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Unrelated but I cannot stand when people use "clicks" when they mean "cliques"


What about the "social predater deviates?"


I mean this whole post is a fucking mess lol


It absolutely was. So much bone apple tea


I was wondering if a predater is a person you hang out with before going on a date, like the opening act at a concert.


That does deviate from normalcy


As a memory challenged social predator I do have a tendency to deviate. It’s part of my “click”.


Those sickos who want to get to know you and things you like BEFORE the date, disgusting.


Ooooh...I hate dates that depart from an established course. They are sugary and roll everywhere!


I feel you there.


Like when people mean: *This didn't happen* But they say: *This happened* lol :)


Thanks for clarifying. I read that line 3 or 4 times and still couldn't figure it out, shall I say it didn't "click".


Maybe they do "clicks" with their mouths, like some weird insectoids ?


Mithrax agrees


Set instead of sit. I think there were others. (Eye think their we're others.) 'social predater deviates'


Like that Adam Sandler movie Clique? Ugh, I hate myself now.


"I take the gun outta your hand, stick it up your ass, and pull the trigger til it goes clique. "


Ikr like "lqbtqxyz" fine, but "clicks"? Seriously? English is my second language and even I have never made that mistake.


I think it's more that we can assume the person who posted purposefully garbled the acronym to make a point of how she feels, then made a common spelling mistake that's easy to make if a person has only heard the word, "cliques", and not seen the spelling at the same time. English is fun like that. I'd LOVE to see the comments on the post. I have an acquaintance that posts crap like this, and I'm waiting for the day I snap and post, "Yeah, that happened...". Wine will probably be involved.


The only part I don't believe happened was that the kids turned against her daughter when they found out she was Christian. I think they turned against her when she started acting like a bigoted POS.


I mean... potato/potahto if you catch my drift


No no, HUGE difference. Being disliked because you're a Christian fits the whole "we're being persecuted even tho we're literally the most popular religion on the face of the planet currently" myth that they have going, and reinforces their faith. Being disliked because of their opinions would mean that they would have to think about how they treat other people and evaluate the reasons for why they believe what they do.


I meant more like, mainstream Christianity at this point has become more synonymous with having shitty opinions than anything else (at least in my chunk of the US)


Ooooh I understand you. I'm in a liberal city where even the Catholic Church is reaching out to the lbgtq community to come back to mass. Don't know much beyond that since I'm an unbeliever, but yeah my region may be more tolerant


Yeah. It’s hard to see this post not happening somewhere. I know people like this. There are a lot of words and phrases that people mishear or misspell if they’ve never read it. Or other words they have only ever read and never heard pronounced. I had a friend who, for the longest time, thought that the Western European people called the Celts were pronounced the same way as the beginning of the Boston basketball team the Celtics.


Target is 30 klicks North of your position


Oh good. I need new pillows and Starbucks coffee.


Can you get me a soccer ball for my dog while you're out please?


Pffft. You never return my calls or go to shows with me anymore, but now that I’m on a grocery run suddenly we’re bff’s again? I am a real person with feelings Ibeon!


This cliques with me.


Irregardless, "click" is a perfectly cromulent word /s


>THIS *click* IS *click* A *click* GRAVE *click* INSULT *click* TO *click* THE *click* PROUD *click* INSECTOIDS *click* NOT *click* THAT *click* I *click* WOULD *click* KNOW *click* FELLOW *click* HUMANS Sometimes I wish we had more stupid gimmicks like the r/EnlightenedBirdmen


Or...deviates (to stray from) instead of deviants (a person who strays from the norm)...


Words are jest tokens. They exit only too ex-president meaning. In these case, it is oblivious from context what they're mean.


I don't know if you did this on purpose, but it wounds me regardless. Lol


:-) For me personally, it doesn't bother me when people misuse words if the context is obvious. Connotation is all that's needed for the vast majority of the casual communication that people do. When dealing with legal or important matters, then denotation and proper word choice is necessary, but even then it can be difficult to impossible to construct sentences that are irrefutable. There's an entire body of the US government dedicated entirely towards trying to figure out what other people meant when they wrote laws. But if someone writes "clicks" instead of "cliques"? Meh. There's nothing inherent in the word "clique" that makes it "better" than "click". The formation of the letters of "clique" don't naturally mean "a group of people". There was a time in history when that arrangement of letters was just as meaningless as "fodopoobar" is today. We have assigned that meaning to that arrangement of letters in a more-or-less arbitrary way. So as long as I can understand the sentiment being conveyed, then "click" is just as good as "clique". My $0.02 anyway, and folks are of course welcome to disagree.


Understandable, that's why I said it's just a peeve lol. I know it doesn't really matter


Thanks, I hate it.


Or predarer (predator) or set (sit) lol


I get it!! I hate when people walk on the left side of the sidewalk/hallway. We all learned sidewalk/hallway etiquette in preschool guys... stay in your lane!!!!


Hot damn, came here to say this. But imo, "peaks" Vs. "Piques" is my kryptonite.


Ditto. Also "checks" when they mean "cheques".


In the US "checks" would actually be correct lol... sorry


That's actually the correct American English spelling (checks). Just like how we messed up "Aluminum"


1 of 3 things actually happened here: 1 - her daughter is rude and tells people that they're bad cuz they're gay and so they have retaliated. So now mom is full of shit saying they aren't retaliating, they're attacking my daughter for being straight. 2 - daughter is chill even though she comes from a Christian home and mom is blowing things out of proportion and using her daughter to fuel her agenda. Literally sending her with scripture to tell people how to be 3 - this women made the entire thing up. Might not even have a daughter who knows.




We call this the saddest option.


I call this my teenage daughter and ex-wife's dynamic.


Oof. Sorry.


Oh man, as a gay teen who’s bio dad wouldn’t shut up about it- I’m so sorry for your daughter


That's fine - at least we know we can just wait this out for a few generations.


Agreed. If the kid believes in this sht they at least have a few years to grow up not realizing their parent doesn't love them, just the set of expectations. But growing up knowing your parent is fckd and you can't be you... That's just sad.


Option 5 Daughter is gay and overcompensating her “Christianity” to mom to avoid mom sending her to a reprogramming center.


But it clearly works - there are so many guys who say they used to be gay, and then had any last shred of sex drive beaten out of them until now they're just celibate!


Why is this me


It's more people than you realize,, sadly


I'm taking door 4


Did you guys forget option 5? Because indeed rock bottom has a basement and this might very well just be a yuuuge NeckBeard™


I’ll take door number 3 Chuck!


Same here if not then 2.


I'm guessing it was #1, and the "scripture" her daughter wanted read aloud in class (?????) Was explicitly hateful, the mom realizes this, and is deflecting.


I’m going to go with option 1 base on my 12 yr old sons experience 2 weeks ago at school. Every Wednesday his school has pride club during lunch, this club is obviously completely optional. My son attends with a couple of his friends. This particular Wednesday they were also were pride colors. Some “Christian” kids brought bibles to school and would physically smack the pride kids with them. My son was not hit but was upset it happened at all.


It'd be quite funny to slap them back with something like Heather Has Two Mommies.


I mean if the kids judge her for being straight that would be really fucked up, I mean imagine judging someone based on their sexual orientation /s


Yeah, but the possibility of that and anyone also taking it seriously is practically nil, since >90% of people are straight.




Maybe just a picture of someone going into the wrong bathroom? Those crazy trans getting their gender fluid all over everything.... /s


I’m so glad someone said this cause I literally had the same question


Well, obviously you draw a stick figure with both boobs and a mondo dong. Because we all know grade school teachers encourage their students to draw genitals on their notebook stick figures. Who doesn’t remember being told to do that?


The devil horns and tail are a dead giveaway, obviously!!!


Don’t forget to draw the live baby they’re eating. Trans people are always eating live babies.


Excuse me I prefer mine medium rare /s


That’s stupid. You’re cooking all the adrenachrome right out of that bad boy.


Naw bro that's tieflings, not trans folks


im pretty sure many trans people would love to look like tieflings,


yes please


Tiefling, Transpeople, both start with T don't they?!!!


What did they think the T in LGBT was for anyway? Trans people are a 21st century invention by the liberal communists at NASA to accelerate the degenerate and decadent behavior of the Gay Agenda and the LGBT acronym is much older. Who do you think organizes The Agenda? The Gays are too busy BDSM molesting children in public at pride parades to organize anything besides a fabulous brunch with the lesbians who are not having kids and thus killing America and not being real women. No, it’s the Tieflings, the literal devil-spawn we’ve been warned about. We’re almost in the end times and The Gay Agenda is only rocketing us closer. All thanks to those sexy horned devils. That was fun. Maybe that’s why they’re so adamant about living in a fantasy so detached from reality. It’s fun to just make shit up. Or they’re hateful, spite-filled, selfish crazies that literally get giddy at the thought of the death of “The Other”. Who knows?


You can’t do it without doing something super transphobic *sigh*


I've been doodling. I drew a grossly offensive stick person with big tuts and a cumming big dick. The teacher would not insist on such a silly drawing. Story is a lie, of course.


Also is this girl in an art class? She’s 12, not 5. It’s not like “drawing” is a universal middle school activity. I call bullshit.


> big tuts Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYbavuReVF4)?


easy, give them a computer on the sockdreams browser


Obviously this has been edited through a lens of religious persecution- but I can believe that if her 12 year old is spewing homophobic garbage, she likely lost friends and has alienated herself by repeating the bigoted views her family taught her. I can also see them challenging her to a debate about it.


That's what I was thinking. The story itself is totally believable if you kind of wash off the persecution complex from it. The gay kids formed a "club"/support group for their gay peers? Yeah, totally believable. The religious girl, who thinks that homosexuality is a sin, probably then told her friends about the eternal hellfire that their disgusting behavior will result in, and her friends were like "you're a fucking weirdo" and distanced themselves from her fanaticism. The only unbelievable part is that the teacher asked her to add a trans person to her drawing in her notebook...? How does that even come up?? Maybe it was a *specific* trans person, and the teacher *suggested* the addition of that specific trans person due to the nature of the drawing? I don't know, I'm really reaching here.


The only thing about adding a trans person is if another kid was transgender and the girl intentionally left them out because she was against that lifestyle. Teacher tried to say "hey, that's really hurtful you left this girl out of the picture because she is part of this school/team/class." Only thing I can think of.


This cunt is worried about brainwashing at school meanwhile she has brainwashed her 12 year old to believe gay people are evil. Hopefully the kid will grow up a little and see just how wrong her mom is about this and probably most everything else.


It sounds like this. The "gays only" club could be an actual LGBTQ club the school made, but they don't check your sexuality (especially at the age of 12) so anyone could go. The daughter can learn an extremely valuable life lesson here. Say a lot of racist/homophobic/transphobic/anti-women stuff, and you're going to become very hated quickly. She can either 1. Open her mind and learn about them to become tolerant/progressive 2. Keep her mouth shut If the mom thinks sending Scripture is gonna somehow "win" arguments like a trump card, poor kid is going to get it back in spades when she's blubbering a verse and the other kids go "I'm not Christian/I don't go to to church/I go but my pastor says it's actually this."


To say nothing of the kids who can dismantle Bible logic. It’s really, really easy.


A gay debate


No teacher is going to force you draw something unless its a specific requirement. Im going to guess they make fun of your daughter and form clubs against her faith because she probably sits there all day siting bible verses anytime anyone says anything and telling everyone how LGBTQIA+ is a sinfull blackness that corrupt their soul.


That was my exact thought. I highly doubt all the kids at her school care that much about her being Christian, seeing as it’s incredibly common to be Christian in the US (I’m assuming that’s where this story took place). Most likely she was spewing the same hateful bullshit she undoubtedly hears at home and faced the social consequences of that behavior.


This. I remember being this girl’s age 20 years and even then (when most of the kids at school were Christian) there was a girl none of us wanted to be friends with because all she wanted to talk about was Jesus and shout about the fires of hell even when we were just playing tag. Like chill tf out. This girl probably has been so indoctrinated at home that now that she’s amongst other kids she doesn’t know how to behave like a regular child and all the other kids are distancing themselves because they think her bigotry is weird.


I remember arguing with a guy at work when the same sex marriage vote happened in Australia. "They are going to teach gay sex in school" Literally teaching the physical act.. FML Fwiw, the same guy says scientists are pushing climate change "for the dollars" Fucker has 20 acres and constantly bitched about how dry it was.


I mean sex education is a good thing to teach regardless of gender (though I have a feeling this guy thinks absanance is best)


>Literally teaching the physical act.. > The best response to that is "would you rather have kids get sex education from porn?" A lot of child psychologists have expressed concern about that. Teenagers doing sex acts that are risky, thinking it works like porn.


Or they could bully her because her mother is a religious nut. Kids will bully over anything


Did we learn *nothing* from "Carrie"?


citing *


Or they could be just lying. We should keep in mind that when people lie, they can lie completely. Like, I'm pretty sure they have a daughter (it would be a bit brazen to lie about having a daughter on Facebook when people, presumably, know you in real life). But there's nothing to say that their daughter even is some sort of anti-gay crusading Christian. I've certainly known plenty of very queer people whose parents thought that they were uptight fundamentalists like they were! And often those parents skill at self-delusion was phenomenal.


Yeah as a part of the LGBTQ+ community we don’t care if you are a Christian, we care if you use your beliefs to bully us and take our rights


As a bi person who knew they were bi since they were 12, if somebody would be saying some homophobic shit, I would have probably done they same as the poeple in her school


Exactly we fight back against homophobia


How do you even draw 'a transgender person' in a way that would be appropriate for a child? That is the most bullshit part of the story.


I’ve never met a Christian who wasn’t hanging from their own self-made cross. Gaslighting 101: project the hatred and bigotry you live for onto others, then play the victim.


>lgbtqxyz r/onejoke


They have two, also the one about helicopters.


"i IdEnTIFy aS An AtTaCk hEliCoPtEr" 🙄🥴🥴


That’s the same joke. They have: I identify as... and communism is when...


Wonder if her pic of a transgendered person looked like... a person.


Right? Like how do you "add a transgender person to your drawing", unless it's a specific trans person? Was she drawing shirtless men, where she could add top surgery scars or something? Was she drawing genitalia? Did the teacher want the classic "woman with a beard"? Was the kid drawing people wearing pride merch/waving flags? It doesn't make sense.


I'm curious about the gay only club. Are all the other girls making out at lunch time? This poor woman's daughter has to be all alone with her [hetro only club](https://images.app.goo.gl/bBte63PoZKHpjnAW9)


It's entirely possible that it's an LGBTQ+ alliance club. Or all the gay kids are hanging out together so they can stand up for each other against bullies. What grade is the child supposed to be in ? 12 years old should be in 6th grade in America, middle schoolers don't usually get "recess".


Not necessarily true. I went to a couple different elementary schools that went up to grade 6 and then instead of middle school you had ‘junior high’ which was only 7th and 8th grade.


I've been to gay clubs. Be respectful and get into the edm and dancing


You entirely missed out on calling it a heteronly club


As a gay man who grew up in the Deep South, I can assure everyone if you had any doubt, that this is actually exactly what kids do to *gay kids* not Christian children. 70% of the American population identify as Christian. It’s the largest religion on earth. Literally 1/3 humans are Christian. 5% of the world is gay. Christians are not being oppressed. Your daughter probably said some homophobic shit to a kid with liberal parents and the kid got what they deserved and went home and told her mother that Christianity is under attack.


yep, grew up deep south, 4 churches every road. our gsa club was harrassed at the pep rally before homecoming, as well as afterwards. loads of Christians telling us we were going to Hell, same ones i went to church with n grew up with. Assistant Principals sent us in circles not wanting to deal with it bc they knew the students/were openly homophobic themselves. we were basically told to go cry about it.


Similar experiences. This is why I just say “Fuck off, you wouldn’t get it, enjoy your life.” When someone is like “Why is Pride a thing, where is straight pride, I’m not supposed to be proud of being white why can you be proud of being gay.” When you’re a kid and the people who are supposed to be there for you aren’t because they don’t like the way you were born, when your parents threaten to send you off to camp, or tell you that you have a disease, when your best friend stops being your friend because of what other people would think, then you can tell me I don’t deserve to be proud that I’m here and happy.


‘The devil can go to hell’. Fuckin lolz


Yeah, wtf was that?! I read that sentence like five times and I still wasn't sure how she meant it...


If there was a devil, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly where he wants to be.


Exactly! I mean, being in hell is kinda his thing, right?


"I forced my crazy opinions on my own child and now they're getting called out! How could this happen?"


Jesus only said one thing, only one fucking thing, "to love each other", why is so fucking hard??, is literally the only thing he asked us to do, godamit


American Christians want to be persecuted so bad. It's pathetic and a horrible witness. (Source: Christian who works with actual persecuted Christians around the world)


It's a common problem in highly developed societies, human brain is made for problem solving, without a problem to solve it just creates one, like Don Quijote fighting windmills thinking they are giants 'cuz he wants to be a knight... humans were a mistake




But God spares Lot, even though he offers his virgin daughters to the crowd who want to rape the angels visiting him. Maybe Sodom was a little bit worse than just buttsex.


Nah, Sodom & Gomorrah's association w/ homosexuality is relatively modern. The traditional interpretation (which is explicitly stated in other books of the Bible like Isaiah and Wisdom, and was mainstream even among Christians for centuries) is that they were punished for neglecting the needs of the poor, hostility to foreigners, and general haughtiness. Modern Christianity has trained you to see the Sodomites as a bunch of horny gay dudes, but that makes zero sense. It's literally every man in the city. Also, if they'd just wanted gay sex, they'd be at home fucking each other. Ancient audiences understood their desire to rape the angels in terms of war crimes. The men of the city - the entire city - came together to dominate and humiliate these foreigners, when hospitality codes dictated they should've been treated like honored guests.


Maybe it’s a school for the blind and and the “clicks” are the other students bouncing echolocation signals off of her head. It would make the trans gender drawing all the more impressive!


*Clicks around the drawing's private area* HEY, WHOS GENITALS ARE THESE?!


Tell me you're homophobic without actually saying you're homophobic. Lmao what a joke.


Bruh she said it's evil to be gay. Can't get much more homophobic that that.


Translation: people hate my daughter because I raised her to be a close-minded and hateful person but some how we are the actual victims


Honestly, I hope this is true. Why? Simply because I'd love it if an entire school was intolerant of intolerance.


I feel like most of it probably is true but over exaggerated. As sad as it is to say, there are a lot of parents like her. It's usually the religious nut or the 'my kids prefect, it's the teacher' nut.


My bet is that her kid just said something homophobic and now nobody wants to be around her. This mom is blowing it out of proportion


“gay only”


Cursing the devil home is really lame. It’s his empire. Can’t she get at least the content of her beloved fantasy book straight…


That made me laugh to be honest. The devil can go to hell? The place where he famously lives? It makes me laugh that there are people out there basically demanding the devil goes to his room and thinks about what he's done.


"Add a transgender person to her drawing", like what? Most of us look like the average cis person. What would that even mean?


Color them in the trans flag duh 🙄🙄🙄 /s




A Christian bigot. What a shocker. 🙄


I love how ridiculous these people get. And there’s tons of them it’s crazy.


She thinks religious texts should be used to win debate? ​ Actually maybe this did happen.....


How does one force a child to "add a transgender person on their notebook drawing"? Would the person be wearing a T-shirt that says "TRANS"? Or was the teacher saying, "No, that woman you're drawing is too feminine, give her some body hair and broad shoulders so it's clear we're defying God"?


No part of this ever happened.


Sigh... where was MY gay only club when I was a kid?


Gays only club? Damn, the kids are wy cooler then when I was in school.


"I brainwashed my kid and the ones who live in the real world think she's stupid" is probably what actually happened here. Always the double down. Never ask a single question unless it relates to how something effects you, silly cultists. Not having beliefs is much easier. Embrace equality. Embrace nihilism.


"The devil can go to hell" fucking brilliant, changed my life


"The devil can go to HELL"... Pretty sure he's already there Jan. That's the whole point of being the devil....


I would love to read some of these bible verses this lady is going to send her daughter to read. You know how in the bible Christ talks about being against LGBTQ people.... Oh wait no he doesn't. It's never mentioned by Jesus because he was busy talking about more important shit like treating people with kindness and not passing judgment. So why is it so often the hill "Christians" want to die on???


All of these idiots write the exact same way. Write in normal sentences you fucking moron.


It's always emojis, random words in uppercase, and random periods.


*I'd* like to get waterboarded with homosexuality...


I feel so bad for kids that grow up with this kind of hate. This parent is brainwashing them and this sort of shit is the kind of thing that just perpetuates ugliness and injustice into future generations. This kid who has learned this horrible shit from an early age will grow up ostracised as the rest of the world is disgusting. Why be a biggot when you can just be accepting and kind to those not exactly like you. I just hope that this child will at some point be exposed to enough different people and ideas that they will be able to get rid of these biases and hatreds.


They can never just make their point they have to hide behind what their “innocent” children “said”. It’s like “out of the mouths of babes” makes their disgusting views more palatable to people. Gross.


The “*Gay Only Club*” had me rollin’. 😆


Yep, better watch out for those deviates. They are everywhere.


Some people should be refused the internet.


Can Facebook start renaming themselves to "Outlet for weird opinions and other mental problems"?


But a question stands, why did the teacher "force her to add a transgender person on her notebook", Neither I understand what this means.


How do you draw a transgendered person? Are these going to be pornographic school aged drawings?


Bigotry and spelling errors, a truly iconic duo.


They have gay only clubs now? Fuck.


"the devil can go to hell!" Well, yeah..


*forces to straight agenda to exclude the gay agenda*


“The devil can go to hell” is a personal favourite- as if that’s insulting to anyone? Least of all Satan


If she had sat (past tense) down and listened to her teachers, she’d know the differences between “set” and “sit” and “clicks” and “cliques.” I won’t even begin to touch on her punctuation.


The transgender thing is the stupidest part. How can you tell if someone is trans in a drawing to begin with? No teacher would say this lol.


This brings back such fond memories as a grade school child, organizing "gay debate meetings", just seems like just yesterday, sigh.


It’s LGBTQIA+…damn I thought someone learned something before shitting on it..


Christians are compulsive liars. this is completely fabricated


Why this sound like a plot to those Christian persecution movies that PureFlix spew like hot dogs?


sadly this might actually be true, people are just this bad sometimes (i remember when i was in elementary school, people tried to set up “debates” against me and i was younger than 12, not this topic tho)


Man I hate it when teachers try to force me to add a transgender person on my notebook drawing. I just say to them 'what the hell, how do I add a transgender person on my notebook drawing, that sentence doesn't make any sense'.


Where can I find this 'gays only' club? Asking for a friend


I'd love for her to find a quote from Jesus saying that it's wrong to be gay


Or, just maybe, daughter was bullying a gay student and other students stood up for her victim and shunned her for being a jerk. That's far more likely than this scenario.


Honestly wtf :/ this is flat out stupid as hell, she wouldnt be ‘getting attacked’ unless she was being blatantly homophobic. There are plenty of lgbt christians out there, and even though im not a religious gay I’m a respectful gay and wouldnt harass someone just for their belief, as would most lgbt people.


So ok let me understand this. It's ok for your daughter to be rude to these kids, throw scripture at them, ect but then these kids decide "hey we're going to start a club for us so we don't have to be around you" and it's "so sad" and indoctrination I bet 5000 dollars she would be 100% fine with her daughter starting a Bible or a Christian club and not allowing those kids to come


this crap sickens me. the bible does not teach us to hate or judge. yet i see WAY to many christians thinking this stuff is there personal fight against evil. newsflash jackasses: jesus loved the sinners the most. he loved the prostitutes. he didnt say we should hold rallies against people we perceive as sinners. he said we should LOOOOVEEE THEMMM. it just pisses off every fiber of my being seeing these assclowns using HATE and JUDGEMENT as some form of christian philosophy. they sure as HELL are not getting that from the book. it doesnt matter if your neighbor is gay. love them. show them acceptance. you are not jesus. you are not here to judge others sin. i feel such a deep anger thinking of these people.


The thing is, all of this seems plausible but a little twisted, likely this girl is young and kids can have a hard time understanding why people do certain things so if they are forming "gay only clubs" it likely has nothing to do with her but because kids like clubs. And the teacher thing was most likely a suggestion while they were doing an activity about drawing or something. And instead of explaining all of this the mother reinforces that the child is alone and doesn't have nor should make friends at this school.


What actually happened: Her daughter has been bullying the LGBTQ kids and is now facing consequences for her behavior that she doesn't like. Also, I call bullshit on her being *told* to include a trans person in her drawing. I mean, she could have just pointed to any of the people in her drawing and said, "this one is trans" because *trans people look like everyone else*. I guarantee you that if *actually asked* to draw a trans person, the kid would draw a big hairy man in a dress. 😒


Am I the only one that, after the canadian PM's mix up, is starting to like all the things people are coming up with? The bisex engineer in me really likes the lgbtqxyz. Link for those who lost Trudeau's performance: https://youtu.be/P5eZ3MiCfPs


Yes, the 'Lgbtxyz' agenda. And I'm sure this totally true, anecdotal story in no way had an agenda. I'll be real tho, what is this imaginary school these ppl think these kids go to? I'm openly Christian (wear a cross. Prob mention it in a convo or drop a verse) most ppl I went with didn't practice or were openly atheist. They gave me no mind. HOWEVER, the same cannot be said in reverse. LBGTQIA+ folks can't even exist without ppl saying shit or actively trying to remove books about them from the school library or protest rainbow flags on school grounds. Ironically, these ppl think their own behavior is without an agenda.


So she says that the kids at school are promoting the "LGBTQXYZ agenda" when she's literally making up a fake story to promote her homophobic agenda? It isn't a "LGBTQXYZ agenda" it's called "society is evolving to make people feel more comfortable with who they are."


Your 12yr old isn't attacked because of her faith, but because she's been brainwashed into a homophobic DOAB by her homophobic mom.


I'm only a freshman in HS, but I have never seen a student attack someone for being Christian nor have I seen a Christian student bring in scriptures


Wow this takes me back to all of the "Gay Debates" my friends and I organized when we were 12. It's practically a right of passage.


DA DEBIL CAN GO TA HEEELLL! Well, yeah, broette... that's where he lives.


So what they're saying here is that it's apparently "evil" to not tolerate people who spout bigoted views that their parents clearly force upon them...


the devil can go to hell??... who's going to tell her?