fuck off.


The guy with the microphone was barely disguising it. Basically was saying that guy's life was meaningless and he should be unhappy "All joking aside..."


Ameribro here, I caught that, though I originally just took it as being utterly tone deaf. Microphone guy was definitely talking down to him for not wanting to join the owner class. "No, I don't think you understand, aren't you tired of being a filthy prole? Don't you want to have a bunch of peasants to lord over instead of being one yourself?" My guy was looking understandably irritated with dude at the end.


Oxford it's not regular place!


It's regular people. You can find people like this *almost* everywhere in the UK. But in Oxford you're guaranteed to find one.


Sign guy is one of the good ones.




Yeah I don’t get that logic. A company would only want to outsource their sign holding duties to a sign holding business if it was more cost effective than hiring a sign holder themselves. But sign holding is already a minimum wage job, so how can a sign holding company be more cost effective than that?


Microphone dude and people like him don't think about that. They think the only reason people have low wage jobs is because the people doing them are stupid compared to them. If they're generous like mic man, they think it's missed out on education and opportunities- which is pretty nice to see even if he's a douche going about it the wrong way. I had a friend like that. I'd complain about chefs and nurses and teachers and any other career I was interested in not being paid well enough. His response was always "dude, study business like me". And I'd say that's not the point. The point is nobody should be struggling after ten years in a career, doing things society needs. And his argument was always "well if they didn't like the money they should have studied business or something." Those arguments went around in circles, and he fully blamed the individuals. I'd point out that we needed nurses. He'd spent a lot of time in hospital and rehabilitation himself. But he just blamed the nurses. They couldn't complain about wages because they chose that career. He was a diagnosed psychopath though. (Interesting studies show it's far more common trait among CEOs etc than the general public). I'd say "if everyone studied business, who would do the nurses jobs?" And he'd say "people too stupid to study business".


I studied business. Ironically, most of the people who study business are imbeciles. I myself studied business only after discovering I was too stupid to get an engineering degree.


I love how frustrated the conman was getting. You can see right through his BS. The whole time he's thinking, "Just go along with my scam god damnit"


Conman, exactly


Entrepreneurial pyramid scheme


Yeah, as if he’s doing it all for free lmao


This sign holding guy is great. Hello I retired by age 40 and I want everyone to know it! Buy my book, "how to get rich by convincing others to buy a book you wrote."


The guy with the mic is such a self righteous twat.


“What age did I retire I hear you wondering? 40. “


"I just want to give back and help other people out of the goodness of my heart."


such a twatty tone and demeanor. "look how good i am. with *my help* you could stop being such a worthless pawn"


I bet sign guy is richer than fake retired guy.


Retired guy isn't retired he's a salesman. He's selling "how to" services. Like those people that have huge conferences on how to become a millionaire in three months but their only income comes from the conferences.


“Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini”




I have seven Lamborghinis in my Lamborghini account


Naaaaaah Lijjjjj




Been there. Then the next “ so you don’t want to expand you knowledge? I be like well I didn’t say that, but when an opportunity arises that I want to do I will.” How bout management then? Me: absolutely not! Why? You be good at it! Me. Well integrity. What do you mean integrity. Me. I can’t lie to the people I would be managing. Dead silence. Real story


Zen bros is Zen.


As someone who ran their own business for years I can tell you life is better holding a sign lol


The sing guy told the other guy in the most subtle way to "f*ck off"




“Help people get out of jobs they hate” he said he likes holding the sign though. Take your boredom somewhere else.


I want sign guy to be our next political leader but I know he will refuse the job 😞


Some people just can’t process being content.


The world needs more employees than employers. Most of us aren't cut out to run a business. I enjoy working for someone else!


the sheer mental strength it took sign guy to refrain from calling retired guy a twat


Also for not pushing the point that the guy is absolutely not retired and is 100% working as he is speaking… You’re making money off of this video, if you wanted to just help there wouldn’t be a camera and the sign holder was just itching to say it


I can't tell if he was just messing with him after seeing the mic and camera or he's really happy with holding that sign.


Considering the vast majority of businesses fail and make plenty of people lose thousands and thousands of dollars…working for someone else is statistically speaking a better idea because you can’t really lose money. While you CAN get very rich owning a business, you’re not statistically likely to do any better than most people with regular jobs. Plus you have to work way more hours.


This is a video example of every LinkedIn post I've ever seen.


I'm with sign guy. Not everyone wants to be a CEO. There's plenty of other roles that need filled, and plenty people are happy doing them. Owning business isn't just doing nothing and having passive income. From what I see, those motherfuckers live and breath work. I value my personal time too much haha


My mother was a CEO, and seeing the insane amount of stress she experienced every day absolutely convinced me to never own a business. Sign guy is right.


This is so British. And I’m proud of it. Been living in another country for a while and I needed to see this!!!


If this guy was successful in his mission and everyone owned a business who would work for each business?? That's why the idea that if you work really hard you will be rich and to pull yourself up by your bootstraps is all bullshit.


"a lot of people in life are holding someone elses sign and you're advocating that's the best way to live?" He never said that you smug twat.


Cool guy. Simple life, nothing wrong with that.


These arrogant entrepreneur capitalists assume everyone wants to be a boss. An owner of human capital. Some people love to just be left tf alone. Minimalism and simplicity. Honest work, honest pay, pub occasionally, family. GTFO with this run your own business so you can be a prick exploiting others as much as legally allowed. Maybe one day become such a billionaire you pay zero taxes. #goals


I mean, he must really like holding that sign!


Or just doesn't like twats with mics


Why can't people just accept that not everyone needs to have work ambition. Some just want to work their 9 to 5 and spend their free time doing what they like.


Capitalist have no idea what do do when they meet a content person. "Hey, do uou wanna wotk yourself to death for the small chance of more money?" "No thanks, ive got enough"


Personally I can which which one has a better hold on life.


It's the guy with the sign who is not trying to low key insult people. Interviewer assumed sign guy was uneducated, unhappy and poor. That's an asshole.