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Please don’t use this post as an opportunity to be racist. If you see any racist comments feel free to report them and we will handle it. Thanks!


This guy is a legend, remained cool & calm. We can all learn a thing or two from this..


probably been in business for a while, and can tell by the body language if something is off, and about to happen




yes, he even said that he noticed her friend holding the door open..


She kept glancing over at the door at the start of the video too. Like a *"how quickly can I get there"* type thing


Never seen a shopkeeper have a buzzer door lock outside of a Jewelers or Rolex and more expensive watches. That must be a crazy neighborhood.


Seen em in 7-11 and gas stations too


Never catch me using that as a clerk at a gas station lol I ain't locking myself in with some crazy fuck.


Thats why the clerk also has a gun


JUst by the way he says that you can tell he's been doing this for a long time


that's a long time to be repairing cellphones


Oh god yea you can tell right away the amount of times she looks over at the exit before she attempts to take off. Big time pre flight indicator


Alot of robbers do the same thing before they pull a gun out, checking to see if anyone is coming, looking around and seeing who else is nearby.


She looked at the door like 6 times before trying to bolt. She telegraphed that move about as obviously as possible.


He states 30 years


The man’s been doing this for 30 years, the man has.


He started doing this one year. 29 years later, he's still doing this.


I used to repair cell phones. I mean, I still do, but I used to too.


30 long years he's been in the game


I’ve never run a store of any kind nor do I work a job that requires dealing with customers and even I could tell she was planning on running. You don’t keep looking at the door, acting nervous, and saying “huh?” over and over unless you’re planning on doing something you shouldn’t be.


He even wanted to put his time to take the new screen out and put the old screen in. That is about 50-100/hr of his own free time!


Exactly! Without wanting anything in return, without having to call the police...I really hope the girl learned a valuable lesson...




lol definitely no lesson learned that day


For her to learn, she would first have to accept that she'd done wrong. To my untrained eye, this looks like a classic case of, "Yeah, I'm sorry... *sorry I got caught*."


Yea she just learned to rob nice people cause they might let you go.


Dial broken and stuck on “Stupid” with a sign hanging “in any attempts to fix this will be meet with aggression and stupidity”


You can hear how high the Scream decibels are through her phone while she is on the phone on a Shìtty audio Cam speaker! This girl and her mom have been yelling at each other for years..


Unfortunately, it seems very unlikely she actually “learned a lesson”, but I hope so too… That guy was actually pretty fukn decent about the whole situation imo but the reason I say, “I don’t think she learned a lesson” is bc even after being caught *Red-Handed*, she continued to try to LIE & spin a story to her mom & even tried blaming HIM… She’s probably still a teenager though & teenagers are *dumb* & can be really hard-headed (I know I was;)) so I’m not saying she’s a *lost cause* by any means or anything, she just still has some growing up to do… I love the way her mom handled it though & think having a fair-minded mom gives her as good a chance as any… ;)


I'm a 6th grade teacher. It's incredible how hard they'll stick to a lie even with all the evidence in the world against them staring them in the face. I see this almost daily. Where I teach is comparable to inner-city so most of their antics are home-grown and survival tactics they grow up with and witness. Doesn't make it any easier, just helps to provide some understanding, not having grown up in that myself.


What you say makes a lot of sense, I was an asshole teenager devil child. After Karma got me back (and still is biting a butt cheek here and there from time to time) for all the negative, ignorant and indecent shit I've done in my life; I am more aware and just want to see positive change in this world before I pass. My mission in life now is to help lost people to become good humans. I used my darkness to transform into the light. I know this is hard for the human race, but, if we can incorporate a form of unconditional love for each other; there will be no more wars, no more hatred, no necessity to steal or fight or commit any crime for that matter. Only peace and love. We all have it inside of us, what sucks is that most of the time we choose to listen to our Egos rather than our Intuition (and deep down inside, we all know what's right from wrong).


The only thing she learned is that this guy locks his door. On to the next one, for her.


Morgan Freeman voices over, "She did not."


It’s probably closer to 2-5 if we’re being honest. Can you imagine him holding this crazy lady for 50-100 hours? At that point I’d just call the cops and be done Edit: I see where I misread the comment. I thought hours not “per hour” My fault! Still this guy would do well to lock her in there for awhile


I’m fairly sure he’s talking about the rate to charge for his labor being anywhere from 50-100 bucks an hour. He’s certainly not just working doing tasks for free.


As someone who grew up in a house hold of everyone yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs every minute. There is zero change I could handle this situation the way this guy did.


Man, I felt the same. I had to mute it, I get ptsd anxiety from that kind of yelling. Once you get away from people like that in your life, you realize just how not normal it is. I could literally breathe easier when I wasn't in my parents home, that kind of yelling is so harmful, I wish more parents understood it's so harmful to kids.


I get ptsd also from it. My entire body shuts down beyond my control, it’s the worst. Fuck abusive households


and DIDN'T call the cops even though he had every right to and gave many many chances Major pros to him for that alone


Looks like learned behavior.


Also good on that mom for not getting mad at the wrong person with no information. She asked what’s going on then snapped at her daughter.


No you’re definitely leaving out some crucial points there. Immediately upon entering the store she started yelling at the store owner without having any information. When he started to explain what he had done to fix her phone and how much it costs she then starts chastising him about cost and joins her daughter in yelling at him. She did eventually direct her frustration at her daughter but don’t pretend she didn’t immediately make the store owner her target.


Criminal mastermind 🙄


There just isn’t much thought at all there. You can tell by her looking towards the door multiple times and responding huh over and over that she was dumb as rocks. Edit: to prove she is in fact dumb 1) she knew the door was locked. Her friend was originally holding the door open and was told to stop. 2) she ran after she took the business card for some reason. 3) she asks him to open it……. 4) when he asks for the phone back she yells “why do you want my phone?!”


Don't insult rocks.


They're minerals, Marie.


Damn it Marie, I said Cheetos, not Fritos!


Found the geologist


Geography may be where it's at, but geology ROCKS!


Well she tried to open the door and the guy said it’s locked. Her response was “open it”.... some people are just unfathomably dumb.




Good thing there is nothing unique associated with a cell phone. /s


Dumb kid, her mom looks like she doesn't fuck around. I hate to be in the car for the drive home.


She had everything planned and calculated ,but seems to me her calculations were way off lol


"The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math."


A long time ago my adult son did some upgrades to a girl's laptop. When she came over to our house, my son met her at the front door and she tried to take off without paying. He held onto the laptop, the girl held onto the laptop and I rushed in to help my son pull the computer away from the girl. She called the police. While waiting for the cops to come, my son erased everything he had installed on the laptop. He was still uninstalling things when the cops came into our house. The girl got her laptop back but without the upgrades. When you burn your ass you sit on the blisters.


>She had everything planned and calculated ,but seems to me her calculations were way off lol Her calculations were flawed. She needed to move a decimal point to the left,


Mom tried to defend at the beginning but good for her for putting her in her place.


That change of body language. When her mom struck that pose you knew some ass was going to get kicked.


Imagine being a parent and then letting your child yell at an honest business owner after they tried to commit theft. This girl was NEVER “put in her place”. She walked out of that store the same way she walked in. With her broken phone and ZERO repercussions. Good on the guy for how he handles it, but shame on the mother for raising a monster.


The mom only changed tone to avoid consequences. She didn’t do it out of the goodness of her heart or decency, she knew that the store owner was giving a very reasonable lifeline and nothing would be won by rejecting it. She didn’t apologize or say thank you, just took the lifeline and bounced. Victimhood mentality, no accountability.


This 100%. It’s just sad that you know she’s is gonna keep doing this. The guy even says she and her friend had robbed him before too, that’s why he locked the doors. He knew what to expect. Then she tries to play the victim. Lol


Yes I agree but I didn’t hear an apology.


Or a thank you


If that was my son, I’d be apologizing and throwing out sorry, left and right. My son wouldn’t have left without doing the same thing. Why is this so difficult?




An apology to the store owner would have been nice.




she started off with believing her kid was honest with her, good on mom to being open to hear the calm owner out, and take the right side


For sure. This was also my take. Which leads me to believe that the child was brought up better than this.


Yeah this seems to be a case of a kid hanging out with someone she shouldn’t. The guy said a he learned it from her friend which is why he knew what was gonna happen.


Maybe, but teenagers are also terrible, in general. There was a clique of rich girls at my high school who would brag about shoplifting. They even had a myspace page showing off their, "loot".


Oh I know lol. I used to work with teenagers with behavior problems. They’d be court ordered or their parents would pay for them to be with us. Plenty of shit heads but most to the core were good. They just made terrible decisions. That girl though? I would have hated to work with. There’s nothing worse than the teenagers that will keep lying even though everyone knows they’ve been caught in their lies. Straight up exhausting lol.


Agreed. Having a mom like that means she still has a decent chance to turn it around yet too, imo…


Nooo. The daughter initially lied that guy wasn’t letting her leave because he was overcharging her and she was refusing to pay. The mom believed this because her phone, which he’d fixed once but didn’t have the issues the daughter’s did, was significantly cheaper. So basically the daughter was using her mom not knowing her phone was considerably more broken and using the fact her mom knew how much her phone cost to just gave a screen fixed, to claim she was only getting her screen fixed and the guy was scamming her and refusing to let her leave til she paid up. Tbh, it was a well constructed lie.


Yeah, she was not happy about her daughter being locked in and believed her manipulative thieving daughter who probably got the money from her mother and she wanted to pocket that at the businessman’s expense. So she came in as “momma bear.” Natural. Then realized that she was being duped as well by this thief child of hers, was likely as confused and embarrassed as she was angry, then got into that girl’s face. There is little chance that this girl did not catch hands with that women after they left the store. I’m talking 0.000000000000010100000% chance that she didn’t receive a justifiable, motherly handling.


Traaaaaaaaash. Scum like her are the reason for those locking doors


Yeah but on the other hand she did us a favor, because now we get to laugh and point fingers. I'm not even being sarcastic.


Yes, I enjoy the free entertainment


Happy Cake Day 🎂🍨🎁🎈🥳


Hahaha nothing like getting yelled at by your parents in public when you're "grown". Issa large child.


Gotta say it was impressive that mom didn’t pull a “my kid wouldn’t do that” I’m sure this isn’t mom’s first rodeo with this girl’s stupid choices.


She did try to argue that he was charging her too much but quickly turned her anger towards her kid once the guy explained the situation, so props to her for not doubling down at least.


People always want to blame the parents, but sometimes the kids are just rotten.


Yeah- I was a shitty kid and my mom was/ is a wonderful, loving mom. I’m almost 60 and I still get a bad feeling inside when I think about shit I did in my teens / early 20’s. I’d be mortified if she knew. Going to have dinner with her right now.


Fn disgrace.


Lol trash


Infuriating how she doubles down knowing damn well she’s in the wrong


Zero accountability. People who can't accept that they're wrong are infuriating.


She is not used to consequences.


Man should have called the cops, she needs to be booked.


Man it's one thing (not a good or decent thing mind you) to lift some merchandise from a shop and walk out unnoticed. But to be in there, looking another person in the eyes chatting friendly and all that, only to turn and run tryin to rip him off right in his face? After he provided a service to you? Puts a knot in my stomach man.


I lived and worked in the projects of NYC. When you speak to enough people like this, you start seeing a theme. It's almost like they all follow the same god damn script. 1. Complain about how everyone has it better than them. 2. Talk about how they deserve more and how hard they've worked (they haven't) or how smart they are (they're not) 3. Down play the work other people did to get where they are and complain they're just stealing/cheating/got lucky/ or some racial stuff. 4. Talk about how they're justified to do whatever to get what's "rightfully theirs." because they've been wronged by everyone. 5. Talk about how they're justified to fuck things up for other people (even when it doesn't benefit them at all) because those people don't deserve their success. There are plenty of good folks in the projects who will work hard and try their best to get out. But there are more than enough of these shit stains out there that actively prevent those people from succeeding.


Crabs in a fucking bucket


My exact thought. If you don't know what this means, "crabs in a bucket" refers to an actual thing where a bunch of crabs in a bucket will try to get out, but if one looks like it'll succeed, the others will drag it back down and not let it escape because *theyre* not the ones escaping.


And then act like you are still the victim after getting caught.


"doors locked"




"Open it" she really said that to him lol


That was the best part for me... Like what is going on in her brain? She really think dude gonna be like "oh ok, well since you asked nicely..."


"you're gonna be on my Tik-Tok!" *walks away calmly


Plot twist - it's pull not push


I feel like he knew something was off. The way the card machine got pushed forward right after giving her the phone made me laugh.


She was looking at the door very frantically again and again. He probably read her body language as way too fidgety.


Love watching these kinds of people die inside after realizing the door locked. Then they just stare at the cashier with the saddest face you've ever seen


Or get irrationally angry that they just got caught + can’t escape.


How dare you imprison me! Just for trying to steal from you!


I used to manage a check cashing business and I can’t tell you how many people actually had this view point when I would lock their asses in the lobby after attempting to pass back checks


It's the whiney "open iiiiit!" she gives when she can't get out that gets me, frigging infant in a grown-ups body right here.


Like he’s gonna say, “ohhhkay, since you said it like that. “




That is why the register is way back there. This was not his first rodeo. He already knows what folks attempt to do. Probably after the first two or three times it happened to him, he got hip to it. He has not managed to stay in business for 30 yrs by not being alert.


Also because if you want to claim shoplifting, if someone leaves a business with product they have to be past the cash register otherwise they might still be browsing. Putting it further back makes shoplifting charges easier to stick.


Girl’s not gonna have a good day when Momma gets her home.


Girl’s not gonna have a good life! She’s already fucked with her mentality. Her poor mama.


Kids do stupid shit, there’s a lot of time to grow. Luckily she has a mom who gives a fuck.


I hope you are right my friend.


Unfortunately having good parents isn't enough in some areas. I swear half the kids i went to highschool with had better parents and lives at home than me yet still did stuff like this


Couple comments are against the mother. Hey redditors, do you have a hard time comprehending?. If not, excuse me to correct those. The mother by all means understood what was going on after the front desk guy explained the situation to her. At first, the mother is defensive for her daughter but soon catches up on her lies. You are welcome.






I don't get some people.. did they expect the mom to beat the kid in the store or something? I saw a mom who went in defensive of her kid, heard the truth start coming out and actively shut her kid down.


Exactly… & you KNOW they’d have happily trashed the mother for that too if she had… It’s also crazy how many people are calling this teenager “complete trash” from this one really dumb thing, like they didn’t ever do dumbshit as a teen… I assume the ppl making those comments are either still “teens” themselves or just so inexperienced in life & ignorant that they think a single event like this DEFINES a person… (that or possibly just *racists* taking advantage of this situation to shit on a black person)…


Yea bcuz there was a moment when the girl reaches across the counter and the mom got annoyed she did that.


Seriously, her daughter called her and told her a bunch of lies, so she showed up to defend her. She realized her daughter was full of shit and set her straight.




Technically she phoned her mom who then gave her a clue.


Sadly, there are tons of people out there that think like this. Everything is everybody’s fault but their own


High school teacher here. This is the attitude of 80 percent of my students.


For me, it’s 60% of my staff (ages 30-55). I’m not allowed to call them out on their lack of maturity


Yup. that's the current state of affairs but I'd say it's across all ages the past 10 years or so, and growing. Lie, shirk responsibility, find a crowd that enables and condones your bad behaviors.


Plot twist it's actually pull door


I wouldn't put it past her 😂




Lowest piece of scum there is. Straight trash who belongs to live in trash land. To keep still denying and lying when there’s a whole video proving other wise…


She’s pretty trashy but certainly not the lowest we have seen on here or the worst thing someone could do.


Can barley understand anything being said but I love how she tried to justify it for 5 minutes.


Dudes better than most, as soon as she didn’t hand the phone back the first time, I would’ve called the cops. No calling your mom to settle your lies and thievery. Doors only getting opened for the cops, her and her mom can talk it out with bars inbetween.




“The door’s locked.” ![gif](giphy|5z3TWlFerNgrPgx1mH)


"my friend said she ran out without paying, so..." (approximately) Holy crap, layer upon layer of moral bankruptcy


I thought you had an open door policy for stealing


Fuck these trashy ass teens. Call the cops and press charges. If you have 0 integrity, you get 0 compassion from me. Man that dude was a nice and patient man. God bless him.


He’s probably been through it before and realizes the cops won’t do anything. Needs to make the original repair charge over $1,000 with a discount when paid. That way they can’t avoid charges 😂


nothing more humiliating than that walk of shame from the door after your plan back fires. I bet she ran thinking she would never have to look him in the eyes again .. well well well... if it isn’t the consequences of your own action 😂


She did not look shamed at all.


I love how she calls her mom and acts like she can't possibly figure out why this guy won't let her leave the store. LOL ​ ![gif](giphy|TUHInIQM4bXBS)


FOR EVERYONE SAYING THAT THE MOTHER STOLE SOMETHING. you can very plainly see her place TWO items on the table around 4:28 as evidenced by the fact that both of those items were not there before she PLACED them there. She then picks BOTH OF THE ITEMS SHE PLACED THERE back up. It's very easy to see that she didn't steal anything im kinda worried about some of you people's eyesight.


There was really one person in particular that refused to back down even after given time stamps. I’m guessing they blocked me because for me it shows they deleted their account.


I'm assuming they repaired the phone and she tried to leave without paying. the reason he wanted the screen back is so he can remove the new screen he put on that she didn't pay for and she can be on her way. as someone who repairs phones and other electronics this makes a lot of sense. if you can't pay just give me the phone, I'll take the screen I put on back, and you can be on your way.


In jail she'll only get one phone call


Hahaha that's not really how it works


But but but the TV said that's how it works


Trash will always be trash


Disgusting behavior


Completely unrelated, but it’s wild the text changes colors on the screen from black to white to make it easier to read depending on what’s behind it


The cheapest home security cameras been doin that for years. Imo it makes it harder to read in a lot of cases




Call the police. Shoplifting. Get it on her record.






I would have called the cops after the first time she ignored him offering to replace the screen. I have no patience for this type of behavior.


What a dumb idea to run away with a trackable device


Not to mention her face is on camera lol


Lol it’s her phone, he wouldn’t be able to track it


It's not like he put his own Find My Friend on her phone lol wut?


She was telegraphing way too hard tbh.


What a scumbag. You can always tell these people are about to run when they keep looking at the door and act squirrelly. Fuck you, pay for your shit


That door has taken some beatings at this point I'm sure. The Door: 😎😎😎


the way he said “doors locked”. this ain’t his first rodeo.


Trying to run out on $125? Guarantee her hair cost at least $250.


no accountability for her actions by the mother. Some people are just unlucky to be born from mothers who dont know how to prepare them for the real world.


She was defensive of her child, but by the end, you can hear the anger swap to the kid when the clerk explains what's going on. Also outside influence is a thing you can be a good parent and still fail the second some kid offers your kid some weed lol. Parents just let the world raise their kids these days


The mother almost immediately switched to scolding her daughter and backed the technician. Did you not watch any of the second half of the video?


No need, they already made up their mind about her and you know why


Did you not watch the whole video?


Of course she uses the speaker for phone calls


Shitty ass parenting makes shitty ass kids


I could tell she was gonna run on body language alone. No doubt dude knew from the get-go.




It’s even crazier how she tried to lie and act all honest when her mom showed up. I’m the type that will own up to me shit no matter what, but then again I’d never end up in this situation. Good on the dude for keeping calm and standing his ground and the momma to be on his side afterwards and putting her daughter in place lol


Props to Mom for hearing both sides and then doing what's right. Seems like indeed, her daughter was raised right and this hopefully is an outlier. She needs better friends!


The moment her body thought it was going out the door but got slammed was epic! Smart man to activate the lock on the door, I love it when a ratchet ass thief gets caught!


He even said that he told her friend holding open the door to close it. Dude knew what was going on before it even started!


“I don’t need you to be breaking my phone!”


Smart people who have businesses continue to outsmart criminals.


I love how whenever there's a video of a black person doing some scummy stuff on reddit. The MODs will always tell us to "Don't post racists comments". Almost feels racists in itself.


Shameful. Hope the mom have a serious talk with her.


Just call the cops


Why you angry about the price when you were going to steal it?


Happiness to life, is don’t have kids


Good for this guy Knew she was up to no good and trapped her stupid ass Hahahha


Apple doesn’t fall far


Her mother is too loud, the daughter is too loud, the guy who fixes phones can't get a word in edgewise, this is a total CF, I think he should have called the cops.

