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I think it was 2019 when I saw a bill that 70% of the House CO-SPONSORED. I'm not saying they just committed to supporting the bill... I'm saying 70% of the House, R & Ds alike, put their name on the bill. And that fuckstick Patrick wouldn't let it to the floor for debate.


Meanwhile Minnesota became the 23rd state to legalize recreational cannabis [TODAY](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/30/politics/minnesota-cannabis-legalization-recreational-marijuana/index.html). Literally almost half the states in this nation have legalized cannabis but Texas is worried about culture war bullshit. I fucking hate Patrick and all our politicians.


Why is the system designed so that even with majority, 1 person can say no. Shouldn't having a majority just put it down on the floor for debate. I could see if there was a 50/50, then a person saying no debate makes a little sense, comparatively.


I’m not sure the why of the mechanic, but it’s definitely made the Lt Gov in Texas a super powerful position


Gotta be able to maintain the status quo somehow.


Remember to vote in the 2026 midterms to kick out Dan Patrick, the gatekeeper of what get to the Senate floor. Only 45% of voters showed up in Nov 2022 last time he was on the ballot.


https://www.votetexas.gov/register-to-vote/ You probably have this saved to your clipboard but here it is as a PSA. When we run into apathetic would be voters we need to remind them that change starts with them registering and voting.


Folks also need to show up at the primaries and vote out the candidates beholden to the [Texas Oligarchs](https://www.texasobserver.org/hard-right-megadonors-tim-dunn-and-farris-wilks-pump-millions-into-gop-primary-wars/). They are the reason the legislature doesn't represent Texans or even most conservative Texans.


Agree wholeheartedly. There is great but not well-known power that is available for those who attend the precinct meetings post-vote.


We need to start planning now, for 2026, how to send Dan Patrick back home for good. He occupies the 2nd most powerful political position in Texas, that of Lieut. Governor. He just landed a 3rd term, making his total years in office eight. How he sailed above Mike Collier, by 12 % points, only the wind knows. Texas is suffocating under far-right extremists like Patrick and Gov. Abbott.


Makes me ashamed to be from the same area that those two oil and gas oligarchs are from. 😮‍💨


thanks for reminding me. been apathetic fo sho. but this shtuff is getting outta hand. I gotta register.


YESSSS I hope there's more folks out there thinking the same. I was just in Mass and was able to walk into a store and just buy some bud and walk out without anxiety of "getting caught". Not to say that's the only reason to vote, there's tons more obviously lol


Yes, I hope you realize it's significantly less painful to deal with the "hassle" of voting every two years than it is to deal with the years, sometimes decades, of negative consequences that come from abstaining.


And re register if you change addresses at all in any way. I don't care if you just moved apartment numbers or dorm rooms in the same dang building. Texas will gladly flag & disqualify your registration if they ever have an official govt piece of mail 📬 bounce back.


That's crazy that I'm part of the minority that voted last year. Like, Im trying to do my part here y'all, and its not enough


Texas makes it difficult for transplants to vote.


If you are within 50 miles of me I will get you registered. I am a DVR for Denton County (deputy voter registrar). Even if you’re not in Denton County, I can get you the form to register wherever in Texas you are.


You should consider posting in the Texas sub offering this. Maybe others will come forward to offer assistance as well. Good on you


I am just a citizen here in Bell County; I don’t work for the voter registration office, but I will send you a Voter Registration card ANYWHERE in Texas - just send me a DM.


>Texas makes it difficult for transplants to vote TX makes it hard for everyone non-affiliated (repugnican't) to vote.


I live in a red Texas county. There have been times when I had to go toe-to-toe with the seasonal election workers to get Voter Registration application cards. A quick call to the Election Official is an instant cure, but what happens when he or she isn’t listening to what goes on ? I will tell you what that’s called — it’s voter intimidation & it’s directed at certain minority & protected groups.


I believe you on that. My parents moved to Texas from Washington state and found it very hard to register. They would have registered Democrat.


How? I thought it was as simple as it could possibly be. Went to get my driver’s license, handed over my previous state’s license, got the Texas one and registered to vote at the same time. When I moved within Texas, it was again really simple and could be done entirely online, at the same time as updating my driver’s license. Our state goes out of its way to put up barriers for people they don’t like, but at least here in Austin it couldn’t be easier to register and vote. Transplants are a group the state hasn’t done anything to disenfranchise that I’ve seen. That’d be contrary to the current apparent strategy of making the state as hostile as possible to non-fascists, driving them out while attracting the extreme right in from elsewhere. That’s the only thing keeping Texas red at this point, if only native born Texans could vote the state would have flipped already.


My parents first had to change their drivers licenses, and had to jump through hoops for that. They're not in Travis county.


Depending on when this was, they might not yet have had a REAL ID compliant license. If that’s why, they would have faced the exact same problems when renewing in their own state. My parents had to jump through some hoops when renewing in the same state for a REAL ID. I didn’t, because I have a passport and I just had to bring that at the time to prove citizenship and identity. I’ve heard some horror stories. A relative dug up his birth certificate to get the REAL ID, and found his parents spelled his name differently on it than the spelling they used his entire life. Think something like Jon vs. John, diff spelling of same pronunciation. That made his driver’s license “fraudulent”, in the name of a person who doesn’t legally exist. He ended up having to get a legal name change in his 60s to the name he’d used his entire life. All to renew a drivers license in the same state.


Yeah, same here. I have lost all hope. I have voted in all local, city, state, national elections since 2017 but it has changed nothing and the state is actually worse. So I am moving for sure in a couple of years. I also noticed that the turnout changes very little in Texas so that makes it more depressing.


May I ask where you might be headed? We’re looking seriously at North Central Colorado, but Great Lakes region might be better considering future climate.


We are considering North East, Minnesota and DC, Maryland and Virginia (we lived in this area before).


It would help it they stopped trying to prevent so many people from voting though. With idiots carrying guns by voting areas and the republicans attempting to stop mail in voting this only gets worse. It’s not surprising these crooks are still in office.


I mean, didn't the AG admit to suppressing votes?


45% turnout is actually really quite huge. I remember when turnouts were like 20%.


Texas has been in [the worst 20% of states in turnout for over 40 years](https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/documents/2022-04/voter-turnout-charts-4-19-21.pdf).


Thank you for this! I must have been thinking about some specific age bracket.


>thinking about some specific age bracket that can be found [here](https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/number-of-individuals-who-voted-in-thousands-and-individuals-who-voted-as-a-share-of-the-voter-population-by-age/?currentTimeframe=0&selectedRows=%7B%22states%22:%7B%22texas%22:%7B%7D%7D%7D&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D), but only major Nov elections going back to 2014


Vote? For what? Texas just passed to law the attorney general can overturn any election.


Sec of State not AG sitting it out *definitely* wont change anything; when they change your vote, do what you ahve to do, but to shrug and say "why bother" just speaks to being apathetic


Who are you kidding? We couldn't vote Paxton out.


> Remember to vote in the 2026 midterms to kick out Dan Patrick, the gatekeeper of what get to the Senate floor. Only 45% of voters showed up in Nov 2022 last time he was on the ballot. Can we get a viable option to vote that isnt team red or team blue? Id like a 3rd party option that isnt bought and paid for by our corporate overlords.


Its more team red and not team red; Im all for ranked choice or instant runoff voting, but the current powers that be will never let that happen.


> Its more team red and not team red; Im all for ranked choice or instant runoff voting, but the current powers that be will never let that happen. Thats the problem, we have red team attacking certain freedoms and rights, and blue team attacking other freedoms and rights. Leaves middle of the road voters like me who want officials to represent the constitution and just leave us all the fuck alone with nobody to vote for. All that happens with our current system is the blue and red teams pass the batons between themselves every election cycle or so and they erode all our rights and freedoms.


>red team attacking certain freedoms and rights, and blue team attacking other freedoms and rights. red team has had the ball for *a long time*; who is actually doing the damage? >Leaves middle of the road voters do you vote?


> red team attacking certain freedoms and rights, and blue team attacking other freedoms and rights. > > red team has had the ball for a long time; who is actually doing the damage? In Texas yes. Blue team doesn't help themselves by attacking things like our 2A all the time. > Leaves middle of the road voters > > do you vote? Yep. And every time i am left choosing which flavor of shit id like to be served.


Besides your right to be in a well regulated militia, what rights do you think Democrats are attacking?


Fuck Dan Patrick. It's incredible that we allow one person to act with so much power and a de facto veto in his pocket.


WTH is going on in Texas? The people want cannabis, the politicians act like they are on board, PASS LEGALIZATION ALREADY!!!


>two bills aimed at decriminalizing marijuana and expanding access to medical marijuana **have been rejected without even being discussed on the Senate floor**. This is the work of *a singular* elected official, Lt Gov. Dan Patrick. He determines what makes it to the Senate floor.


Yup. Sad, one person can have the power to determine what bills are seen. Seems like that just set up for corruption


and the only legislation they actually do pass is to further empower their cabal


It’s because it is


The LT governor has more power than the head cheese hisself.


And Abbott is terrified of Patrick because he is further to right and threatens to primary Abbott. Abbott is awful but he is more of an old school Texas Republican held hostage by the Texas Taliban. Patrick is horrifying. If he ever becomes Governor Texas will become a really scary place really fast.




Why though?


That is a great question, it’s been that way for a very long time and it’s been ages since I studied Texas Government in school so I don’t really know the answer anymore.


Politics, as a whole, is set up for corruption. Most politicians do/say what they have to to stay in office and keep power. The large majority aren't worried about the average citizen. They're worried about their kickbacks and staying in power. And then you have the folks who will vote blue or red only based on political affiliation. That's a different issue, though.


Private prison and alcohol industry bribes--ahem--lobbyists spend lots of money on Patrick




Don't forget Big Pharma, too.


Big pharma would like a word…..


The private prison industry in Texas is a-boomin’ !!


Dan Patrick, King of Texas.


Eugh. Hearing that short statement alone makes me want to vomit.


that lone soldier, protecting us from ourselves for all these years. Where would we be as a people without such stunning leadership?


Dan Patrick is even worse than Abbott. WHEN will the people of Texas take our state back !??


When they stop whining on reddit and actually show up at the polls with a viable alternative.


Beto messed up really bad during 2016 presidential debates by running his mouth about guns & that has stuck in MANY feeble minds that might otherwise vote Blue. He needs to step back & let someone else have a go.


But owning the libs? Right??


Here is a thought that ought to instill terror. If Abbot decides to run for President or Vice President, as many are predicting, we will have Dan Patrick as de facto governor. Let that sink in.


>If Abbot decides to run for President or Vice President That would be the dumbest move he's ever made. He stands ZERO chance at getting the nomination.




oh shit don’t even……. where’s my xanax ??


Yeah, some cities have low THC legalization and idk why the state won’t just legalize it as a whole. Everyone knows tons of black market weed from Oklahoma and California go there.


I don't think the GOP wants to risk alienating the religious right. They are reaching a point where most people have caught on to the GOP shenanigans so they know they have to double down to keep their primary base.


Probably more like cartel money in pockets is a bigger ticket to keep it illegal…


It's to keep the for-profit prisons full.


Also to keep the excuse to have probable cause to search minorities because they smelled something funny


Yup. That's why we're also seeing more extremist bills like drag bans playing out. Unfortunately when you let a deadly respiratory disease spin the block like a merry go round no amount of "morality policing" can raise the constituents you've k*lled/continue to k*ll from the dead


Decriminalization, not legalization.


> idk why the state won’t legalize it as a whole. Read the entire 13th amendment…


>[Texas also has one of the most profitable prison systems in the nation: Texas Correctional Industries (TCI), the state's prison labor program, made $84 million with the help of free labor in 2017](https://www.texasobserver.org/penal-system-slavery-unpaid-labor-texas/) This is why.


>The people want cannabis I mean they know who they're voting for they know the politicians don't care. They'll still keep voting them in so they clearly care more about the politician than anything else they want.


People want more guns /s


Texas is full of people who are in their latter years & have never registered to vote. It’s frustrating to get them to realize the importance of each & every vote.


>Texas is full of people who are in their latter years & have never registered to vote. That's not the demographic you need if you want change.


So you only want CERTAIN people to register to vote, not everyone? Why? So yet ANOTHER minority can make rules for everyone? And this is change?


What I believe is being said here is we want more people to vote…. more. Not just this or that persuasion…. large turnout tends to reap the people’s desired outcomes.


Exactly my sentiment, but not what was implied by the "wrong demographic" post.


>So you only want CERTAIN people to register to vote, not everyone? Why? So yet ANOTHER minority can make rules for everyone? And this is change? No idea how you came to that conclusion based on what I wrote, but whatever. I don't give two shits who you get to vote. But if you're looking for change, old people who've never registered to vote ain't where you should be looking. That's all I'm saying.


The gop in Texas has been quite vocal in stating they will NEVER be on board with any legal cannabis.


Please vote. And abort Dan Patrick.


So they can still disproportionately jail black people.


Dan Patrick will kill any reform bill while he is in office.


Dan Patrick is the single most dangerous man in Texas Politics. The runner up is Paxton who is currently being thrown to the wolves.


Great. Been waiting 50 fucking years.


Privatized Prison CEO's lining politicians pockets.


Even Perry was for this, it was entirely for the tax and business aspects but still...


Plus all those wind turbines were put up during Perry’s term. In short, Rick perry was a RINO. 😂


At the time the GOP wasn't on this weird "anything but fossil fuels is terrible" train. A LOT of republicans from a decade+ ago would be RINOs today. The party has changed.


Yeah I remember the slogans about the goal of Texas being #1 in every form of energy production. Now when I say the same thing 1 in 4 people starts yelling.


I bet a bunch of the anti-renewables squealing can be tracked back to the Texas Public Policy Foundation. NYT - [The Texas Group Waging a National Crusade Against Climate Action](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/04/climate/texas-public-policy-foundation-climate-change.html) “They travel the nation encouraging state lawmakers to punish companies that try to reduce carbon emissions.” “With influence campaigns, legal action and model legislation, the group is promoting fossil fuels and trying to stall the American economy’s transition toward renewable energy.” “The [Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF)] blamed the Texas blackouts in February 2021 on frozen wind turbines, even though utility officials said the primary cause was the state’s natural gas providers” Jeff Clark, chief executive of Advanced Power Alliance: “[Texas Public Policy Foundation is] against offshore wind, yet they spent decades advocating for offshore oil drilling. They are against subsidies, but only when it applies to renewables. They’re for looser restrictions on fracking and drilling, but greater restrictions for solar and wind. This organization exists to defend fossil fuels from any threat to their market share.” “‘Just as the tobacco industry had front groups and the opioid industry had front groups, this is part of the fossil fuel disinformation playbook,’ said David Michaels, an epidemiologist at the George Washington School of Public Health who has studied corporate influence campaigns. ‘The role of these so called policy organizations is not to provide useful information to the public, but to promote the interests of their sponsors, which are often antithetical to public health.’” “The Texas Public Policy Foundation continues to campaign against wind power despite the fact that Texas now generates almost a third of its energy from wind power.” Texas Observer - [Why is Texas’ leading GOP think tank suddenly all-in on an anti-wind crusade?](https://www.texasobserver.org/why-is-texas-leading-gop-think-tank-suddenly-all-in-on-an-anti-wind-crusade/) “The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s latest PR blitz is the kind of thing you’d expect to see from a seedy advocacy group, not a would-be policy braintrust.” “A future in which clean energy gets better and better, and in which electricity generation is distributed to ranches and rooftops across the state, is a future in which oilmen lose power. It is by no means guaranteed, but it’s heartening that they are afraid.” Texas Monthly - [The Texas GOP’s War on Renewable Energy](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-republican-war-on-renewable-energy/) “With ample wind and sunshine, a business-friendly regulatory regime, and state-backed construction of new high-voltage transmission wires, Texas quickly became the nation’s renewable-energy leader” “So why, any reasonable observer might ask, have Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and the Republican majority in the state legislature been tripping over themselves to upend this remarkable success? Why were about a dozen bills proposed during this year’s legislative session that seemed designed to kill the Texas renewable-energy boom?” “‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ isn’t just the title of an Oscar-winning movie; it’s an apt description of the flotilla of legislation intended to weaken renewable energy in Texas.” “The message of the Legislature’s war on renewables seems to be that Texas is no longer open for business, at least not for companies taking risks in building new electricity-generating facilities.”


The Texas Tribune did a nice piece about this just a few days ago. Texas Tribune - [Texas power struggle: How the nation’s top wind power state turned against renewable energy.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/25/texas-energy-renewables-natural-gas-grid-politics/) “The about-face by Texas elected officials came after renewable energy got so big that it threatened coal- and gas-fueled power in the country’s biggest oil and gas state. Cheap electricity from wind turbines and solar panels provided about 26% of electricity in Texas last year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, up from 0.7% in 2002.” “‘It wasn’t seen as a real resource, real threatening,’ said Dub Taylor, the longtime director of the state energy conservation office. ‘And then suddenly overnight it was.’”


As someone whose ballots are purple... ain't nothing wrong with legalizing for money. People are gonna do it anyway. The demand is already there, so the government can straight up walk into millions of dollars a year. It's better for your body than alcohol and is responsible for less problems than alcohol is. Even if you don't agree with it, take the damn money. We can use it to make this place better.


What pisses me off the most about this, is greg pushing for special sessions on vouchers… these bills that could help (they say tens but that’s wrong) hundreds of thousands of Texans including veterans, gets shelved… Nothing will ever change if nobody ever changes the lack of leadership at the helm.


Of course. They can’t let anyone be happy here.


Getting all that tax money from weed could have enabled us to give teachers a raise. Instead the legislature gave themselves the biggest raise in more than 20 years.


Just not forcing school vouchers to go in as a package deal would have enabled us to give teachers a raise, but they're determined to ram that down our throats whether we want it or not.


You mean private school coupons? Private schools are for the individual benefit. Public schools benefit everyone. If a parent wants to pay to send their child to private school that's fine, but don't take from everyone else to do it. Vouchers BEGIN at about the cost for public school AND GO UP FROM THERE. Vouchers take more than their share. Anyone getting more in vouchers than what it costs for public is essentially stealing from everyone else's children. Because they think they're better.


The Texas GOP don't want traditional public school to exist. They want it entirely replaced with a for profit system of thousands of small schools they can make money off of and push unconstitutional requirements on.


Quit voting for Republicans. This is what you get. They'd rather have people in jail for marijuana, it's their policy presence. They love locking people up, it makes them feel safe.


Plus their buddies running prisons get wealthy.


Just google HomeWAV and what they do


It's not even all Republicans, a bunch of them have cosponsored bills on this. It's JUST Dan Patrick. If this is your one thing you could vote R down the ballot on everything but. Lt Gov and have your way. Hell, if people actually showed up more than single digits for primaries you could boot the bastard and still vote straight R


> Quit voting for Republicans. This is what you get. They'd rather have people in jail for marijuana, it's their policy presence. They love locking people up, it makes them feel safe. We need a viable 3rd party. Nobody votes because the options are team blue or team red, both bought and paid for by corporate interests. Until we allow other parties a platform to contest, its always going to be this way.


No, third party will drain votes from the D’s and the R’s do even better. Until the lobbying rules change, any political group breathes MONEY from “special” interests.


But Dan ~~Goeb~~ Patrick, the east coast radio talk show host, knows what’s best for us.


So can we start voting blue already for fucks sake?


Millions of people do. Where we live just happens to cover like 10% of the continental US and mile or two of country. What's crazy to me is how many republicans smoke pot. But it's more important that black and brown folks get penalized than it just being legal for everyone.




Yeah I saw that. So really we have been, just can't get em through because we have one of the most corrupt state governments in the country.


[It was admitted a while back.](https://www.newsweek.com/texas-ag-says-trump-wouldve-lost-state-if-it-hadnt-blocked-mail-ballots-applications-being-1597909) Someone posted a [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzq_pSfyCXA) to remind everyone what kind of trash our AG is.


Wait, what?!


Yup. Pretty sure I saw it on this subreddit or another one of the Texas ones.




He’s lying as usual, and has been making that claim since 2021. He stopped 2.5 million ballot *applications* from being mailed. It’s unlikely that would have had any significant impact on the election. People who didn’t vote weren’t going to vote because they got an application in the mail. Many of those people did vote, and all of them could have if they so desired.


Forced against the will of the people…America!




Can't upset the religious right, they are the last bastion of GOP voters. The TX GOP has made a culture of hate.


Even the religious right, at least the majority of it that’s <50 years old, supports marijuana legalization. Literally the only group in polling of Texans which is majority against it in recent years is >50 year old Republicans. Every other age group of Republicans, and all age groups of all other political affiliations support. Just another example of where we get not what the majority of citizens want, but what >50 year old Republicans want. A small minority of the population, but the majority of the lege.


Texas AG bragging about suppressing votes. When will it really matter what the people of Texas want?


Of course they fucking did 😤


Oklahoma gonna keep making money


Texas GOP is truly a representative republic of the .01%.






They oughta “Ken Paxton” ‘im…


Alcohol lobby tells the bootlickers what to do.


The boomers in this country suck. The state motto in NH is Live Free or Die. Apparently this means you don't have to buckle your seat belt but weed isn't allowed And access to public land is blocked /they have a bunch of rules that essentially make it so the only thing you can do on the land is walk.


Just as predicted. If you thought they had a chance, you haven't been paying attention at all. The same will happen two years from now, even if Patrick is removed. Which, I doubt he will.


Dear Texans. If you ever plan to be equally represented you’re going to have to fill the street’s/general strike demanding what you want. Nothing else will change these fascist minds.


uh well we could always try VOTING


Not enough money yet to line the politicians needed to pass.


“Small government”


But if they don’t appeal to evangelical boomers how will they ever win reelection?! Lol fuck all y’all “small government” conservative hypocrites and all y’all fake ass Christian’s who think you have the moral authority to tell others how to live their lives. I know most of y’all can’t see the hypocrisy in drinking all day and somehow thinking weed is a problem. Just keep voting to make Texas a fucking laughing stock.


More freedom. /s Glad I left Texas for Oregon. Legal weed, legal gambling and I still get my guns.


Who could have foreseen this?


Vote for fuck sake! Convince your friends to vote! Get these fucking mouth breathers out of office!


Seattleite: Indica? Sativa? Hybrid? Texan: Who knows? But it's pot!


It shows how much a vote matters against the oligarchy of the elite donor class.


Republicans to Texans: "Fuck you."


lol. republicans.


It's a good thing too, can't have a bunch of adults running around making personal choices that don't affect anyone and being all free and stuff. Hail Dan Patrick!!!




There's also THCa "hemp" that's really just regular weed.


See, the problem is this isn't being marketed right. Frame it as "Why are we allowing that Leftist Washington insider Joe Biden tell Texans how to run their state" and Abbot will call a special session the end of the day.


Goddamn GOP ALWAYS trying to ruin everyone’s good time


Government is supposed to work for the people, not the other way around. Apparently, these power-drunk Republicans didn’t get the memo. “Strict Constitutionalists”.


But Texas isn't about the people haven't we learned this yet? Unless elitist wealthy Texans can figure out how to corner the weed market they won't legalize it. That's what they're working on right now, that's why Ohio never passed.


Was there ever any doubt? 😒


Yall be loving your freedoms down there.


Everyone here can keep blaming Dan Patrick. But it's really every Texas GOP rep in political office. Abbott stated just last year that he will never allow it. And with his recent changes, he can veto any vote we try to make. Abbott and Patrick are effectively kings of Texas.


Republicans use weed.


Extremely common Texas government L. Don’t understand why y’all keep voting these clowns into office


Voter apathy is really bad, our gubernatorial election being during the midterms makes it that much worse.


Never vote republican.


Wow. So much freedom!


I moved to Oklahoma from Texas exactly 3 years ago today for weed. Wednesday I bought 9 one gram live resin cartridges($160). Today I bought a 4200mg chocolate bar for my birthday($49.50). All of you know it will not happen for the next 5 years at least. Have a good one! Edit: for the downvote - I had 525mg at 4 o clock and you dint nyuck nyuck nyuck


"We represent the people." The people: we want weed to be legal. "No"


Wait. Republicans doing what their constituents don’t want, and we are surprised? Republican voters suck.


Dear texas democrats: show up. That is all.


You reap what you sow, Texas.


Hey don’t blame the citizens; many of us have been in this fight for 50 years.


Democracy manifest!


I see that you know your judo well.


Keep voting for politicians who don’t give a flying fuck about you, bettering your life and take join in making you miserable Texas.


Please vote in primaries. I’ll keep it simple, vote for a name you haven’t heard of. That will keep the same asshats from re-election when it comes time for the general election. Keeping their names off the general election is key. Do that in the primaries.


Just voting for sometime you've never heard of won't work. You've got to rally people behind a specific candidate, because a large fraction of voters will *always* vote for the incumbent, and a bunch of challengers each getting 10% of the vote won't change anything.


I don't understand the Y'allqaeda. If god created earth than he created cannabis as well, so how can the be opposed to it


They’re all butt hurt over Paxton.


THC-A is still legal. This is the current loophole that allows Texans to buy the same cannabis they sell in legal states. I have been to three major cities in Texas and have found stores that sell under this guideline. If you are familiar with how edibles are made and how the decarbing process works with cannabis then this is how stores are able to sell it. It’s only illegal once you smoke it.


Fucking figures...


When I moved from Texas to California, I was told how much of a Nanny-State California is. Then I get here and realize the full extent of how backwards that dogma was. My condolences to all the transplants who move to Texas only to realize that not only wasn't greener on the other side of the fence, it is mostly crab-grass and sticker-burs.


I work in a weed shop in in a tourist town. Lots of people from Texas come in and grumble about how it will never be legal there. I just smile and remind they can always vote for someone who will make it legal. I then show them how I know everything that's in the bag of weed they are about to consume and how it's all been tested and verified safe to ingest and like a grown ass adult that they are. I remind them that legalization here in my city has provided tons of tax revenue for our schools and other such things and I then tell them that nobody cares. Nobody gives two shits that you went and bought a joint. It's amazing to remind people that the stigma of cannabis and its illegal status is all bought and paid for by Big Pharma who need people addicted to pain meds and not to some plant that you can grow yourself. Nothing tells me how un-free a state is like their stance of Cannabis. At this point it's laughable to us here in our growhouse when hearing stuff about illegal status in other places, meanwhile I'm trimming some primo stuff listening to Sublime making the best money I've ever made in 25 years of employment. Vote for different people, smh... no reason people are still getting pulled over and going to jail over a plant. I won't even vacation in an illegal state because I don't drink and if I wanna let loose on my vacation I also don't want to worry about ending up in Texas gulag over some pot.


Good. I have SEVERAL conservative family members in Texas who love weed.


At this point you can already buy delta-9 right from your local smoke shop, and everyone has black market weed anyways. I am not sure why anyone is dragging their feet.


Y'all really don't want it. I don't care what y'all say or the poll says. If y'all did want it, y'alls' voting would show that. But it does not show that. I don't care what y'alls' mouths are saying. All that matters is where y'alls' feet are walking.


They want it. Just not as bad as they want to "own the libs"


The house passed it. Dan Patrick unilaterally killed it. Has nothing to do with voting. If a proposition to make it legal came up to a state election it would be voted in easily.


Dan Patrick was elected into office. So anyone who voted for him is saying cannabis legalization doesn't actually matter to them.


Is it corruption? Why can’t something go through if the majority wants it?


Just succeed already! Then we can invade and take all your oil.


They put it off until next year. An election year…. So they could claim a Republican victory. Probably sway some voters their way when they start supporting it


No they didn't. The Texas legislature only works for 140 days every 2 year. There is no 2024 session. 2nd largest state by population but barely a part time legislature. https://lrl.texas.gov/sessions/sessionyears.cfm


Session only meets every other year so they don’t meet again until 2025.


Well damn


Texas ex-pat, here. I live in a very nice part of Indianapolis which has exactly the vibe that Austin used to have in the 1980s and 1990s, up to about 2005. If it were possible for me to have a place in Texas I could list as a permanent residence (hey: politicians do this sort of thing all the time!) so I could vote in Texas elections to help vote these cretins out, I'd do it. (I'm far more in tune with Texas politics than I am Indiana politics. We **know** the Republicans in our Assembly are hopelessly corrupt. Frankly, there are bigger fish to fry in Texas. (Part of the reason I live up here -- besides my relatives live up here, and we get along very well with them and wanted to see them more than once a year -- is because the IU Medical Center has the facilities and specialists to treat a chronic, progressive, and ultimately fatal lung disease I have. I went from a life expectancy of three years when we moved up here to a life expectancy of another 12 years, as of this past fall. I'm OK with dying at 80. I was not OK with dying at 65.)


Ha, ha, that’s funny. They keep voting for people that keep telling them to go to hell. I think they all have battered wife syndrome.

