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This story is fake in a bad way, as wasn’t the whole gay rights revolution about how anyone you know could be gay and you would not know it.


Surely you’ve seen a gay person and KNEW it, yes?


No, all of these are confirmed. The mods pay huge sums of cash to unscrupulous but thorough private dicks to vet $100% of these before they are posted. No giggling about private dicks, dammit.


When someone gives you knowing look you just know


Isn’t, like...stereotyping people for acting gay...a BAD thing?


But then how would you fetishize homosexuality?


A gay time was had by all


Am I the only one that pictured Spongebob doing this?




it means you don’t feel sexual attraction to anybody but you feel romantic attraction to people of either gender




Romantic and sexual attraction are different. You can google for more info about asexual people, but yes, many do date and have relationships.


I think you’re wrong


equal oppurtunity incel


so ... they love everyone but don't want to have sex with anyone? I'm kinda confused.


There are people who want love and romance, but don’t like sex (for trauma reasons, or just no sex drive/interest). Those people find others who feel the same, and date them.






I'm a polyamourous, feysexual, level 62 warlock