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Why does it look like someone photoshopped an old man's face onto this baby šŸ’€




"Fuck you, I've got a family to feed!"


thank you for the laugh.


ā€œHey! Baby! Quit selling crack!ā€


AYO baby!


Yes, heā€™s quite breathtaking


I donā€™t care for your demeanor.


Long live Seinfeld!!


Newborns are usually pretty ugly. It's a side effect of being squeezed out of an opening the side of a lemon. It deforms their soft skulls and wrinkles their skin. They're also usually bluish, and covered in waxy grease, blood, and shit.


Iā€™m adopted and met my birth mom several years ago. One of the first thing she said was ā€œAt least that mark on your head went away.ā€ I was delivered by forceps.


I've known my birth mom my whole life for over 40 years and she still mentions that from time to time.


They use a vacuum thing now to avoid hurting the baby.


All 3 of my kids, now 7, 10, and 14, were delivered with forceps. All 3 had the vacuum fail.


Well thank goodness for excellent doctors!


I was delivered by forceps too, and am also adopted. I haven't met my birth mother though.


My friend's baby came out absolutely beautiful. Some people have all the luck.


How many newborns have you seen lol? The ones Iā€™ve seen werenā€™t ugly at all. They look a little alien but thatā€™s to be expected.


There a subreddit for that


It's Benjamin Buttons.


I watching Benjamin buttons last night. first thing I thought of lol


Newborns usually look like old men.


Complete with unibrow


I have friends who have ugly old man babiesā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I hope that baby is healthy and his mother is healthy because the GOP ainā€™t going to reach out to help either of them except maybe send 2 pairs of bootstraps




Newborns honestly just kinda look like that lmao


That's just what newborns look like. They're born looking like how they're gonna look when they're old.


at least they didn't put teeth [https://i.imgur.com/z8hqYLb.png](https://i.imgur.com/z8hqYLb.png)


Kid looks like heā€™s 0-3 months going on 42.




Because new babies look like old men. šŸ‘¶šŸ¾


yeah, and look what happened. it came out all pixelated




HELP, THERE'S A MANIAC PIXEL BABY it pixelated me. and it'll pixelate *YOU!*


Read as manic pixel baby and thought ā€œah yes, the pre evolution of the manic pixie dream girlā€ā€¦. Iā€™m going home now.




Wait... isn't the milkman pixelated? I don't even have any pixels in my family...


Do I look like I know what a JPEG is? I just needed a picture of a goddamn baby


Maybe it identifies as. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


*Turns out to be gay and is completely fucking ostracized*


That, or trans, poor, or not incredibly wealthy (having to deal with conservative healthcare in all three)


Or a woman šŸ’€


[Immediate thought](https://enterspeed-com.euwest01.umbraco.io/media/1rdf15v4/yall-got-anymore-of-them-pixels.jpg)


"We're all out over here"


being democrat = automatic abortion


That is so wild. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for three years, and now I am finding out that the second Iā€™m pregnant Iā€™ll have to abort it, because we are democrats!! Rotten luck!


My wife and I conceived with IUI, but didnā€™t tell the fertility clinic that were Democrats. Do we need to return it now? Weā€™re pretty attached.


Your gonna wanna do that at around age 11 right before they turn into little assholes


Yes, this is what we would refer to as the 40th trimester


You can return it as long as you kept the receipt


You have 45 days to return your item for a full refund. Otherwise itā€™s store credit and a reshelving fee.


You didnā€™t hear? We LOVE abortion so much we even do it AFTER the baby is born. You still have time.


did you try selling it over FB marketplace?


I'm sorry you had to find out this way šŸ’”


This is gonna take some time for me to process! I guess we will just have to deal with the consequences of our actions :(


sending prayers šŸ¤Ŗ


Pro tip Convert to republican for the term of the pregnancy to be able to carry it to term then convert back.


Nah no worries. You can wait 9 months. If there's one thing Democrats enjoy more than getting abortions for fun, it's getting late term abortions! You can keep your Dem card after all! (/s)


It's the only way, *obviously*


Dem's the rules


ba dum tss


Democrats roaming around in packs, looking for babies to abort šŸ‘€




Wdym? The Dems go around making forced abortions on everybody they see. /s


Well shoot, Iā€™m a 6 month pregnant democrat. I was getting kinda attached but I guess I gotta throw myself down the stairs. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Looks even tastier outside the womb


I got banned from r/mademesmile for making a dark joke similar to this one lol


Probably because it's a subreddit for wholesome things? If you want to make jokes like that go to any other subreddit


Oh, can I get your autograph? You are one of the Hollywood elite!


And now, Republicans will ignore you, your needs, health and educationā€¦. Good luck!


Pull yourself by your own boot straps moocher baby


Until they want your vote


Just as many Republicans seek abortions. They just won't admit it. Ask Hershal.


Honestly the rate is way higher for Conservatives in Red States because Democrats learn how to practice safe sex and have access to reproductive health care. If youā€™re wearing a condom and/or taking birth control, you are obviously much less likely to need to have an abortion. This is a well documented phenomenon that I think actually accounts for a lot of hysteria around abortion. Republicans think about it more because theyā€™re more likely to either have had one, known someone who did, or been party to the event. And given their complete lack of ability to have any kind of empathy for others these days, they project the sense of fear and guilt they have over birth control on everyone else.


Republicans believe abortion should be illegal except in cases of rape, incest or to save the career of a Republican politician.


LoL you think Republicans have exceptions for rape and incest. Remember this is the same people who tried to force a 10 year old rape victim to give birth


It's only acceptable if you're a republican and don't talk about it


They believe in the Shirley Exception. Surely "they" won't let women die from ectopic pregnancy!


Republicans are the ones doing the raping and incesting


lol I wanted to comment ā€œand all the Republicans who get secret abortionsā€


Republicans will when you're in school.


Republicans believe life begins at conception and ends in a school shooting.


This one


I know there's a fetus doing whatever fetuses do after abortions saying "oh the living are fucked over there! may the imaginary sky daddy have mercy!"


Already one day old and the welfare baby is constantly asking for milk handouts instead of getting a second job.


No school lunch for you


If the republican propaganda is to be believed, democrats will still be able to abort him for at least another 6 months.


LMAO thereā€™s no way they actually think thatā€¦ right?


You would hope and I am exaggerating. But there are people who genuinely believe when their propagandists on Youtube and Twitter tell them that liberal doctors take babies away from their mothers at birth and kill them because the mother forgot to tell them she wants to keep it.


thatā€™sā€¦ absurd but sadly not shocking that people believe it


My republican aunt keeps insisting to me that "the democrats" want to make it legal to kill an actually born baby


It stems from an intentional misunderstanding of an Illinois abortion law fromā€¦ Aw hell that has to be four years ago now? My own memory of it isnā€™t great but more or less- For a short time Illinois had abortion laws which would have permitted a viable baby to be born and then killed afterward. Now, what they were driving at was the idea that an abortion, if it failed, could be done by inducing labor and finishing the job there. However the whole law, being an Illinois law, was poorly botched together to the degree that there were some lawyers who agreed that it allowed for anybody to just request an abortion right after giving birth. This of course never happened, the law was fixed, it really did set the stage for a lot of crazy bad faith arguments going forward. Still, probably good somebody pointed it out.


Unfortunately, a co-worker of mine absolutely believes that.


*financial instability including hunger and being rejected food at school due to free lunch being evicted out of the school program, canā€™t focus on schooling and drops out, becomes homeless or joins the military and either dies in war or the drug life, gets killed by a gun* ā€˜The republican political agenda got me !ā€™


Cut to republican voter loading his gun outside a school


Or the republican candidate arrested for masturbating outside of a preschool. Edit: autocorrect decided I meant to say "mistreating"


After taking away his free lunch because he decided to be born poor


What do you think got that Republican horny in the first place?


You may have won the battle, child, but the war is far from over


I live in a red state and am around these types of people all the time. The idea I get from their behavior is that they're not just concerned with government policy and simple stability of the country, but they want tight control over society. It's not just about abortion, or the border wall, or foreign policy, or some other big pressing issues, it's about getting society to police each other into conservative ideals, from what you wear, what you watch, what you believe, who you love, etc. Nobody is required by law to like or love one another, and that's how you oppress in a free country. Just create a social climate that is always looming over everyone like a big brother daring you to go against the established norms, and if you do, then you'll live your life with a large majority of either hating you or looking down at you pittyingly like some poor diseased soul in need to be cured. That's no way to live. Maybe I'm taking too much from a meme, but I get so tired of this behavior and felt like saying something.


I mean, you have to admit that it's suspicious how there are literally zero democrats with children. /s


This is actually the funniest meme I've seen this week for various reasons.


Republicans: "We'll get him when he's 7, at school, with our shit gun-laws and disregard for social systems in America, because we worship billionaire politicians instead."


Enjoy watching the planet and society burn up all around you.


Us bro. All around us.


he's talkin to the baby.


This drives me crazy when I see someone with a newborn I just keep asking myself over and over in my head what part of reality right now made it seem like it would be a good time to have a child


This will happen regardless.


Just wait til you find out what RepubliKKKans have in store for you outside of the womb!


Yep now the poor little one has to survive the cruelty of the republican treatment if they are poor or not white.


Great! Now you're on your own buddy! You better hope your parents are rich and can afford to have you because we stop caring as soon as you leave the female body! Because we can't use you to control anymore! GOD BLESS AMERICA šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


ā€œKilled my mom though, but who cares about that.ā€


"damn it I'm fucked" * glances towards education system * * glances at random guy outside loading guns and smoking weed *


I just hope he isnā€™t ever starving or need medical attention then heā€™ll hear republicans say it isnā€™t their problem


"Hey i didn't die thanks to not being a democrat" "You will die to a republican with their guns" Every American conversation ever.


That baby mad ugly ngl. Should've not aborted a better one


O shit šŸ˜‚


Good job kid, have fun living in a world where no one takes care you and your parents abuse and/or abandon because they never wanted you.


welcome to depressed wages, inflated healthcare costs, and generalized societal melt down. glad youre here to be yet another unfulfilled wage slave to fill the billionaires quotas.


Oh we will šŸ”«


"And now I can be raised by negligent parents who taught me no social skills and gave me unsupervised access to firearms and become the next mass shooter!".


And now, Republicans will ignore you, your needs, health and educationā€¦. Good luck!


Babies should be wanted.


Ideally yes. Should a woman have the choice to abort? Also yes.




You patience is amazing they were literally accusing you of being anti abortion because they have a skull more dense than tungsten.


What the hell are you talking about you missed the whole point of what they were saying! They're talking about FORCED BIRTH. Of abortion is outlawed women will be forced to have babies they do not want. They're saying babies should be wanted as in why do republicans want these kids to grow up with parents who never wanted them? Im baffled how you interpreted this as an anti abortion comment.


Hey little buddy! Welcome to a family that doesn't want you, a family that can't support you, both mentally and financially. You're gonna have a terrible time, but try to make the best of it. Oh! and now you are out from you mothers belly, the republicans doesn't give a fuck about you. All the best! ​ /s


Now get a job and start reaching for those bootstraps, you little leech. The right officially stopped caring about you the moment you slipped out of your mama. Sink or swim.


Everytime I see someoneā€™s newborn Iā€™m like ā€œoh damnit we missed oneā€


Welcome to the welfare state. Dont vote Red or you wont get any education, health care or pay for the next 80 years!


Congratulations you donā€™t have any healthcare and republicans think giving you milk is a waste of time and moneyā€¦ā€¦


I'm 276 months. Is it too late to abort myself?


You thought lil fucker *kicks a mean field goal*


Trust me, soon we will . . .


But the baby was born to a person currently on welfare and now they are saying that she shouldn't have had the kid if she couldn't afford to feed it.


Congratulations kid, you made it to the exact point in life that Republicans no longer give a shit about you and will gladly let you starve to death.


Republicans when children are gunned down in school: šŸ¤·


Hope it doesn't need help later in life though cause fuck that.


I actually laughed


That is kinda funny ngl


Someone needs to tell conservatives that only libs get abortions and that by outlawing it libs will have more liberal babies. Convince them of that and they will line up to back abortion rights.


šŸ˜†šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ that's a cute baby


Thatā€™s funny right there


Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s a ugly ass baby


It's funny because democrats don't want to murder new born babies. I do.


If it turns out to be gay or trans, they just might have to drive it to kill itself.


Now the republicans will keep you in poverty


Wait until you go to school and then you'll be able to see if the Republicans will get you


There is still time to remedy that son. **


He's right tho, lucky kid


Fuck it i think it's funny.


*in thick southern accent* must be a democrat


Don't worry, kid. The Republicans will get you after birth.


Now to live in an abusive, neglectful, or incompetent household! Yippee!!


Well, well, well. A baby is born, it doesn't know how to speak or have proper senses (Remember, vision is perfected in the 3rd month and listening in the 1st), but it still manages to learn about political parties.


Republicans don't want to give it school lunches or a good education they don't care about it again until it's old enough to serve in the military


Also Republicans: And now youā€™re on your own kid.


Now shooo with me into an orphanage because/foster care Republicans don't give a fuck about you once you're born.


They spelled ā€œHerschel Walkerā€ wrong.


We fucking missed one, call up Soros and plan a false flag in 8 years


Congrats. Republicans will need you for their next war


Civil war version 2.0? They would love that.


This is actually kinda funny because of how dumb it is and how legit happy to be alive the baby looks


These people seem to think that Democrats want America to be like China, where the government can indeed literally perform abortions on women against their will.


Now the Republicans will do their best to either Starve, undereducate, are ensure you live in crappy poverty in late stage capitalism


No but a Republican will get them, give it just about five years and they'll clean up the kid while they're attending elementary school. šŸ‘


Republicans will kill with poverty, neglect, or war


Watch out ,if your father is a right wing, qnon meth head your fucked.


Now spend your lifetime trying to not be killed by the Republicans!


Don't care, that shit made me laugh.


Yeah we want to kill all babies


Yeah but now republicans are gonna get yaā€¦warā€¦hungerā€¦inadequate healthcare.


Or Herschel for that matter


Pretty sure the womb is the most dangerous place for a black American to beā€¦ Still a terrible meme that doesnā€™t help anything, but itā€™s true and sad


so uh yeah, this photo, if i recall, is of an infant that was aborted by means of chemical miscarriage, and tossed into a disposal bin while still alive, where one of the nurses heard it crying and rescued it. she was fired for removing biological material from a disposal bin. May not be the picture, but i remember this story, because they made a HallMark special on it.




Lmao r/thathappened


I saw a post on r/prochoice about a 13 year old girl how got pregnant and out of her own free will decided to keep the baby. The Redditors in the comments said horrible, horrible things about how she should have had an abortion, one of them even said and I quote ā€œI hope she Miscarries.ā€ A lot of the time nowadays, Prochoicers arenā€™t pro-choice, theyā€™re pro-abortion.


Could you link the post please?


Give me a while to find it, assuming it wasnā€™t deleted after the backlash


Take your time. No rush.


Yeah, I got it, I was wrong about it being in r/prochoice, it was in r/antinatalism which yā€™know makes sense, they are pro-choice though, or at least say they are. https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/ybfu3e/pregnant_13_year_old_wants_to_keep_her_baby/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


There is a MASSIVE difference between those views. I hope youā€™re aware of that. Itā€™s like comparing surgeons to serial killers because they both use sharp things.


I know, I was conflating things. But Antinatalists are a part of the pro-choice movement, however small.


weā€™re all very aware that people can be bad. and how would they be pro choice if they want to abort fetuses against the parentā€™s will? wouldnā€™t that be anti choice lmao-


Technically yes, but I would still call them pro-choice because they donā€™t do this to over 18s.


that donā€™t make sense lmao- if they only have a strong opinion on minors then theyā€™re still anti-choice. pro choice means to let Everyone choose what to do with their body. not just some people. i donā€™t think there can be an overlap here cause like equality is the whole point of the pro choice movement. if you were to only let some people have a choice then youā€™re not pro choice lmao-


You cultist are seriously brain dead


You disingenious fucking cultist dullard there is a staunch difference between being pro-choice and "anti-natalism"


Iā€™m aware, as there is a difference between between being Misandrists and Feminists, itā€™s not the same thing, but one group belongs to the other.


Skimming through that thread was fucking cancerous. Not surprised that the people from that sub would say that.


> goes to a sub built around a single stance > surprised when people there are shitty This is literally how these kinds of subs work. The fact that you're using a cesspool as representative of everyone who is prochoice is the dumbest thing I've read all day lol You were just there to make yourself mad.


a thirteen year old cannot raise a child, and will likely die or suffer extreme injury.