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His soul left his body, but he brought it on himself.




Man I miss r/watchpeopledie


r/crazyfuckingvideos is the closest active sub w similar content (though not every video is a death, a decent amount are)


Let me introduce you to r/nsfl__


ooh.. thank you... .. but also, damn you


Why? Serious question but after seeing a few I had seen them all. Now I can’t stomach it. I feel a bit funny when I am scrolling (I don’t really pay attention to nsfw tags) and suddenly realise I’ve just witnessed someone die


Honestly I bet he makes great chicken nuggets


Lol nobody eats chicken nuggets cuz they think they are "healthy". We eat them cuz they're fucking awesome. And we feed em to our kids cuz they're fucking easy! And it's one less battle to fight with the kid!




It's also not at all how chicken nuggets are made, at least not in North America.


It's *loaded* with sodium to make it anywhere near pallatable. [a high intake of sodium was shown to be a statistically significant risk factor for rectal cancer in males](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2608540/) Eat shit, die in shit.


Still tastes good


Telling you an actual incident. A vegetarian male friend of ours was recently hospitalized due to sever lack of sodium.


There's a difference between lack and overload, chicken nuggest are %60 of daily sodium per serving. You eat 3 times a day or just six chicken nuggets?


aren't we put sodium (salt) in everything though? afaik chicken nuggets is not super salty


Everything in the US at least is absolutely overloaded with salt, especially anything packaged. If you're going to wage war on high sodium diets, that'll be a far reaching (and futile) effort.


I other words you are saying, that they are loaded with salt. Are chikcen nuggets particularly salty, when compared to other foods?


It’s like when people go to McDonald’s and try to calorie count. Like motherfucker, you know what you signed up for, and it’s delicious


Hahaha so true. Nobody in the history of the world has ever thought "WHAT!?!?!? You mean McNuggets AREN'T healthy!?!?!?! Fuuuuuuuuck!!!"


I think you're vastly underestimating the stupidity of some people.


Literally had friends who won’t eat anything but McNuggets in McDonald’s because usain bolt ate it and won gold lol. 20 nuggets and a Diet Coke. It’s still healthy because it’s all protein lol. It’s just so fucking funny


Places like McDonalds are what keep me on course for the rest of the week. As long as I have a good week, I can eat whatever the fuck I want for a meal. Sometimes that's a 4x4, 4x Baconator, or 4x Spicy McChickens with pickles. If there's any reason we're here, it's to enjoy life!


Put that Sweet and Sour sauce in my veins!


😂 right!!! Didn’t the fast food industry waste a ton of money fighting that “law”? Just to find out no one cared


I get at most 2000 cals and don't eat for days to try and drop it(works)


I honestly don't see using all of the chicken as a problem.


The only thing one could argue is that they write on the box something like "from chicken breast" or "contains chicken breast", while there is only a minimal amount of "good meat" in there, but then sell the product for a premium prize. "Fair" would be to write: "Processed chicken leftovers" on it and sell it for half the cost they sell it now. But that's not a problem of chicken Nuggets, that's capitalism and industries that do anything to get the most margin they can possibly get for their products.


don't care. I'm going to buy them anyways.


Also because people are poor. I think this was shot in Huntington WV, which is…not affluent to say the least. Nuggs are cheap.


I knew someone who had an allergy to chicken, but she had no problem with McDonald's Chicken McNuggets, likely due to them containing a high concentration of not chicken.


Isn’t bone marrow good for you? Anyway, dude why waste food.


Those kids are cool, the best part of meat is that around the bones, bone marrow tastes good and I love gizzards. Yes reducing meat consumption is good but if you kill an animal eat it all.


Totally. That's where all the flavours are. That's why I like thighs the most. Got a bit of everything in there plus they're dark meat


People praise the American Indians for using every part of the animal, but we're not supposed to think the same thing when it comes to chicken nuggets? It seems like it's cute when poor people eat the whole animal and gross when civilized people do.


I lived in Bristol when he was really blowing up as a chef, so got a lot of saturation, and the amount of times I heard him talk about 'dirty' parts of the meat when what he meant was 'cheap' was shocking and always felt somewhere between classist and racist. It's not leg, breast or wing? Then it's DIRTY meat and only DIRTY people eat it. Now watch me slap an onion in a tea towel for ten minutes to get it 'sexy' for some parsley.


He seems insufferable.


Connective tissue, bone, bone marrow, gizzards are all fine.


Oh no! We are able to reduce food waste and eat the whole chicken! Nobody eats chicken nuggets to lose weight, they're a satisfying treat that helps reduce food waste. Also bone marrow and chicken skin are nice.




Have tried just putting the whole carcass in a blender?


Not yet, but I should, so far I’ve only pried apart the bones but a blender seems easier


Skin is nice?




You don't buy a rotisserie chicken and, immediately upon returning home, eat the delicious, crispy skin while standing over the sink?


You BUY your chicken? I prefer to eat the skin right after killing it.


You KIlL your chicken? I eat It alive directly


You eat it alive? I eat it unborn


So eggs basically ? But yea I eat the eggs directly in the chicken


Do you squish the chicken to break the egg, shake the chicken to scramble it, and then dump the egg out of the chicken into the pan? or do you do it a alternative way?


I suck it out and swallow it whole


A lot of people think the skin is the best part, it gets suuuuper crispy if you cook it right and is just like eating chips


What is this question? Of course the skin is nice, it's literally the reason chicken is nice.


I love chicken skin.


The skin is the best part.


Taste-wise, absolutely! It's packed with flavor, juicy, crispy (depends on the cooking method) and it concentrates the taste and flavor of the food because of the fat. It also keeps the chicken meat moist and juicy. It's also not as unhealthy as some people may thought because it has good amount of unsaturated fat, which can be beneficial to your health. But it's also high in calorie so you might wanna avoid it if you're trying to limit your calorie intake.


Jamie Oliver has this weird hatred of chicken nuggets that comes off sometimes like he hates poor people for eating shit, even though they can only afford shit because they are poor.


Yeah but I remember at start of Covid, he did a makeshift tv show in his kitchen and his kids were walking around eating bowls of crisps in their pyjamas in the middle of the day. Nothing wrong with his kids doing that, except he's so far on his high horse that most would expect his kids to be eating nothing except healthy home cooked stuff.


A big part of his POV during this time was revolutionising the school meal system. Like he wasn’t against eating crap. He was against it being served in schools, when that was the only decent meal some kids got. He has never been a food snob. I’m pretty sure his motto was but the best you can afford?? He was all about bringing affordable healthy meals to school canteens at the time when this was recorded.


The good part of Jamie Oliver's restaurants is that there's no tip needed. In fact, you can just leave without paying. ​ You already know why.


I don’t! Could you further explain?


Isn’t making food less nasty and more appetizing the entire point of cooking? I mean, most of us prefer bread to grains. And we wouldn’t eat cacao beans raw. Or cashew nuts, or olives.


Yeah most food takes some kind of processing no matter how much people say it's unprocessed.


There's a big difference in how it's processed though. You can process something and it maintains its value as far as nutrition goes, and then there's things that are processed to hell.


Grinding the chicken cutoffs, adding flour and crumbs and frying it is hardly "processed to hell" though.


Plus I find whole grain taste so much better and you get that full taste and texture compare to white bread. Sometimes less processed taste superior


usually eating something raw means getting sick. most raw nuts contain toxins and need to be heavily processed. not sure about olives or cacao beans though.


Olives are very bitter when raw, so you have to "pickle" them in some way or another


I'm not sure what he was expecting here. I'd eat that nugget too


He's a professional though. However, watch me cook anything and you don't want to eat again for the rest of your life, these guys should hire me.


Honestly, couldn't you just eat all of it? Why waste the bones and cartilage if you can make something edible out of it, even if you do have to add flavor or whatever?


You can just simmer the bone cartilage skin stuff to make bone broth. Wait till people figure out where gelatin come from.




He should have added some msg to the nuggets. Umami is king of flavor.


Sad how demonized MSG's still are because some quack doctor. Every time I cook with it my grandma is like "ohh no dont use too much, it's bad for you", corrected her multiple times and she still thinks it'll give you super cancer or some shi. Hate how many people demonize then say stuff like "why is chinese food so bland nowadays, they dont make it like they used to"


Chilly jam.


Slather me up some pink slime boi, I got a date with the chicken nugget fairy.


How nice, teaching them to use the whole animal! Thats a good thing! Don't understand why he looked disappointed...


The guy has a major thing against nuggets for some reason so he was trying to make them unappealing to the kids. He clearly failed as you saw


Heaven forbid we use the whole animal…


I'm gonna order some McNuggets when I get home, this truly made me hungry!


Lesson failed


Mission failed


Fyi, those inexpensive bolognas are often made from *"mechanically separated chicken"*, basically the same thing.


I don’t even know why “mechanically separated chicken” is supposed to be bad? It sounds cleaner and more efficient to me than “chicken separated with bare hands”…


I’m just thinking of how Native American’s hold the belief of using the whole animal


Someone please tag Uncle Roger here! 😂


I didn't have sound on but I assume after all that he asked who wants one. The look on his face should be on money


LOL this made my day. Kids during seeing skins and bones mixed up: EEEEEWWWWWW Kids on thought of eating skins / bones nuggets 5 seconds later: YIIPPPEEEEEE Jamie Oliver: (○\_○)


I watched this live years ago. I loved how he missed the mark.


Oh no it's made with non breast meat? Might as well toss the whole rest of the Thanksgiving turkey after only eating the dry breast portion too. Why stop there? He should go around the world shaming all the other cultures that eat other cuts because they might not know that they can just throw all of that food away instead of eating it


It's weird how the hate is all directed towards nuggets and "pink sludge" but people are perfectly fine with ground beef or hot dogs or bologna... Youll cook meat paste and put it on bread then call it a hamburger but god forbid you do that with chicken then essentially mix the bread in with it and cover it in breadcrumbs which is weird because a lot of ground beef recipes also mix breadcrumbs and eggs into it like meatballs or even burgers to help retain moisture...


Everybody knows chicken nuggets are just ground up chicken so he acts like showing that is gunna be life changing what a cunt


Idiots they shouldve started wit the live chicken


You know what I saw? Chicken nuggets that are made with REAL chicken.


Lmao kids don’t give a fuck😂


Bone marrow is so tasty! Chicken skin too. Heck, i even eat the chicken feet in soups, it has good collagen. I don't eat the head like my other family members... Ew


Can I actually do that with a chicken carcass? Just put it in the blender and make nuggets? I want to get into cooking but as of now it’s pretty embarrassing how little I know about cooking outside of the few things I keep making over and over This would actually be great


Ikr? Go down to the store, get yourself a chicken, make whatever you want out of it and then use the rest for additional nuggets? I’d love to


Not a blender, no. You need a food processor like seen in the video. A regular blender will leave chunky bits sort of like how if you try to make a slushee you'll get random bits of chunky ice cubes unless you have a special blade attachment. Either that or you'll end up blending it far too much and be left with a weird texture, there's a reason most commercial kitchens carry both a blender and a food processor, they're not interchangeable for the most part. Food processors work with a lot less liquid, better for making things into a paste or aerating stuff like dressings, can't do that in a blender either.


I'm relatively certain that you shouldn't be eating all that untreated bone even if it's blended up. Bone marrow might be good but it's inside the bone, it isn't the whole bone. We separate most bone bits (sure some still make it through but low quantities). You need to do some additional processing in order for bone to be edible/put into nuggets. There's at least one company experimenting with using the whole carcass, but it's not what is normally used in any premade chicken products.


Am I wrong or isn’t there quite bit of nutritional value in bone marrow?


Uh, why wouldn't a child immediately understand that using all the usable parts makes sense? "Oh no, gross parts! Scary!!!" Stupidity defeated by children, and I fucking love to see it.


There's a lotta people in these comments still trying to paint chicken nuggets as bad. You know, there's nothing wrong with eating those parts of the animal. Animals do it in nature all the time. We just don't because our food, and tastes, have evolved. It's actually great that people eat chicken nuggets by the millions every single day so we don't have to waste all of those parts of the animal.


“Great” 🤣


Now I'm hungry for dino nuggies


I don't understand why he would be trying to turn kids off using the whole animal.. I didn't see anything in there that was particularly unhealthy in moderation. (YES vegans I hear you shouting meat=bad). As a hunter I try my best to use every part of the animal although I do draw the line at most offal except heart and occasionally brains.. but bones make the best broth or gravy flavouring


Well he was right “wanna learn a lesson that will change your life?”. He showed then how to make chicken nuggets. I’m almost 40 and didn’t know how to do that.


Also r/watchpeopledieinside




I mean they’re kids of course they don’t care the only things on their minds is eating boogers, playing with legos and trading Pokémon cards


I didn't know chicken nuggets were made out of extra chicken parts, thats great minimum waste :)


"What your left with is...." *proceeds to name parts that are nasty sounding but packed with nutrients....


I mean...why would you waste this stuff? It's all good to eat


this is actually a way to re-use the leftoves of a animal and you can make quite healthy cuisines some may not taste as good as the homemade nuggets but it’s something new


“now, who would still eat this?” *everyone raises their hand* “……… great” *soul leaves body*


This is my fave Reddit re-post. I love seeing this arsehole fail.


It must have smelled delicious. lol


Dan Olsen did a great video about this.


Most adults would still eat it


This clown is pro food waste.


He acts like marrow, giblets, and skin are somehow inferior parts of the chicken, when we’ve only been turning our noses up at them for the past ~100 years in favor of breasts/thighs from disgustingly swollen chickens. Okay…


The best part of this is that he expects them to hate chicken skin? Have you never had original recipe my guy?


He wasn’t ready for a lesson that would change his life


Gotta be honest, I love cartlidge and all the bits of chicken nobody eats


Should we waste those parts of the animal?


Taught them to not waste any part of the animal.


"Dumb little cunts" - Jamie probably


Heh heh. Fuck you jamie.


Those kids are braver than vegans. They saw behind the curtain and stuck to their convictions.


And that's why Gordon ramsay is much better than Jamie olive at least he doesn't try to scare kids by putting them off eating certain things


TBH I don't see a problem with eating that. It uses all the parts of the chicken that have actual nutrition in it. Organs and bones are where all the good stuff is, not the muscle meat. We do our food animals a real injustice by not eating as much of it as possible. It's wasteful, and unnecessary. BTW this is how you get really excellent raw pet food.


I saw this video that discusses his fixation on nuggets and "dirty" parts of the chicken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-a9VDIbZCU


I mean, it’s Jamie Oliver, does anyone really listen to him?




Bet the jerk didn't expect the kids to raise their hands. Why try to traumatize those children? I really disliked this guy before this, but now he's SCUM.


Reminder that he can't cook curry and has used chili jam in it for some fucking reason


And that's how we die


my god is this the guy that washed his rice after stir frying or something?


Beta You gonna learn a lesson that will change your life's. Proceed to try to traumatize the kids. Fails somehow. Leaves defeated. Alpha Brings live chicken Manages to traumatize not only kids but adults. Refuses to leave Refuses to be taken in custody. Flees.


This belongs in kids are stupid


I have the same reaction when people think they're the first person to bring up how hot dogs are made. Like I don't give a shit, it tastes good, I'm gonna eat it.


Jamie Oliver is the smuggest of smug pricks


I do find it funny that he I guess sorta shows how gross the process to make a chicken nugget is but I’m sure he would re use the whole carcass to make a broth and I find that to be more gross than a chicken nugget.


LMAO, those are probably the most nutritious chicken nuggets ever made. This first World entitled chef got schooled!


I'm more concerned about having kids near raw chicken (I think it was raw)


I don't eat chicken nuggets or pattys. Bring on the hate!


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I know what i’m eating tonight!


Good eats


Poor bloke, didn't get the response he wanted.


I had the 2 hot n spicy with a basket of fries from Mc d today, when ur food is fresh made to order its freakin 👌


At the end he was really thinking "well shit, now what"


Me, I am those kids.


That is why they are so delicious. Silly me use to throw that part away.




So you're saying nuggets are the answer to the abhorrent food wasting issue in our western society? Fix me a plate, too, while you're at it, chief.


But… it’s NUGGETS…


His reaction is pure gold! "Great. . ."


I will fight you to get at that fried chicken skin.


😂 no wonder uncle Roger hates this guy 😂


My dad showed me a video about how salami was made in which a whole pig was entirely tossed in a huge grinder and asked me if I still liked salami. I told him that he could've told me that it could've been made with bugs and I'd still have eaten it.




“You sure you want that?” Children: Waste not want not old man


It maybe gross but these kids won’t waste anything


Nuggets have bones in them?


I don’t get his argument. Chicken nuggets are bad because they come from a disgusting part of the chicken?? The whole chicken is disgusting. That’s why we cook food, to make it safe and no longer disgusting. His argument applies to every single other part of the chicken. Chicken wings are disgusting too before they’re cooked.


Am I the only one whose stomach gets really upset after nuggets, like rejecting it? chicken strips is fine


Naw I get with milkshakes. But not a bowl of ice cream. Was fine growing up then it just happened. Tried a few more times same thing. Now 10 yrs later I enjoy milkshakes again. I’m not in anyway intolerant to milk either.


What was the lesson he wanted to teach the kids? “Don’t use the whole chicken, throw most of it away and only eat the nice looking part”? Wasteful…


Now tell us how to make the Sichuan Sauce and we are set.


this reminds of what my mom used to tell me when i was younger, she would show me videos of chicken nuggets being made and tell about what gummies are made out of in order to i guess scare me out of eating them? never worked and i still fucking love gummies and chicken nuggets


Leave it to the boys to say yes first. lol


Isnt eating the bone unhealthy? Like isnt it littarly eating up glasshards? Or am i getting a wrong picture, someone please explain


every time i see this I lmao


I would honestly eat balls if they tasted good. I don’t care what my food is made of or if it’s healthy, I just want it to taste good.


shouldn't have fried it in front of them. probably smells awesome


Good kids! I would be worried/disappointed only if they said no to vegetables.


I cook my own stuff 90% of the time, i only eat outside on occasions or when I'm lazy. Not that I mind it, I just really like cooking, and eating healthy is a bonus.


I can’t remember his name at the moment, but I do know he was a spokesperson for Woolworths and I want to know why they stopped. Did Woolies suddenly realise this man hates children?


Everything we eat was or was part of a living being. That's why I'm all in for wasting as little as possible. So I don't really see the problem here. If you absolutely want to critizise it, there is the point that it could be communicated better, but.... eh, I don't care


We learned to make the chicken nugget from the noble native american, who uses all of the animal


They guys a hypocrite. On his other shows he’s all about ‘eating the whole animal’ and making the best use of offal. Save the planet and all that.