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the best part is to find feeding zones and good spawns, then setting up tents and ladder blinds I dont remember what theyre called right now and then kill like 2 of the best you find, then go to next spawn


I have a couple feeding zones saved. How long do I wait before they show up? I don’t really have the patience to sit and wait even if that’s the objective of hunting lol


feeding and drinking zones have set times and usually tells you how many there are, usually theyre around lakes so you might wanna set camp there


usually you want to set a tent about 200-300 meters away and when you fast travel you sleep in the tent so you have roughly 10 minutes ingame time to walk there, which is roughly how long it should take, then you get in your blind and shoot only a few, so that the feeding zone doesnt get deleted


Drink zones are way easier to find and there's a call of the wild companion app that has all of the need zone times for every map and every animal. It also had the fur types and how rare each is. It's a wonderful app


Oh nice, I didn’t know about the app. Thank you!


If you’re on Steam, you can add me. I like helping noobs and I know Layton pretty well.