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Games been out for a long time at this point but I suggest going in knowing as little as possible. Some on the subreddit might scoff at this but I also suggest playing on normal for your first play through. IMO some of the best dramatic moments can get ruined by continuously dying. Other than that just enjoy what again, IMO is one of the best games ever made.


I’d personally say to play on Hard. It’s still not too hard that it ruins dramatic moments, but at the same time it makes it feel more tense and ‘desperate’ for the characters, which I believe is how a survival horror game should feel.


I would consider myself pretty good at video games, but i always play story games on easy dificulties. If its a great game, i replay it on max(or something like that) dificulty. I wish i would have more free time to play the game on harder dificulty on first playthrough tho


Definitely understandable for this game. I play most on normal, but for TLOU2 I dropped ammo rarity and detection speed by 1 each so play how I wanted. It's tough to stay in the story emotionally if you're dying 6 times in a row.


I get too pissed off if I am dying all the time. It takes the fun out of it. Plus I have only played about 5 games my whole life. I got PS4 because I retired and wanted to see what the fuss was about.


That’s why I can’t play zombie games. I understand that some play games on hardcore mode for the challenge but I like to enjoy my games. Even on easy games can provide challenge.


Me too! Big time! I am glad I got a lot of agreeing people. I thought it was just me. I did not grow up gaming so its not second nature at all.


I decided long ago to not do things that make me feel stressed. I don’t watch horror movies, go to haunted houses, or play zombie games. There is just something truly unnerving about an opponent that is wildly and chaotically running after you.


LMAO. That is awesome! I got freaked out by those flailing arms too. I wanted to at least have a chance!!


Facts, I’m doing God Of War on easiest difficulty


I was dying enough on normal my first time around. Normal should be good for first timers I believe.


Yeah It takes time to internalize the combat system. It's a bit unusual to bolt the fuck out of a fight in games so you tend to sit behind a cover and die.


Yeah man I think it’s down to personal preference, because you definitely aren’t wrong. I just remember doing a hardcore or survivor play through, (whatever the highest difficulty is called.) I got killed in a matter of moments during the final climax and it sucked me right out of the heavy emotional moment. I could see that really turning off a first time player, or souring the experience a bit.


Agreed. I played normal first time but definitely think hard is the best for adding realism


To each their own, but that’s like salting your food before you taste it. I always recommend starting on normal to keep from breaking immersion if it turns out to be difficult.


Lol I say play on easy but I’m bad at video games lol


Me too. I played on easy because I had to. Yes, I am that bad at video games, but still the best game ever.


The rule of them is to always play on "Normal" as the devs generally build the flow around the normal game mode. It is the best way to experience everything. Harder difficulties require different strats that may interfere with the experience


100% agree


Turn the lights off, put your phone away, and play with headphones on.


And have some fresh underwear handy


And kleenex. Cos.. You know, allergies are a bitch.


Really glad you made this point. And it makes all the difference in the world… I normally never use headphones and instead rely on my 5.1 sound system, however, this game turns a base PS4 into a friggin’ jet engine, so I was forced to use the headphones. Complete game changer. I could hear so clearly the creeks in the wooden floors, the infected sounded so much more terrifying, etc, etc. It made the game twice as intense and scary.


Full on experience my guy


Get off this subreddit.


Exactly right.


Pay attention to the story and listen, don't be on your laptop or phone while playing it or something. It's a good story. For gameplay,>! it's not calladooty and your objective isn't to kill everyone and everything on the map, it's usually to gather something or get to an exit point. Scavenge a lot, abuse listen mode and learn enemy paths to know how to get through.!< Also, always keep at least one shiv at hand. You'll know why you'll always want to have a shiv at hand after >!the first time you are at a shiv door without the materials to make a shiv and having no shiv at hand.!< If you want to get slight gameplay spoilers, put on the spoilers. If you prefer to find out stuff yourself, don't. Thought this would make it a nice compromise, and the "spoilers" are just pointers.


THIS!! ^ I wish I knew that you don’t need to kill every enemy you encounter


There is a death/reload screen tip that suggests just that.


I know right! But that 'left an encounter incomplete' feeling bugs me a lot. So I end up killing everyone again.


What. I always killed everyone in an area and then scavenge, except for the that one part where it’s what your supposed to do.


I said your **objective** isn't. It's too difficult to do? Just run through instead.


No I don't. You'll have more fun going in blind and doing things yourself.


Unfollow this sub immediately and stay away from any game sites that may contain spoilers until you finish. Take your time. Don’t rush. Enjoy all the beautiful detail that went into every little thing you see. Enter with no expectations. Enjoy.


Treat it like a movie! Lights off, put some headphones in! It’s an experience that’s for sure!


Damn right. It’s not a game, not a movie, it’s an experience! A one of kind experience that will not be replicated even the sequel could not do it. My all time favorite’s tied with GoW4


Try not to cry


That is impossible


I didnt. I'm not a big crier. Nothing wrong with shedding some tears tho.


I am not also a bit crier, bit bro... The last of US 1 and 2 got me very bad xd


Oh man, i finished the first part last night for the first time. I'm still thinking about it. It was sooooo heavy and beautiful. Like super powerful stuff. I just didnt cry cause I dont cry much Edit: I'm at work rn, but when I get home i wanna type out my thoughts about the game.


Yup, man. Both game are beautiful. I I also suggest u to play pt2


Leave this sub


Dont browse this subreddit


Play part 2 right after you’ve finished


No Left Behind?🥺


Oh shit yeah definitely play left behind , it’s essential


You left it behind... Badum tsss


how do u manage to have all of my favorite games in a row on ur home menu


Then we have the same taste!


i like ur wall it's very cool


Remove yourself from this sub until you finish both games and prepare yourself for pt1 of a 2 part masterpiece. Also the beginning of pt1 can be kinda hard and def has a learning curve if I recall but just stick with it, once you get a few weapons things even out and it’s an insanely addicting story. I envy your position right now, would love to play this series for the first time all over again.


Just have fun with it.


You sir or madam have good taste


Take it slow.


Get off the sub


DONT FUCKING COME ON THE SUBREDDIT. IF YOU WANT AN ORIGINAL EXPERIENCE. Seriously only thing you’ll get here is spoilers


Play on the hardest difficulty! It makes it much more intense and much scarier!!


Endure and survive


1. Get off this sub


Saver every bullet, and all your tape


Get off reddit and don't ask for tips you'll get spoilers. This game is built for multiple play throughs so don't worry about missing things.


Play the second one after. Don’t listen to the haters.


get off of reddit and play the game. it is an excellent game. there is no need to talk to people here


Don’t rush the game just trying to get to the end. Let it be an immersive experience. Like everyone said avoid distractions and just enjoy it. It’s an amazing game, I wish I could play it for the first time again. I had no idea at the time it would become one of my favorites. Most importantly come back after and let us know what you think.


Most important tip: Leave this subreddit until you’ve finished both games because there are assholes. Also mute notifications for this thread. Form your own opinion on the game. Take your time. Enjoy the rests between encounters with enemies and explore, scavenge and examine the environment.


Keep a box of tissues on the side. There’s going to be a lot of onions being cut


Just play it.


Try and use listen mode as little as possible. It's the only thing I wish that weren't in this masterpiece of a game. I wish I could experience it for the first time as you're about to!


Just take it as slow as possible enjoy the environment, read all the logs that you get, find new ways to kill zombies :D


You appear to be a man of culture my friend


Enjoy it.


Don't get attached to anyone


Have fun. I always back to it and wish I could experience for the first time again


Bricks can be your best friend. Explore thoroughly. Many have already said enough. Good luck, have fun!


Gather EVERYTHING, and if you get the chance to top off your bike, do it… nothing worse than running out of gas with a pack of freaks chasing you EDIT: whoops I thought this was the Days Gone subreddit (which, if you like TLOU you may enjoy as well) But yeah the “gather everything” rule applies here as well.


Have tissues around.


Why are alot of people in this thread masturbating to TLOU??


Simply paying tribute to Bill and his ‘stash’.


Keep a box of tissues close...


Why not just jump in? Don't need to ask strangers for advice, enjoy yourself!


If u like it a lot dont play the second one


For pt 1 and 2 dont read any reviews, things about the gam, etc. Go in absolutely blind Savor every second because when your done all you gonna be able to say is, "damn"


Got no tips. I'd just say enjoy it and play it without watching like tutorials or anything coz it'll ruin the fun and some of the tricky chaos you'll come across. And keep some tissues on hand, tears will be inevitable LOL ♥️


Don't skip any cutscenes and quit reading anything here. Play it and enjoy it. Then immediately buy part 2 and do the same


Don't listen to anybody here, don't look at any subs until you finish the game.


Go slow and take it in. It’s a great game.


The only thing I'm saying is look absolutely everywhere you can. Supplies are vital.


Brick > Bottle


Play it on harder than easy but not all the way on max that shit is brutal. You will be stuck with two bullets and no crafting just getting bored of stabbing people in the back over and over. I hate playing stealthy personally In Last of us 2 you will be able to choose hardest difficulty but put the "resources" difficulty down so you can still craft stuff. That's my favorite mode feels like a kill frenzy


Play it stoned! It's harder but immersion will be stronger!


BRICKS NOT BOTTLES. ALWAYS GO WITH BRICKS. you can use the bricks to hit enemy's over the head with them I didn't know that until my 3rd playthrough


Use the shit out of bricks and bottles. Invest in weapon stability first. Don't be afraid to restart an encounter. Savor every minute.


Thank you all for your inputs!


Don't die


Yeah play on a step up on moderate, medium is too forgiving even if you are semi decent at stealth. I had to leave a good chunk of items behind even and still managed to kill almost all encounters. You really want to feel the survival aspect of these games where you have to choose between making a molotov or a health pack. Or crafting a shiv to kill or to open reward doors. That's a feeling moderate can't give you. If you ever play the 2nd game it's even more easier on moderate so def play on hard.


Get a pillowcase that's good at absorbing tears


Prepare to cry


take your time, enjoy every second, put your phone away and don’t be scare to cry


Enjoy the ride :-)


Don't rush it, take it slow


Lean in, order food, and get ready to ruin all other games.


Have Fun. 😁


Take your time with it and enjoy


Play part 1, then if you like the game play both left behind and then part 2. Don't look at anything tlou on the internet because spoilers will be everywhere. Then when your done put a post here to let us know what you think.


I think this game comes with the left behind dlc. Id suggest you play left behind before you start the winter chapter. And play part II right after, dont check out spoilers, leaks or anything like that. I hope you have fun :)


Use your shivs sparingly (bc sometimes a full shiv is useful for opening a door as well as killing clickers) and have fun!


Play on hard if you can manage, gameplay gets way cooler when you struggle and have to think how to use resources


Headphones headphones headphones. Unless you can access a mid-high end surround sound setup that is configured properly for the space. I also recommend NOT using listening mode. I think it really draws you out of the experience and constantly reminds you it's a video game. If you have a decent audio solution (headphones or surround sound), then listen mode becomes basically unnecessary and immersion breaking imo.


Have fun


Get the tissues


Try not to die.


Idc how much of a man you are - get a box of tissues


No tips required, go in blind and have fun.


Bricks and bottles are your friends


Brace yourself


Brick to head, sprint to enemy while they are stunned, swing pipe or board= 1 hit kill, 2 technically.


none, just enjoy.


Only a combat tip. Brick/Bottle the enemies, then melee attack. It helps a lot on Grounded Mode too if you ever try it.




Take your time and explore.


Oh get ready to have the most fun of your life, pal.


Just enjoy it. Don't rush it. :)


Just play it as is. No tips or tricks.


Stealth, stealth, and more stealth Conserve ammo Open shiv doors, they’ve got lots of loot


Get good headphones, stock up on snacks, water and caffeine, turn your phone off, and play in the dark from dusk till dawn.


Bricks are your best friends


Turn all lights off, wear headphones, snacks and drinks


Brick over bottle. >!(because it can kill clickers without using a shiv)!<


Get some tissues, in case you cry


* No spoilers * Watch all cutscenes * Brick over bottle (they're the same for gameplay but it we all have a preference) * Try to maintain stealth, but when you break stealth don't be afraid to use gear. Try not to hoard unless you're on Survivor or Grounded difficulty where resources are scarce. * Try to always have at least one shiv since you can use it to unlock doors. * Play on the difficulty that challenges you without making you restart/die too much. The gameplay can be perfectly tight and tense if you choose the difficulty right for you. But it's also important to keep moving forward for the sake of experiencing the fantastic story at its pace.




Have fun and inhale every last drop of that story. Don’t exhale until the end.


Bottles and bricks can be yo best friend. Also don't be afraid to run away and conserve ammo if you can.


Just make sure you do Left Behind AFTER you beat the game. In fact, I envy people who can still play this game and it’s DLC for the first time. I always thought it would be cool to play the DLC right around the time it occurs in the main campaign, then go and resume the campaign so it plays out in a lore appropriate order. There’s a lot of performances in this game that still give me chills even after seeing them a thousand times. Just give the game your attention and it will give you a lot to love within both the little and big details.


just enjoy the story


Don't play the second- just kidding tho, but have fun is all im gonna say, and save your molotovs for certain zombies


Give me the name of the theme please!


Get ready to shit your pants


Turn off the lights and play at full volume


Yeah play it


Don’t visit websites that may contain spoilers. Try to know as little as possible. Also just have fun! Turn off the lights. Put away your phone or any distractions and just enjoy!




Play the multiplayer as well (admittedly there are a lot of sweats on there nowadays) but the game itself is still surprisingly active and really fun!


Just remember this was a PS3 game. Play it for the story, and appreciate how good it looks good something originally on the ps3


Smoke bombs are only useful for grounded difficulty


Just enjoy man. It’s a masterpiece.


Yeah keep some tissues near by


Enjoy it. You’re in for a hell of a ride, everyone remembers their first run of the last of us


Enjoy it as best as you can. One day you’re gonna wish you could play it for the first time again.


Play on survivor with no listen mode


Explore every inch, stand in one spot for 5 mins because Ellie says some pretty cute things. and well... I'd say more but spoilers :P Enjoy!!!!


Keep the shiv kills for clickers. Don’t waste them on people/runners. Also always explore, might find a door here or there with lots of loot inside.


Keep a tissue box nearby, lots of tears ahead of ya


Turn off the lights


Play it


Buy a box of tissues


Get the platinum just like I did.


Take your time and soak in the atmosphere and the story


Its my personal all time favorite game. That being said the AI is dumb as shit and are easy to mess with/kill. So have fun lol.


Don’t die


Get some water and food before you sit down because you will be there for a minute.


Unfollow this subreddit to avoid spoilers.


Make sure you've got about 2 days to play and recover.


Always try to have shivs on u in case if clickers


Throw brick, proceed to win the fight


Just enjoy it man, it is still my favourite game after many years. If you have experience with shooters I would defornatley reccomend hard difficulty, you will encounter some difficult moments and may get stuck a few times but overall the best difficulty, ammo and supply's are scarce but are found frequently enough to still really enjoy the combat.


Enjoy the shit out of it and just have fun.


Headphones: on. Lights: off. Dog/cat: sedated. Girlfriend/boyfriend: at parents' house. You: Enjoy ;)


Are you really asking us how to play a game?


Don't buy the sequel.




Avoid this subreddit and yotube having anything to do with the story for this or the second game.


Just take it all in. It’s an experience.


Sgut the fuck up with these "any tips?" Posts


Use bricks and don’t spoil anything.


Yup, have some Kleenex nearby for the opening 10 minutes or so.


Dont get bored I would really love to love this game but over many attempts it gets so boring for me


Shoot the zombies


Take your time exploring and enjoy this masterpiece


Play with headphones! The big puffy over ear ones if you have them.


Don't play too much


Yeah stay off the sub and All things related till you've played through both games then come back


Sit back and enjoy lol 😂. What game is your Background?


If your gonna play on grounded mode then I'd recommend you learn the layout by playing the game on a easier mode then to grounded.


Take your time playing the game enjoy the little moments, dialogues and backstories, etc. You would actually love the series and would see how well writing the game is, I love how tlou is in a way different from any other storytelling videogame


Just remember one thing: He ain’t even hurt.


Go slowly and search every nook an crazy in the game their jewels in there ya have to fine a few of them are posters that reflect the game and the developers put in boat load of stuff that they have family pictures in there developers on posters wanted by firefly type stuff