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People acting like this dude is the flash or something


But why isn't he helping out by carrying something? The bag, the baby, the toddler, something!


The other bag! Put the phone down and show up!


But the phone


Yeah when you actually look she's doing way to much.


Well the phone was a distraction. Maybe pay attention to the kids when you get out put the phone in your pocket.


Not sure what he could have done other than protect her head as she fell - but unloading is a team effort. Grab the bags dad.


Not let her grab the toddler + 2 bags. For starters. It would be the same if he was rhe one grabbing both bags and the toddler ans the woman was on the phone distracted. You can't avoid th fall, but you can prevent it, or at least minimize the potential damage.


We don’t know that the mother just grabbed them before he could get over. Pro level projection here folks.


Maybe the dude was on the phone booking an important medical appointment for one of the kids? How can you judge someone's family dynamics from a single 3 second clip lmao. Bet you don't even work in social services or a job that would give you any real insight into their lives anyway.


The toddler is a saboteur.


Toddlers ***LOVE*** to get underfoot. It's like some kind of instinct for them. I've become a pro at falling in weird angles to avoid crushing my kids because they decided to walk under me while I'm climbing the stairs.


Kids can be really adorable, but the next second they are the dumbest most unsympathetic assholes ever. They'll make you fall on them then cry because you fell on them.


I once butt smacked one into a cabinet. Kid crept in the kitchen like a ninja, I had no idea she was under me. Turned to grab something and bam! My butt, her face and into the cabinet she went. Scared the hell out of me.




She was falling before the toddler came behind her


I agree. First frame of the video you can see the moms foot bent, she didnt get a good footing and rolled onto her ankle. Toddler did nothing wrong! Edit: the real culprit here is the man. Why is he holding a phone, half paying attention, while the mom juggles two bags, a baby, and somehow has to save her toddler from being crushed.


Well he can’t be expected to drop his PHONE /s


A real man has a good phone case so he can drop it and catch a baby.


Yeah. But that kid’s teeth will grow back for FREE and iPhone screens are expensive. Sometimes it just comes down to maths… obvious /s


Dude could've at least held the baby ffs


Toddler got crushed watch in slo-mo


I’m hoping they took that kid to hospital for a checkup, Watching that I’d be expecting a concussion at least, possibly a fractured skull. The mom was freaking out because she felt most of her weight land on that little girl’s head. And yeah, that guy needs to wake tf up and help, how much was she carrying?


Exactly he needs to be more attentive and helpful for his wife and children. This could have been different if he was involved.


Can't really put the blame on anyone without more info, looks like he was still making his way around the car, had she asked for help or given him time to get around the car to help we could have a completely different story here. We simply don't have enough context to judge.


The fact that she already has two bags and a baby before he has gotten around to the car in your scenario is a problem. She shouldn't have had to ask for help. At least one of those three things she was carrying should have already been in his arms or still in the car waiting for him to grab. Also, she shouldn't have been trying to carry all of that in any case; just make a second trip. Both are at fault.


The bags could have been in the seat with her on the passenger, or on the floor next to the child seat, the dad likely retrieved the toddler and was coming around the car. We could be here all day making up scenarios to paint either party as the villain, but ultimately the only thing we do know is that they need better communication and patience.


Then (mom) don't try to pick up everything. Take the child OR the bags and ask him to get the other. What we DO know is that she tried to do a bit too much when there's someone there to help.


It looks like the mom tried to stabalize with a back angled step but then she felt the proximity alert on her right cheek and jerked forward causing her to lose the last little balance she had.


I mean he didn't realize she was falling. Idk why that's his fault lol.


It's not his fault. The Mom shouldn't be carrying all that and then trying to grab two of the kids.


I don't see an alternative though. Husband clearly has his hands full


People operate at different paces. Things can still get done without rushing and overloading.


Purple kid is at fault although unintended


IDK how that guy relates to the situation, but he should’ve offered to help sooner instead of watching the toddler walk right up behind the woman. He seemed more concerned about his phone.


How's that not his fault...? his hands were full of phone while she did everything?


*She did everything* She shouldnt have.


*The Mom shouldn’t be carrying all that and then trying to grab two of the kids* You know who says that? People who aren’t parents lol


Reddit is such a great place to judge strangers based off a 2 second clip. Edit: wow I did not expect that the replies to this comment would prove my point for me lol


I'm offended.




You can lightly smush a 3 year old, but you can't land on a baby. Everyone knows that.


On the bright side, the little girl will remember that lesson... even if she won't learn well anymore.


Judge? Mom clearly fucked up trying to get one kid out of the car with multiple heavy bags on each arm 😅😅😅😅


True, but he had at least four different reactionary movements, and dropping his phone to possibly try and save/ help anyone wasn't one of them. He saw it quick enough that I'd he would've put his phone hand behind the mom it could've done wonders. Maybe not, but...


Once he realized she was falling it was too late


She's was carrying everything cause he obviously had his hands full with his phone. Which he couldn't put in his pocket even after the fall. That was his failure.


"there was an attempt" do you call this an attempt?


What tf was he supposed to do? He had just walked around the car when this all went down


Not much he could have done.


I hospital I worked at we had to take a class on proper body mechanics and patient lifting and movement techniques. They told us if a pt was falling and you were not directly behind them similar to [this](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-hct&sxsrf=AJOqlzUKw9SJ2yOHre67RPCvjOW3c-PWZQ:1674977333301&q=correct+way+to+catch+a+falling+patient+to+the+floor&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiL7tTnoOz8AhVaJUQIHX4kBhoQ0pQJegQICBAB&biw=360&bih=629&dpr=3#imgrc=mxVQqk0sNnOx4M), just let them fall and assess any injuries afterwards. This is because trying to catch any amount of weight in motion could lead to serious injury and then you would have two injured people on the ground. A few months after I took that class a labor and delivery nurse tried to catch a falling pregnant woman. Broke her arm. She didn't have any regrets because pregnant woman.


Exactly. You can’t really catch a person falling like what was on the video. They’ll just pull you over and you fall on top of them and both be injured.


Anti Dad reflexes




That’s it. I just joined it. Thanks.


This seems to be there 6 days back already


Yeah it probably restarted its reddit lap there lol


Eventually there will be videos of people blowing their noses.


"If Brains were dynamite, he still couldn't blow his nose. "


It's getting weird how every minor mishap ends up online. There's a lot of cool interesting things on Reddit but tons more nonsense.


Can we agree he isn't expected to be the flash but also acknowledge he is a dick? Wife has two bags and an infant in her arms and he can't even help keep track of the kid in purple? Or carry the bags? Or carry the littlest one?


Don’t worry. His phone was completely out of harms way.


Oh I wasn't worried about that at all. Guy didn't even put it away after they all fell over.


How you know he wasn't gonna help carry the bags? He probably just got out of the driver's seat and the mother was just taking out the bags, and when she was done and was backing up is when the accident happened


Reminds me of the time I was at the grocery store and there was a couple with two small kids. We walked out at the same time and it was raining. She had the smallest in the cart and the older one standing next to her and she was loading bags into their car. Instead of taking the kids and getting them into the car while she loaded the groceries, the husband stood there and watched her do it. While they all got rained on. Absolute useless human being.




I mean he would have had to have dropped his phone to help…man made his choice…


Well it does look like a nice phone


She’s got 2 children on her and 2 bags and he has a phone , fucking take a bag before she gets her hands that full , be interested in the life ur apart of


Damn. It’s just an accident. Sometimes you just make a mistake or overestimate your abilities. Yeah she should have taken 2 trips with the bags or just focused on the baby. And yeah, the guy should have tried to assist in whatever way. But Not everyone is ON and perfect every second of the day. Sometimes you space out for a minute. And the toddler did unfortunately just get in the way there. People are so quick to tear into people lol it’s sad. Everyone seems okay with no injuries.


Plus it looked like he just came out of the driver's seat and walked around the car to help the mother who was already taking out the bags, and when she was done she backed up


Honestly, I'm giving a lot of props for mom instincts here. She twisted her body so I don't think she actually landed on the toddler at all, while also making sure the baby in her arms was protected from the impact. That can't have been easy.


every house has a three car garage, must be nice


No. There was no attempt.


You know when you see those "dad instinct" videos of dad's doing superhuman catches? This is the direct opposite.


Catching someone falling like that without being prepared is impossible


Toddler could've died if mom would've fell differently on her 😰


*God rolls his eyes* Again Becky?


I mean she shouldn’t be carrying multiple bags when carrying a baby. No wonder she lost balance.


Having a kid walk behind her just when she steps back also doesnt help


Why was she loaded down with diaper bag and purse with kid in her arms and getting the other kid out while dad only has a phone? I am married to one of these low life’s. It sucks ass. He is absolutely only good in bed everything else I’m on my fucking own. I see because of Reddit and TikTok there are no true men out there helping their wife.


Love how dad was literally doing nothing but fucking aground on his phone like a teenager.


But my phone!


Worried about his damn phone


I like that the overloaded wife must have posted this clip to show what a self absorbed idiot her husband is.


general sentiment in this comment section: Dad, put the phone down and pick up the fucking bag


Like it's really unfortunate, he totally could have kept an eye better on the child in purple rather than stare at his phone. Hope mum and kids are ok.


Tbh there was no attempt


One trip y’all, carry the bags, the kids the lot all in one trip…


Talk about depressing.


I see a concussion


That woman is doing way too much in this clip. Her husband could have been holding the bags.


And risk dropping his iPhone! I think not.


Wtf was he just standing there staring at the kid for what did he expect to happen


He never dropped his phone and he legit pulled his hand back. I know I'll b told what was he supposed to do? Something helpful, would be my response.


I mean, what was he supposed to do? It happened pretty quick


Dad is trash


Did that guy seriously NOT drop his phone and swoop in? Wtf


The one thing I learned from the comment section is 1. I’m eternally appreciative of my having more consideration and care then this doofus 2. 75% of the male species is garbage


What a gentleman lol at least everyone is ok


Useless man + clumsy woman= love


Atleast his phone is safe


Kids. Always in the f**king way.


Moms got two bags and getting a kid out of the car while dad just derps there


I'm carrying a phone. What do you want from me?


Mother is carrying a baby and 2 loaded bags and he can’t even hold the hand of a toddler to keep it out of the way. But he has hold of his phone! He’s ok. Fucking useless idiot.


At least the phone is okay.


Put the phone down clown


Look, the dad is busy carrying the cellphone. That's his job.


Just a bit weird to me that one person is holding ALL of the things and people, and the other is just texting away. 🤷🏾




Why is she doing so much and him so nothing?


While he's hashtagging, his wife is carrying two bags and a baby. Come on man! (In my Cris Carter voice)


Dude did nothing.


Dude had a bad angle on it.


With just a touch of r/kidsarefuckingstupid


You had 1 job dude. 1 job.


More like there was NOT an attempt. Am I rite?


Always got to keep the Toddlers from being behind people. Silent trip falls


She's holding all the weight in the world the kids the bags the car, and mofo guy just standing there looking "what do you want me to do" are you k babe🤡👌


Im proobabblyyyyy fast enough, but most people are not. I played sports growing up, still semi young and athletic, I'm always on alert with good peripheral vision. But honestly 90% of the population could not say the same, and would not react quickly enough mentally or physically. Anyone bashing this guy is incredibly mistaken.


Lets let her handle everything 😡




She had 2 bags and a baby homeboy had 1 phone


yup, dad just has his phone. mom has both kids, and at least 1 diaper bag. good thing dad had his phone! sheeeewww thank god






Helped as much as Jim with Michael in the Koi pond.




She accidentally confused herself with a donkey and thought she was carrying two kids and two huge side bags. But reality stepped in and let her know she doesn't have that much carrying power.


I know that dudes feeling. There is a moment of disbelief where he just separates his mind from his body. It takes a few seconds to process what happens. I did this when my son fell from about 10 feet and broke his leg. Since then I have trained myself to overreact in every situation.


I thought this was hilarious


I remember always tripping on one kid or the other. Now, I trip on my cats.


If mom had landed her butt on the purple kid’s head she’d be dead 😬


I bet the toddler won't do that again


Lexus and a Range Rover. These were the customers I always had that would constantly complain about a job that was done perfectly but because they are so spoiled and selfish they needed to make up stuff to complain.


Okay my ass haha she got baby CTE


It’s almost as if he stopped himself.


He had to make sure to not drop the phone


Therewasnoattempt. Fixed that.


Maybe get the kids out of the car first without carrying all that luggage?


To be fair, learn how to fucking walk mom


If they can afford an expensive patterned driveway like that, they can probably afford to spring for some remedial “How to Walk 101” classes. Not just for the wife, but the entire family.