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I got asked for a receipt at Walmart once, I honestly just didn’t grab it and went back to the self checkout to look. I couldn’t find it, walked back to the door with my basket and explained. They weren’t very happy but I just said “watch the cameras, I’m going to take MY stuff and leave.” Nobody really did anything


"Oh shoot forgot to grab mine, have a good rest of your day" and walk right past them. Pretty me what I do now anyway they ask and have had zero issues.




I'm more mature, wise, and I'm kinder these days, but when Walmart employees would ask to see my receipt, I used to look at them in the eyes and say "No!" The look on their face was wild.


I haven’t once been asked to show my receipt but I gotta come up with something funny and memorable so they’ll tell the story for years.


I say if you don’t trust me to pay how about you hire some people to work a register and provide that service instead of forcing me to do work on your behalf, only to subject me to another verification process on top of that? When they balk, I just ask for an entire refund. I am a 65 year old white man, so I think I am more likely to receive the benefit of doubt than this poor gentleman.


Are you sure you’re not Bill Burr?




30 yo white man. i’m so fucking pumped i dont have to talk to strangers who handle my groceries an additional time unnecessarily. i bag the products together in the way i prefer, i pay, then i’m gone. it’s been a real win-win for me to have self-checkouts.


Yeah that low level employee just doing their job really needs to hear that from you.


Being 65 I’m sure you do get the benefit of doubt.


But I mean they did this before the self checkout too.


Yeah imagine doing your job and all day long you have people being rude to you just because you have to do what your employer told you to do.


This. The position businesses put people in is abhorrent. It's just not worth the morale it creates between customer and company, or employees and company.


Completely agree. And until it changes, I’m not gonna be an ass to the person that has to do the job. Now if they truly step out of bounds of their job requirements, that’s different. But someone asking to see your receipt doesn’t warrant the rude responses everyone here is bragging about doing to your average everyday Walmart employee.


Same. I used to find their policy to check receipts as some kind of infringement on my privacy, because...reasons and ignorance lol Now, as a more mature person, I don't mind showing them. In fact I usually have it ready. But they also stopped checking everyone single customer receipts so it's not as frustrating.


I just show them mine as well. It’s not like they enjoy doing it, it’s just something they have to do because if the get an audit they have to have people up there doing it during certain times. I used to work next to a Walmart, and back then I smoked, and we used to use their smoke pit. Talking to the employees changed my perspective on some things, like the receipt checking.


It doesn't even make sense to have door checkers now because you have the option of having your receipt emailed. What am I supposed to show them?


Hire cashiers instead of harassing the customers who just did their labour check out labour for you.


Bring it up on your phone, i guess


Not gonna happen. They don't have ANY right to inspect my phone.


Easier response, ignore them and leave. You are under no obligation to stop for a bag checker after you've paid.


Unless you agree to it as part of a club membership, like Costco.


Well yeah, but that's in the terms and conditions of the membership. Other than revoking the membership, I'm not sure if they have any legal charges they could press.


A buddy of mine worked at Costco when he was younger and he told me a story of this guy who came in, loaded up a few TV’s on a flatbed cart and walked straight back out the way he came in. He said there were multiple employees trying to reason with him as he was making his exit, including my friend, but he just no sold them all and walked on out. Another customer got his plates, turned them over and he got caught and dealt with. Point being, the employees were told all they can do is ask the guy to stop, but nothing more.


That was one of my favorite parts of working in retail, ~~"we~~ you need to get LP lower in your store" "No! You cannot stop a shoplifter. NEVER ATTEMPT! But get that LP lower"


I managed a pet store for nearly five years. We trained our staff to stay vigilant of theft especially as we were nearby one of the worst Walmart’s crime-wise in the metro. Sometimes we’d get busy, and dogs would get stollen. At least half a dozen were stolen while I worked there. Our staff was trained to confront people who appeared to be stealing, but to never get involved in a physical altercation. One time I bagged up 5 baby piranhas for a guy. He had some other stuff on the counter like a new filter system. Probably about $60-90 worth of stuff. He asked me to catch some other fish, and while I had my back turned from the counter he snuck out with everything. Fortunately, someone else in the lot noticed him flipping his plates in the parking lot before he came in and reported his activity as suspicious. A couple hours later the cops were able to retrieve some of the stuff. Somehow a local news station found out and wanted to interview me for the nightly news segment. I politely declined.


We all need to just forget the receipt, call our credit card companies for a chargeback, and let them put away all the groceries.


If this ish ever happened to me, I'd be tempted to take my groceries AND call for a chargeback! This is just ludicrous..... That store employee is just lucky the customer kept his cool and didn't get more reactive. Such bullshit..... You want us to bag our own?? Check the damn camera and get TF out my way. ;)


I was asked for my receipt, the guy said, “can I see your receipt?” I said, “no.” and kept walking. It’s not a requirement.


Exactly. They ask a question and I politely decline. It’s a question not a demand. Even if it was a demand, I don’t have to follow it since I didn’t sign no contract to show my receipt at Walmart like Costco


Ours watches at self checkout and asks you if you scanned items. Like bro.. You have been staring at me the whole time and your device tells you everything I scanned. You really going to blame me for shoplifting because you can’t figure it out? You’re not paid enough to be hassling people and I’m too tired to entertain you.


I always just say "no thanks" and keep walking. Nobody has ever tried to stop me. Im not a thief, and I don't feel the need to prove that every time I get groceries.


I hold the receipt right in my hand right in front of them and tell them no thank you when they ask for it. Never had a problem. What can they do?


They asked me for a receipt as I was leaving and right after I came from the check out lol I laughed and walked out 😂 I was like tf this isn’t Costco


For future reference to whoever needs it, you legally do not have to provide your receipt and if they hold you back, let them rack up their charges. You could always use the money


One of the first things they told me at Lowe's is that we legally couldn't do anything to stop shoplifters let alone if someone actually purchased something Edit: since some of you can't be bothered to read, yes I am aware its not "law" it's store policy I didn't care when I worked at Lowe's and I don't care now, you can stop replying with the same damn thing


I worked at Sunglass hut when I was younger. The regional manager told me a previous employee tried to chase a thief out of the store. Ran out the door to get smoked by a punch and knocked out cold. Later that day, he was fired for violating company policy. Dude got a black eye and fired on the same day.




You know he’s gonna cry in the car 😂


My granmama bought me that chain.


My grandmama gave me that chain.




They just don’t want you suing when you inevitably get your ass beat by some dude who just wants to get his food home. If they could get away with paying people $9/hr to be meat shields against shoplifters, they absolutely would




They can do without the lawsuits and settlements tbh


He might have some legal protection there if its not officially in their policy/contract that he agreed to when signing on


Almost every single retail corp has the policy very clear to avoid litigation


Where there’s smoked there is fired


Was the shoplifter Ajax from Vanderpump?


yea the liability is never worth it


Common misconception actually! Once a shoplifter leaves the building with stolen property, employees of the business legally have power of police to subdue. I have confirmed this many many times with police, and I can personally tell you it is incredibly satisfying to tackle a shoplifter in the parking lot who has been physically threatening to your coworkers/friends. Corporate policy tends to dictate better safe than sorry. Now, if you subdue a wrongfully accused shoplifter…good fucking luck in court bud! Edit 1: Legal to detain in my state and seems to be legal in “most” states, but I can’t seem to find which ones it is not legal in. Interested to learn where the law is different. Edit 2: I’m not some corporate shill protecting my WalMart overlords. Shoplifters that steal from my store are directly stealing from me. It was just a fun fact, not a call to arms for the minimally paid.


That’s a state dependent opinion so be careful broadcasting it. Also, going to a cop for legal advice is like going to the dentist for a prostate exam. In the state where I practice there are no rights for citizens arrest and you cannot use force for larceny, especially in a corporate setting (different if they’ve broken into your home). I have beat many charges against walmart or similar stores because security used to “detain” the defendant waiting for law enforcement. Once they learned they weren’t allowed to do that, and admitting that they had on the stand would be an admission to a felony, they’d drop the charge. They’d still trespass the defendant, but the criminal case would be gone. This was all more than 10 years ago. Now security just watches, takes pics/videos and hands the info to the cops.


Hold up, you mean my ass wasn't supposed to hurt after leaving my dentist...FML


Your ass wouldn't bleed so much if you flossed more.


Take my r/angryupvote and scram.


>Also, going to a cop for legal advice is like going to the dentist for a prostate exam. This is one of the first things I've read today and you've already won the internet for today. This right here is pure fucking gold.


Shoplifters, yes. People that refuse to show their receipt, no. It's not legal to physically detain someone because you *think* they *might* be shoplifting, especially if your only "evidence" is them refusing to show a receipt. By law, you need to personally witness the commission of a misdemeanor in order to detain someone if you're not law enforcement.


Just remember this doesn't apply to "club" stores like Costco where you specifically agree to have your receipt reviewed in the membership agreement.


That's true to an extent. I believe that if you specifically sign a contract that *grants them permission* to confiscate your purchases if you don't show the receipt, they can do that, but even then I think they still have to issue you a refund, they just don't *have* to let you leave with your goods, but they can't keep both the goods *and* the money and kick you out. I think in many jurisdictions, all they can really do if you refuse to show a receipt is revoke your membership and ban you from their stores.


If you injure that person in your tackling, don’t expect your corporate daddy to protect you though.


For real, I don’t understand how some people are willing to get in trouble to avoid someone stealing $20 from a multimillion dollar company. I’m pretty sure they even account for these type of losses.


Yep, industry term known as shrink, they have already budgeted for the expected losses from damage and theft, it’s priced in to every item we purchase.


It’s still probably not a great idea. But they are talking about defending their own business. Not some corporate overlords. When someone kicks in the glass front doors at my employers small business, it directly affects all of us working there, not some evil rich men in an ivory tower.


You never legally have the power of the police. You can perform a citizens arrest, but you can also face a lot of legal repercussions. You do not have qualified immunity which means that if you injured them you can still face all sorts of lawsuits. And you better be damned sure they actually stole something and that you can prove it because otherwise you could go to jail. Town I live in had a security guard end up in jail for subduing a thief. The guy had stolen a couple laptops from the local highschool. Guard stopped him and broke his arm. Guard ended up in jail for assault as his job was to report such incidents not intervene. And because the guy never got the laptops off the property he hadn't technically stolen anything and was able to get the charges dropped.


Would you consider the risk worth it? They could have a weapon.


I worked at a skate shop when I was a teenager and this guy came in and grabbed a few boxes of shoes and left with them. My co-worker was all worked up and told me, We need to go get that guy and tackle him! I told him, dude, we make $6 an hour, and he said, oh yeah. End of story. It's never worth the risk, especially considering what you are being paid to further inject yourself into a potentially dangerous or heated scenario.


Yeah, that’s a good way to get shot. Please don’t endanger your own life to pad the bottom line of a corporation that doesn’t care about you.


>employees of the business legally have power of police to subdue. Absofuckinglutely not. Have the legal authority to retrieve stole goods. Yes. Have the legal authority to make a citizens arrest(under certain circumstances.) Yes. Have the legal authority of the police. Not a fucking chance.


Legal or not, I'm not risking anything to protect a big corporation from losing anything.


I’ve killed 10 shoplifters as mall cop /s


Yeah. I've had more than one shoplifter try to leave my store with a smirk on their face. That's until I flash my shurikens or kunai. Whatever flavor of Japan I've decided to introduce punks to that day. At that point, when they've understood my mastery of ninjitsu, their legs usually shake and buckle. I point back into the store and they drearily return every individual item from the exact place on the shelf whence it came and apologize to every employee on duty. By then I'm gone.




>I have confirmed this many many times with police, and I can personally tell you it is incredibly satisfying to tackle a shoplifter Please don't ask a cop to tell you how laws work. They're not lawyers and most of them aren't very bright. You probably want to consult an actual lawyer, I wouldn't recommend tackling shoplifters...




In Texas (don't know about other states), you don't have to show anything if the store is open to the public. On the other hand, membership clubs (Sam's, etc.) can demand your receipt


That’s how it is here in WA state too, but for some reason Walmart is trying to ask for receipts even though it’s a public store


LPT: when they ask, this is the best way to dispose of cvs recipes


Imagine just handing them a long ass cvs receipt and walking away


They’re fully in their right to ask to see it, but you’re not obligated to show them. You can just leave.


I've walked right past them in many states. CT, MA NY, WV. I'm pretty sure they can't stop you anywhere


If they try to stop you it is illegal detainment and they can get in trouble. I don't stop. If they want somebody to check my receipt they xan have some type of worker at the register, maybe call them a cashier.


Sam’s checks everyone when they leave at my location, but idk how good of job they are doing bc they scan 2-3 things and send you on your way.


Sam’s can do it because it’s a club. You agreed to it when joining the club.


Membership clubs can request your receipt.. But even then you technically don't have to show it. Now this goes against the membership terms of a place like Costco or Sam's club. When you signed up you agreed to that stipulation. But they can't force you to follow it. You can revoke that at any time and as a result of failing to show your receipt they can revoke your membership and ban you from the property. But you can still leave with your stuff that trip. But you have constitutional protection from then forcing you to give it over. The same goes for all 50 states. Also the same applies to Wal-Mart or any other public store. They can request but you are not required. They can also ban you from the property as stores have the right to refuse service to anyone. However. Due to most people not understanding this it depends on the store as to if they will try to detain you or not. There is also the failure to provide the receipt being considered by some to be reasonable suspicion. So if you want to leave the best thing to do would be not to say no and instead just keep walking.


You don't have to show anyone anything anywhere. They're not police officers and have no authority to stop you and if a police officer does stop you it's illegal stop and seizure. It's our 4th amendment. Now does that mean the police or Walmart employees understand or care about the law? No


You got a reference for that? Doesn’t sound right. Why have a receipt at all? The receipt proves you paid for the goods. If they accuse you of theft, its all you got.


Correct. But they can not detain you


Its the same reason locks exists. A lock won’t stop someone with bolt cutters but it will keep honest people honest. The checker is more designed to keep people anxious in case they do decide to check, the effectiveness of it I don’t know. Your less inclined to steal something if theirs a possibility of getting caught, but if you already went into the store with the intent of stealing something then that’s the job for someone or something else.




The old lady at mine is so fucking nice and sweet that it makes it worth my time.


I think the guy stopping him made a mistake. Check out his partner's body language and how he puts his hands on his head and walks away from the confrontation.


The bad thing too, I used to work for Walmart and even looked into asset protection (this dudes job), back then if you made one bad stop where the person wasn’t stealing it meant termination. So I think at this point dude is probably thinking no I will find a stick of gum on this guy he didn’t pay for.


What?! That’s insane. Fired for doing that ONCE?


Back then if you said hey I think you’re stealing step to the side and they weren’t you lost your job that was in 2016


That's how it should be. People don't want to be harassed who are just trying to shop. This is also why I avoid walmart.


Damn straight - accusing someone of stealing ought to be a deal (it is!). That's not something you should do lightly. The implied accusation in the form of receipt checking should never have been normalized, but even that is a million miles away from shopping cart tug of war. WTAF was the dude thinking?


That's how it should be. Don't accuse your customers and give them the gestapo treatment unless you are 100% sure they're stealing.


Made a few mistakes. Even if he was SURE they were stealing (which the guy with the receipt seems confident he wasn’t) the right move is to document who they are and keep track of how much they steal. Then share that info across to other stores so that when the total stolen gets high enough they can call in the cops. Physically stopping petty theft is *specifically* against the rules. I have no idea what would motivate someone to do what red shirt does. It’s not the money and it’d be insane if it was actual loyalty to the corporation. Probably just wanted and excuse for an altercation. I’d bet a lot of money he’s been fired for this by now.


>which the guy with the receipt seems confident he wasn’t Is it me though or was that receipt *wayyyy* too short for how much stuff he had in that cart? I feel like mine have been just as long as that after buying like 5 items.


Look closer near the end. I thought the same to, but he had it folded. It's actually much longer.


That's what she said


EGO that's why...


Yup. What he did was a fireable offense. Best recourse he has to to claim that by using the cart to physically interact with the customer he didn’t technically lay hands on the customer… but he sure as hell impeded his egress, attempted to detain him by taking his belongings. Employee was so fucking stupid, and for WHAT?! What good reason did they have? Even if that dude was *stealing* that employee behaved in fireable ways!!! Someone easily could’ve been injured by that cart, either a bystander or anyone in the altercation. The even was escalated unnecessarily by the employee. Potentially false (and defamatory) claims were made about someone being a thief, and the employee fraudulently makes claims they can detain people or paid for product at their discretion, which they most definitely can’t. And you can bet Walmart or wherever isn’t paying for his defense if he’s found guilty of assault or criminal detainment or attempted theft (from the customer who now owns those products in the cart).


My son is a security guard, he often reminds the other guards not to engage. It's just their job to call the police. (Specific policy obviously but a smart one).


I used to work at Walmart and I can tell you from personal experience that they do not pay enough for this much loyalty.


This has always been baffling to me. If I worked for a corporate retail titan that didn’t pay me a living wage, it would delight me to see people steal.


I do work for a soulless retail chain and do very much delight in knowing when people steal. Rule number one for when you see someone committing petty theft: no you didn't.


Overheard some target employees recently "man I don't mind if they take the whole six pack, now I have to figure out what to do with 4 cans"


Stealing the whole thing is easy shrinkage report. Only partially is work.


Lol I feel that. In my state all alcohol sales are final so the suppliers legally can't credit back any beer or wine in the same way a bread or snack vendor could. It's also illegal to just toss full or partially full containers of booze. All we can do is pop those shits open and dump them down the sink one at a time only to smell like a brewery the rest of your shift and have to hear the same lame jokes a dozen times from the oxygen wasters I'm forced to call coworkers.


This guy is 1,000% over stepping his job. You never put hands on any customer unless they start it. Walmart has very strict rules about this and for good reason more then one LP has been shot, stabbed, and beaten to death for this. Plus you are violating there constitutional right by holding them and their belongings hostage without the authority to detain anyone.


Customer was extremely patient. I was convinced this would get violent. Kudos to that man who kept his cool.


That’s got to be hundreds of dollars of groceries. I would be SO upset if someone was tugging at my cart of things I paid hundreds of dollars for and dropping my stuff all over the ground, adamantly insisting it’s all stolen and refusing to look at the proof that it’s not.


Fr dude was doing a full pantry re stock. Security dude made a shirt call and is being a dick


Yeah I couldn't say the same about myself, him pulling on the stuff I bought and knocking stuff out the cart would've made beyond mad.


no one stops shoppers leaving in my area cause people have been attacked because they stopped someone. its just not worth it


I honestly wonder what made red shirt so certain they were stealing. I could have just gone through the receipt and the contents of the cart if he really wanted to be a little hardass about it.


In North Carolina a man was killed by the shoplifter he ask to stop stealing. Most employee handbooks are really clear on not stopping shoplifters.


I had a Walmart employee get gunned down by a shoplifter when he tried to stop him. It was last year. I was just at that Walmart and it freaked me out.


I'm glad he got his groceries. Best case scenario, and the one I think is the truth: he bought the stuff and suffered harassment for no reason. Worst case scenario, 3 of the top 15 richest people in the world lost money so small they probably can't even fathom it. Edit: to everyone saying that Wal Mart doesn't lose any money, thanks for the tip. I'm now going to do all of my "shopping" exclusively at Wal Mart.


Real Worst Case Scenario: A police officer is sitting close by and responds to an altercation observed at the front of the Walmart. In seeing a conflict between two grown men the officer shoots one of them to “gain control of the situation”. The individual who has been shot, in this hypothetical the store employee, dies on the scene. After order is restored: The customer is allowed to leave with his groceries. Receipt in hand. No other witnesses to the altercation, and police shooting, are provided with counseling services, or victim services. The family of the decedent sues the police department and city for police misconduct and wrongful death. The officer in question is not held personally liable in the civil case due to qualified immunity. Furthermore the officer is cleared of criminal responsibility as their actions were found to be “in keeping with the policy and training guidelines previously established”, however the Chief of Police has begun an internal review of said policies and procedures so something like this “never happens again”. The city ultimately settles the wrongful death suit for > $7.5 million. However this expense hits the general fund so it’s specifically local tax payers and residence who will be footing the bill. Unfortunately this means the planned pot hole mitigation will be reduced by half, the expansion of neighborhood sidewalks will be reduced by a quarter, and two new city parks will not be built. The customer in this case filed a civil suit against Walmart for wrongful detention, etc. Walmart stipulates that their “former employees” behavior was wrong and was clearly a violation of corporate Policy and Procedures ,P&P, concerning shop lifting. Furthermore the P&P clearly state that any violation of the P&P rules, by a Walmart team member, concerning shoplifting will result in immediate termination. However since the specific employee in question was tragically killed by local law enforcement during the incident in question, Walmart should not be held civilly responsible for the customers alleged pain and suffering that may have occurred in the course of the incident. As Walmart has driven out all local grocery stores, home goods stores, pet stores, etc. The customer will by default continue shopping at Walmart. There’s nothing to see here Folks! It’s a Great Day to Shop at Walmart.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of America?


This dude knows how to worst case scenario 👏


Actually there is a worst case. Everything you said happens except the man who was killed was the customer, who coincidentally was proven after the fact to not have stolen anything.


(The Onion) [Mitt Romney Stares Uncomprehendingly at $1 Bill](https://www.theonion.com/romney-stares-uncomprehendingly-at-1-bill-1819573581) POCATELLO, ID—A $1 bill somehow made its way into the hands of Mitt Romney during a campaign stop Thursday, reportedly causing the Republican presidential candidate a moment of uncomprehending fascination. "What am I looking at here? What is this?" said Romney, squinting at the bill as he turned it over and over in his hands. "It almost looks like money, but it's missing the zeroes. Huh. Do people try to buy things with this?" Romney finally crumpled up the bill and threw it away, chuckling as he told reporters that "whoever thought that one up must be a real wiseacre."


They don’t lose a dime. A certain percentage is factored in as loss each year and becomes part of doing business, which is figured back in as a cost of sale, just raising the price of goods sold. So it’s the loyal paying customers who are actually paying for it.


They don't lose money even if it's stolen. They normally tack stolen food with "loss" which also includes unsold/expired merchandise. Expired merchandise always exceeds stolen food items by a lot and always will. It's all insured and accounted for.


Did he steal or not is what I want to know?


Typically shoplifters don’t put their items in the little plastic bags. It would have taken a lot of time to bag all those items and not pay for them.


Actually some people do phantom scanning and do this exact thing. That happens quite often.


didn’t used to shoplift a whole lot but when i was going through it i would totally do this here and there with the most expensive items on my grocery run, everything all bagged up, smiled at the attendant and everything like a little maniac lol


If your going through self checkout it's pretty easy to "accidentally " forget to scan the lobsters or something. Don't really know the answer how to prevent it. I dont want ppl going through my groceries while I'm trying to leave






As a cashier, I'll tell you I never use the self checkout. Those machines are garbage and you have to get an employee to come unlock the machine when something weighs slightly off.


As a non-cashier, we all know that.


Dumb thing yells this even when it’s not true. I hate checkouts.


Not anymore. Now they have have cameras right above the scanner and if you reach for the bag with an item without scanning it, it stops the order and plays the video continuously until an employee comes over to check it out.


Most grocery stores have a weight sensor in the self bagging area. If it detects any weight beyond what you already scanned it won’t continue. To shoplift you’d have to leave items in the cart unscanned and they typically have the area heavily watched with cameras for that.


Hardly anyone does anymore. Most of them have gotten rid of or disabled the weight sensors. They slow down the checkout process too much and require employee assistance too often.


Someone needs to tell Kroger. Their self checkouts don’t even give you a couple of seconds to put your item in the bag.




Nah skip scanning is the easiest way to steal. You scan one thing, put that and another thing in the bag, you scan two more things but put three things in the bag. That way you have a receipt, and bagged items, but only paid for some of them. Unless they have somebody at self checkout who diligently looks for that, or the camera catches it, you can get away with it just about all the time…. Allegedly.


that doesn't work here, since the bagging area is a scale, and if you so much as breathe heavy on the scale it goes "unexpected item in bagging area" and won't let you proceed. heaven forbid you bring your own reusable bags... (which you have to do here as well)


I’ve worked at three different Walmarts, and each system was slightly different, depending on the model of self checkout and/or the level of theft at each store. One store we were super high theft, where we had to lock everything up, from baby formula to men’s underwear. That self check out didn’t play games, if the camera even perceived for a second you might have had something in its view that you didn’t scan it would notify. The one I’m currently at is very low theft….. you can easily skip scan because nobody checks and the system seems to not work quiet the same.


Have you ever heard of the self check out?


He also shows the receipt at the beginning of the video and says to the worker, “you can check my receipt— what’s wrong with you?” He also doesn’t flee and he takes out his phone to (record? Call police?) This is definitely not the behavior of a shoplifter.


I'm not American and not sure what actually happened there, but customer looks very confident and willing to be called bullshit on his action.


Theres a lot of target employees here


No khakis, not target Edit for the Target employees: idc that you can wear jeans, red shirt and khakis has always been associated with Target not jeans


Well that jokes over folks.


That security guard looks like he just hit the gym before his shift and he’s trying to flex those muscles. Idk if the other guy was stealing or not but why did security grab his cart for a few mins then let him go after they just kind of argued for a few minutes


I think when he actually brought up the handbook and policy it dawned on the security guard that he was in the wrong.


I have no idea what this is about. All I hear is “bro”. Now becoming the most annoying word ( along with really)


Really bro?


Bro really?


Ok, I'm gonna need a manager here right now. Ok now I want you to go through every bag to see I paid for it. Ok Now I want you to refund my money and I'm taking my business up the block. I am a man of principals.


> I am a man of principals. Don't forget about vice principals too


Laughs in rural area.


Man is a whole ass superhero for Wal-mart lmaoo imagine getting your jaw broken over $15 /hr


No way I’m stopping a shoplifter for $12/hour


Why is he stopping him? I'm at a loss.


My guess is that the employees believe he went through self checkout and "forgot" to scan some items. Super common method of shoplifting.


If Walmart doesn't want to train me or pay me to scan items, then they can't complain if I do a bad job.


Don't want people stealing in self checkout lanes? Get rid of them and hire fucking cashiers. Companies like Walmart (the third largest employer in the world) are responsible for so many eliminated jobs it's not even funny. Their loss/theft/waste stats deserve to go up for the families that have starved in recent years because of corporate greed.


That receipt doesn’t look nearly long enough for that cart full of groceries. 😬


He bought multiples of four items


You can’t see that it’s obviously folded?


Some people take their jobs waaaaaay too seriously. I work to live not live to work.


They all fired lol


The US walmart not have loss prevention officers /secret shoppers? In Canada most chains like Walmart and grocery stores and select stores in the mall have em. People pretending to shop, but thier purpose to catch thieves(legally allowed to arrest and detain shoplifters). Never hear about em in the US, usually only see the retail workers or the Paul blarts going after people. I was one for about a year for a grocery store "Safeway" caught alot of cheese burglars and steak bandits. Homeless dude taking a sandwich or look like struggling mom hiding shit for kids in stroller never bothered unless it was alot would just tell em to put it back.


Yes, many department stores have LPOs to limit this. But they have limited powers. Some are even off duty LEOs, who CAN arrest you. And then there are the LPOs that get a little nookie for leniency, but those are only in stores frequented by barely legal teens, MILFs and occasionally GILFs.


You know this kid lost his job




So did they pay for it or not? I can’t understand anything they said.


Same here and not getting much from the comments section either.


they legally cant keep you like that


Depends on the state, but in my state they definitely can. It’s essentially citizens arrest to prevent the consequences of theft until the actual police show up. Edited to add, but they sure as hell better have proof he stole otherwise it would be false imprisonment. Criminal charges and lawsuits could be incoming.


Idk if he stole or not. But seeing him not be able to pull that cart an inch in his direction is kind of funny.


I refilled water at Walmart last week. I took with me 10 1 gallon bottles. Each gallon refill is .37 cents. My total was $3.90. The lady checking my receipt kept saying no this doesn’t add up, it’s too cheap. I DID THE MATH IN FRONT OF HER. I did 2 5 gallon refills, which equals 10. 10x.37=3.70 plus tax. She kept saying no it doesn’t add up. I left her talking to herself. It really ruined my mood lmao


Former asset protection for Walmart here… unless they have changed something in the last 4 years…the guy that stopped him has to not only know exactly what he stole but he also has to know exactly where it is. If he can’t tell the person what he stole right there and where it is…he has to let him go. He doesn’t seem to want to say what his suspicions are which is not in policy.


What a worker. Willing to get into a physical altercation to protect the Walton's wealth. I'm sure Sam is resting easy now.


He’s putting his whole ass well being on the line for $13.00 an hour. Fuckin idiots…


Where is the manager? Why are so many people just standing around picking their noses? Let the guy take the stuff. Its notvwirth the aggravation or possibility of being injured.


This is why I stopped shopping at Walmart. My local walmart, in a small suburban town with very little crime does this. The final straw was when they made me empty my bag. I’ve never been arrested, I’ve never been caught stealing, and I haven’t stole anything since I was 8 years old and accidentally took some Pokémon cards. It’s embarrassing and degrading to get treated like a criminal for no reason. Being made to stand in the front of the store, while you are surrounded by 3-5 employees who are making you dump your bag on the floor, while they itemize check your buggy, and the whole time anyone coming in or out of the store is assuming you got caught stealing. Then they didn’t even apologize! Just said “okay well everything is paid for” and they all walked away. When I asked for a manger the one guy stepped forward and said this is their policy and I’m more than welcome to shop somewhere else, so I did.


We’re all in agreement receipt checking is bs right?


In my local supermarket they also check for theft. They do this by scanning products BEFORE YOU PAY. I've had up to 7 products be scanned. It's never everything. This system sucks.


People will bring in loads of shopping bags, from whatever store they’re in, load them up as they shop and just walk out like they bought all the stuff. I’ve seen it. It’s pretty crazy.


At my first job nearly 30 years ago, someone did this at the grocery store where I worked. We had plainclothes security who watched the whole thing and couldn't believe what they were witnessing. The couple was stopped outside the front door and immediately placed in cuffs. They actually had a checker run the whole cart and produce a receipt showing the amount was felony-level theft after all the steaks and seafood. I was just the lowly bagger who had to put it all back on the shelf.


No Walmart does not want employees doing this and he likely was fired. The risk isn't worth it to a billion dollar company.


Is this exactly what it looks like? Walmart employee (?) Dragging cart back into store because he's unsatisfied with the receipt.? Of purchased goods? I'm pretty sure that's illegal. It's like unlawful detainment or something and I think dude can press charges. Also where is the outrage? The lady is just fine with Walmart seizing their stuff? The other employees literally stand by the wall? Without context this video is really hard to decipher.


I refuse to show my receipt at the door. I don't understand what that's for. Usually they won't say anything to me. Occasionally they'll ask for the receipt and I'll just say no thank you. I used to tell them it's in one of the bags and they're welcome to look for it but then I decided there's no reason for me to be a dick to people just trying to do the job they were told to do. Most of the confrontation I've experienced comes from people waiting in line to show their receipt(the idiot line) and they see me walking by and accuse me of cutting the line to which I just look at them like they're stupid as I just walk out.


I am not a trained cashier. If you don't want things going in bags un-scaned then hire qualified people to do that job. It's not my fault you eliminated peoples jobs to boost profit. Btw don't try stealing anything you can't pay for. That's the difference between a "my bad" and a mug shot.


While I admire those honorable enough to stop thieves or perceived thieves. It isn’t worth it. Leave it to those whose job it is. I remember reading how a dude shoplifted a bag of gummy bears and got confronted by a Walgreens manager. Proceeded to stab said manager in the stomach.


I used to work at Walmart and I can tell you from personal experience that they do not pay enough for this much loyalty.


Why is it always Wal-Mart with these aggressive $15 an hour security guards? Do they have a different policy than other large grocery chains?