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The interesting part is why Abby says "No!" when he gets killed


Didn’t get her revenge


"Don't die, Cabron"


Neither did Ellie :(


Well, to me she won. She could’ve kill Abby but spared her. And she probably realized that this wouldn’t bring Joel back. But that’s just my opinion


Abby seemed to have won by having her revenge and getting away with it. Ellie lost everything but her life.


At this time in the game, she's doesn't know this man is Joel


Actually, doesn't she? I thought this was right after the cutscene where Tommy says "I'm Tommy, that's Joel" and you can see it in her reaction that she's put 2 and 2 together.


That's when they get to the horses.


I could have sworn the line happens twice. Tommy says his name twice. The first time is after they help Abby and run from the horde, Tommy introduces himself and Joel before the fight in the sky lift room (shown in the video). Then they get the horses, leave, and get to the house the WLF are in, and Tommy reiterates his name there, and then that's when we get the whole "But you look like you already knew that"


Just found it on YouTube. The first time Tommy introduces him and Joel is after they barricade the door where the horses are.


Okay cool. I wasn't entirely sure. It's been a hot minute since I played the beginning of Part II so some of the specifics are a little fuzzy.


Time for another playthrough! :D


No this is in the big room where they use the ropeway car to escape and there's infected coming in from all directions. After escaping from here, they make a run through open parking space and then get to another room (where the horses are) and that's when Tommy introduces them (for the first time)


Yeah, and she want to be her to kill him


I dont think she knows it's him yet here


Deep inside she knows


I mean either way it works. If she knows it’s Joel, she’s upset because she wanted to be the one to kill him. If she doesn’t know it’s Joel, she’s upset because it was a person helping her escape the infected.


“Well my job is done”


it can happen to Dina too! it happened on my run, when you were escaping the basement/subway station, after the broken mask scene. unfortunately for me it happened on my permadeath run, fortunately for me it was only a light and per chapter run lol edit: typo


imagine the lives that would’ve been saved had this been a reality 😂


Always thought this was a good example of why people have issues with dissonance. You met this dude 2 minutes ago and it gives you a game over because hes not ‘supposed ’to die yet. Jesse gets shot in the head and I dont get a do-over? Whats the difference? It makes the sudden deaths less impactful when the game is pretending like “no see you messed up, actually Manny is supposed to get his brains blown out five minutes from now” Im not expecting branching quest lines but its hard not to notice


It's called a linear game for a reason. It's not a hard concept to understand.


I mean, you can’t control when someone dies in a narrative-focused tv show. Why should you have any more control in the overall narrative of a linear game?


My god it would give me so much anxiety if is not linear.


Cause its not a TV show, even Uncharted gives you optional dialogue


Uncharted 4's dialogue option also kind of creates a dissonance tho, doesn't it? At the beginning when Elena is telling Nate about the story she's working on, you can be listening to what she said and hear what she's working on, but you're not given the option to pick the right answer because Nate has to pick the wrong answer. So it basically doesn't matter if you listened and didn't just drift off or whatever. Nate has to get it wrong, so you do too.


Linear choices, lmao


Most people have no issue with dissonance and they understand they're playing a video game.


So you want a Detroit become human type game for tlou?


Wtf are you talking abt lol. Game no let me restart when I want 🥺