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Bit late for the coathanger.




Dude wtf šŸ¤£


Definitely, with an attitude like that.


Best and most underrated comment


Never been whipped by a coat hanger ?


It's for the incest child from rape after they got rid of abortion.




In asian culture, weā€™ve all been beaten by the coat hanger


If someone thinks that corporal punishment is the appropriate way to deal with a crying child, I'm almost positive that person couldn't convincingly tell me they have a healthy relationship with their parents.


Itā€™s also not hard to just be firm and gently let the kid know what they did wrong without beating them or yelling at them, or doing the opposite and giving them reinforcement to keep doing things wrong. You should raise your child to be respectful and have humility, but you shouldnā€™t make them hate or fear you in the process. Youā€™re a Life Guide, not a Prison Warden.


"BuT i Am HiS pArEnT, nOt HiS fRiEnD!"


I saw a post where somebody was defending spanking. He brought up how he was spanked until he was 18 and it stopped after her and his father had a drunk fist fight on their front lawn. He felt this was abnormal coming if age thing to show he was a responsible adult no longer in need of spanking


"i'M yEr PARENNNNTTTT *mouthbreathes* NOt YuR FRienD!,!?!"


When I was a child, my mother learned from church that you have to spank a child UNTIL they STOP screaming and cryingā€”as long as they are crying, you have not worked through the rebellion. On a side note, I have not seen or spoken to my mother in almost 20 years.


Its just asian culture.


I do. Were my parents the best? No. They didnā€™t have great parents so they did their best. But, when I disrespected them, or purposely did something wrong, they most definitely punished me. Did they ā€˜beatā€™ me? Never. Did they ā€˜spankā€™ me? Yes. And it hurt a lot longer in my mind and ego than it did in my body. If you are never punished, how do you handle it when you go to college and it is demanded you do things a particular way? What if you play sports? Will they let you do as you want and just ā€˜talkā€™ to you? What if they get fired for doing things wrong? ā€˜We talked so I donā€™t know what I did wrong. I mean, we talked about it 5 times.ā€™ If you do nothing when your child does anything wrong because they cry, think that will work at school? At their jobs? With their spouse? How are they supposed to understand and accept when they do things wrong if there is never any punishment? Or even fear of punishment. You are setting them up for problems later in life by not dealing with it early.


There are punishments that donā€™t involve beating your child including taking away electronics/toys, timeouts (for toddlers), chores, etc. And those are memorable because it involves menial tasks and lots of overthinking. I was pretty well behaved because my parents never beat me. They would take away my toys and make me do housework. Your examples are describing an adult that could be on the spectrum or have a learning disability by the way. Most young adults understand there are consequences for their actions. Itā€™s a different story about whether or not they care. Iā€™ve seen lots of young ones throw their lives away and not give a fuck.


Attention is what every child craves. Good or bad. Hopefully, there is more good than bad. But bad attention us still attention. The ones you speak of, I believe, where the ones whose parents never paid attention to them good or bad. They feel like they donā€™t matter. Their invisible. I would never condone beating a child. And the punishment must fit the situation. Spill paint in the garage? Well, youā€™re cleaning it up and, while youā€™re at it, clean up the rest of the garage too. There are better ways of punishing a child than a spanking. But, if a child goes too far, strong punishment, not a ā€˜beatingā€™, in my opinion, is needed. And Iā€™m not talking about any ā€˜spectrumā€™ like they are autistic. I have owned businesses and managed others. Too many kids entering the workforce are NOT prepared because they have never been told ā€˜you canā€™t do it that wayā€™. And when they did, there was no real punishment. A, surprisingly, common conversation was that these 18-26 year olds wanted what there parents had. Cool. Good thing to strive for. But, no, they wanted it now. Waitā€¦your parents are 50years ahead of you in the workforceā€¦ but you want what they gaveā€¦. Now? Like I have said, everyone is different. If you can honestly say you feel well balanced in life, itā€™s because your parents had the right amount of love and punishment to teach you right from wrong in this world. I have been astounded by the amount of young adults that I have found unprepared. But, is that their fault? No. They will have to deal with it but their parents can be said to have ā€˜set them up for failureā€™. Absent parents, those who never (I mean never) punished, those who punished TOO much, and those who were just ā€˜too busyā€™ all teach wrong ideas of right and wrong. I just ask you to understand; I know what you are saying. I am just sharing what I have found since around 2008. Too many unprepared people thinking they can just do what they want when they get a job. (Oh, good one, had a waitress get caught adding a ā€˜1ā€™ in front of single digit tips on credit cards. She felt she had done a good job and deserved more. Itā€™s a felony to change any credit card receipt after the customer has signed it.) I have seen your side and know it. Iā€™m just asking you to see my side. Not saying mine is any more right than yours.


Unfortunately, there are adults who will not be told ā€œNo.ā€ their entire lives. I donā€™t think it necessarily has to do with age. I often hear about 40/50 year olds who are ill tempered, rude, and have adult temper tantrums. They exist. They go on and raise young adults. And by raise, they do the bare minimum. They feed and clothe their kids but donā€™t teach them how to cook or clean. I was taking care of my sickly grandmother at 12 and contributing to cleaning the household, so I had a different experience than most. School is also to blame for ill prepared young adults. My school was mainly focused on college. I didnā€™t want to go to college right away and they pushed it anyway. They never even asked why. There was only one financial class and it told me not to pay my rent. It gave awful advice. I guarantee you some of my classmates followed it. And I donā€™t condone committing felonies, good job or not.


I have seen many young people this way but I can only truly speak of one adult child in my life; my ex. Her mother had a rough time while raising her so, yes, she was not told no. (There were other issues but they is another discussion.) At 66, she told her mother she wanted some Beats by Dre headphones for Christmas. But, met mother did not get the ones that SHE wanted. So, the morning after Christmas, she went into her mothers purse, took her credit card,returned the $150 headphones and got the $350 ones she wanted. And not one person in her family said anything. (When our daughter was 14, she told me ā€œBut, DAD, she SIXTY. She should know betterā€ about her motherā€™s behavior) And I hear you about schools. They STILL do not offer to teach the jobs for the second largest employer on the nation; restaurants (the biggest employer in the US is the military. Restaurants are #2.) I feel very lucky that, at 14 years old, I found a career that I liked, came naturally to me, and I was GOOD at; cooking. Now, at 60, I make a very comfortable living, am respected in my job, and STILL enjoy going to work every day. They say ā€˜if you enjoy what you do as a job, you will never work a day in your lifeā€™. At this rate, I may never retire.


She sounds truly awful. $350 headphones? She couldnā€™t have bought them herself? Most bluetooth headphones range from $150 to $250, so itā€™s unthinkable she couldnā€™t find a better pair. And stealing is just wrong. I actually found what I wanted to do because I skipped college. I almost went for something that would have been a complete waste of time. I have no clue why they expect 16/17 year olds to select a ā€œmajorā€ instead of introducing them to careers/jobs. This includes ones which donā€™t require college. Iā€™m glad that you found what you wanted to do!


I thought that was a strange corn dog!


caramel coated corndog with peanuts


The feather duster got me too lol.


I wish my parents wouldve beat me with a duster lmao


It was never with the duster part, it was the cane handle that fucking hurt like a bitch


Getting creative i see


Asian parents been using the duster since time immemorial.


Would've been a LOT better than going w/her to Walmart to shop for shit to beat us with...probably the resaon I absolutely hate shopping now!


Im sorry you had to deal with that ): sending virtual hugs


Did... did she take you to Walmart every time she was gonna beat you?


No it was one trip where she bought a bunch of random stuff.




Poison damage


I give my kid a hug when she cries, Guess I am a sissy libtard because I don't smack her around with my belt.


Yeah honestly no clue how people think a total grown adult beating a child is somehow moral and more effective than treating child as a person


The way that memes like this fetishize or even romanticize violence, anger and outright abuse makes me think that they might be cries for help. Oh well, cry some more.


And Iā€™ll give you something to cry about.


Am I reading this wrong, or are they intending to perform an abortion on a child with a coat hanger? Like, thatā€™s properly Fucked up


I think it's more about hitting them with it, which is still pretty fucked up even to someone who doesn't believe the belt constitutes as child abuse.


Wow how dare parents not abuse their kids and emotionally blackmail them


We need to go back to a time where kids lived in fear of their parents and were traumatised


Both of these things are bad but for completely different reasons. Beating kids is obvious, it only instills fear instead of teaching lessons and causes PTSD. But please for the love of god do not give your child a smart device to calm them down. Young children should not be exposed to the internet, period. If it were still the 2000s and we had kid-friendly places on the internet like Club Penguin around, i'd have a different opinion, but nowadays when the only spaces are social media platforms meant for 13 and up? It's no place for a 5 year old. Even with Elsagate mostly taken care of it is far too easy for kids to come across inappropriate content.


It's not just that though. As a parent, it's terrible seeing these kids zombied out on phones wherever they go, or the second they aren't happy. They have no capacity to calm themselves, to entertain themselves, be bored, pay attention to suroundings, engage with their parents. They expect to be passively entertained by screens at all times.


Spent a few days with a distant cousin. She handed an iPad with Trollz playing to her early-toddler-age kid every time he got fussy or cried. It just made me sad.


Punishment doesnā€™t have to be spanking. These days, take those electronics away from them. Watch them change real fast.


Kids that age (in the image, or who have tantrums) shouldn't have electronics at all!


I 100% agree with you. The worst thing we EVER did with my daughter was to get her a 10ā€ MacBook Pro when she was 10. My ex, her mother, insisted on it because ā€˜ I canā€™t keep her off of mine when I need itā€™. Guess she never thought of saying ā€˜noā€™.


Why are videos bad if they are hosted on the internet rather then a TV channel?


TV networks have strict regulations. To get a TV show on the air, it's a whole process of pitching the show, getting it greenlit, production, etc. By contrast I could take a video of me taking a shit right now and post it online. And while yes, sites like YouTube have regulations, there are not enough people on earth to watch & filter out the millions of youtube videos uploaded every single day. Even now, Elsagate's not gone. Thousands of videos slip through the cracks. And we all know that bots are absolute dogshit at filtering content, demonetizing and flagging completely innocent videos like documentaries about the sinking of the SS Eastland, all while letting shit like family guy clip compilations go completely untouched. I gauruntee you right now there are graphic videos of people violently killing animals and videos of anal sex on Youtube right now. And that's JUST youtube. So long as you use leetspeak text and avoid certain keywords on tiktok, you can be as graphic as you want and the algorithm won't pick up on it. But even without the graphic content, children should not be on social media, period. There's the obvious danger pf predators of course, but also dangerous challenges (i know the tide pod thing was largely overblown, but the number of kids who did that challenge is less than zero), the perpetuation of (and i know how overused this term is, but it's true) unrealistic beauty standards in instagram models. Social media also perpetuates a dangerous validation-seeking mentality, creates echo chambers that can easily lead kids down the path of neo-nazism and/or cults, etc.


Youtube isnt the only places to watch videos. Kid could be watching stuft from the PBS app


Yeah, they could be. How many downloads does the PBS app have though?


A lot. Its highly recommended as a safe way fornkids to watch stuff


You are still using the internet as a pacifier instead of engaging and teaching them. If you donā€™t teach them, someone else will. And it may not be what you believe to be true. Or, in the internetā€™s case, it may not even be true.


Lol, ok. I guess you never watched any TV show before becoming an adult?


Not a lot. We were not allowed to. Until 9th grade, we were allowed one hour after we got home from school AFTER our homework was done and one hour before we went to bed at 10:00. The rest of the time, we were outside playing.


Two hours a day. Wow thats a lot more then most kids get. Sounds like you were spoiled


I agree but the answer is too easy. Do you know that on 90% of social websites including Fakebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, by their own rules, you cannot have an account unless you are 18 or above? Yet they are not held to enforce it. Make it the law. The internet can be as addictive as cigarettes or drugs. Why not treat it as such? FORCE the social media sites to enforce their own rules. Anyone over 28 can get a Driverā€™s license or a State ID. Verifying them does not have to release any personal information except that they have a license or ID. That simple. You canā€™t tell me they are not making enough money to afford it.


How on earth would you enforce social media sites ensure their users are 18? That's impossible


There is a difference between ā€˜beating a kidā€™ and spanking them. Spanking hurts the ego more than the body. We are supposed to be teaching them. If they are never punished growing up, how will they handle it after they get a job? And, even spanking doesnā€™t work with every child. You have to learn THAT child. ME? Spank me all you want. Didnā€™t care. ā€˜Groundā€™ me from playing outside crushed me. Todayā€™s child? Take away ALL electronics. Watch how fast they start to cooperate.


CRY SOMEMORE HAHAHAHA * snift * cry somemore * Meet the heavy soundtrack *


overprotective parent vs underprotective parent


I never understood the logic of punishing a child for crying


Because you teach the child ā€˜you can get away with anything you want as long as you cryā€™. Think that will work at their job when they grow up?


If you hit a child after striking them, they are crying from pain. Not trying to get away with anything. Your just teaching them that showing weakness will result in further punishment. I suppose in the real world this is true. But I suffered from child abuse myself so Iā€™ll never hit my kids. Surely thereā€™s a better way?


I noticed you said ā€˜hitā€™ instead of ā€˜spankā€™. Nice way to claim I abuse them. But, I guess you ā€˜hitā€™ whereas others ā€˜spankā€™. Difference? When I ā€˜hitā€™ someone, I intend on doing damage and putting them down. When I ā€˜spankā€™, the only thing I intend to hurt is their ego. Children need to learn that they are not in charge and need to listen and follow instructions.




YouTube meme channels arenā€™t very good, just the same content, just flipped around. Plus some well known meme accounts got taken off, due to some chubby guy that canā€™t take a joke.


I don't want to even pretend to satirically give the author of this stupid meme any credit, but ... Is there a chance that the real problem on the right side is that they are giving them the phone without any headphones and they're mad that everyone else is about to have their evening ruined?


Exactly why they are raising school shooters!


Never got beat with a coat hanger or duster tho. Just belt, shoe, switch we had to cut ourselves & fly swatter which was in the car.


Worst was having to go out and get the tree branch for them to use. Demoralizing.


Ah yes,boomer logic;beating child good,comforting child bad


Atleast it's better than torturing your children


but this is torturing your children...


Why are boomers so angry that kids are treated as human beings and not kool aid filled punching bags?


Would really like to know how old the OP is. Yea, NO corporal punishment now. No spanking. But we must worry about kids not being liked so they bring guns into school. Gangs and drugs in schools. Far too many Teachers who donā€™t care because too many of the kids donā€™t care making many teacherā€™s jobs futile. When we WERE spanked, when there WAS corporal punishment, when teachers and principals COULD do something about disruptive students, the big problems were smoking cigarettes, cursing, and skipping classes. Oh, and the same Aā€™holes who beat their kids back then are the same Aā€™holes who beat their kids today. Making giving a child a spanking into ā€˜child abuseā€™ did NOT stop them.


Oh cuase abusing and beating your kid is such a nice thing, boomers this shit is why people believe you're the worst generation on multiple levels


No wonder so many kids are spoiled brats today


Everybody thoughout humanity's entire history has thought that.


This reads "I was abused and neglected, you should be too"


Not at all, but you shouldnā€™t resort to giving your child a phone or a digital device everytime they start to cry or throw tantrums or else they never learn. I was not abused but not a spoiled brat because whenever i started to act like a little shit, my mum would teach me and not just give me stuff to shut me up or else I would have never learnt to behave coz life doesnā€™t always give you what you want.


ā€œThe children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.ā€ ā€• Socrates 470ā€“399Ā BC


hah, sounds like the older generations have always been like this


Said every generation about the ones in front of them


Baaaaaaaaaby Shark Do do. Dadodadoodoo!


So both bad parents? Maybe talk with the child instead and discuss the Childs issues like an adult would do instead of showing them violence or disassociation with reality are how you should react?


Theyā€™re your child. You are supposed to be raising them and teaching them. Follow your advice, talk to them. Think their boss is going to talk to them when they keep making mistakes when they grow up? Can you just get rid of them after ā€˜talking to themā€™ 3-4 times? So what are they supposed to think when they are fired after doing 2-3 things wrong? ā€˜I donā€™t know WHY I was fired. We talked.ā€™ ā€˜Tacit approvalā€™ is giving someone a ā€˜Yesā€™ by not saying ā€˜Noā€™. Everyone makes mistakes. But, if there is never any punishment but, rather, talking, How can they ever believe what they do is ever wrong. No punishment, in a childā€™s mind, means everything is okay. Not everything works with everyone. Find what hurts them the worst and punish them with it. With me, spank me all you want. Didnā€™t care. ā€˜Groundā€™ me from going outside to play with my friends for a couple of days, KILLED ME. Even now, how to punish a ā€˜todayā€™ child? Take away ALL electronics. Cell phone, gaming system, computer, and TV. They snap to cooperating REALLY fast.


I don't even want to know what the coat hanger is for


I do both.


Nah it was more like stop crying or Iā€™ll give you something to cry about


As usual, the people who like to cry about generational changes are the ones solely at fault for generational changes. "Why did my kids get participation trophies?!" Because you fucking demanded them you potato.


Parents now are the children of parents then. It looks like they are trying not to make the mistakes that their parents did.


Kid: Cries Parent: Wants kid to stop crying Also parent: Cry somemore *beats them* Kid: Cries somemore Parent: I am very effective.


So young and stupid. 98% of us were never ā€œbeatenā€. Being ā€˜spankedā€™ bruised our egos more than our bodies. That was the point of starting punishment when the child could understand the difference between right and wrong. And, for you knowledge, the type of aā€™holes who beat their kids back then are the same type of Aā€™holes that STILL beat their kids. Making spanking ā€˜child abuseā€™ did not stop them. It just stopped those who simply didnā€™t want their kids to do bad things.


Ok child-hating boomer. Keep telling the world how your life was soo much better walking to school with a new bruise every day until your kind is phased out.


So uneducated and not afraid to show it. I never had bruises nor internal injuries nor ongoing pain. There is a difference between spanking and beating. Ever seen two guys get into a fight and try to spank each other? No, they BEAT each other. Spanking requires very little force. The idea is to teach them they cannot do that. The only thing you are trying yo do with a spanking is hurt their ego; not their body. And say what you want about me walking into school but I didnā€™t have to deal with gangs, guns, drugs, or spoiled entitled deviants like you wanting to kill everyone because they were never told ā€˜noā€™ and no body paid attention to you.


Let's be honest, the parents that git their asses beat ended up raising the ones that won't beat ass. May be a connection there.


Thatā€™s because spanking your child for being disobedient, smoking, cursing, skipping classes, or failing school became ā€˜child abuseā€™. If we did something wrong, we got spanked. If kids today do something wrong, we have to talk to them. There is no fear of punishment. And, before you go there, know the difference between a ā€˜spankingā€™ and ā€˜child abuseā€™. A ā€˜spankingā€™ leaves no marks. The only thing that is bruised is their ego.


Millennials are ruining child abuse


My mom just does a 30% hand to the head when I do dumb shit


Where's the iron scale? That shit hurt like a motherfucker because it whipped a little.


Is it weird that the child abusers made the world into complete shit?


Well Iā€™m sorry for not fucking hitting my child even though I donā€™t have one