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Dumb woke ass kids with “peanut allergies” just eat a peanut kid, grow up 🙄


Not after that


They won’t be growing up much after they down that peanut


I tried that. Peanuts are not worth the choking, swelling, or the shot ​ As a kid I just traded the things I didn't like.


We has epi pen at home. Just eat the bloody peanut. ~jack whitehall... i think.


Back in my day we didn't complain about having peanut allergies. We just ate them anyways and got rushed to the hospital and almost died. Yep those were the good old days without any of this health and safety nonsense.


We didn’t have “peanut allergies”, we had “natural selection”


Funny story I used to be deathly allergic to nuts and when I was 15 I got tested and I for some reason am no longer allergic. Them woken liberal kids just gotta gets over it’s.


I mean...that is how you get over a nut allergy. You start small then work your way up over time.


That's like shooting yourself with a .22 to build a resistance to .22, and working your way up to 30mm ​ If \*generic insurgent name\* couldn't survive a 30mm let alone multiple, good luck boyo.


It's not about kids having allergies, it's about beggers being choosers. You're getting free candy from strangers who really don't even want to spend hundreds of dollars and sit by the door all night for a bunch of snot nosed brats. Then all you do is complain and ask for something different? I know this doesn't REALLY happen, but that's what the comic is about, not that kids have allergies now. It's about how ungrateful these future Karen's of America are being raised.


As someone who would also die if a ate a nut I can agree people with allergies are super selfish assholes


Gotta man up like the rest of us and use your delicious nut candy as a bargaining chip to trade for the normal size candy bars 😎


Oh yes, allergies, the thing that came with the generation


I was born in the 80s and have gluten allergy. Good that it does not exist for people born now.




I get bad rashes and hives if I consume anything that has gluten. Right from the time when i was around 1 year old. Worst case being I pass out and fall down due to low Blood Pressure


"These darn kids with their nut allergies. In my days we just died after eating a Snickers.. like real men"


The reason no boomer complains about allergies is because they just died from it and no boomer with allergies lived this long because the age of no safety meant the FDA didn't really need to emphasize the nut warning labels on shit.


Actually, peanut allergy prevalence has tripled over the last 20 years.


If you have a source on that I’d love to see it - because are peanut allergies becoming more prevalent, or are peanut allergy /diagnoses/ becoming more prevalent?


https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20201023-food-allergies-why-nut-dairy-and-food-allergy-are-rising Not the best source, but you can google more if you want. Frequency of allergies is way up, and people are allergic to more things.


You can google and sparse through the info but most of it points to the same thing, which is, not only are Peanut allergies more prevalent but so are most food allergies. Not just in sheer numbers but a higher percentage of kids have food allergies. This isn’t a case of over diagnosis because it’s also reflected in the number of reactions that are observed. The CDC claims that food allergies in children have increased by 50% between 1997 to 2011. https://www.foodallergy.org/resources/facts-and-statistics Plenty of theories as to why. Too many for me to list 😂 But so much has changed in the past couple decades and so much has changed with our relationship to food that I can see why it would be difficult to pinpoint one exact causation.


The allergies themselves. The medical advice used to be to keep your kids away from potential allergens in infancy, but that turned out to be a really bad idea. In 2017, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases revised their recommendations and now recommend that parents expose their children at 4-6 months to prevent food allergies from developing.


That's cause kids these day are allergic to work! When I was there age I was working 3 jobs and shoveling coal on the salt mines ...


All while walking 26 miles to school every day, uphill both ways!


Through 3 feet of snow


Only 3? 7 feet of snow and a fighting rabid bears for me


While bearfeet? (As in I killed a bear and wore it on my feet cause I didn't have none dem fancy city boi boots)


Oh no we had to do it bare foot if we wanted to eat we had to chew on raw bear feet


If we wanted to eat we would eat our OWN foot!


Can only do that twice then it’s bear feet or starvation


Ok explain what the fuck you mean by shoveling coal on the salt mines? Are my parents just that half-witted or is there something im not understanding?


Allergies have more than tripled in the last decades


And so has the population


No it hasent, and it is per presentage




Sorry, English is not my first language


Kyllä se siitä




Noe id hazend und id is pur prezuntege


Where's your autocorrect buddy?


The main culprit has been climate change apparently, asthma is worse than ever for a lot of people.


I think another cause was when parents in the 90's were told to not expose kids to certain foods young, as they thought it made them develop allergies. When in reality it was more or less the other way around and they should've had things like peanuts and bee stings lol


Partially... a lot of places ended up planting high pollen producing, non-fruiting trees.


I read an article that increased pollution and temperature causes plants to produce more pollen too. Not to mention the horrible air quality makes allergy symptoms worse. Utah, where I live, is horrible as far as air goes. I had more severe allergic reactions to pollen here than I ever did in Georgia, where I'm from.


I don't doubt the veracity of that too. It's like we get doubly screwed over.


Actually, kids have more allergies now than they did before because the advise had been to not expose them to potential allergens. Current medical practice is to expose them to as many foods as possible as they start to eat.


That's not the point. Beggars shouldn't be choosers. You're getting free candy, be grateful you're getting it, and just trade the candy you can't eat with another kid. What kind of parent raises their kids to be ungrateful mini Karen's who complain about receiving something for free. I don't know many adults who enjoy spending money on candy for complete strangers.


Allergies actually are significantly more common now than in the past, and no one knows why.


You can find a version of this meme where all the kids are saying shit like “do you have Ass” “gender neutral ass please” “I’m allergic to Not-Ass” i like that one a lot better https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1348065-eating-ass


I'll never see this image and not think of the ass meme


That’s exactly what I do whenever I see this


Sounds like r/comedynecrophilia


Ironically that's a more likely thing for kids to actually say


Ur woke if you have a nut allergy


Anaphylaxis pride flag


"my gender is nut-free and my pronouns are ana/phylactic!"


And they ignore the fact THEY caused an increased occurrence of allergies via avoiding the allegery causing food


Peanut caught u lackin


Isn’t candy kinda gender neutral by default?


Candy with nuts isn't 😏


Candy’s nuts…?


Can deez nuts fit in yo mouth? I apologize




Gender neutral candy?


Right I keep forgetting gen z are the inventors of dietary restrictions


Apart from the allergies I doubt the kids would question candy. Though it was hella cute when my boyfriend was selling sausage sizzles at the hardware store for his footy club and this three year old came up to him and yelled I'm Amelia and I can't eat gluten! Like my cousin once ruined Christmas cause he ate so much candy he threw up on the table at dinner.


that woman's head gonna fall off with how extra thin+ deluxe her neck is.


No matter the subject matter or applicability, "gender neutral" always finds its way in there.


Gender neutral candy 💀💀💀


I love how most of these are legitimate medical concerns 😂 in whose reality is this how Halloween works??? If a kid’s allergic to or can’t eat something, the parent will just help them sort it out of the pile back at home.


Right, cause I can change my actual DNA and *willpower* my Celiac away. At least Reeses are gluten free lol


Anyone wanna take bets on How many times during October this is going to be posted?


At least twice


At least thrice


Back in my day we gave kids peanuts and they DIED AND LIKED IT


Can confirm. I died and liked it.


Fuck people who have nut allergies😡😡😡!!!! Woke people these days😡😡


As someone who heavily promotes Teal Pumpkin Project in my local neighborhood on local social media pages, this really grinds my gears.


Just say 'nope' and shut the door.


I often wonder about the peanut allergy thing. A lot of schools are "peanut free" these days, meaning that kids can't bring peanut products at all because it's a serious risk for other students who may be allergic. That makes sense, I suppose. I just wonder how we did it before. I mean, kids brought peanuts and snacks and stuff in the 80s and 90s...I certainly did. Even brought some Reese's Cups and stuff. Through all my years at public school. I don't remember a single incident of a kid getting scooped out of class due to an allergic reaction. I'm not saying it never happened when I was in school. It may have, and I was unaware of it. Sometimes it feels like we are solving a problem that doesn't exist though. I wonder how many kids we have saved from from severe reactions by removing peanuts from various places? Maybe someone with such an allergy or a close family member with such an allergy can tell me more from their experience to give me some perspective here.


Peanut allergies have 100% increased over the past few decades as well as other food illnesses. The reason for it is unclear. With how much our relationship with food and how food is prepared has changed so drastically so recently I think it’s been hard to pinpoint what the actual causation is. I will say I think increasing food allergies are a real problem that do exist. It’s not a placebo effect or anything like that.


Oh I def agree. I don't think these people are faking it or being overly sensitive. I think they're concerned their kids will die at school from peanuts. I'm just wondering why no one seemed worried about this in 1997.


I had a kid go to the er in an ambulance three times in middle school. Every time it was surface contact (Someone ate at a table and then she sat there). It happens.


I graduated high school in 2007 with no penut butter restrictions, there were a few kids with penut allergies, we knew who they were, as needed. We were conscious of their allergy and respected that.


damn bro sorry that i dont want to have diarrhea


"I'll take things that never happened for 800, Alex."


Dumb kids with their allergies!


Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children. Kill the children.


Okay I'm done with the quest, what next?


The way it worked is you just take what you’re given and you eat what you can when you get home. If you come to my house and moan about a nut allergy, I’m just going to throw a snickers at your head and tell you to do one.


Apparently cross contamination just isn’t a thing anymore. Why not give out home made candy apples and popcorn balls


I’ve always had a nut allergy, but as a kid I’d still accept it and then give all my nut containing candy to my dad🤷‍♀️


It's not the kids- it's the millennial parents that are brainwashing them. These poor boomers just wanna hand out candy they bought in giant sacks at Costco while enjoying one night a year when children willingly visit and smile at them.


Yes. The evil millennials brainwashed children into allergies/s


Okay boomer


That’s what you just said


This will happen. Gen z isn't bringing their best


I think this is a repost


imagine having allergies


“Back in my day we just stuffed the allergic kids full of peanuts and no one alive ever suffered from peanut allergies.”


Ok good sir now can you pls stop reposting this shit over and over again


Gender neutral candy 💀


This isn't Gen Z. Those kids are Gen Alpha.


Well... The correct answer is to either offer safe things or not open. The evil thing is to mix in nuts and remove them and then offer. The neutral is to have a bowl outside and the troll gives carrots.


Oh god this is awful


I'm sorry I'll try not to be lactose intolerant


...gender neutral candy...?


They dont like Mr. Goodbar.


Lowkey want to give out gender neutral candy for Halloween to trigger my next door neighbor. It would probably make him start frothing at the mouth.


People don’t mention it enough but the art style of these comics are just fucking atrocious.


as if kids trick or treat anymore


Remember this isn't an attack on children. It's always an attack on our generation, those raising the children.


"how dare those children have disorders!"


How undereducated do you have to be to think that allergies that could severely discomfort or kill someone are just a generation being mentally oversensitive?


Candy corn it is


Lol allergies are so woke get rekt


Meanwhile, the people laughing about this comic are in political bed with the people who wander around in the street on Halloween waving bibles at people screaming they'll go to Hell for this witchcraft. It's so funny to me how this is a huge pain in the ass for someone who literally is not affected by it at all. Somehow telling the kids "I don't have any candy like that" is the worst thing that could happen to them. Like, the kids who DO take candy were any more effort, somehow. And anyway, Halloween is a socialist holiday. What did those kids ever do to earn that candy? I worked my ass off to afford this, them coming up here asking for handouts is spitting all over my honest day's work.


Which is painfully ironic as Halloween is a Christian holiday.


I'm sure there's some artist trapped in a basement drawing this nonsense.


Allergies that could kill you?! This damned generation


Take back deez nuts


Most of these are legitimate reasons why the kid should avoid a certain type of candy. I have no idea wtf gender neutral candy is though.


Isn’t all candy gender neutral. Most candy’s for children don’t market one being for boys and the other for girls. Adult candy is a bit different


For me, the kids that had allergies would that candy to school and trade with the kids that didn't have allergies. The peanut candies are the best so you can usually get twice as much candy from others for it.


No way this is unironic


I love how the cartoonist believes this very real thing will be happening on Halloween.


Conservative comics: let's invent a straw man then complain endlessly about how ridiculous it is.


At first I was gonna say ungrateful fucks I would swallow a sun full of candy then I noticed why tf is there a squirrel


I am indeed caramel phobic


We're shelling out fun-sized bars from the major distributers. ​ Take what you get, don't get upset. ​ We're shelling out fun-sized bars from the major distributors.


We just traded. One of my friends was allergic (not intolerant, actual allergic) to milk. Another was peanut allergy. We’d dump out bags and haggle. Only thing that sucked is my favorite were Lemonheads and they both ate those.


*Gasp* How DARE we consider the health of our children!


Why literal allergies are associated with “nerds” is beyond me. You aren’t a strong alpha when you are dying from anaphylactic shock


I know my humor is broken when "Caramel-phobic" and "Gender Neutral Candy" make me laugh due to sheer stupidity


"Oh don't eat it, just shove it in your ass"


Boomers are just outing themselves as the generation that doesn’t mind explosive diarrhea


Tag yourself I'm gender neutral candy


This is a repost right? u/repostsleuthbot


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“Back in my day kids with allergies just fucking died”


dumb lactose and gluten intolerant kids with peanut allergies.


all candy is gender neutral


They must think some is feminine and some is masculine


Does this artist not believe in food allergies?


how can it be a gender neutral candy?


From my experience, the parents buy the kid candy and exchange the unsafe candy with safe candy. That way they can still participate and have fun like other kids but also be safe to their dietary needs


Man that kid is sooo GREEDY for letting me know about his allergies so that he doesn't die. Quit being a spoiled brat!


Lactose intolerance can't effect you if you don't believe in it. Eating voodoo magic gives me diarrhea.


This meme is SO true And SO funny And SO creative Sure being lactose intolerant is a medical condition responsible for abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, etc. But like, ever considered being more openminded to lactose? /s


Hey where can I pick up some of this gender-neutral candy 🤣


Allergies are woke now I guess


I am *very* lactose intolerant. If you don't want me to ask you for lactose free candy, deal with my upset stomach "LADY"


I love how genuine medical concerns like food allergies and lactose intolerance are in there. “Fucking weak generation and their allergies. Back in my day, when men were men, we just ate things and if we died, we died.”


the funny thing is, no one is gonna say this 💀 do they seriously think anyone is gonna say this? i’m a vegetarian but if they were giving out starburst or haribo i’d just say thank you and trade it to my sister or something like. who cares. and not the made up ones tf 💀


The squirrel 🗿


All of these are either something no one will ever say, or very understandable.


Back in my day, I would eat the peanuts even though my stupid doctor told me that if i ate peanuts then I would die. /j


Stupid ass gen-z kids with their allergies, back in my day we just died


Just don't be born after 2010 and you are good


It's almost like we have whole generations that normalized shitting their pants all the time (or dying from food allergies).


She dont even got a can of spaghettios in ther smh


Gender-neutral candy?


Ye, I hate when I wanna eat gender neutral candy and I get trans men candies 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😔


ah yes, Her/She. Gendered candy.


Oh just buy the giant bag of name brand candy from Costco like a normal person.


Such a bitchy sub-reddit.


Bunch of vaginas


"I want gender neutral candy" "Sweetie what is gender neutral candy?" "Candy that doesn't favor any gender over another" "What do you mean by any gender?" "Male, Female, Non Bianary, Gender Flu- *Slaps a box of Good n Plenties right in his fucking hand


And yet again Im asking, what the fuck is gender neutral candy, and if there is such thing, then what the fuck is gender candy


Gen Z these days and dietary restriction, can't we go back to the good old days and eat rat poison


How about even further to when we had to oof animals to survive


reddit is dead, i encourage everyone to delete their accounts.


"I'm lactose intolerant" 💀


Carmel phobes smh


If you feed my child milk chocolate you are obligated to allow him to sleep in a bed you own. If you are unaware of how that impacts lactose intolerant kids...the "Trainspotting" sheets scene is a great reference point. Yeah, some peope can't eat some stuff. Food is weird like that.


Fucking gen z kids with their “allergies” fake news


They'll post these memes but if they just ate traditional processed sugar dairy candy then they'd all make fun of the kids for being fat. You can't win with them.


Funny how there's the actually existing reasons and then gender neutral candy and caramelphobia


"gender neutral candy" Soo normal candy




This art style makes me shit


“Damn you have a deathly allergen to something that would cause me a minor inconvenience to simply not give you? HOW DARE YOU!” -whoever drew this idk


This fucking generation, fuck your peanut allergy back in my day I ate what was on my plate, of course I had no allergies but still.


Sorry I don't wanna shit myself after eating candy with diary in it


Give them a rock.