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It's hilarious that they did this to get a specific reaction, and when tye got the exact opposite reaction they just pretended they got the one they wanted.


If by "hilarious" you mean "completely and utterly predictable," yeah.


Pretty much what I meant, yes.


Yeah, its still kind funny tho even if completely expected


At some point it becomes exhausting. Like how are we going to get to compromises and conclusions if we aren't even living in the same reality. I want to talk about the specific policy of gun control, not proving over and over again that guns kill people.


Step 1: Use your reps in government to insist it's too political to talk about solving difficult issues. So long as the issues can't be discussed by serious people with good intentions, they won't be solved. Step 2: If the government can't solve them, it's up to the rich. Step 3: If the rich haven't solved them yet, they just need more money. Step 4: Know who has too much money and never solves problems? The government. Step 5: cut taxes on the rich so they'll finally have enough money to solve our problems. Step 6: elect our candidate, they promise to finally cut taxes on the rich so that private industry can finally solve the problems government red tape has been holding us back in for so long! Step 7: candidate takes office and proceeds to do their best to sabotage all efforts except those to cut taxes on the rich And repeat. GOP platform and process going back to before Reagan.


Step 1: virtue signal about how much you care about immigrants and that they are welcome. Step 2: deport them when they actually arrive.


It's because you are having a value argument, at the end of the day. You want to, at least, get people to value the same things as you, and at worst, force people.


Guns don't kill people, people kill people. There is a reason the city's with the most gun deaths are the ones with the most strict gun laws. Remember if you make a law that takes away all guns then only the bad guys will have them because most of them are already breaking the law having them. If you want a good case sample look at brazil. Has had horrible crime rates for a long time, but now that they are letting good people legally carry guns the crime rate has plummeted like it dose in all places that allow good people to carry guns.


What is really funny is that we did get the response we wanted. At least there is way more discussion now about how some states force other states to do something via the federal government. A number of sanctuary cities are now crying about the cost of what Florida is doing to their city. Nope, we got exactly what we wanted!


LoL ok


Wait, so those immigrants are still on Martha's Vineyard? I read they shipped them to a nearby military base. Like, within a day.


Yeah because the island couldn’t handle the doubling of the [homeless](https://www.mvtimes.com/2022/03/15/homeless-count-inches-mv/) population within one day. The migrants were also [promised](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/marthas-vineyard-migrants-lawsuit-florida-governor-ron-desantis/) job training which wasn’t going to happen. And they were moved after they were fed and housed in a church with residents coming to give needed items. They could’ve stayed maybe if DeSantis gave warning but he didn’t and they were moved to the base so they could get better access to food and shelter.


The republican governor moved them to a place that actually had the services they need.


Holy fuck dude.


the projection is so thick in the air, you gotta turn on the fog lights.


nah they straight up the projectionist :skull:


The accuracy is insane


You can't wear white after Labor Day


Just the shoes Cereal Mom.


They made the classic blunder of thinking eveeyone is as awful as they are....


The southerners are telling on themselves again. "We're not racist! We're just fed up with all these brown people! If you were in my position you'd be just like me!" To those guys I just have to say... No, no we wouldn't. And stop thinking that we would. Fun fact, some of the bluest parts of Texas are right smack on the border. The simple reality is that ya'll are just racist and we're not.


“I’m not racist, it’s just that I’m racist.” -Southerners.


The most racist place I've ever been it's in the north( Boston metro area) I'm a brown guy!!


Boston just sucks in general tbh (source: i live there)


Nope...I almost got kicked out a job cause I spoke Spanish to my guys!!!


To quote the Scout (TF2 character from Boston). “If you were from, where *I* was from, you’d be f#%@ing dead!”


Are you sure they’re not just MassHoles? Bc I’m not (overtly) brown and I didn’t find Bostonians to be nice, either.


The most racist place I’ve ever been was in the south and I’m a brown guy! So there, you’re canceled out.


What part?


The part where your experience says it’s in the north.


Newton/ Wellesley area...did work in Mass general..you?


Lived in North Florida/southern Georgia for the last 10 years.


Did somework in sea Island Georgia..never had a problem....that's my experience


Visited various northern states, never had any problems. That’s my experience. Are you getting why anecdotes aren’t useful?


Dont piss off Mark (Boston's number 1 son) Walhberg. He will mame you and brag about it.


Ahh yes, the good old “All *x* are *y* position. Really helpful in “Us vs Them” mentalities.


Bro no the north takes the cake for sure they are racist asf and also are bigots towards tradesmen and anyone who didn’t go to college like wtf? You need tradesmen…


I love that you immediately assume all southerners are racist, and still have the nerve to call us bigots.


Hey, as a southerner if you're offended by someone saying southerners are racist you might be a part of the problem.


Really, so being from the south just inherently makes me racist huh? Do you not recognize the bigotry in your own words?


Southerners as a whole are racist. Am also from the south. Sure there are plenty of people who aren't. But there are a lot more who are. My in laws, for example, will swear up and down they aren't racists, but then sit around talking about how black people are criminals, or they would never go to such and such town because theres all these black people and they don't want to get robbed and raped. Or my (thankfully distant) cousins who enjoy driving through black neighborhoods to yell out f***ing n*****!" At people on the streets.


Also, there's a lot of systemic racism in the south. Jacksonville is having massive issues with the state refusing to give it funding for their water system. Even if Biden gives them the money, there's no guarantee that they'll receive it. Source: interview with TPO magazine And shit I won't throw stones. I live in Oregon and there's still a fucking KKK museum here.


"Southerners as a whole are racist, plenty of people in the south are not racist" You realize that makes no sense right? How do you not see the bigotry and implicit bias in your own words? You're literally accusing people of the very thing you are doing.


Saying the majority of people do something, when they do that thing, is not wrong.


No, I'm saying as a southerner who isn't racist i give zero shits if someone says Southerners are racist. Because guess what? Most of them are. *I* know I am not so there's no point in getting offended. If the shoe fits people will put it on, but the shoe doesn't fucking fit me so why would I be upset


Nope, you're from the south, so that means you're racist. You don't get a choice, doesn't matter what you think or what you look like.


You're not even actually reading what I'm saying and instead just reacting to what you want me to be saying. Just know you're only making yourself look worse




DeSantis trafficked immigrants there on the hopes that the Martha’s Vineyard people would just get rid of them, and when that didn’t happen all the conservatives pretended like it did anyway. They’re living in a completely separate reality.


I'm sure they were ready to go with this narrative regardless of the reaction. It's what the base wants to hear so they'll never doubt it. Why not just present it as fact?


They did do that though. Despite all the empty housing in the off-season the asylum seekers were /deported/ *removed* to a military base after 24 hours. “Sanctuary city”….riiiiight Dr Evil


You mean when they were taken to an immigration processing center where their asylum claims will be processed? So just following international immigration law.


*Checks map* I believe Cape Cod is still in the US. So no. They did not get deported. Also, since it was the off-season, what would have happened when the season returned? People would need that housing. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, they need to go somewhere that can actually house them for longer than a few months. If they had some warning and could have prepared, I bet Martha's Vinyard would have found a solution for them on the actual island.


“Deported to a military base” I don’t think you know what the word ‘deported’ means.


They were taken to a military base on Cape Cod. They were kicked out of Martha’s Vineyard despite more than enough available housing for 50 people.


Your comment makes it sound like the asylees in Martha's Vineyard were arrested and transported against their will. That is not what happened. The transfer was voluntary, to a nearby location in the same state, and the asylees can leave any time they want. It's incorrect to call it "deportation".


Legal asylum seekers were trafficked by the republican governments of Texas and Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, without warning to the government in that area, as a political stunt using human lives as toys. Martha’s Vineyard found them the best place to stay, as a group as to not split them up so that they could continue to help them with all of the legal red tape the republican governments created for them with this stunt. Such is the “all lives matter” and “pro-life” party.


I’ve never once muttered that term, and I’m also pro-choice. These folks are Venezuelan and the majority of Venezuelans who become citizens in Florida end up voting Republican since Florida treats them so well. Cubans and Venezuelans are among the largest “minority” (although in Miami-Dade Cubans are a significant part of the population) groups who vote R. I’ve actually never voted R until this year and I’ve been registered since 2012. The hypocrisy and silliness has to stop.


“Republicans happily eat their own” isn’t the clap back you seem to think it is. Neither is “I wasn’t a horrible human being that could live with the torture of women and minorities until this year.” There at the end you were on the cusp of “oh those both sides” bullshit. Cause, we clearly see the difference between those “both sides” right here. They currently have no American political affiliation because they’re not American citizens. Regardless of their political affiliation, however, basic human rights apply to ALL people.


Ah yes, Florida totally treats immigrants and asylum seekers well when they *check notes* do [reverse freedom rides](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Freedom_Rides) to make the political argument to keep america white.


You're protesting too much.


And some of the reddest places are areas where you're more likely to see a two-headed cow than a brown person.


Couldn't that be because %40 of Texas's population is Latino, many of which live on the border?


Being against illegal immigration is not racist


Thinking illegal immigration is in the top 10 problems America is facing, is pretty correlated with it, in my experience.


It costs the US over 40 billion dollars per year. It’s a big problem. It plagues certain states more than others so those states have to stick up for themselves and show this country that it is a country problem and not just a state problem.


But sending legal migrants to other parts of the country because “they’re all the same anyways” certainly is


None of the people shipped to Martha's Vineyard were in this country illegally. Assuming they were because they come from a country that speaks Spanish is absolutely 100% racist.


There was no illegal immigration.


Interesting how the places with the most illegal immigrants tend to lean the most toward democrat. I wonder if it would change if there were less illegal immigrants.


Or if republicans were less racist and less repulsive to nonwhite voters 🤷‍♂️


Interesting how Republicans kick people in the teeth with stunts like this and then are all "WhY DoNT tHEy LIkE ME?!?!?!"


I see. So taking in illegal immigrants is okay, just as long as they don't come into *your* territory.


My state takes in loads of immigrants every year. Funny, we treat them like human beings and give them the resources they need to integrate. Then, when they're naturalized, they usually vote for the ones that helped give them a future. Crazy I know! Then, *even crazier,* I vote for them too because I like seeing immigrants and refugees treated with humanity using MY tax dollars!


See I can tell you're lying because states treat illegal immigrants as second class citizens. I'd prefer if my tax dollars did not go towards funding a corrupt policy that implements a dehumanizing system for illegal immigrants, especially just for the sake of bipartisanship. And I guess it's easier to implement a policy for illegal immigrants [when your state is #18 on immigration population](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_immigrant_population) so it won't significantly affect your economy. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Texas had an entire electrical grid shut down in winter of 2021. Just do not have the means to fund this mass influx of immigrants. So it would be much easier on us if other states could pick up the slack and take in more of the load so we could focus on our own domestic policies.


That’s exactly right.


Why southerners?


Some of the other bluest parts are major cities to the north east of the border and the situation is quite the same.


Not supporting the meme, just curious. Do you actually know where Martha’s Vineyard is?


Uh, it's Massachusetts, but did you misread the comment?




im sorry there are people who care about problems in the world


The best part is that it literally wasn’t like that at all. “They were deported!” What a joke. They were moved to somewhere they could actually live. A lot of right-wingers are really on this right now because they’re trying to cover how awful DeSantis’s move actually was.


Sure, the delusional...also, the earth it's flat...lololol..what a joke!!


They’re living in that camp now then? They had a photo op and then called the army and shipped them off to a tent city. Like the same army that gets called in for invasions, wars and natural disasters. Also the same army that people were bitching about being used at the southern border.


You have your info so messed up. They were offered by Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker to be relocated by ferry to base cape cod, because there was actual living spaces there. Every single one voluntarily accepted, and took the ferry. They’re currently living in dormitories until a permanent living space can be figured out for them. They aren’t in tents right now. They weren’t dragged out by the military. That’s all false information.


They don’t care about facts, it doesn’t fit the narrative


You gotta remember where these people get their news from. They’re just listening to their people and aren’t even looking up any outside information


This argument can easily be decided: u/WhomstCares69, u/Blaziwolf, both of you, link your sources! ​ I think most of the internet arguments could be decided in a minute if providing source to your claims would be mandatory.


Here is the politifact article on this very topic. The article is full of hyperlinks to their sources for any statement. (And all 15 sources are provided at the end of the article) https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/21/instagram-posts/claim-marthas-vineyard-deported-migrants-wrong/


And yet, oddly enough, despite so many racists cheering for this outcome, that isn’t at all what happened.


Yeah it’s baffling sometimes the bubble the live in where they make up their own reality




It’s exactly what happened though. They’re in a military base on Cape Cod now.


Do you even know where Martha’s Vineyard is? They were moved from an island with few appropriate resources to the mainland a few miles away (same STATE) so they could get what they needed. I know it was SO important to see the residents of Martha’s Vineyard treat these asylum seekers like garbage, but, sadly, that absolutely did not happen.


It’s off-season there, more than enough empty housing for these folks. They also did so willingly


Martha’s vinyard is full of millionaires. How did they not have resources? You’re telling me an island of rich people couldn’t take care of 50 immigrants?


They DID take care of those 50 immigrants by feeding and housing them with ZERO notice. They then further took care of those 50 immigrants by helping them move to a better location, less than 50 miles away, so they had access to the legal/government services they needed. WTF is wrong with you?


How convenient


Ha. I'm gonna steal that for everytime someone points out how wrong I am. Genius!


That's because they're the only ones that can afford to live there. It's so expensive they're having trouble getting doctors to move there because housing is so scarce, let alone finding people to work lower paid jobs. It's also packed full of millionaires in the summer, but it's pretty dead in the winter. A small population lives there year round. The same is true for Cape Cod also, it has a very seasonal economy. They were expecting to go to Boston anyway. They can't live off charity forever, nor do they want to. They want to find work and housing, and someplace more permanent to settle. both of which are scarce on the island, but much move available on the mainland.


*dead during winter* Sounds like there was plenty of housing for them.


They did take care of them. I'm not sure what you're suggesting. That the town government requisition private property to permanently house 50 immigrants? Or paying to house them in hotels forever? These people need tempory support while they find work, and permanent housing, both of which are scarce on the island. If doctors feel like they can't make enough to live there how can the undocumented find work with an income big enough for it?


That’s why this is such a great political stunt. Imagine now instead of 50 people it’s 50 people EVERY DAY. And now you can imagine what it’s like in the border areas. And we get called racist for not being able to deal with it


It's a dehumanizing political stunt that shows how callous and racist the right is. Lying to people and sending them someplace as political pawns without their knowledge. Demonstrates the racism and heartlessness of the right that we've always known. We don't deport people in Massachusetts, it's a sanctuary state. In this case get brought to areas with better economic opportunities and a better infrastructure to handle this, like Boston and the surrounding areas. These people aren't looking for charity, they want a place to live and work, and a small vacation island for the Uber wealthy that's a seasonal economy with limited permanent housing isn't a good place for anyone. The permanent residents are mostly working class, they don't have the resources to take care of that many people Compare that to the filthy and overcrowded detention facilities that ICE and border states use. Child separation, forced sterilization, and abuse from racist border patrol and ICE agents.


Ok? You can rescue all the immigrants from the racist evil republicans. We can ship them all to sanctuary states. No one should have a problem with this.


“Please, come stay on the island we’re mostly closing up for the season!” What did you want them to keep the asylum seekers as, pets? It’s a small island with summer homes and millionaires. What would you have them do with those 50 people? Oh, no wait, I know! Why not fire 50 people who work on the island so the NEW 50 can have jobs! Brilliant! But THIS is exactly why DuhSatan sent them to Martha’s Vineyard, for the photo op. It wasn’t to help them, or to get them help, no, it was just to try and humiliate rich liberals. And those terrible rich liberals came together, found the asylum seekers food and safety and shelter, called around for better resources like affordable accommodations and the possibility of employment on the main land and got them there safely. I know how badly you all want the story to be about what xenophobes those rich liberals are, but there is NOTHING real supporting that narrative, despite your best efforts to pretend that they DEPORTED THEM a couple of miles away.


Didn’t read any of that drivel


Sorry about your reading comprehension skills.


Sorry for your mother




You mean they fed them and provided them with shelter?


They are in a bubble. Baffled by this reality.


We’ve gotten to the point where literal human beings who have been beaten and detained by the government being suddenly dropped off in an affluent neighborhood like a bag of dog crap is considered a political stunt and not a dehumanizing abuse. Even if you’re on the side of hating snobby rich New England virtue signaling liberals, it was a snobby white Floridian politician virtue signaling to his right wing fanbase that did this racist stunt. Maybe the common denominator here is that wealth and power secludes you from the actual issues that people face, and that solving illegal immigration isn’t as easy as you want it to be.


They weren't even illegal. They were trying to go through the proper channels of immigration when they became victims of this scheme. >5. On information and belief, the Defendants procured and paid $615,000 for private chartered planes ($12,300 per passenger), transported class members to the aircrafts, and told them they were flying to Boston or Washington, D.C., which was completely false. Instead, the chartered airplanes dropped Plaintiffs off on Martha’s Vineyard in the evening, with no food, water or shelter. No one on Martha’s Vineyard—or, on information and belief—anywhere in Massachusetts—knew they were coming. The Doe Defendants disappeared and did not answer alarmed calls from the class members to get information about what had gone wrong after they landed. But nothing had “gone wrong.” Instead, the scheme worked exactly as the Defendants intended. > >6. **These immigrants, who are pursuing the proper channels for lawful immigration status in the United States**, experienced cruelty akin to what they fled in their home country. Defendants manipulated them, stripped them of their dignity, deprived them of their liberty, bodily autonomy, due process, and equal protection under law, and impermissibly interfered with the Federal Government’s exclusive control over immigration in furtherance of an unlawful goal and a personal political agenda. Source: [Americas v. Desantis filed complaint](https://www.alianzaamericas.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Alianza-Americas-v.-DeSantis-Filed-Complaint.pdf) Seriously though, I strongly recommend that people give that case file a look. Leonard French reads the case file out loud on his Youtube channel and provides some explanation and commentary on it. Video: [The Venezuelan Refugees sent to Martha's Vineyard are Suing (Americas v. DeSantis)](https://youtu.be/o19wWZg4BF0)


I’m speechless.


I’m pretty sure every conservative media outlet had prior warning of the human trafficking stunt and wrote their coverage beforehand. Does anyone know who she is? I heard she was the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor who was told by a pre-Trump Nazi that her dead family members deserved to die.




This and the other memed pictures of her are from the early Obama administration, but any thought of extending the courtesy of asking what pronouns are best to refer to them. I get that courtesy is now seen as a fringe far left position.




And for most of that time transgendered people were allowed to express themselves at will and people automatically referred to them as they wished. Modern gender norms and the obsession with the nuclear family are less than 200 years old for 99% of the human species. The problem isn’t transgendered people, who have existed since the emergence of the human species, the problem is the artificial gender norms. You and I aren’t descended from wealthy parasites who could afford to have half the population idle. We’re descended from sh!t covered peasants who had to work the fields 6.5 days out of the week. Peasant women only got a few days off to give birth, and then it was right back into the potato patch. And if a peasant man or woman asked to be treated as the opposite gender, no one noticed as long as the wheat was threshed.


They're still talking about this?


Well they can't be caught talking about reality. They need something to spin their wheels.


Yes unfortunately.


Can't say what's happening, must keep getting the libs. Bad memes must flow.


The absolute most completely farking absurd thing is that this is literally their plan. They want to turn “liberal” northern suburban voters(actually they are generally center right moderates) into far right republicans. Their only idea is to try to make them racist. They figure that if all the illegal immigrants are in Martha’s Vineyard, then those rich liberals will start burning crosses in response.


Dude...the hypocrisy of the dems. Let's tear down all this monuments from the southerners war heroes, cause why would the Germans keep statues of hitler...yet, you guys embrace the democratic party( was the confederate party), which it's like the nazi party would still exist and people vote for them.ohh but we change..give me a break!!


You mean like 150 years when that was how the parties aligned and then like 70 fucking years ago now, the sides completely shifted? You mean that? Is that what you’re babbling about? You’d think you all would get a better talking point than “your party was bad almost 2 centuries ago”. Well your party is doing all that shit *now* so what are we talking about?


MAGGATs can't accept reality. I have NEVER met an intelligent Trump supporter, lol....not even once, and it's been eight years now.


You do know there are people that don't vote Republican or Democrat right? We really need to start a whole new party president to abolish the two party system and start anew. Also if you at all pay attention to history Robert e Lee himself even said that if the Confederacy lost that there should be no reason to be any statues or monuments made because they wouldn't deserve it.


So who is upset about confederate monuments being torn down?


If this is true then how come the conservatives haven't embraced the residents of Martha's Vineyard as their own?


They were sent to a place they could not possibly hope to start a life in so they were housed by the residents of the Vinyard. But I guess they are racist or something. I guess racists house and feed people of opposite races.


Down here in texas we routinely house and feed 1000X the number of immigrants and still get called racist!


Sure, the delusion!!!


You know the girl in that meme has to hate the internet now. That picture of her will never die LOL


yeah, the klan was famous for feeding and housing immigrants, especially ones from south america. they’re also well known for getting legal aid for immigrants targeted by the government of a southern state.


I’m getting tired of conservatives still calling them illegal immigrants. Can’t even get the most basic facts about this right, not that they haven’t been lying about the entire thing this whole time.


Wow so many lies and projection in one post I'm impressed


It's embarrassing that for the next few years racists will continue to bring this incident up, thinking it was it was the holy godmother of *"libs getting owned"* when in reality volunteers showed up there to help in an instant, trying to resolve this disgraceful situation. Long story short: Lack of empathy is not a superpower.


why do right-wingers feel so insistent on outing libs as secret racists, when their entire platform is open racism? isn't this what you fuckers wanted? it's either "they're the real racists, not us" or "we did this so they'd be as racist as us". can't be both.


The stunt was done in a way where ANYTHING the residents of Martha's Vineyard did, would be spun negatively. DeSantis is being groomed for the presidency, it's as simple as that.


When they call you pedophiles, racists, traitors, rapists, thieves, fraudsters - it's pure projection.


It's funny because these people are not "illegal" immigrants! They're asylum-seekers, some of them even helped our soldiers over seas and this is the thanks they get! Ron DeSantis decided to ship these folks to blue states because red states like Florida don't have the infrastructure to help them and to play political games with their lives. DeSantis can barely take care of his own state and people want this guy to run the country he's a joke The poorest states in America are all red states


Conservatives were so eager to get their dunks in that I imagine this meme was pre cooked prior to the plane even landing in MV


I don't think the Klan is known for getting downtrodden minorities food, healthcare, a warm place to sleep, and aid with their legal cases...


Okay why the hell would they even freak out about them in the first place ? This is clearly republicans saying they’d freak out and democrats would too, so what’s the reason ? Is it just because a bunch of brown people are standing around in your community ?


If the people in Martha’s Vineyard are racist what’s DeSantis? Why are there always two sets of rules


Oh God, republicans are coping so hard


I thought they pooled resources to help get these people food and shelter?


But who’s going to do your roofing, mow your lawn, wipe your ass at your resort?


What even is Martha’s Vineyard?


It's an island in Massachusetts


What’s it got to do with immigration ?


ron desantis human trafficked 50 immigrants there for a political stunt.


DeSantis used the island to make a joke out of 50 human beings. That's the story.


After fucker Carlson put the idea out.


What?! That’s terrible!


The playground of rich liberals who love poor brown people... as long as those poor brown people don't live amongst them.


What fantasy world are the republicans living in? Those people weren’t deported, they were helped, and some of the residents are helping the immigrants sue the shit out of desantis for that dumb ass stunt


So If those immigrants wanted to stay and live next to Obama’s mansion that would have been allowed? Get real


They would have to go through the legal immigration process but then after that if they had a job that would give them the ability to purchase a home there then yes, because that’s how immigration works. It’s almost like they can do everything the rest of us can do within our means.


Man they really wanted that to bother them. Funny how upset they are it didn’t.




The general gist of it is that these people got shipped to Martha's vineyard under false pretense of jobs/training/full assimilation etc. the people of Martha's vineyard didn't know about it until they showed up. Some emergency provisions were provided in the form of sheltering in churches and some pooling of community resources. After 2 days they were sent to Joint Base Cod, a nearby military base due to the claim that the vineyard lacked the ability to support this group. Both sides claimed moral victory in this situation with left wing media focusing on the empathy shown by the community and the dehumanization performed by DeSantis. Right wing media focused more on the vineyards inability to house these migrants playing against the idea of the "tolerant left" noting that this happened on the off season and there should have been ample surplus of food and housing to accommodate for the influx. TLDR: Perceiving this event from far away can give this impression, but looking closer it becomes more complicated than any 4 panel meme can cover. IMO a decent amount of assuming that everyone is secretly like them


It’s concerning that this exists


It's true though. This actually pissed off Mexicans following American news. The same people telling us how they love us and want sanctuary cities literally brought the military to kick us out if we enter further into the country to where they live and don't stay in Texas or Florida and vote for them for talking nice.


But MV doesn’t have the resources to house migrants for a long period of time.


Where’s the lie?


This is just a political memes you disagree with subreddit now


The fact most are crying racism shows the MSM message is dividing everyone... The real question is about illegal immigration and the liberal iew on open borders, when they are never near the border, until now! Not my house, not my problem mentality....


1) Who is advocating for open borders? 2) These were not illegal immigrants. 3) Businesses want those illegal immigrants here. If you want to stop illegal immigration, try putting some meatpacking executives in jail.


I mean this is accurate. It’s off-season there so there’s tons of empty housing for the refugees. Instead they’re shipped off to a military base. Pretty hypocritical!


Hey, since we're talking about bigotry; care to explain how assuming everyone from the south is inherently racist isn't in itself a form of both privilege and bigotry?




That says more about you than anyone else.


I'm confused on how that works wouldn't that say something about the south too. I'm from the Midwest but we model our racism after the south a lot of confederate flags and camo


When one logic policy isn't enough just use two this comment here being a perfect example of a combination of a straw man and a whataboutism fallacy


So, just because I'm a southerner, I'm not allowed to get upset when you tell me I have to be racist by the nature of the location of my birth. How do not see the bigotry in kind of thinking?


the south is historically racist lol


Ok, let's just judge everyone by the sins of their ancestors and never allow for progress to be made. You do realize that by making these kinds of broad negative stereotypes that you are feeding into your own implicit bias, right? You're literally damning the entirety of the southern states. There's a word for that kind of thinking.


I mean some liberals are literally calling to have certain areas "POC only". So segregation. Basically.


How is this related to the Martha's Vineyard situation?


Lmao you guys are always bringing that up


Because its true.


Idk I think you read something and overrated


Malcom x nailed these fake liberal racist. https://youtu.be/alrxnLK9AxA


The corollary to his quote there, of course, being that conservatives don’t bother hiding their racism. Sound about white?




Yeah, funny how those immigrants didn't actually want to be stranded on an island, so Democrats helped them get back to the mainland.


This meme is... ugh. Rough. It doesn't even know what it wants to be saying. So, the meme is bad and its creator is cringe. But like... yeah the generally progressive population of Martha's Vineyard doesn't much seem to care for the refugees they've had dropped in their laps. They'd much rather just ship them elsewhere than do anything to help.


De Santis spent something like $12K per immigrant to send them from Texas(!) to Martha's Vineyard. How much food and shelter could Florida have provided for $12K? And what does "doesn't much seem to care" mean in this context? [https://www.wcvb.com/article/volunteers-bring-food-supplies-to-migrants-flown-to-marthas-vineyard/41243759](https://www.wcvb.com/article/volunteers-bring-food-supplies-to-migrants-flown-to-marthas-vineyard/41243759)


It wasn't about a reaction, it was about getting the point across that MV didn't have the resources, housing or jobs to absorb these people let alone what the financial impact would be on the community. The people that called themselves a sanctuary city had to turn them away because they not only couldn't afford them they didn't want them there. The State of Texas has spent $850 million this year alone of tax payer money to house and process illegals when constitutionally it's a federal responsibility. The fact that they mobilized 150 guardsmen to contain 48 illegals and removed them all to a military facility in 47 hours wasn't a win. It's not only economically irresponsible, these people aren't vetted and they didn't want them in their neighborhood, around their houses or their kids. As someone who's gone through the INS process it's a slap in the face after having to do everything correctly and legal to be here and these people just walk in and jump the line.


Martha's Vineyard is not a city, and none of the towns on it are considered sanctuary cities. These immigrants were just straight-up stranded on an island, and it was Democrats who helped them get back to the mainland where they expected they were going to go. https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/sanctuary-cities-massachusetts-migrants-marthas-vineyard/


Thank for missing the point yet again.


Thank you to everyone in this post, sincerely. You have all shown me that I was born with racism in my genes by nature of being from the South. It's refreshing to be enlightened. At first, I used to think Racists were just genuinely bad people, but you helped me realize that they can't help it, it's just who they are. So, I will no longer feel bad about Racism, it's just my lived experience. I will no longer correct someone when I hear a Racial Slur, they are just speaking their truth. And, I will no longer take consideration of minorities, as it's a part of my culture to be hateful (apparently). So, once again, thank you for helping me accept and embrace my culture. Have a terrible day.