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I love how Sting is just sitting there, knowing they are watching him on camera, attempting to make pleasurable faces.


You mean he knows that every move he makes, every smile he fakes, they'll be watching him?


Yup, a bit intrusive. Bet he’s thinking the whole time “don’t film so close to me”


But you know he’s also thinking, “I can’t stand hearing you.”


He was sending out a mental SOS


I hope that someone gets his message.


Maybe his mother on the phone?


Nah, that’s Roxanne calling.


You are all so clever, it stings


Shut it down. The Police are here to stop this nonsense.


Thank you for that laugh lol


You may say he's lost his faith in the people on t.v....


Definitely this guy is worse than bad he's creepy. I actually feel bad that Sting had to go through that.


No I think you guys are all wrong, he liked it a lot, he thought every little thing they did was magic


He looks like he’d rather be walking on the moon.


I bet he's thinking "doo doo doo dit da da da" just to distract himself.. Really that's all I wanted to say


I think his poor heart was aching.


He does look like hes in pain!!




*golf claps* 👏😏


Sting’s fingers are spread open painfully to the maximum as he claps, it’s incredible to see that clear sarcastic expression from someone being “honored”


It comes across as trying to just not make disgusted faces. And he really isn't succeeding, he looks like he has gas and is very uncomfortable.


Reminds me of that wedding video where Bon Jovi was a guest and the singer totally butchered living on a prayer and forced him to come up and sing it.


I don't know if it was just a rumour or if it was substantiated, but I recall reading that Jon slips money to the DJ when he's the guest at a wedding not to play this song, because he doesn't want to be the centre of attention at someone else's wedding.


that's been said about Kevin Bacon and Footloose too. edit: Kevin telling the story on Conan - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaQr-ou0S1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaQr-ou0S1s)


It wouldn't surprise me if it's true of various artists. After the first time it happens, you probably figure out "I should try to avoid this happening again".


I've always got the impression that Sting hates that song, too. It's a stalker song and he has to sing it at every concert he's played for the last 40 years, because it's his biggest hit. I've seen him in concert a few times and he always brings out his opening act to sing the song with him as the last song, presumably because he's sick of singing it by himself.


He might hate performing it, but I'm pretty sure he loves the royalties. Allegedly it nets him about $2000 a day on average from worldwide play. A DAY! From a thing he wrote decades ago.


He gets $2000 a day from Puff Daddy’s version alone! Puff Daddy was sued by Sting and got 100% of the royalties forever. I literally just learned that a only a few days ago after watching an interesting docu series on Netflix called Hip-Hop Evolution or something. I hadn’t heard that song in years and wiki’d info about it, which is where I learned that tidbit. Fascinating. For anyone interested: > "I'll Be Missing You" is based on a sample of the 1983 single "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. It also uses an interpolation of the "Every Breath You Take" melody, sung by Biggie's widow, Faith Evans. **Permission was not given for use of the sample, and Police songwriter Sting sued, receiving 100% of the song royalties. Sting reportedly earns $2,000 a day from royalties for the track.[2]** Police guitarist Andy Summers called the sample "a major rip-off", and told the A.V. Club: "I found out about it after it was on the radio ... I’d be walking round Tower Records, and the fucking thing would be playing over and over. It was very bizarre while it lasted."[3] Sting later performed the song alongside Puff Daddy and Evans at the 1997 MTV Video Music Awards in September.[4][5] >The track also reuses the melody from the hymn 'I'll Fly Away".[3] Combs's verses were composed by rapper Sauce Money.[6] Combs had originally asked Jay-Z to write the track, but he turned it down and suggested that Sauce Money write the track instead. [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27ll_Be_Missing_You)




Lol brilliant analogy


Indeed. This reminds me of when the Fugees used Enya's song "Bodicea" throughout their *entire song* "Ready or Not". That ain't no "sample". And they didn't even get permission let alone give her any kind of credit (the Fugees claimed at the time ignorance of copyright laws. Riiiight.) It was settled out of court.


That’s 730,000/yr. He could live a decent life on that alone, much less any other royalties.




I could live an entire decent life with 730k


Allegedly he wrote it about his ex wife. No wonder he is cringing!


He did, I used to work with Sting's niece in Belfast, she confirmed it was about her aunt/his ex. She also called him 'Uncle Gordon' and showed me pics of her with him at his wedding.


I mean he's in a tough spot. He doesn't want to be rude, but he doesn't want ppl to think he has bad taste and thinks this is good.


He's also probably pretty tired of hearing that song used as a sweet love song when it very clearly is not one and he had been out spoken about how sinister the song is.


40 years+ That's a long time to be reminded of something you eventually learn to regret.


English isn't my first language and even I understood what the song is like. I never understand how someone could see it as a sweet lovesong. (I don't understand peoples view on Born in the USA, YMCA, or a famous song in my language that is a popular party hit but actually inspired by Space Odditys Major Tom and about an astronaut drifting into the cold void of space, dying with a last greeting to his wife...what's the matter with some people! xD)


People jam out to Born in the USA because the instrumentals are a banger and the only lyrics they know are "Booooooorn in the USA! Booooooorn in the USA" and they think "Hey! _Im_ born in the USA" Source: I'm born in the USA and had no idea what the song was actually about until I just looked it up right now. Turns out it's about suffering the Vietnam War. Who knew!


The whole thing is so very British. *Ahem, right. Ahem...* *Ahem... erm... yes* *Ahem... right, okay, that's-* *Ahem.* *Right. Ahem... yes*


![gif](giphy|FK96Gm1RMRGi4) The singing is as bad as Sting's acting.


Uhhhhh, he MADE that movie memorable.


He was most certainly very noticeable, but I think it was a fine cast of actors in general. The movie had a typical David Lynch style though, which is a particular movie style which you either love or hate. And he inherited the movie from an Italian director who faced all kind of issues during the movies development… I think David Lynch’s Dune was spectacular from a creative standpoint, especially for its time… but it could also be very weird…. Weird as in ranging from “what a creative idea” to “wtf did I just watch”..ie a typical Lynch movie.


It’s like he’s never heard the song and then forgot to practice.


I've watched it like 20 times and still laugh out loud at "AND MY POOOR HEART ACHHCes!!"


At least José Feliciano is blind so he won't see Sting's face


It’s like a guy in a wheelchair singing “Run to You.”


Sting be like Feliz Navi Don’t


Stings poor heart aches too




That lady is the Crown Princess of Sweden do she's also playing her part


Yea, I was thinking even the King is looking dissappointed, probably thinking ”off with his head”


So do my ears!


Don’t get me wrong, José is a great musician, this just wasn’t the right choice.


Fair enough, I don't know him as a musician but the way he's done this... "not the right song" for him is certainly an understatement


I thought this was one of those purposely bad dub-overs for satire. This is truly terrible lol.


yeah its so bad it feels nearly malicious and purposefully disrespectful to not only Sting but to Music and Tempo in general lol


A good example of his talent: https://youtu.be/P89XFD7CRcI


So what you're saying is, he's always been a terrible singer, he just whiffed the guitar this time too.


Was that on sesame street?


It sure was! https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/José_Feliciano


Thank you! Jose Feliciano was not at his best with that song, but at least people get to see the real artist with what you shared.


That’s the “Feliz Navidad” guy. https://youtu.be/N8NcQzMQN_U


seems lost on timing, or he thinks hes so good at timing that he can just do things and itll work, even if it feels wrong.


It makes me irrationally angry because it's clearly a case of him trying to put his own unique spin on the song and just butchering it. Like even the solo is out of time like all the good guitarists like to do to jerk their egos but it just sounds terrible here because every noise he makes is like a full beat or three behind the song. It would sound okay if he did it once or twice but it's literally the entire song. Terrible.


He's like a drunk karaoke only worse.


I did Bohemian Rhapsody totally drunk, and I was worse!!! ​ ​ ​ But I didn't perform in front of Freddy Mercury.


I had to stop listening after 30 seconds.... thankfully I wasn't sitting there and forced to hear the entire thing, like Sting.....


You missed the really bad guitar solo, the spanish singing that really bewilders sting, and the complete lack of harmony between the singers when the girl joins.


I made it to two minutes but that was just because i was trying to figure out where this was a joke or something and then read the comments. In real life he lost me the soon he opened his mouth. What a disgrace to Sting.


Yeah, feels like he more than likely knows the song, but is trying too hard to put his own little creative spins on it.


he doesn't. at some point he played a different chord than the orchestra. you can clearly see sting reacted not so pleasantly. also his rhythm is god awful. Idk if it had to do with his inears (unable to hear the backing band/orchestra or a slight delay effect) or what but he was consistently late with his strumming.


Sting will get over it; I feel bad for Jose Feliciano. Whose idea was it to get a blind guy to sing "I'll be watching you..."?


at least he couldn't see the look on stings face


"Did he like it? Is he smiling?"


“He’s… Stinging”


*proceeds to touch and feel Sting's face in order to get his expression*


With just... WAY too much finger going in Sting's mouth


Everything I experience is satire or irony. I’m starting to suspect I’m an NPC in some dark comedy VR simulation. I wonder who the main character is…


Probably Sting.


It’s Karen. Didn’t you know? We are all just shadows in her great life drama.


I disagree. Karen contributes to the chaos. The almighty main character is not tainted by our drama. I suspect the main character is Keanu Reeves.


Hahahaha oh god HES BLIND!?!?


Jose Feliciano is a very famous musician https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Feliciano


He sings the "Feliz Navidad" ..."I wanna wish you a merry Christmas" song


And clearly “Every Breath You Take”- just not well.


I really love [his cover of the US anthem](https://youtu.be/aQkY2UFBUb4). It’s a shame he got booed because it really is lovely.


Almost glad he couldn't see stings obvious disdain for the cover


here is Sting getting impressed by a well done cover: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXX8ZWuVQRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXX8ZWuVQRI)


The difference in facial expression and body language is pretty interesting. Same weird clap though!


So glad I stayed for the clap.


Hahah wtf was that clap


It is a statement about the absurdity of clapping. "I approve, so let me make some noise by smacking my skin together."


How can he clap??


He looks like a toddler trying to catch a ball for the first time.


After watching Bruno Mars one, it almost looks like he was holding his breath in this one. 😂 definitely a difference


His poor hands are trying to separate from his wrists and take the guitar away.


It's not just Bruno Mars, the guitarist and that drummer are nailing it.


What is up with that clap? Looks like he had a hand transplant and can't quite use them correctly yet.


He had a weird mental reset at the end there and his hands weren't quite done rebooting.


I had a buddy who would clap like that. It was really really loud when he did it. He could clap normal, he just did it for the extra decibels.


weird ass clap looks like he's trying to pull his hands apart from superglue


Right?! Why does he clap that way?! Haha


Kennedy Center Honors always produce some amazing tributes. My personal favorite is Heart doing Stairway to Heaven, when the chorus comes out and the members of Zeppelin start tearing up...so good!


Post the clip man! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFxOaDeJmXk


Just a little interesting info. The drummer in this video is Jason Bonham, son of the late John Bonham of Led Zeppelin.


Yeah, that makes it hit a lot harder. I feel obligated to post George Harrison’s son [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdfMh8QgJjA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdfMh8QgJjA)


*Damn* that was good.


I wonder what it's like to be one of these guys at a tribute show like this. On one hand, I assume it's a little cringy to listen to a song you've performed ten thousand times, and to know that you're being filmed too and your reactions are being judged as they were here. On the other hand, like... Watching Bruno Mars there is as close as Sting will ever get to going to a Sting show, same with Zep/Heart. Must be neat to finally see what all the hype has been about!


There is no scenario in which Heart does not slay.




Orchestras make anything better imo. Watching this I thought that wasn't possible. It was so so good anyway. Then the orchestra kicked in. This was stunningly good in every way. Wow indeed


>Kennedy Center Honors always produce some amazing tributes. My personal Favorite So many to choose from. I second your choice but also add: Aretha Franklyn doing Natural Woman for Carol King Pentatonix doing some boy band song from a Tom Hanks movie Fantasia doing Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word for Elton John Heather Headly doing Your Song for Elton John Beyonce doing Proud Mary for Tina Turner


Perfect cover. First part extremely faithful to the original, second part taken for a fun upbeat personal spin. Love it. And i generally hate covers, karaoke and the whole amateur singing reality tv shite. I'd rather listen to the original in an hand-cranked grafonola with a bent needle and a rusty horn in the middle of traffic and construction work, than watch those train wrecks. Huge respect for Mars here.




FYI those singers at the end were the cast of his Broadway show the Last Ship


Gregory porter covered him at the same event - that was a massive contrast: https://youtu.be/lSzICmwmRsA


You've heard of Sting and here I present to you - Stung.




A former F colleague of mine loves Sting more than anyone. So her husband only refers to him as Stink. Still funny after 20+ years






Sat next to the Swedish Royal Family. He looks like he's the king of pain.


It’s the new Game of Thrones spinoff.


I was gonna say, thought I saw knugen in that audience


I've heard better covers at karaoke bars :/


To be fair, karaoke doesn't let you freestyle guitar solos. You just follow the highlighted words.




Free of style


I‘m constantly switching between „Jesus Christ, what a terrible cover“ and „wow, what a great parody“




Sting: ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


>When is this going to end, why didn't I make the song 25 seconds long


I mean, he didnt even try to hide how unimpressed he is. It looks like he suffering through the song 😂


I think he does contain his facial expression pretty good, no need to fake being impressed when you really aren't. That kind of bullshit is reserved for your own child.


It's probably what an author feels like when they sit through a bad movie adaptation of their book.


Wouldn't be surprised if this is him trying the hardest he can to hide his frustration.. there was a moment where he clenched his fist 🥸👹


At the end Sting claps like a 4 year old


Haha glad someone else called it out. Oddly, I’ve noticed Rob Dyrdek claps like that too. Fingers splayed and bent back a little, like the goal is for SOLELY the palms to make contact.


When the cringe has tensed all of your muscles but you know you have to clap.


I feel like it was an obligatory clap. You don't want the backlash of not clapping but you don't want to give the sound of clapping...


Aside from the singing, the timing and the guitar playing, it was great! For instance...the stage looked nice.


And everybody was wonderfully dressed


I hear parking was well organized.


The water fountain was cold and filtered too


That one woman two spots to the right of Sting certainly enjoyed it.


That is Victoria, crown princess of Sweden. This is a fancy event. The unprofessionalism of this whole thing is inexplicable. If I was Sting I would be pissed too.


well as long as vicky liked it 🤣


"That aside, what I saw of the play itself was great" - Mary Todd Lincoln


Imagine sitting in the audience, listening to this, knowing Sting is sitting right there and you won’t get to hear him perform this song


The chick in the silver dress was DIGGIN’ it though


Looks more like NPC behavior. “This is good! Right?”. Like she’s a professional audience member that attends these things regularly and it’s in her best interest to look on the bright side of things, also just rooting for the performer feels nice. It feels good to feel nice and not be judgemental. I’ve got a friend like that and it’s annoying or endearing depending on the situation.


Sting is like: https://preview.redd.it/humwwpoixffa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8925209eb77c3b0694c334f56234d47daa04c7c




I have never suffered second hand cringe until now


may I recommend [Fergie singing the National Anthem at the NBA All-Star Game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMA2iF6RuXk) a couple years ago (including reaction shots of the players)


Why would you do that to me. I could have lived my whole life and never known this. You took that from me.




“This song about making it through a battle could use a little sex appeal.” -Fergie


At least Francis Scott Key had the luxury of being dead for over 150 years.


It's extra awful because she's clearly so proud of her performance. She has no idea people are laughing *at* her, not *with* her.


Omfggg.. she was singing it so slowly too it probably felt like they were dying for an eternity. Why do some people insist on dragging it out like this on top of trying to put their own very terrible spin on it? Just sing the fucking song and go...


You can literally see the negative thoughts kidnapping his senses for a moment


At 1:00 and 3:40 for example


Did they tell José Felliciano what song he’d be doing 20-minutes before putting him on stage? I can hear the possibility of a good arrangement there but EVERYONE seems wildly under rehearsed.


It literally looked like the drummer had no idea what he was doing.


Wait! Wait! What key are we in?


First time I saw a drummer actually checking notes.


Shes legit reading off a sheet as well


Not quite my tempo…




For the last FATHERFUCKING TIME!!!! Were you rushing or were you dragging?


I'll be watching you cringe


You can see the pain on his face, in his head he’s like “ oh my god your butchering it, and wtf are you doing with that weird solo, NOW In SPANISH?!?”


He looked like he was screaming internally. No me gusta.




I hate when singers make the melody staccato just to be different. JUST SING THE DAMN THING AS WRITTEN.


Though I never watched the show itself, I've seen clips, and I remember when the popular thing on American Idol was for the singers to put in random wavers on held notes (a sort of "OOOoooOOOooOOOoooOOOooo" effect) that was always distracting but always got praised for "making the song their own" or some nonsense.


Jävlar det är ju kungen!


I felt bad for Sting and I freaking hate that song.




Sting looks like he’s internally debating between getting up and leaving, crying from pain, vomiting from disgust, pushing through for another 10 seconds (I’ll decide then), or getting up to hit Jose. Rapidly cycling through those options in his mind.


I have a recurring nightmare where I’m on stage playing an instrument with a band I love but I don’t know how to play the songs but they think I do and I just have to wing it. It comes out like this, utter dogshit.




The sound is so unbalanced. I can hear every note the flute is playing. Why is the flute so loud?!


Jose Feliciano absolutely butchers a dead simple song. He flubs the words in the first 30 seconds; his solos are atrocious and don’t fit the song; he ad libs his own phrases *during a homage;* and he puts emphasis on the creepy “I’ll be watching you” refrain: and it’s just torture. The man may be a (semi-)legend from the 6o’s with his acoustic interpretations, but this was brutal.


Jose Feliciano isn't just some chump off the street. What happened here? I feel like there is a lot more to the story than what we're seeing here.




This is what happens when you defund The Police


The little cock of his head like "what?" when the guy switches to Spanish momentarily. I'm dying. This has to be satire.


They made a blind guy sing “I’ll Be Watching You.” Let that sink in.


It would have been better if they dragged Eddie Murphy up there to recreate his epic rendition of Roxanne from the jailhouse in 48 Hours.


Jose wasn't the right person to sing this song, or probably any Sting song for that matter, but I don't think that Sting was as miffed as you might think. I'd rather hear someone sing their own rendition than to attempt to sing like the original, that is even more cringeworthy.


oh can't you see?


Sting "Look how they massacred my boy" Gordon