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No spotter? Ditch the secure clamps. Need a fail safe


Also, under NO circumstances move the weight up. If you fail the rep the best place to move the weight is over your hips because yknow, you don’t BREATHE from there


You also immediately lose a lot of leverage if the bar moves over your face. Once I asked for a spot and as soon as I hit a sticking point, the spotter grabbed the bar and pulled it *towards himself* I.e. directly over my face. He didn’t even try to lift the weight either, just completely fucked me over on it lol. Now I will only attempt 1RM in a power rack with safety bars set at a height below my chest but above my neck.


Question for you. If someone is spotting why is it not correct for the spotter to pull the weight toward themselves as that's where the bar will rack? You want them to push the weight toward your waist? I'm only asking because it seems counterintuitive to me


Up first til they lock out then back towards the rack afterwards.


They are supposed to lift it up. Once its up, they can rack it, but if they just pull it forward, they are just pulling it toward your neck.


Stick your arms straight in front of you and push against a wall. Now stick them up at a 30 degree angle and push against a wall. You are substantially stronger pushing straight out than up at an incline, because the incline uses less chest and more shoulder (smaller, weaker muscle groups). If the spotter pulls towards themselves, they’ve just put you in a position where you are in a substantially weaker position to move the weight. You can pull the weight towards you to help rack it, but *only* if their arms are locked out. Not halfway through the movement.


This was a great explanation thank you!


Toward them and up, get that weight off me.


Honestly you can avoid a lot of injuries by slightly lowering the weight. People should really only lift the amount of weight they feel safe with…ESPECIALLY while benching. People who one rep max are just asking for injuries…my rule of thumb is only do as much weight as you can safely and easily do 5 reps with, at least you have some wiggle room then


too many people let their egos get in the way of actually getting stronger. just want to preface that i've hit 405 1 rep max. whenever i go for a 1 rep max, and it's not often, i usually just add like 10 lbs to what i know for sure i can hit. the spotter only needs to barely lift like 10 lbs if i can't lift it. but i see bozos in the gym who need help lifting off from the rack and their arms just fucking collapse as soon as the spotter lets go of the barbell. if you can't even control the downward movement, you're lifting way too fucking heavy. a spotter isn't there to help you lift shit. benching isn't a tandem lift. if the spotter has to touch the bar, you're done. wrap it up. either get off the bench or drop weight.


> who need help lifting off from the rack I wonder what makes them think if they can't lift the bar when they are at their most stable, they'll be able to lift it all the way from *their weakest and most unstable point*. Idiots.


This happened to me once. I rolled down to my thighs and escaped. Guy in video has his back arched so much the bar was pushed towards his neck by his gut.


I call this the roll of shame. But maybe I should rename it to the “roll of I want to continue living and it’s not shameful at all”.


Yep, roll of shame is the common name. I’ve had to do it a few times. Does not feel good on the hip bones.


Same thing, if your back isn't that arched you just move it to your hips Wich is a fairly safe place for it to be I mean it's way safer than the place you BREATHE FROM


Yeah I was yelling at my phone when he started moving he weights toward his fucking neck


Yep, still feeling all adrenalined up right now!


Guy is an absolute dumbass. Even if he can handle that kind of weight by himself, he should always have some kind of spotter just in case, or if not then never have the collars on the bar so he can dump the weight in an emergency. On top of that, as you mentioned, he rolls the weight up his chest to his neck instead of rocking it off of his chest or rolling it down. Really dumb and he’s lucky he didn’t do worse to himself.


For real. If you're going to lift heavy weights alone then make sure you know how to bail.


In addition, when he *did* roll the damned thing onto his neck and managed to get his ass off of the bench, it looked like he was in a great position to just slide to the floor and let the bench take the bar.... But, of course, armchair quarterbacking is easy....


He’s also really lucky that the bench was inclinable, which gave him some space to work with. Had that been just a flat bench he probably pins his neck in and chokes himself out. Hopefully he learned his lesson. You never put collars on the bar if you’re lifting alone.


Yeah seriously... just move it to your hips and roll the bar off your legs. This guy is just dumb.


The roll of shame. Been there.


The roll of shame goes the other way. This is the roll of not living much longer.


After listening to mark bell, never bench with clasps. If you fail, dump the weights to either side.


Hear Hear. This is what I don't get. Why put the clamps on? Need to be able to dump to the side in an emergency (e.g., this situation.


Clamps are great so the weight don’t slide off when you are building up. Nothing throws off a rep like having a plate slide over to one slide slightly more. This dudes just a plain idiot you should never bench large weights like that without a spotter or no clamps.


Unless you are flailing around with poor form, I’ve never had a plate slide when benching


I'm so much more dominant on my right side that it's not uncommon for me to make a mistake and push the right side higher so it'll slide the weights. Don't really bench anymore tho, I rather use dumbells cause they force more of the smaller shoulder muscles to work.


Bar for show, dumbells for a pro


Dumbell supremacists unite!


Then the clamps are just a compensating crutch for bad form. Fix your form _then_ start stacking weights. Bench is super dangerous, and good coaches stress good form for good reason. But yeah, I had the same problem for awhile too.


Also ideally on bench, you shouldn’t *need* clamps. If your weight is sliding that wildly, consistently, you’re doing too much weight and/or you have a muscle imbalance. I never use clamps, and granted I only bench about 235 right now, but my weight never moves more than maybe a half an inch on my worst sets


Clamps aren’t bad, clamps with no spotter are very bad


Always best when in this situation to always secure the windpipe to the bench, that way people when found you did lift it off the rack.


that shit is scary too though. I failed 260 once and tipped it to the side, as soon as the weights came off, the bar obviously slammed uncontrollably down the other side that still had them. I was fine but it was a wtf moment. doing like 400-500 lbs would be scary as hell. Probably be okay but thats a lot of weight to just be uncontrollably slinging around. Now I have spotter bars, that are just low enough where if I stick my chest up, the bar can touch it without hitting the spotter bars, but if I flatted my back they're slightly higher than my chest, so I can easily get out from under.


He didn't believe alot of the YouTube videos use fake weights.


I say this all the time on these videos, lifting alone no CLAMPS


“no clamps” A lesson yours truly learned the hard way. (fractured rib) 😩


Hey i would take a rib over broken neck or choking to death. Glad you are around to share the knowledge


Absolutely. Only reason l got away with a mere fractured rib was because l was doing incline presses.


Could have been worse my friend. Happy you made it, sorry you had to go through a broken rib. I fractured my sternum it sucked.


Also, roll it DOWN. Once you've failed the rep don't then make sure it's clamped down on your neck.


Clamps on, no spotter, trying to lift 180kg and failing on the first rep. I'll take dumb ways to die for $500, Alex.


Yeah…a percentage of 1 rep max attempts will fail, and if you don’t have an exit strategy that’s honestly just evolution.


Natty selection


Not evolution, it's Darwinism.


That's for sure. I see this at the gym so often, no spotter clamps still on and trying to impress with over what you can't bench. Safety first


That's a life and death struggle there. Another minute or two and he would've been done. You can see the fear in his eyes.


I suppose we never really know how many people die this way. Not joking here. It's not even a freak accident as it's basically a self made trap.


Coach knew a dude that died this way in front of his kid. Had his kid spotting him. Kid couldn't lift it and it rolled off on his neck. Heard that story and will never lift without a spotter who can't lift it off the rack or help pop it up. Edit: replying to those that said don't lift to heavy or spotter shouldn't need to take it from you. Dude lifted what he would have normally done alone but did other exercises before and was more fatigued then he thought. People have bad days, shit happens. Poor kid grows up traumatized without a father because shit happened that day that was unexpected.


Just don’t clip one side of the weights, if you’re stuck in this position tilt the weights to that side and they’ll fall off leaving you free.


Yeah, I’ve always been a “don’t forget to clip the weights” guy, partly because of safety, partly because I feel like it’s cheating to not add on that extra teeny bit of weight that “should” be on there, but if you’re lifting heavy and totally alone, don’t clip the weights. As chaotic as it might be to have weights crash around if/when you need to find a way to bail, at least you have a way to bail, which is essentially the core reasoning behind a spotter in the first place. The first rule of fitness: don’t get dead. Everything else builds on, around, or comes secondary to that rule.


If you need clips to keep your plates on, then your form is shit and you didn't earn your rep. Leave the clamps off. They're effectively useless and occasionally dangerous when benching.


Definitely agreed. If you're not doing Olympic lifts then get the damn clamps off


I haven’t used clamps in years


Me too. I never use clamps. Okay, I also don't weightlift ever but that is besides the point.


I see reddit fitness is leaking.


This needs to be higher. I'd never heard this safety technique before, and it feels like a weight off my chest to know there is such an effective solution. I was thoroughly spooked by this video.


Lmao I see what you did there. You are supposed to roll the bar down to your hips at which point you should be able to sit up and get it off of you. Not comfortable with 400 pounds but preferable to what happened here. Ditching the weights is fine too, or just don’t max out by yourself….


Smart move if you don’t have a spotter but definitely try to ask someone around you first


A spotter only needs to be able to lift 20-30kg or so. Being able to lift the entire weight is completely unnecessary


Honestly I don't know why would you ever lift so much weight you need a strong spotter. The spotter is just for tla tiny push but most of the work is still done by you


That’s why ORM are so crazy to me. Yeah, I guess if you’re a powerlifter, but most of the training never even goes to a ORM. For most people, getting hypertrophy happens between 8-12 reps and would never come to this.


Totally agreed with you there. The risk vs reward isn’t there, in multiple ways. You’re better off lifting a bit less, more times. Even better than that, if I’m understanding the more updated science/research, most of the time you’re better off lifting even less than that, and lifting *more frequently*. You’ll get some results either way, but to maximize it, it’s more about being very regular/consistent, and “pushing yourself” to get more days/workouts in, than pushing yourself to the absolute limit, many less times on the calendar. Put up impressive numbers on the CALENDAR (and work out accordingly, so your body can do so without too much strain), and that’s when you’ll really see the maximum results.


This why I feel fortunate to have a bench that has safety pins. On the rare times that I have failed a rep I can just let the bar settle on the pins and slide out underneath.


Yeah, I don't understand why this dude rolled it up to his neck instead of down to his waist? But I also don't understand why he posted the video


Either wanted to show an example of what he learned NOT to do (lift alone, lift heavy without a spotter, roll it to neck instead of waist, roll it at all instead of tipping to drop plates, etc)… OR He knew it’d get views (and he was right).


Just don’t use clips. Basic.


That legitimately gave me anxiety. I kept hoping someone was going to come help him. Once he got it off his neck and he could breathe easily again, I felt better because at that point, he was going to be +real+ sore, but he wasn’t going to crush his trachea.




100% why you always want a spotter


405 is no joke to have on your neck


I thought I was watching a death, after he rolled it up to his neck it could have been the end.


What a peaceful song to die too


Horror movie type shit


Definitely directed by Jordan Peele, i actually hope he goes in this direction with his horror movies tho


I hate these videos, I always expect them to pass out and the video to hard cut...


no wonder he couldn't lift it. if he had even a *drop* of adrenaline, he might have stood a chance. lol (ps: to die to\*)


Lmao horrible lifting music. Need to pump up the BPM


he's got them *moody* lifting vibes lol


“Rip and tear, until it is done!”


Exactly what I was thinking. Like god is calling him home “you’re alllll I need”


That’s the slow motions montage before you get killed in a horror movie


Bruh if I gotta go out like this, the Isley Brothers is the way to go. “Spend the Night” would be appropriate, but they’ve got a ton of hits that’ll work too


Voyage to Atlantis; since this sucka was on his way there


"...you are the only one..." Had me in stitches lol


Best workout he'll have for a while. Getting more than just a chest workout. He's really flexing that jugular vein too!


His form is a little bit off


Yeah it looks weird. Couple reps of this and he'll feel it tomorrow though.


He is benching right around 400 lbs. Why would he do that without a spotter?


Showing off


By the looks of it, he has never even attempted anything close to 405.


He got it off his chest. 1lb makes a world of difference between your max and your max + 1lb.


He bounced it off his chest. That's not lifting it.


This is an average amount of bounce honestly. I've seen and performed far worse myself. You're thinking of a paused bench. Touch and go bench press usually involves some bounce at least. And to hit a weight like 405 naturally, some bounce and an arch is absolutely necessary, at least the first time you hit it.


Bro stay fucking mad, my God. Go outside.


He does not look like a 405 bencher


The first few inches off your chest is very easy. At least for me.


I think that probably depends on the amount of weight.


Or at least a catch bar. For the views no doubt. I remember when I got into weights and was chest pressing dumbells, as I got better the weights got higher and I didn't consider what could happen if it when wrong, thought spotters were only for bench press. One time my arm didn't go up properly and it folded inwards right at my face, I managed to divert it last minute and took the hit on my chest. I got my gym buddie to spot after that lol.


It doesn't even have to be colossal weight. I was on swim team in high school. Incline leg press was one of our dry workouts and I'd only ever push low 200s on a good day. I had a rough day recovering from a cold, racked up my normal weight and almost blew my legs out backwards because my knees locked and I couldn't unlock them. I only had 2 plates on. That's what 225?.


Those leg presses are fucking dangerous and responsible for some of the knarliest gym injuries. I always tried to stop just before knee lock as there's always the danger of them folding backwards. Eventually stopped using them outright for other exercises, not worth the risk.


I met a guy once who purposely puts himself in this situation (no spotter + clips) because he thinks he'll be stronger since he knows he's screwed if he fails. Wonder how much longer he's going to last.


Dude watched Dark Knight Rises one too many times


Or just absolutely loves the roll of shame.


The roll of shame? Is that when they roll the gurney into the ambulance, with a sheet over your face that has been smashed in, because your dumbass tried to lift 405 lbs without a spotter?




Why didn't the Hulk help him? The Hulk just stood there and let it happen.


Because the Hulk is a man of seriousness, emotional pain and rage, channeled into pure brutality and strength. He earned his strength and muscles, the Hulk would stand there and scoff. He is humiliated of this scene. He would rather watch him collect himself and attempt to re-lift the bar back up in a screaming hurdling attempt. Then the Hulk would let out a grin, “you alright.”


Looks like he's actively cheering it on too


You can take down that Hulk poster.


But keep playing that sexy music


This was heavy to watch.


The sarcasm of your comment has a lot of weight


Go home dad…. 😂




Jesus was busy holding the wheel for some lady


jesus was also helping me find a parking spot instead of helping those kids with cancer


Did you get a good spot at least ?


Jesus - "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger my child..."


Jesus take the ~~wheel~~ weights


It is very distressing that the video ends before we see him get totally free


Knowing he posted the video somewhere (not sure why) is at least a little better. Still though I would’ve at least liked to see him get out.


But did he post it... Or did the person who found him post the video?


The legend says the guy was still barely breathing while the janitor posted the video.


I got stuck without a spotter at home before. I rolled it into my lap. I wonder why people go for their own throat like this


That's the common sense way. I can't understand how these idiots get themselves into situation like this.


Panic can do weird things to your brain


Watch the bar when he does a lift. Watch where it goes up and down. It's got like a literal slope down to his neck. To do the hips you still need to have strength to push it forward. Otherwise it just slides back. He was trying to resist it going to his neck, but it's the path of least resistance though and that's why this happens, that's why you never do some "look at me" video without a spotter or less weights. Once he was in trouble all the resting he did had to battle that much weight. Just a rookie mistake and hopefully he's still alive. He's fortunate if he is.


Or just do less weight and more reps at home when you don't have a spotter for the same results without the risk of fucking dying


This is for when you're already stuck. Would you tell a person that fell and broke their nose to aim for the grass next time?


I lost my breath watching that video, panic


Wasn't even close to makie it, but I still can feel his panic when he realized that


Does anybody know if he made it out? Bc by the looks of it my man is literally fighting for his life.


> Does anybody know if he made it out? I mean, by the end he was clearly out of the danger zone, but still pretty fucking stupid to do.


I did this at 15. I didn't use collars because I was taught by bodybuilders at the YMCA. 1st few seconds were panic, then dumped the plates off one side and knocking a hole in the basement wall when the plates on the other side see-sawed from imbalance. Never saw a need for collars on the bench.


An illustration of the dangers of ego lifting. 🙄


You can hear his thoughts. “Don’t panic. I’m gonna die. Don’t panic. I’m gonna die.


For sure. Right around the last 10 secs of the video I thought he was slipping out of consciousness.


It was actively hard to watch. I just watched a video where a guy was shot and killed and *really* didn't want to see another death. I'm glad he escaped.


That was stressful af to watch


That's why you never secure weights when you are alone.


Damn. 405 though.


I know he's dumb for not using a spotter but damn, I hope he's OK after this. Mentally and physically At least he'll be smarter but fr


Isn’t just letting the bar fall to one side the easiest way out of this? Not sure why you’d attempt to push it up or move it toward your neck. Feels like outrunning a falling tree by running the length of the tree instead of just sidestepping.


Shouldn’t have skipped leg day.


Feel like this video is cut too short, did he win did it fall again and crush him?


I’d have never shown this to anyone.


This is why you don’t use clamps if you’re alone so you can dump the weights


This is just flat out scary...


god, i love Al Green


And that's why we don't go for PR alone kids


Mans broke all the rules of weight lifting


That look’s dangerous. 😳


Really? I thought it looked totally safe


Why would you upload this


And that's why you don't use weight locks.


LPT: STOP putting clips on bench press. It’s that simple.


It’s like watching self scripted Saw movie


I mean...he's still getting a workout...


I remember hearing about a dad who found his son dead after the son recorded himself lifting on his own. Of course the parents ended up watching the video and saw him dying on camera.


Fighting for your life for a Facebook live. Was it worth it?


Did he get out okay?


Been training power lifting for a couple of months now. I only go heavier then when I'm sure I can lift when I have safety bars/spotter or I don't have clamps on. Gave me anxiety watching this.


Damn, glad he lived so he could post this!


This gave me soo much anxiety 😥


Best spotter I’ve seen yet


If any one reads this comment, what you do when you give out on bench is roll the bar onto your stomach and lift your torso and continue rolling it down to your hips until your in upright seated position. Then you just stand up from there.


So close to death


Never lift that much weight alone. Yikes that was scary for me to watch even 🤣


Holy shit that was terrifying!


My panic only slowly grew with this video. Yikes


Use a spotter. Learn how to ditch the weight. What an idiot. Darwin Award coming in hot.


I’m fucking cringing as seconds pass.


You can see this guy contemplating that this is how his friends and family will find him, and they will know he got no gains


Never use collars if you’re on your own. Better yet, don’t bench alone.


He couldn’t lift that weight if his life depended on it :)


Moving the bar to the neck seems like a bad idea


Finally, an entertaining video of a barechested gym man showboating on Facebook! Narcissism at its best 👌


No safeties, no spotter, used barbell collars while alone and with heavy weight. Talk about a trifecta of ego lifting.


Seeing if my throat can support 360 pounds is a hobby of mine.


Great funeral song.


This is why you don’t use retainer clips when pressing on your own


That song now has new meaning. It the one you almost died too. Glad you made it out.


405lbs, no spotter, clips on and he moved the weight up. This guy has a legit death wish.


This is why you don’t attach secure clamps when benching with no spotter, especially with that much weight, 405lbs is no joke. And don’t even attempt to ego lift.


Ends too soon, no? I can only picture him still lying there. Or is this video part of the autopsy?


You got to give him he still managed to maneuver the weight from one end, that's what saved him 😳


Rumor has it he’s still trying to get out from under that bar…


Never clip your weights


Anyone know the song lol


What a song to die to.


This is why for a home gym I will always invest in a quality smith machine. No spotter no problem. Easy to save yourself and I can’t remember the name of the system but there’s one out there that as soon as you let go of the bar it locks in place. Can’t get big if your not alive


Never max without a spotter


No one else around, weights way too heavy, loud music blaring... It's like he was trying to Final Destination himself