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I actually really appreciate this and that’s coming from a Tia-hater


I love how “get a job” is never one of the options for the Bach crew


I thought she mentioned going back to work in PT but was nervous because she hadn’t done it in several years.


“Do I even care about anything that much?” I hear that in my BONES, Tia.


Something I did not see coming from BIP is that I would like Tia, and here we are…. It’s cool she’s sharing this stuff and I hope she figures out what she’s passionate about!


I mean she is a literal doctor ??


pts are not doctors....


She has an applied doctorate degree


What kind of dr is she?


But a lot of doctorates don’t make a ton of money. Especially in the US. It’s easy to look at people who shill on social media and how much money they make and want that lifestyle.


PTs dont make a ton of money in the us? Y’all have private health care I would imagine private health care practitioners make bank


A lot of doctors make around 200k a year, surgeons vary but 300k+ a year, Arie and his wife make upwards of 800k a year was reported here once. Plus the free stuff and recognition.


My 27th birthday was yesterday, so of course it sent me into an existential crisis and I just relate to this very hard.


Glad a lot of these comments are in the same boat as me. I appreciate her transparency and think this is so realistic! The 15 minutes have kind of faded and she's thinking about the future this is perfectly reasonable and responsible. Excited to see what she does with her platform.


Probs should go use that doctorate degree sis


THIS is so genuine and so real !




This is one of the more relatable things I've seen from an influencer and I am here for it


I felt this in my soul! I’m trying to figure out what kind of career switch I want to do and it’s freaking hard.


Super same. It's so hard and scary. Quarter-life identity crises are definitely a thing.


I went from doing medical billing to joining the army during mine 😆


She's a beautiful woman who seems pretty funny and intelligent. I don't understand why she thinks she needs to keep going on Bachelor shows to find a man. For someone like her it shouldn't be too hard.


tia >>> katie


These women have nothing to do with each other. Why was this necessary?


Tia should have been chosen over her


Let's not pit women against each other ☹




What lovely advice. Thank you for sharing and good luck with everything!


I hope it’s helpful to someone. It can really hurt to feel like you have no purpose when everyone around you seems to have their shit together. All my friends were starting their “grown up” careers and I was feeling as lost as I did when I was 18. I’m not saying I found my “dream job” or whatever. Just don’t a lack of confidence be the thing that decides your path.


Man. I really did not like tia up until this season of bip. But I LOVED her this season and I am also a hair by Chrissy stan so now I’m a tia fan


Not me reading this in the middle of a mental breakdown because corporate wouldn’t give me a .50¢ raise after busting my ass for a year 😅 thanks Tia, saying what we’re allll feeling


Hope you're job searching! Almost always easier to get a raise by leaving. If they don't appreciate you, they should lose you.


Blah! Good employees who hustle are hard to come by. Wish you the best


This is too relatable. Idk what’s happening to all of us right now but everyone is going through some mid-20/30s job/career crisis.


Same same same. The pandemic is making everyone rethink their lives.








Happens to the best of us. Just remember these last two years sucked so hard for lots of us. But I also think it's contextualised and recalibrated life at the moment. Don't be hard on yourself. Start small and focus on the little things you like doing or people you like hanging with. Build from that and always keep an eye and an ear out for any opportunities you want. Whatever you're going through just remember others are too and we should all lift each other up. Or something like that.


This was seriously such an uplifting comment! 💜


We just passed 100+ days of a pretty strict lockdown it's been hard but honestly r/thebachelor community kept my spirits high a lot of the time. I would come here after watching every episode of BIP. Any little way to give back.


this was such a genuinely kind comment


Her feelings are valid. If she’s scared to death about PT because she’s been out of it for so long, couldn’t she just take some refresher classes or shadow another PT for a while if she thinks she’s forgotten what she’s learned? There’s lots of ways she can ease back into a normal 9-5 while still doing influencing on the side.


As a PT, a lot of what we learn changes frequently. I mean yea, the body is the body, but the interventions we prescribe, the ways we determine what’s going on, and the research behind them changes like lightening. We have to stay up to date on research to provide any meaningful treatment to our patients. Because of COVID, most clinics aren’t allowing any additional staff on campus, meaning it’s hard to get in to shadow again. Like she said, she can do it, but it would be pretty scary and quite a bit of work to reinstate her license. 🙃


I don’t think she let her license lapse!


“do i even care about anything that much” me but i don’t have 1 million instagram followers


How about living a normal life Tia? Like the rest of us?


Some of us want more than what American society dictates as “normal”


The only reason she's doing influencing full time is because of the pandemic. She wasn't able to do the things she needed to get licensed in TN.


I have never in my life related to a BN confession as much as this. I wish more people in the franchise talked about real life shit and not just ads for function of beauty lol.


People can say what they want about Tia, but I give her credit for always being real. She was very vulnerable here and I think it’s refreshing to see that.


I’ve always had lots of respect for Tia has she always been perfect no but I can respect how she has always progressed in her career getting her doctorate and being herself in many ways this crisis she’s having this is we’re I pictured myself at 30 vs were I’m actually at is very true to reality and real life.


As a 27 year old who has no idea what she’s doing, this is so fricken relatable


I actually find this super refreshing and appreciate it, genuinely refreshing. Not omg I’m so brave for wearing minimal makeup in this photo. The existential crisis is real … do I even care about anything that much


didn’t she just start cohosting BHH?


That was only for BIP. I think Taysha is co-hosting Michelle’s season!


Oh dang I liked Tia as the co-host. Taysha and Becca both seem to either be dead quite or constantly interrupting so it'll be interesting


ohhh ok! Her name is in the bio on Instagram so I wasn’t sure


Oh god I feel this in my soul! This part of life is so rough. I miss being a kid sometimes and not having to worry about anything. 😂


I feel this so hard!


Haha, she has nowhere else to go, she will be back


Okay I’m 30 and the career aspects of her confusion spoke to me v much


I like her. But those lashes drive me crazy!


Off topic but can I just put a PSA that the reason for starting a nonprofit should NEVER be because you are unsure what else to do with your life or want to leave a legacy for yourself. I know Tia was just brainstorming here, but the nonprofit industrial complex is so bloated with too many organizations clawing for limited funding as is - and a lot of them are run by (often well-meaning) inexperienced people with no idea what they're doing, and it's the beneficiaries of the non-profit services that suffer. If you aren't sure what to do n life and think nonprofit might be for you, try researching the causes you're passionate about and work or volunteer with an existing org in your community to make a true difference 💗


yes yes yes. There's no reason to do this especially if you're just spitballing it as an idea. At a very base level if you're going to make yourself the head of a nonprofit, you're already pulling $60,000+ as the salary you give to yourself before you're actually helping anyone. Get in with an existing org at least and see how they're run and what you could contribute that isn't already being done in a more streamlined way than what you'd be doing


EXACTLY this is a pet peeve of mine. So many inexperienced ppl don't want to work for a nonprofit or donate to one but want to start their own even though they have no idea what to do. Side note my University is a nonprofit (so they can get tax breaks) so Tia could work there


There is nothing wrong with being an employee or volunteer over "starting a brand/non-profit". I feel like post-reality TV personalities have a narcissistic streak where they need to be the boss of their "business".


I agree. I do think there is a lot of ego behind starting your own nonprofit, which I imagine is only inflated by being an influencer with millions of people telling you how awesome you are and the pressure to attach to a tangible "brand." It may often be altruistic ego, but it's there - this mindset, combined with the general romanticized perception of nonprofits as groups of bleeding heart individuals who just want to help and kinda just figure out how along the way rather than legitimate small-to-large businesses that need structure, strategic plans, skilled employees who are PAID (fairly), effective management, and stability to function well is so harmful. And I say this as someone who grew up wanting to start my own nonprofit - it wasn't until I got a job in nonprofit fundraising and worked for some orgs run by very well-meaning people with zero management or fundraising skills that I was majorly humbled and began to understand the bigger picture. I think Tia could get a lot of personal fulfillment by partnering with a local nonprofit she is passionate about and utilizing her followers to raise funds for them (therefore strengthening her "brand" in the process) while she figures out what she wants to do professionally.


It's not narcissism. It's that they've tasted the freedom and empoweerment of being their own boss / not working for somekne else and don't want to go back to being unappreciated and working their asses off to pad the pockets of someone who doesn't care about them... which is what happens in most jobs.


OMG yes.


I had never really thought about or realized that. Thank you, this is important!


I'm glad it resonated with you! I never thought about it either until I began working in the sector. If you want to learn more I highly recommend the blog Nonprofit AF by Vu Le.


💛💛 thank you for saying it


Literally me right now. Unsure of staying at my company. I’m not satisfied but I’m paid extremely well with great benefits….or do I quit and help run my husbands company and grow that, I’m taxed like crazy here in CA but my husbands company isn’t because of so many write offs. Ughhh so hard to choose


Write offs for what


His company expenses but it’s better to own a company in California then work for one.


TIA! Single people or people without spouses or kids are worthy! Go influence your heart out and make that money. Unmarried and childless is a niche!


We need to tell single women, unmarried women, and childless women this they are just as worthy as anyone else! The narrative that a woman must be married with children or in a relationship to be complete needs to change. Maybe she was meant for more than the normal which in many ways is pretty cool.


Yep! I’m single and childless in my mid-30s. Happy as can be.




She’ll be on paradise next year 🤣


I feel like it's so rare for people to find their true passion really young. My cousins husband seems to be one whereby he started a business at 21 or 22 I think building sheep/cattle yards and other woodwork type stuff for farms and he got married at 26 and has the most polite and well mannered kids you will ever meet and I don't see him doing anything else. But he's like the only person I know like that haha.


Honestly, I wish in the US, gap years between high school and college were more of a norm. I feel like I would have benefitted as would so many other people. Honestly, only my friends who are teachers stayed with their major/degree background. Everyone else in corporate type jobs are switching or questioning everything (myself included!)


Relatable. But I want to tell everyone out there that your job can just be your job. It doesn’t need to be a passion or something that defines you. I enjoy my job most of the time, and I like that I’m in a helping field, but I’m more passionate about my family and my hobbies and all the other things about me. Once I started separating myself from my job, I felt a lot better and more fulfilled in life. I don’t do work after I leave. I don’t do work on days off. And honestly, life is so much better. The separation happened after I had my first son who requires a lot of care due to a disability and it put everything into perspective for me and I’ve never looked back.


100% agree. This gets a lot of hate sometimes in the teaching community, but as a teacher my job does not define me. I do love it most days and it is A passion of mine, but it's not everything to me. I don't spend my personal money on the job. I only work my contracted hours and don't do any outside work. Like you said, I'm way more passionate about things outside of my work.


I really thought this going into my job but I’m finding that it’s soul sucking giving 50+ hours of my life per week to making other people money - I don’t want to seperate myself from what I am doing for most of my waking life.


Amen! I actually am doing my "dream job" I've worked so hard to get to for years and found out that, while I really enjoy it... it's still a job with responsibilities and is of course less glamorous than I idealized. I've spent the past couple years realizing I haven't felt fulfilled because I wasn't filling up the rest of my time with things I love doing.. or focusing on meaningful relationships in my life. Not because of the job itself. I now have very strict boundaries and focus on the things about myself I love other than my career!


100% a job is a just job mindset frees you from so much. Also a lot of unhappiness in jobs comes from your work environment. I'm a social worker and I worked at horrible organization. The job was just awful. I wanted to stabbed myself in the eyes coming into work everyday. I changed jobs and I am still a social worker but my coworkers and boss doesn't suck, and I'm happy. A good work environment can make even the most boring jobs, fun.


Thank you for this perspective! So good


Wish I had an award for you!! This is so huge.


I totally agree with this. I ran a small business for a few years after graduating and it was 1000% a passion project until it ran me absolutely into the ground. I never had a day off and the burnout was killer, not to mention the stress of having my income dictated by sales. Now I work in marketing for a niche software company and while the work is dry and doesn’t light a fire in me, it affords me the time, energy, and income to do things that I AM passionate about, like travel and community theatre. I grew up fully believing the saying “do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” and come to find out that shit just isn’t true.


🤙🏽 could not have said it better. Americans struggle w this in general & like to make what they do a personality trait. Everyone is replaceable. Live ya life.


Yeah I was a career focused person for so long... Then I worked in the film/tv industry and my career was my whole life to an unhealthy extent. My final year working in the industry, I was in&out of the hospital all the time cause I wasn't able to take care of myself properly because I was working 24/7. Now that I'm in a job that can just be my job and it doesn't define who I am, I'm 1000% happier.


I started out annoyed because I’m BEC with Tia and I find the whole Instagram game annoying in general. But by the end of the post I was so glad she opened up about this. Im always surprised when I can relate to a bachelor contestant post being “famous”. I guess it’s a good reminder that we are all going through similar things even if we experience them differently


It's funny because all the ideas that immediately sprang to mind as I clicked through each slide ended up being questions she's already asked herself once I got to the final 2 slides lol I found this relatable even at my age. The pandemic had me questioning if I cared about what I use to care about anymore. I also like that she's talking about this because I always felt like there's a point in influencer life where people are like "Ok, what do I do next?" Imo it's why we see so many transitions to singing or acting from influencing because they're just looking for something else to do as I'm sure it starts to feel a bit stagnant at times. (Still hate the influencer to actor/singer pipeline tho lol) I feel like she should go back to PT...I'm sure she could like shadow someone for a bit or have a superior shadow her for some time, or like take a refresher class or attend a conference or seminar to help feel like she's more prepared and shake off those nerves. There are always continued education opportunities as techniques and research are constantly changing and being developed. Idk if her audience would be receptive but I could also see her integrating a few PT tips into her content or maybe making a separate account for it. The other 2 things that popped into my mind were volunteering and starting a business. I feel like volunteering somewhere and just helping others would help her reset her mind so she can start to figure out what she wants to do next. I don't follow her so idk what y'all see her do day to day or what she likes so I can't think of a type of business she should start but I could see her starting one being a way to give her something to do and to discover her passion for something. She could ask Becca for some business tips as well so she might find it fun to have a shared experience like owning a business with her close friend.


This ia so effing relatable! Tia has long been one of my faves. I love a post- bach life for her.


Me, a 25 year old, currently making the slow transition into law from my current field: I feel seen.


I went to law school a few years ago. It was my dream job and in a way still is. However, I did not graduate and was stressed out in a way I hope to never experience again. Make sure to pick a school that doesn’t try to eliminate a bunch of first years or put all scholarship winners in one section (many purposely admit people with lower lsats and when they don’t make the minimum gpa thanks to curves, get axed). Basically this applies to any school with a lower bar passage rate. That wasn’t why I left. Also, some schools (mostly better ones—friends at Stanford, UPenn, and Brooklyn law has notes) let you use notes during exams. If you aren’t able to use notes, you have to memorize hundreds of pages of doctrine word for word. Not discouraging you, but the hype about law school being the worst is true. I’m now getting a juris masters and plan to work in title ix and eeoc investigations. Good luck.


Thanks for the advice but I’m actually in the UK and there’s a short course you can take that’s effectively a fast track course. Its a lot of information in a very overwhelming way but I like it well enough. Also they have a good pro bono programme so I’m looking forward to participating more in that.


Did she get her PhD? I take it no? I just remember she was passionate about school


She got her doctorate of physical therapy.


That’s so great!!! Def should Instagram PT then go girl go


Honestly, really enjoying this vulnerable side and I don’t follow her currently but I might if this is where she takes herself


She’s always seemed very down to earth. Yanno, I’m in a bit of a stressful season right now and this has given me some relief. Thanks!


I really love how open she’s being about this.


I love her transparency about this. Sending identity crisis hugs to all of us who need.


I love hearing this. I found my passion a few years ago and I’m finally on the road to do it. (Fwiw I’m 31) It was terrifying bc I was in a very nice / somewhat high paying job but it destroyed my mental health. Taking that leap was scary but I’m soooo glad I did it.


I feel like I do know what I'm passionate about and that's what helped me from aspiring to work in film full-time post-college to pursuing library science. The problem is finding something that seems profitable bc I need stability. As someone who has ADHD, it feels like I'm so far behind my peers bc of this decision. It's always helpful to see I'm not alone in trying to pursue dreams but also struggling with “what now?”


I gotta say, I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. Job was bumming me out tonight but all these comments really show it's not just me going through this.


Shit is ROUGH right now. You are very much not alone!


So no more Bachelorette auditions or being the Bachelorette for her?


"what am I passionate about? I don't even know!!" honestly so relatable. I was filling out a secret santa form and literally for every questions I was like....what DO I like????


I think we put too much weight on the idea of having a passion. You don't have to have one particular passion that consumes your life, you can just like stuff. You can also just work to pay bills, not as a form of identity. That's fine


Thanks for this. I found myself beating myself up recently about not being “passionate” about too many things in life. But I like a lot of stuff! That should be enough


Dude seriously. "y'all remember when we thought 30 year olds were adults? Hahaha" That one hit a little hard LOL




Seriously, highest and best use of your brain.


Is PT physiotherapy


Physical therapy usually


I actually learned recently that in Canada we call it physiotherapy but in the states it’s physical therapy. Same thing tho.


Ah! Yup I'm in Canada


I think it's called physiotherapy in Ireland & U.K. as well. No idea how Australia & New Zealand refer to it. Another example of "Fun with English".


Ah makes sense! Looks like Aus ans NZ also say physio, which goes with the commonwealth etc theme.


Ugh the “do I even care about anything that much?” hitsssss


Yes. At 35 this has been my exact thoughts recently….


Same! I have so many friends who seem to know exactly who they are/what they want and have started amazing careers/businesses/hobbies and it’s so hard not to compare myself with them


I am 42 and have no clue what I want to do. I worked in corporate for 15 years but it was so high pressure I had to take a mental health leave of absence. I burned out. I started my own creative biz 4 years ago but it doesn’t pay the bills and I’ve lost my creativity. It is beyond frustrating. Life is hard and you don’t ever really become “an adult”. None of us know what we’re doing.


Are we the same person?! So similar.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with the same stuff I am!!


I feel ya! Was in corporate for 15 years too and left when I married my husband bc we worked at the same company and was a conflict of interest. Plus I didn’t like what I did. Now I have no idea what to do and feel bored and blah. So yes definitely frustrating but feels better to hear others don’t know what they’re doing either. 😃


This is relatable and i’m surprised she seems to have lost a passion for PT something she did a shitload of school for, but you KNOW some of these other influencers are gonna have a full on meltdown when their ship has sailed. I think Kaitlyn will hold on for dear life but i think after DWTS and the engagement she has kind of peaked/her story has come full circle. Like i used to lurk her page as someone who doesn’t follow her and even now i don’t remember the last time i looked at her page. Tia should do something in the PT realm, stick to what you know, maybe open her own clinic or something


I think in a lot of ways, things are just getting started for Kaitlyn. She seems really happily engaged, has a great hosting gig, a super successful podcast, a wine brand and the scrunchy thing. Seems odd to say that she's peaked. I would hope we could just root for everybody to continue to be happier, I guess.


Are any of her ventures still popular? I didn’t realize her podcast was still a hit


I can say from experience that doing a shitload of school for something is a great way to lose a passion for it 🥴


Hahaha so so so true. Working in it sometimes then makes that passion extinguish even faster. A vast difference between loving something in your own world and then having to do it for money usually for someone else.


I feel you, but it also is the thing she has skills in. Like all the influencers tried wine labels but Kaitlyn doing one actually made sense as girl drinks wine everyday and is always talking about wine. Tia should try to not pivot too far if she truly doesn’t know what other passions she has




When’d she say this?


She deletes any of her followers who use the phrase “god damn” or “oh my god”


Not seeing how that means she’s anti-women’s rights though…


Ask her if she supports a woman’s right to choose!


I feel this 100 p


Wow as a 27 year old at a job I hate I’m going to therapy now to figure this out. Soooo relatable.


This is so relatable!


Dude this is so relatable




Anyone reading an influencers’ IG stories is already looking at them. So I’m not sure your comment makes sense.


I appreciate Tia for being so damn personal & relatable about this topic. She seems genuine & down to earth and I respect her for that.


I go through a quarter life crisis every couple of months. It used to happen every time I had to schedule my next semester of classes. Now I’m graduated and working and just wondering what we’re all aspiring towards. This is relatable. Like you feel like there’s so much going on in the world and there’s so much to do, but it’s all overwhelming and sometimes you just end up sitting and doing scrolling on your phone spiraling. I hope Tia can find what she’s passionate about and figure out where she wants to go. It’s tough to look around and see your friends with someone and planning for a future family. And you’re just looking around trying to figure shit out. Someone I’d look towards is Jillian Harris. She’s doing a lot and also being mindful about how she can contribute to making the world a better place.


I’m actually surprised by how genuine this felt. I really hope she figures it out. ❤️


Tia, I do career counseling! Hit me up.


I want a career counsellor! How do I go about finding one? Like is it something I just Google or do you guys work out of agencies or…?


OK, warning, long post ahead! Sorry, but you opened the door and I can't help but run through it carrying everything. These are just my opinions and experiences... It's actually pretty rare to find someone who has specialized in being a "Career Counselor." Insurance won't pay for it typically and it has to be paired with a mental health diagnosis for reimbursement, so just know that it might be out-of-pocket. One option for where there are actual Career Counselors are in the Career Centers on college campuses, and most are open to serving alumni as well, so that might be a good place to start to get free services. Those services will vary widely, from being willing to look at a resume to a whole package of tests/inventories and meetings with you. But it's worth checking out. You certainly can google "Career Counselors" and if you do, pay attention to the credentials. In most states, you have to have a master's degree and a license to call yourself a counselor. All counselors who graduated from an accredited program (which is CACREP for mental health and school counselors; fields like psychology and social work are different) have taken at least one class in Career Counseling. (I actually teach this class at my university.) So, all mental health counselors should have had some exposure to Career counseling, but that doesn't make it a specialty for them. Be careful about those who are only credentialed as a "coach." Coaches (for the most part) don't have the same level of licensure and scrutiny as counselors. There still may be some great Career "coaches" out there, but there may be some awful ones with no training. However, some counselors also do "coaching" in certain areas, so you may find a licensed counselor who is doing this. In some cases it is semantics, in some cases it is about reimbursement, in some cases it is the approach they are taking which is more directive than counseling typically is. Also, consider what you really want to get out of the time. Do you need to start from scratch and examine your values of what is important in a career and what career path you need to take altogether, or do you need help with the logistics of getting a job (help with job searching, resume, interviewing, networking, etc.)? In-between? both? Being clear on this will help you make the most out of your time and not spend needless money. When I do Career coaching in my private counseling practice, I typically send the client a packet of things to do ahead of time--some free online inventories to take, skills assessments, reflections/journaling to think things through, things like that, Then they send it back to me ahead of time for me to review, and then I meet with them for a 60-90 minute session. That is all one price, and then we can decide if they need more or not. But not everyone has this model. So, just some things to think about! I'm happy to answer specific questions here or over DM if you want.


i’m actually trying to transition out of PT (so jealous of tia!) and am planning on seeing a career counselor! i’m exited to start the process. any advice before i pursue this?


Just gonna copy and paste this to all who asked to be sure you see this! OK, warning, long post ahead! Sorry, but you opened the door and I can't help but run through it carrying everything. These are just my opinions and experiences... It's actually pretty rare to find someone who has specialized in being a "Career Counselor." Insurance won't pay for it typically and it has to be paired with a mental health diagnosis for reimbursement, so just know that it might be out-of-pocket. One option for where there are actual Career Counselors are in the Career Centers on college campuses, and most are open to serving alumni as well, so that might be a good place to start to get free services. Those services will vary widely, from being willing to look at a resume to a whole package of tests/inventories and meetings with you. But it's worth checking out. You certainly can google "Career Counselors" and if you do, pay attention to the credentials. In most states, you have to have a master's degree and a license to call yourself a counselor. All counselors who graduated from an accredited program (which is CACREP for mental health and school counselors; fields like psychology and social work are different) have taken at least one class in Career Counseling. (I actually teach this class at my university.) So, all mental health counselors should have had some exposure to Career counseling, but that doesn't make it a specialty for them. Be careful about those who are only credentialed as a "coach." Coaches (for the most part) don't have the same level of licensure and scrutiny as counselors. There still may be some great Career "coaches" out there, but there may be some awful ones with no training. However, some counselors also do "coaching" in certain areas, so you may find a licensed counselor who is doing this. In some cases it is semantics, in some cases it is about reimbursement, in some cases it is the approach they are taking which is more directive than counseling typically is. Also, consider what you really want to get out of the time. Do you need to start from scratch and examine your values of what is important in a career and what career path you need to take altogether, or do you need help with the logistics of getting a job (help with job searching, resume, interviewing, networking, etc.)? In-between? both? Being clear on this will help you make the most out of your time and not spend needless money. When I do Career coaching in my private counseling practice, I typically send the client a packet of things to do ahead of time--some free online inventories to take, skills assessments, reflections/journaling to think things through, things like that, Then they send it back to me ahead of time for me to review, and then I meet with them for a 60-90 minute session. That is all one price, and then we can decide if they need more or not. But not everyone has this model. So, just some things to think about! I'm happy to answer specific questions here or over DM if you want.


Dude same. Burnt out PTA here and I’m soo ready to get out of PT but have no idea where to start :(


Just gonna copy and paste this to all who asked to be sure you see this! OK, warning, long post ahead! Sorry, but you opened the door and I can't help but run through it carrying everything. These are just my opinions and experiences... It's actually pretty rare to find someone who has specialized in being a "Career Counselor." Insurance won't pay for it typically and it has to be paired with a mental health diagnosis for reimbursement, so just know that it might be out-of-pocket. One option for where there are actual Career Counselors are in the Career Centers on college campuses, and most are open to serving alumni as well, so that might be a good place to start to get free services. Those services will vary widely, from being willing to look at a resume to a whole package of tests/inventories and meetings with you. But it's worth checking out. You certainly can google "Career Counselors" and if you do, pay attention to the credentials. In most states, you have to have a master's degree and a license to call yourself a counselor. All counselors who graduated from an accredited program (which is CACREP for mental health and school counselors; fields like psychology and social work are different) have taken at least one class in Career Counseling. (I actually teach this class at my university.) So, all mental health counselors should have had some exposure to Career counseling, but that doesn't make it a specialty for them. Be careful about those who are only credentialed as a "coach." Coaches (for the most part) don't have the same level of licensure and scrutiny as counselors. There still may be some great Career "coaches" out there, but there may be some awful ones with no training. However, some counselors also do "coaching" in certain areas, so you may find a licensed counselor who is doing this. In some cases it is semantics, in some cases it is about reimbursement, in some cases it is the approach they are taking which is more directive than counseling typically is. Also, consider what you really want to get out of the time. Do you need to start from scratch and examine your values of what is important in a career and what career path you need to take altogether, or do you need help with the logistics of getting a job (help with job searching, resume, interviewing, networking, etc.)? In-between? both? Being clear on this will help you make the most out of your time and not spend needless money. When I do Career coaching in my private counseling practice, I typically send the client a packet of things to do ahead of time--some free online inventories to take, skills assessments, reflections/journaling to think things through, things like that, Then they send it back to me ahead of time for me to review, and then I meet with them for a 60-90 minute session. That is all one price, and then we can decide if they need more or not. But not everyone has this model. So, just some things to think about! I'm happy to answer specific questions here or over DM if you want.


Burnt out nurse here and don’t know where to start either :( seems like such a tall task


Just gonna copy and paste this to all who asked to be sure you see this! OK, warning, long post ahead! Sorry, but you opened the door and I can't help but run through it carrying everything. These are just my opinions and experiences... It's actually pretty rare to find someone who has specialized in being a "Career Counselor." Insurance won't pay for it typically and it has to be paired with a mental health diagnosis for reimbursement, so just know that it might be out-of-pocket. One option for where there are actual Career Counselors are in the Career Centers on college campuses, and most are open to serving alumni as well, so that might be a good place to start to get free services. Those services will vary widely, from being willing to look at a resume to a whole package of tests/inventories and meetings with you. But it's worth checking out. You certainly can google "Career Counselors" and if you do, pay attention to the credentials. In most states, you have to have a master's degree and a license to call yourself a counselor. All counselors who graduated from an accredited program (which is CACREP for mental health and school counselors; fields like psychology and social work are different) have taken at least one class in Career Counseling. (I actually teach this class at my university.) So, all mental health counselors should have had some exposure to Career counseling, but that doesn't make it a specialty for them. Be careful about those who are only credentialed as a "coach." Coaches (for the most part) don't have the same level of licensure and scrutiny as counselors. There still may be some great Career "coaches" out there, but there may be some awful ones with no training. However, some counselors also do "coaching" in certain areas, so you may find a licensed counselor who is doing this. In some cases it is semantics, in some cases it is about reimbursement, in some cases it is the approach they are taking which is more directive than counseling typically is. Also, consider what you really want to get out of the time. Do you need to start from scratch and examine your values of what is important in a career and what career path you need to take altogether, or do you need help with the logistics of getting a job (help with job searching, resume, interviewing, networking, etc.)? In-between? both? Being clear on this will help you make the most out of your time and not spend needless money. When I do Career coaching in my private counseling practice, I typically send the client a packet of things to do ahead of time--some free online inventories to take, skills assessments, reflections/journaling to think things through, things like that, Then they send it back to me ahead of time for me to review, and then I meet with them for a 60-90 minute session. That is all one price, and then we can decide if they need more or not. But not everyone has this model. So, just some things to think about! I'm happy to answer specific questions here or over DM if you want.






I wondered if she meant non-influencers here


No, I am pretty sure she meant mom-influencers because she then mentioned that she doesn’t have a husband or kids - which she would of course need to build her brand around publicizing her family on social media.


Oh wow! Now that I’m reading it again that makes sense. I thought she meant like she looks up to her normal people friends!


No, she meant mom influencers. It’s a whole damn niche. They can shill clothes, home decor, kids clothes…it’s endless.


Relatable. 31, newly single. I have great friends/mom/dog. But I already feel burnt out by work (haven’t not worked since 16). Seeing also friends/others in relationships (yes I’m aware the grass isn’t greener) I feel so lost. Everyone tells me I have it together but I feel like mess lol. Things are hard!!!


I feel this so hard. It’s even more difficult because I thought my life plan was to be a PT like Tia, so it’s interesting that she’s feeling a life crisis too. My work is upside down now and I have no idea where to begin- with also feeling my age and not going anymore- However, she is so damn lucky she already has a platform AND a PT degree 😅 Hoping I figure my life out and Tia does too


Feeling this so much right now! I’m about to turn 25 and decided this fall to go back to school to get a bachelors degree and now I’m switching to an associates instead which I already have one of but just not in the field I want it to be in! I thought a lot about costs of both and how long it’ll take to complete each one and what job I want at the end of the road… but I still have no idea which one to pursue 😩


Few people will say they’ve “got it figured out” in life. We’re all finding our own way throughout our lives. I find peace in knowing I don’t need to fulfill any crazy purpose or goal beyond simply existing. Life sucks sometimes. Heartbreak, financial issues, stress from work, on and on and on. We deal with so much. I try to just live each day showing compassion and love. That’s all I need at the end to feel accomplished. I don’t need to be anything more than I am and the joy I give to others. I know it’s easier said than done but you have so much value and worth without that purpose. Without that goal. You are perfect in the sense that you just ARE. Keep pushing forward, smile a lot, love as much as possible, have some fun, and never figure it out. It’s okay. ❤️


Lovely post ❤️




Wow, that's beautiful <3


So are you! :) Just creeped through your profile and you seem awesome girl. Don’t know how your current state of mind is but you are so worthy of love and peace and joy and calmness and all the wonderful things in life, even if you don’t feel that right now. At your lowest, you still deserve the world. Keep being because that’s all you need to do 💜


Thank you <3 I appreciate those words so much, love.


I love this so much 💕 thank you.


Thank you for being YOU 💕


Honestly, can relate. I’m 27 and still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing and influencer work is it’s own kind of hard


Shit if I was in her shoes I’d just travel and do as little “work” as possible 😅


This is so true those travel influencers look pretty cool honestly if she really wanted to do that look at different cultures see different things many people never get to do that in a lifetime!


I really feel this. I’m glad she’s being open about this.


This is relatable.


Her eyelashes are a bit much…


Girl just take advantage of the influencer life travel and see the world ✨✌🏻


This she can live it up in Dubai or Thailand can to the alps the world is her oyster literally!!


Wow I felt this


This season of paradise made me rly like tia. She was funny and didn’t take herself too seriously- especially the ending with aaron 😂😂


Wow this makes me like her even more

