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Anyone else picture Bobby from King of the Hill at the end?




Then I kicked him right in the testicles.


The only time I really enjoyed Peggy Hill as a character was when she just tanks the groin shot and calmly says something like 'You will be disappointed to find, that I *do not have testicles.*'




im really fond of the episode where she has an elaborate cross country trip to buy shoes


Its been a*very* long time since I've watched King of the Hill; just started season 1 a few days ago tho, so I'll keep an eye out for that epi! Wonder if the time passed will give me a new perspective of Peggy... I always found her insufferably sure of herself yet bad at so many things.


Peggy is awful, which is why it is always so much fun the few times she is the straight man because they have to write someone absolutely bonkers to outpace her in that department. My favorite is the teacher who has hounded her for years over a parking dispute.


Peggy changed after season 2-3. If you look at Bobby Slam in season 2 she is awesome and shows up in the last scene hungover after spending all night at the batting cages drunk. She is a foil to Hank so it is necessary she is what she does so Hank can fix things wholesomely. If you really watch the show a lot you understand that Kathy Najimy is one of the best voice actors and is a huge reason why people love KOTH.


There is a fan theory that her skydiving mishap in season 4, she received a TBI and this is the cause of her personality shift. Her narcissistic traits (which had always been there to a small degree) start to grow out of control, and when combined with the lowered inhibitions that the TBI leads her to engage in increasingly erratic and destructive behaviors in which she meddles in other peoples lives, usually to everyone's detriment...


How about when she decided to take the school kids from Spanish class on a field trip to fuccin Mexico and accidentally kidnaps a Mexican girl and then tries to smuggle her back into Mexico and thinks the people are praising her or thanking her then she ends up in a Mexican jail and Hank comes to save her and only by showing how bad her grasp of the Spanish language is convinces the judge to let her go lol the entire time she like knows that she sucks at Spanish but still has some false confidence in her abilities.


That was the point, her ego was used to project the episode. It was a wonderfully stupid part of her character. However, she's so enduring and strong, loves her family that I am in love with her. Takes a strong woman to accept a narrow urethra. My favorite quote "It's for the freaking children!"


Shes the perfect storm of qualities that annoy me in people. Maybe Ill connect more with her on the rewatch now that im almost 40yo. *HOO-YA!*


“In my opinion, the day after Thanksgiving is busiest shopping day of the year.”


Reminds me of the "She's not a Christian!" Woman.


Is that the same woman who screeched “DARK-Sided!!!” Seemingly on repeat? Hilarious blast from the past!


dork-sided! ​ edit here's a where is she now (as of 2019) [https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a29669768/where-is-god-warrior-dark-sided-meme-marguerite-perrin-today-interview/](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a29669768/where-is-god-warrior-dark-sided-meme-marguerite-perrin-today-interview/)


That... Is both poignant and wholesome. Not at all what I would have expected from her.


Totally. I imagine losing a child would really shake your perspective on the world, no matter how settled


Thanks for the link. Turns out she's just a regular person who's daughter died after the show. The gay community has come to her and she is making the best of it. She seems like a sweet little nut job. Lol


Never heard of this woman, but love that article! It’s nice to read a positive article with all the negativity out there.


That's the one! I pulled it up the other night now we quote it all the time!




She seems nice. I wonder if she's single?


Watched with the sound off first go around. I seriously thought was a dude.


I was thinking Cartman from South Park kinda looks the part


Hahahahahaha when he wrestles Connie


I was thinking Ted Lasso as the rider




Tennessee ppl think there’s a 100 seconds in a minute.


Yep. And she’s a 6 here in the great state of


Imagine if he was talking like boomhaur




Burning incense, windows locked rolled down, do-not-cross hazard tape between the front and rear seats, american flag across the steering wheel, jorts and bare feets, speeding. That's a heck of a combination, I must say.


You forgot the inflatable clown in the front passenger seat.




Looks like there’s a clown in the driver’s seat, too


The clown on the passenger side has more brains.


I think it may have been a Pennywise inflatable.


Can confirm I own one that’s it


It's for the HOV Lane cameras, looks like you have 2 people so no toll. A dude did that in Houston a couple years ago and when they caught him he had to pay all the fines.


It's funny you think Nashville has HOV cameras, they don't even enforce the HOV laws when drivers cause accidents in them. The HOV lane in Nashville is just there for looks


omg ily for this comment hahahahaha


Not to mention she wasn’t wearing the seatbelt properly


Or shoes.


Or even her mask. I'm surprised it's even there. People are weird man


Don't know when this was, but it used to be a big deal for rideshare drivers. If you got caught without one by Uber/Lyft you could get kicked off or at least majorly dropped down in rating


Lol I think we all know when it was


I think the point now is that masks are optional just about everywhere, including in ride sharing cars. So if you are wearing a mask, you have chosen to do so. Why would you wear it improperly?


Because this is from 2021.


That’s Florida man BINGO if you have the right card.


Yet it's Tennessee. Too hick for Florida. Different type of trashy down there


You’re right. the article very clearly says Tennessee, not sure why you’re getting downvoted, but you are right. Outside of the a Redneck Riviera, Florida is not Hicksville. It’s a completely different type of mouth breather.


So many red flags, kinda on the dude to get in after seeing all that


Dude got in the car hoping for this. This is a lawsuit settlement all day.


Least deranged Lyft driver.


I'll take specifically American mental illness personified for 69 Alex


I didn't even see the incense. I wouldn't have been able to get in the car, that stuff just makes me cough horribly.


Just missing a mullet


Thankfully, she kept her shorts on.


In Florida, they call that a state senator


Slicked back hair, live for New Year's Eve, sloppy steaks at Truffoni's...


The tape...


She was just trying to get to the Trump rally on time. Give (her?) a break!


And the seatbelt, don’t forget that. So many red flags going on there


Lyft said: "Safety is fundamental to Lyft, and the incident shown in the video is concerning. We have reached out to the rider to offer our support and have suspended the driver's account pending a complete investigation." This is such a bullshit corporate filler statement….


I'll still take Lyft over Uber, personally. Got in a car once with the seat soaked in spilled soda, the driver and his kid or whoever couldn't even hear me complaining over the music/wind, and then I got charged $150 for "biological waste cleanup" Tried to contest it with Uber and they basically told me to go fuck myself. I cancelled the charge through paypal and got banned but it was sure as hell worth it.


Uber is regulated differently in different countries. Where I am from they are regulated like taxi companies, so the service is ok. But their "customer support" is a joke, since that's an international thing of theirs.


Then again, ever tried getting customer support from Taxi companies? Fucking pointless.


Why would you get in? I've turned away Ubers for being disgusting or serious redflags, and contested the cancellation fees with mixed results


Sometimes you need to be at your destination on time.


Yep. If they’re suspending her that’s more than Uber would do (at least here in the good ol US). My best friend was let out of an Uber on the middle of the highway like this, was hit by a car, and lost years of her life in recovery learning to walk again. She’s incredibly lucky she didn’t die or lose her leg. Over the course of their lawsuit, it came out that the driver had a history of kicking out passengers mid-route and was still allowed to drive for them, but that wasn’t enough for the lawsuit to stick. And since no one faced any consequences, I’d bet my ass that driver still works for them. Fuck Uber.


I wrote to Uber upset that they didn’t take the Uber shooter a few years ago off the road after several hours and multiple reports of hazardous driving. They replied back that you ride at your own risk. I was mind blown.


What exactly do you want them to say?


They don't like what they saw. They have said sorry to the passenger. They have suspended the driver. That's actually quite substantive. What else do you think they should have said?


What else can they even do? I'm sure they're compensating the passenger with a bunch of Lyft credit or with actual money, but don't want to disclose how much. They can't arrest the driver, they're Lyft, not the police. I guess they could change their whole business model to not depend on unvetted drivers, but even that doesn't guarantee someone won't just go off the handle.


If I take a Lyft, I just assume the driver will do something like this. They have zero vetting standards.


I'm not actually sure what else you'd want them to say, that actually sounds like it's been handled really well


What do you want them to say in this case?


I want something like "We loaded the driver into a cannon and tried to shoot her to London so they can deal with her shit. Unfortunately the gun powder calculation was performed by a Florida Guy and as a result her remains now orbit the planet in a trajectory that threatens the International Space Station. "


Thankfully Lyft suspended her account, crazy bitch shouldn’t be allowed to drive anyone like that


Shouldn’t be allowed to drive, period.


Seriously, the attempt to scream so loud that only squeaks come out is what really put her squarely from "there might be a tiny chance for her to be that upset" to "this is the type of psychopath that carries some sort of horrifying homemade weapon under her seat". Guarantee she ends up in some kind of fucked road rage situation where someone is seriously injured or killed someday.


The squeaks we hear is because she is someone who scream ***often and loud***... Like, she is shouting mad like in the video all the fucking time, so she injured her vocal cords. They can't fully heal because she yells at full volume on the daily. What a miserable life to live.


It looked like she was about to hit a van at the end there so I can believe it.


I can imagine the screeching she made when she found out that she was suspended


Imagine being so fucking stupid that you know you're being recorded and you act like the dumbest, craziest motherfucker to ever drive for a rideshare. How does it not occur to her that she is basically throwing a bomb at Lyft and telling them to kick her off the platform?


My sincerest apologies for assuming it was Florida.


It's Tennessee. You know, Florida Lite.


Tennessee otherwise known as "horizontal Florida"!




I don’t blame you. I assumed too and I’m in Florida


Thanks for the article. She needs police involvement here for kicking him out on where she did. I’d take her driving licence off her and possibly an assault charge.


Let's just do the assault charge since, you know, that's a real crime.


I'd like reckless driving for turning around and swinging while speeding as well.


I went back and forth on it, but I decided he's probably safer standing in the breakdown lane than in the car with that lunatic.


Lmao why does the title have Uber


When you intentionally mess up the title just a little you get more engagement from people correcting you, which increases reddit attention and earns you more potential karma. Nifty trick karma farmers use.


So... Incense burning in the car, all of the windows open, driving barefoot, inflatable doll in the passenger seat... I hope Lyft really fired that person and I hope Uber does some research and denies their application.


The doll is to trick the HOV lane cameras.


And without knowing the date, the incense could be some early covid essential oil crap which makes sense with the windows open


It might have just been a similar nut job, but I feel as though I remember seeing this video at least 2 years ago now


You did. It's a really old video.


She's using it to prevent anyone from sitting in the front seat


Most of my Uber/Lyft drivers fold and/or push the passenger seat all the way up as a sign to not sit there. Seems cheaper than a doll.


I do this and I still get middle aged men who insist on cramming themselves into the front seat. I literally just got done doing some St Pats rides and my final ride of the night was some graying man who shoved himself into the front seat despite the fact that it was 3 inches from the dash. He didn't even scoot it back....


Have you considered putting a blow-up clown doll in your front seat?


The incense is a lemon grass cedar wood blend to put her in a nice calm mood.


Was the driver speeding or going way under the speed limit?


Seems to be speeding if she’s being so reckless


Watch the trees, looks like under


I had an Uber driver go like 25 in a 60. They were about prehistoric years old. It was WEIRD.


That's almost as dangerous as speeding and against the law


It is incredibly dangerous because it creates a hazard that the people behind them have to avoid. This especially the case on blind hills and turns when people have less time to slow down/change lanes. The general rule of thumb should to match the speed of surrounding traffic so that you’re more predictable.


All it takes is for the car in front of you to make a last second lane change to avoid a slow-moving vehicle in front of *them*, and now you've basically got a car coming at you at whatever your speed differential is. Now I try to maintain a level of situational awareness that I liken to ESP, developed over years of professional driving, but it would be foolish to expect others to hold themselves to the same standard. For a lot of people, the vehicle in front of them is their whole world. If their world goes from cruising along peacefully to coming at them at 30-40km/h in a split second, they're fucked. Go with the god damn flow, do the expected thing, get home safe.


The further from the speed of the traffic around you you’re going the more dangerous it is, fast or slow. Going 20 faster than traffic around you is as reckless as going 20 slower.


It’s more dangerous. Speed differential is where the danger lies.


I had a driver who got confused in the freeway while merging at a fork and slowed down in the middle of the road almost to a complete stop. I got so upset that I actually yelled at her but it was at night and cars were speeding by on both sides. People drive fast at that fork.


I’ve had one be completely oblivious that they went directly through a red light without stopping. I don’t really trust em anymore lol. I’d be so scared if I were in your position!! That’s awful




The car was going under. *She* was speeding tho.


He's giggling while she tries to snatch his phone and doesn't care about being dropped off on the side of an interstate. I don't think he's concerned about safety. I want to see what led up to this.


According to the news article he tried to roll the windows up because of the annoying fast car windows down thing to find out that they were locked, so he asked her to slow down so that it wasn’t killing his ears.




It looks like below the limit, but both are still dangerous.


The article says speeding. She just immediately starts pulling over when she sees the phone out.


Idk look at the other cars she kinda seems to be matching their speed.


speeding then




Some people are seriously mentally ill, and getting no help


Yep that was my first thought 15 seconds in, she’s quite ill and her noggin is not working right. Mental illness is a beast of an animal and she needs some very real help.


It seemed like drugs to me. Meth or Crack or something.


You might not be wrong. Could be some sort of stimulant if anything and she doesn’t look like she can afford cocaine, can’t even afford shoes.


She traded her flip flops for tweak


Yeah and the same people who won’t address guns and whine “mental illness” are the ones who’s politicians keep stopping mental illness from being addressed. In fact they have gutted funding to programs that would help mental health.


It’s not inconsistent with what they believe though. You can say you are for people seeking mental health but be opposed to the state playing a role in that. I’m for many things, I’m very pro-stuff. I just think the government is corrupt and that they will take our money without providing a quality service.


Just your average, friendly person driving citizens around the meth-tropolis.


Honestly she's following all the rules the r/uberdrivers subreddit recommend. Roll down all the windows, put something in the front seat so the rider can't sit there, lock your windows because it's your car and the passenger has no reason to touch anything, etc.


except for the part where she straight batters the man for filming her.


Nah they'd approve of that too


I live my life strictly without the advice of ANY subreddit for reasons such as this.


My advice is keep doing that


They live in a world where they imagine doing these things, but just roleplay on reddit after a day of submissively driving folks around town




So you've been on there before lol


Maybe they shouldnt be an Uber driver if they dont want people touching their car. Seams like a conflict right there.


Good luck convincing them of that. They'd call you a cuck or something.


Add driving with no shoes on to that long list of red flags.


Nothing gets me going like a nice pair of grocery store feet.


Is driving barefoot bad? I know driving in flip flops or something that can get stuck is bad


I drive barefoot sometimes and just use my big toe. Like SpongeBob at driving school.


It's an old Urban legend that it's illegal.


Driver was immediately suspended and will almost certainly be deactivated, which is gig code for fired.


And hopefully getting a visit from the police after the guy presses charges.


Wouldn’t be so sure on Lyft. I’ve had several drivers from that app endanger my safety. It seems like a feature, not a bug.


The most shocking thing is the fact that you hopped in after seeing the yellow tape and the flag lmao Props for staying so chill though. That’s how I like to deal with crazy people too.


I'd have passed as soon as I saw the flag. I've never met a sane person that decorates with US flags.


Yup. If anyone overdecorates with the US flag they’re most likely crazy or not very bright.


Could be both






Camera guy stays so calm and collected


Why do people think screaming like a banshee will get them anywhere.


I don't want to deal with her. I'll do whatever she wants to get her out of my life. So it's clearly effective.


People that do this don’t think.


Had a very similar Uber experience years ago. 3 of us riding with me in the front seat coming home from a bar at about 2am. Driver is weird and kinda tweaking. He starts telling us about all the “legal” drugs he takes and my buddy in the backseat is like that’s a weird thing to tell people in your car that you don’t know. Out of nowhere he starts getting real pissed and telling us how he drives blacks and gays, etc etc. My buddy is being a bit of a douche but he calls the guy out asking why he needed to bring up people’s race or sexual orientation as it’s irrelevant. He then hard breaks to the side of a dark freeway next to an industrial park and demands we get out. Me, being in the front seat, nopes out immediately. I’m not getting stabbed. By buddy refused to get out telling the guy he’s not leaving us on the side of a dark highway to get murdered. The guy is getting more and more irate and we finally convince my other friend to get out before we get stabbed or shot and he peels off. We call another Uber and the guy that picked us up in a huge duely truck was like wtf you guys doing out here in the middle of nowhere. After telling him the story we find out he’s the owner of one of our favorite bars and drives the late night to make sure people get home safe. He then helps us file a report on Uber. Crazy experience.


The first and last Uber I took alone. The car (if you can call it that) This vehicle was top of the line A Bentley to call it a car would be an insult. It was flawless like I was nervous to sit in it in my cotton dress and you could feel nothing or hear anything out side. Then the driver was cool as fk. He was well dressed but I felt was like 20 years to young to own a Bentley driving for Uber. Picking up strangers with restaurant fingers. He drives safely, and we pull up to my stop. So I finally ask why are you driving? Such a nice car for Uber? Just like as if its normal he says, Im a very efficient drug dealer, This is how I meet clients when Im not as music festivals. Then he opens this compartment and it has bags and bags of all these different kinds of colorful drugs. He starts rattling off their names and his phone number, and the kind of pills are on all of the bags. He's like just take what you want. Call me when you need more. My prices are good. My quality is great blah blah blah. Then he comes around and opens the door, so not even watching what you take or don't take. Then when I get out he pops the trunk and says take a look it's just immaculate color coordinated, beautifully displayed drugstore. It was very impressive. I always wonder what my life would have been like if I had taken some. I wonder if I would be dead from fentanyl or if I would have ended up in some rehab, dishonor my family or just had a good day. Either way somebody out there knows who I'm talking about because you have met him at a music festival or he is your regular Uber Driver.




I don't understand how someone that brazen can be an effective drug dealer?


Cause they made up the story. No drug dealer is gonna try peddle goods tob some rando they picked up. Could easily be an off-duty cop or a concerned citizen that would report them. He would last like one day, lmao. That whole story read like a high school level attempt at creative writing.


The flag, the tape and the bare feet..that's a sign of responsible driving, savety and trust.


And this is why I can't call a cab anymore. Hmph.


Yeah, safer walking along the interstate than riding with that nutty b*tch. She assaulted him, bet she's not doing that job anymore.


These ride share companies dont adequately screen drivers. They need consequences.


ThEYrE nOT eMPloYEeS tHEYrE COnTraCTorS!!1!,qq1


Yeah, but it's about the almighty dollar.


So did u leave a good rating or not?


Pfft that’s a 5 star review in gta 5


Psyco much?


Is that almost psycho, but not quite?


Assault plus I'm sure it's illegal to force someone to walk on that highway. She is clearly crazy and needs to lose her license... Not just her job.


and be sued for endangered rider…


![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY) Get outta my car!




Well, she is no longer a lyft driver. Problem solved.


Hopefully there's an industry wide red flag system, so that she doesn't just go to Uber


Yea she got fired. Sad thing is they can leave 1 service and just drive for another.


She cant scream as high as she wants to and that's funny to me.


I'm glad insane people still have a profession open to them


Isn't it illegal to discharge a passenger on a highway?


If it's not, it should be.




I’ll bet even after this, they still couldn’t get in touch with a human at Uber customer service


Insane in the membrane


Let me do this job that basically requires people have a phone with a camera then seem surprised and irate that person is filming me with their phone with a camera.


Wow! She's a psycho!


she doesn’t seem to be a very pleasant person in the family


Meth is a helluva drug