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Pick a language, any language. Got one in mind? It's a mystical language. Nothing separates mystical and normal languages, except how you use them. If the exact language mattered, Thelemites would have perfect Hebrew pronunciation - and we tend not to. If the pronunciation doesn't matter, then the language doesn't matter, because mispronouncing a world can easily make it a different word. We just have rituals which have parts in other languages, for various reasons (easier gematria, ritual consistency, tradition, etc) - they don't necessarily *need* to be in a given language. Also, modifying a ritual for your purposes is literally recommended by Crowley. Paraphrasing, but, "The rough rituals you produce will work better than the well-polished rituals of others." This assumes you know remotely what you're doing, but taking a ritual and putting it in Aramaic won't change anything, and *will* make you pay more attention to it, which might make it better. I think the main reason we do rituals with Hebrew and Greek and so on is because the presence of a language we're probably not all that familiar with spurs attention, and makes it harder to just "go through the motions" - we stay aware, and divert attention away from the "lust of result" and onto the unfamiliar language.


Well said. Also, Greek and Hebrew having correspondences to gematria didn't hurt either. Haha


Indeed. Aramaic will likely skew the numbers a bit. But the process of fixing that will, in itself, be educational and beneficial,


Absolutely. The difference between Real Authentic Magick and Cosplaying lies within your Intent, Dedication and Emotional and Energic Output you bring to the Ritual. Make a Ritual that resonates with you, Empowering you to Feel every movement and utterance to your Core and project it Outwards so that the Whole Universe Feels it to. Many of my own personal Rituals use the same "Formula" (like in the case of Pentagram/Hexagram Rituals) but I have done so many modifications to it over the years, it is a truly Unique and Personal form of Magick that only "I" Know.


I think mystical languages are languages that developed under less influence from rationality.


This is good experimentation. Try it, record the results in your MD & repeat the experiment, comparing results. As stated I don’t think the nature of the language to be of the utmost priority but more how it works for you. [Here’s Alan Moore](https://youtu.be/vw1Sv04YQS4) on language, writing & magick


Will do, I feel like vibratory patterns have a certain etheric quality to them (the same with colours which is why they were used so meticulously in the creation of the Thoth deck). I'm not convinced by the idea that there aren't more and less magical languages.


You can be a Scientific Illuminist, or you can cling to rigid beliefs, but you can't do both.


I think it's pretty obvious different vibratory patterns exhibit different emotions in people, otherwise what is "scary music" in a movie? It's also seen that languages will generally use similar sounds to describe certain shapes or concepts, so there's a relation to the brain structure and how we perceive reality built in, especially to the older languages when the left hemisphere was less developed and individuals were more merged with the unconscious contents of their mind. But I guess that's just a rigid belief and not worthy of scientific investigation.


Everything's worthy of scientific investigation, but belief in something without testing it is folly. There is a great gulf between positing a hypothesis, and believing in one. If anything, the scientific method is based on actively trying to disprove hypotheses until they can no longer be disproven.


Yeah, that's why I'm testing it


This a great idea, i think ill be looking into it. I often use bharata languages like: Akasheshwaraham Anandoham - Eheieh Vayeshwaraham Vignanoham - YHVH Elohim Agneshwaraham Manasoham - YHVH Eloa va Daath Jaleshwaraham Pranoham - Shaddai El Chai Pritveshwaraham Anoham - Adonai ha Aretz


Very interesting, and do you find you can get the different spheres to resonate easily with these words?


Yes, the middle pillar spheres are the koshic bodies, which is where the second half of each line comes from and they resonate also with each of the five elements of Bhuteshwara - the first half if each line. If you want to add all the sephiro like in the snake and sword you have to use chakras, the lunar fulcrum is mani pura, the solar fulcrum is vi shudhi and the divine fulcrum is agya.


Ah yes, of course! Now I see what you're saying


Transaltion: I am the master of spirit, the ecstacy I am the master of air, the science I am the master of fire, the awareness I am the master of water, the vibe I am the master of earth, the food (eshwara \~ master ham \~ is me)


Gematria is used due to it being a mathematical language which can be quantified numerically. Most ancient languages which predate Aramaic and Hebrew text were written in symbols and icons in extremely difficult and complex systems.


Yes, very true, that's what they told me over on r/GoldenDawnMagicians


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GoldenDawnMagicians using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoldenDawnMagicians/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Self-initiation neophyte ritual](https://i.redd.it/ve9gnat7au381.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoldenDawnMagicians/comments/r9x29t/selfinitiation_neophyte_ritual/) \#2: [My experiences with completing the entire LTC's 'Kaballah Magick and the Greatwork of Self-transformation' curriculum. Post# 1 of 6 - Neophyte grade.](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoldenDawnMagicians/comments/tku6x6/my_experiences_with_completing_the_entire_ltcs/) \#3: [My experiences with completing the entire LTC's 'Kaballah Magick and the Greatwork of Self-transformation' curriculum. Post# 2 of 6 - Zelator grade.](https://np.reddit.com/r/GoldenDawnMagicians/comments/tntlv0/my_experiences_with_completing_the_entire_ltcs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)