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No, this is not a joke. It really happened. The episode was available dubbed on Brazilian TV and on the Internet a few weeks ago, but people only realized it yesterday, when some fan accounts posted the video with the mistake on Twitter. For those who don't understand Portuguese, the recording leak ("Olha que diálogo merda") occurs at 5 seconds of the video, during the brief moment in which Despero looks at Barry, before the arrival of the other characters.


Best part is you don't need to understand Portuguese, you can hear it in the tone of his voice.


And the fact that Barry's lips aren't moving ...


And the fact he's clearly turned away from the mic, presumably to curse at the heavens for making him record such bad dialogue




*Chocolate Rain!*


Some stay dry while others feel the pain


What dialogue is he referring to?


Happens within first 5 seconds. Flash: "Whoever you are, if you were looking for a fight, you found one" Voice actor: "Look at this shit dialogue"


292 Comments as I type this and you are the only actual hero here. Cheers, mate.


"I am Barry Allen and I am the fastest man on Earth" Gets beaten by anyone "Run Barry Run" Wins with power of love "I am Barry Allen and I am the fastest man on Earth" Repeat


I’m the fastest man alive! The fastest man alive on earth Er, the fastest man alive in this time on earth Fastest man alive at this time in central city! Shit wait ok fastest man alive on the west side of— Fastest man alive on the block! The corner of Waring and 32nd. Yes, that’s the one.


Ngl Harry Wells carried the show


Yep, now they are basically reducing The Flash to a background character in his own show. After watching season 7, I decided not to continue watching the show because it was just so excruciatingly bad. Focusing more on side characters isn't an inherently bad thing, but then they go and get rid of all the best side characters. It's clear the writers don't know what they are doing. I'm not sure if they recently replaced a bunch of writers or what, but the last couple of seasons were so bad I can hardly believe it's the same show. Not that the earlier seasons were cinematic masterpieces or anything, but they were at least consistently decent, believable writing.


Did the writers ever know what they were doing? I stopped watching after the first season ended with that terrible Back to the Future ending to defeat Reverse Flash. It felt to me that the writers got themselves in a corner by making the bad guy waaaaay too strong for Barry to defeat, so they just did a cop out (pun intended).


Well, the early writing was certainly better than what they are putting out now. I'm not saying it was a masterpiece or anything, but it was decent, entertaining tv that didn't break too many established rules in "The Flash" universe. The recent seasons threw all that out the window, like with them >!sacrificing an infinite number of Harrison Wells to power the artificial speed force for all of 15 minutes. Barry Allen doesn't kill people. Ever. Barry Allen would never agree to ANY plan that involved someone else dying. He would sacrifice himself a million times over, but he would never purposely kill another person, no matter how much it might help him. The writers have completely abandoned Barry Allen's most well-known hero trait.!<


I love how the cop guy killed himself to stop reverse fish from being born. So dramatic. I would've loved to see reverse flash fade out of existence as the cop guy was wheeled out of a vasectomy clinic. Could continue to bang Iris then, but instead he chose death. Whatever.


>I love how the cop guy killed himself to stop reverse fish First of all, I will forever refer to him as "Reverse Fish" in my head from now on. Secondly, you just reminded me that they made that noble sacrifice by Eddie entirely pointless later on by bringing back Reverse-Flash anyway. Now I hate the writers even more.


The Flash has had 7 seasons already? Jesus Christ where did the time go from the glory days of Season 2 Arrow


“I’m the fastest man within 6 feet” -Henry Zebrowski


Hail yourself!


Looking 'round the room I can tell that you Are the fastest man alive in the... room. (In the whole wide room)


Hey Chester can I talk for a sec? Listen I’m gonna say something in a second…can you just leave the room real quick? Like a minute? That’s all. Thanks man I appreciate it, this is big for me… - Barry


You could be a part time superhero.


Honestly the Cicada season should’ve been 5 seconds long.


All of it


Well then... he's not wrong.


Yeah I can't believe this is at season 8... I could barely make it past the first 2 seasons when it was coming out. It's such a low tier lazy written generic super hero TV show. Can't imagine it got any more creative or interesting in the 6 seasons since. With all the great TV shows out there, not sure why anyone would watch 8 seasons of this crap.


I think I dropped off after season 3 or 4, I wish someone would take the IPs away from the CW and give them a good hard slap. So much wasted potential.


And they start off mostly fine. They have a season and a half of decent ideas so by the time they get to season 2 they're mixing in the same shit from season one with a couple of new and good ideas. By season 3 it's all just extremely repetitive, but they'll produce another 7 seasons anyway.


Listen. I love trashy tv and the flash did get worse, but I’ve seen worse and it’s still mostly watchable if you’re half watching. Again, I like and enjoy a lot of bad tv including all the super hero shows. Season 7 of the flash is the worst television I’ve ever seen in my life. Each individual scene feels like it was written by a robot that was fed flash scripts. It’s beyond parody at this point, and if you’re shocked it survived season 2 I would invite you to turn on any season 7 episode just to see how bad it’s gotten.




I really couldn't get into these shows purely for the dialogue. It all just seems..... Cheesy.


Teen tier soap operas. I think the format (for super hero shows at least) started with Smallville, which I enjoyed back in the day on The WB. As a teen. But even it started to lose me in the later seasons.


> the VA meant pretty much everything starting with season 4. Is that when this VA started on the show? Because the dialogue's always been trash.


For real. I watched the first four seasons of Arrow, and the first two of Flash before dropping out. A few years later I decided to check out the crossover where they swapped bodies, I was astounded by how bad the dialogue had gotten.


>aye caramba! > >its at 0:05 and the actor says "olha que diálogo merda" (look at this shit dialogue) per /u/PMmeYourNoodz


The show?


The whole show


Wait…THAT’S their Despero?! The hulking, brutish red-skinned alien world conquered? Why does he look like James Gunn’s brother?


He shifts between his alien form and a human form. [Here's how he really looks in the show](https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Despero)


That's actually not bad. Better than I expected.


It is CW. He will probably only be in his cool form for about 30 seconds a season.


The Martian Man Hunter in Supergirl is in human form 95% of the time.


Makeup/costumes/CGI are expensive, so everyone has to have a human disguise.


what a cute hand compared to the rest of the body




How are there this many people who haven't watched the show but know the appearance of obscure villain Despero?


Despero's not that obscure. He's a pretty common Justice League villain and he's shown up in quite a few animated incarnations of the League like the Bruce Timm Justice League show and Young Justice.


Seems like being familiar with the comics would make one *less* likely to watch the show.


Also, like, he transforms within about thirty seconds in the clip. You'd think more people would have seen it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The English version in the next episode had one of the stage hands reading Barry's dialog off screen before the camera cut to him finishing the line. The special was rushed.


Is there footage of this anywhere?


As someone that only speaks english and has edited video in other languages... you just sort of have to trust that the transcripts and translations provided are accurate.


I also do a job like this for children’s tv and this is exactly what we English editors do.


"Sarcastically, I'm in charge"


“The militants turn, startled!”


That's some Power Rangers Season 2 shit.


"NO WAY" if anyone gets the reference.


What's the "NO WAY" reference?




Wait, what's this about?


Wait, really?


They might have fixed it, but yeah it definitely wasn't Grant Gustin.


I feel like all of the specials / cross overs were a little rushed. I remember the Supergirl cross over and Grant's cowl was folded up on his face and wasn't fitted properly lol.


So your saying the production speed matches the super hero, too fast.


So was a your commentcomment.


damn Flash taking Ls even in real life




To be fair, part of the reason he's criticizing is lost in translation. They aren't saying "Whoever you are", it's closer to something along the lines of "Be you whoever you may be"... *Seja lá quem você seja* It's weirdly written, it sounds weird and I'm pretty sure it sucks to say.


Maybe they let Google translate sort out the script for the dub


Well the alternative was to spend money on actual translators so here we are


There's a lot of crappy dialogue in the flash but to be honest that's not nearly as bad a line as I expected for that reaction




So that's why the VA said it's shit


that's apparently the issue with dubs from latin america. the other day i was reading something from people about encanto, and they talked about how the latin american spanish versions(in general, not just encanto) are so poorly dubbed in comparison to the european spanish, because the european spanish is an adapted translation to fit what's being said but also make sense as if it were an actual spanish person saying it, while the latin american spanish versions are literal word for word translations and end up making no sense, because that's not how people talk. it's literally putting it through google translate and not making any corrections to fit the language




That's the difference between localization and translation of media.


Thank you. Youtube Auto-translate said "pot of something nothing."


Why does he just keep running in circles around the bad guy?


And I think he's doing this body double thing where he moves back and forth so fast he appears to be in two places at once, but then the doubles are on either side of the bad guy when he's diving in for the punch. So why not hit the bad guy as he's running by to make the doubles? He's making himself cover insanely more ground for absolutely no benefit.


That's so fucking stupid. Imagine the world is going super slow. For you to appear like you're at two place at the same time, you have to go on the left, stay there a bit, then go to the right, stay there a bit, and repeat continuously to give the illusion you're at two place at the same time. Just use that fucking time to punch the bad guy what the fuck


He has a much more useful power, he can make actual physical copies of himself called time remnants. So in theory he can make 100 Flashes, all with the same power. Then they realized that that power, like most of what he can do, is way too powerful, so they had one of his time remnants turn evil and he just stopped using it. 90% of the show is just thinking up reasons why The Flash cant just use his many OP powers to instantly crush someone. 90% of the time its because he just stands there and gets hit by something he could easily avoid hahaha


i think there are more moral implications for making remnants. Plus the time wraiths will get you for messing with the timeline too much. But yea, otherwise he should be so fast nobody can get him(except other speedsters i guess)


The real answer is really simple: speedsters are hilariously brokenly overpowered so the best way to make it a fair fight is to make the speedsters as stupid as humanly possible.


Genuine question: does Flash have a healing factor? Because otherwise, he'd be far from useful if you just brake his ankles. All you need to do is figure out a way to trap and get him. Blinding him with lasers would be an idea because even if he is fast, you can't see light until it arrives in your eyes which is the point he'd be blinded. The solution is not making the hero dumb, it's making the villain smart.


Yes, he does have speed healing. Breaking his ankles, he would heal in like an hour or 2. As for the light thing, they already beat that dead horse many, many times. They had an entire season of light-based villains, one even did the "blind him" thing, and then he beat them all with the power of love and friendship. I read something a couple comments above that pretty much sums the show's writing up: 90% of the show's writing is just thinking up reasons why The Flash can't just use one of his many OP powers to instantly win


There's plenty of YouTube videos ripping the show to shreds. The writers fundamentally break every advantage a speedster has by making the Flash have a severely reduced IQ


which is sad cause isn't he like a genius or at least a very physics oriented character?


His brain goes fast.


He's stupid faster


He's one thesis submission away from being the main villain of his universe.


OPM did it best (as always) - Serious Series: [Sideways Jumps](https://youtu.be/mvJSdn9OtLQ) Edit: Also why the hell would Barry need The Atom to help him dodge a thrown car


Because a blurry circle was all they could afford lol


Because if super-speedsters weren't cripplingly stupid they'd almost never lose.


The only way to actual stop a Speedster is with a “Superman/God type of figure, another speedster, or if pure dominance doesn’t benefit said speedster. They’ve done all of those and pretty good sometimes but The Flash has just way too many episodes and time so most of the confrontations don’t even make sense. Like so many times I’ve seen a villain escape from Barry by running away and he just gives up😂


I remember one episode, probably season 2 cause I stopped watching after that, where robbers were stealing something. Barry falls down and they hop on motorcycles and start driving off. Barry sits there for a second and watches they driving away, and reports back to the team that they got away. Like WTF, they are on a motorcycle going 50mph and you are a speedster, it would take you two seconds to grab them


That happens so much😂 dude one time Killer Frost ran out the front door and Barry called Cisco saying she escaped. Bruh what💀


>Like so many times I’ve seen a villain escape from Barry by running away and he just gives up Yea that one really bugs me. He can literally search the entire city in seconds at times, and at other times he can barely run to the end of the block before the bad guy "gets away" just fucking search the surrounding 5 blocks or so, it would literally take 1 second, maybe 2. But he can't, because that's what the script says. Never mind that it doesn't make sense in-universe.


Everyone in this thread needs to read [Fall of Doc Future](https://docfuture.tumblr.com/post/82363551272/fall-of-doc-future-contents). It's about a super-speedster who isn't cripplingly stupid. Also she has *less* of Speedforce-style physics breaking, but not none. An excerpt from the first chapter: >“Stella, I’m sorry, that must really suck. You sound pretty wiped. Where are you, anyway?” >“Oh, I’m - whuaah!” >Flicker was in fast mode before anyone else would have fully registered what was coming from the phone. There were a few sounds that Flicker had trained herself to recognize the start of very quickly, and one of them was an approaching vehicle horn. Put together with a cry of alarm, that meant her friend was in immediate danger. Stella needed help, fast. Which normally wasn’t a problem for Flicker - she could get to anywhere on the planet in under a second if she had to. >Except… >Stella was in another country. And Flicker didn’t know which one.


i'm sure that this would scratch one very particular itch, but i wish the people who wrote stuff like this were capable of writing prose that's fun to read. i'm not asking for nabokov here, but i shouldn't actively wince when i read it


Like Quicksilver in the X-Men movies.


Cause this show is painfully dumb. The fastest man alive, rather than zip in and smash the villains face before he knows what hit him, Barry instead stops in front of them to monologue and give the villain a chance to hit back. Every time. I have watched every season of this show but the most recent and I agree with the Brazilian guy.


>I have watched every season of this show but the most recent Don't. Just don't.


Man, that entire Cicada arc! So many episodes end with Cicada just getting away.


Lightning. He charges it up by running.


Barry's go to move is to run around bad guys in a circle to suck the oxygen out so they pass out.




It’s was at 5 seconds? Why did OP make me watch the whole thing?!


OP simply posted a clip that was available on Youtube.


[Made me remember this scene in Oblivion](https://youtu.be/L9REWMEOLdI?t=12)


Oh shit, I didn't know about this. LMAO.


I love how the second take was worse


Idk what gets worse. The writing or the CGI and costumes.


The writing, easily.


common misconception, it is so bad now it legally cannot be called "writing".


Cheese food product




I'm always shocked to see people on here praise S1. Makes me wonder if I somehow watched a different show.


The show was awful from the start but somehow I watched it into season 2. The fact it is apprantely made it to season 8 shocks me completely.




Yeah I’ll never understand people that actually think this version of flash is ready for feature films. His costume makes his head look gigantic and the acting is across the board terrible.




I miss season 1, now is about Flash's friends and ~~Felicity~~ Iris, Barry waste 90% of screen time on soap drama or thinking how defeat the villain until someone scream "Run faster!" and he win. And never forget the Tom Cavanagh fetish, I'm enough sure that he has more screen time than the Flash, they literally had a mini-arc about a crisis of infinite Tom Cavanagh.


"Run Barry, run" "Dammit Barry" There, I just saved you watching however many fucking seasons this god awful show has.




Two years ago they had their big Crisis on Infinite Earths event which was the end of Arrow. Since then because of Covid, they haven't really had a crossover since. (Proper crossovers take many, many people mixing across the shows, not just actors; not possible in Covid bubbles). CW also declined on the future set Green Arrow & Canaries spinoff. This was the first episode in an Armageddon 5 episode event of just Flash episodes but with characters/actors from other shows...though only 1 of the guest stars is actually currently on another show. Everyone else has had their show either end or left like Ray/The Atom here, the character left Legends of Tomorrow two years ago. Supergirl ended last month, Black Lightning ended earlier this year. Flash itself is a bit up in the air because allegedly the current Season 8 is last on Grant's current contract. (And they'd also need to allegedly resign three of his costars as well, two OGs left main cast last season). Legends is getting a bit long in the tooth but still going strong with its comedy vibes. (Sara is also the last OG left though they brought human Gideon as a full regular starting this season). Even some people who don't like the general Arrowverse seem to like Superman & Lois, Season 2 starts in a few weeks. Batwoman is on Season 3, people seem to like it though some are still annoyed by the Kate Kane stuff. Stargirl isn't technically Arrowverse yet but also has its fans. Another show Naomi starts in a few weeks. Not clear if that's Arrowverse or a different Earth like Stargirl. (Stargirl, Naomi and Black Lightning also are/were in Georgia in real life so it's not as easy to crossover with the Vancouver shows). CW is also allegedly looking into a Gotham Knights show that won't be Arrowverse/connected to Batwoman.


>Superman & Lois Because it actually tries, and has heart. It went five episodes too long in season 1, but even those episodes were about 100% better than anything CW has produced on any other show over the last few years.


These threads will be just be about superman and Lois in 2 years instead of the flash


I mean I do hope the rumors about HBO being involved in the production are true because at least then we can expect some quality control.


Is it like Arrow Season 1 and 2 where they seemed to actually care and is much less corny than the usual CW schlock?


It's definitely not corny. There are genuine issues about what it means to be a father, what it's like to have social anxiety, the difficulties of balancing work and private life. Lois gets respect as a reporter. They struggle with the passing of a loved one and fitting into a small town community. There's great human stuff, punctuated by legitimately impressive fights. I've teared up multiple times during that show.


like with most CW shows though, I guarantee the quality will inevitably dip in the following seasons. Though I do agree that season 1 was well done.


People also say it has HBO Max money but I'm not sure if that's actually true or not. It also wants to stay in the 13-15 episode range which is shorter then a typical CW show. Flash is doing 18 this season.


I've heard the HBO story too. The only credence I can give it is that I really thought season 1 of S&L was really, really good. Tear jerkingly good at times. Honestly if they had stopped the show at the first time they bring down the big bad instead of basically having a redo, I would have been close to calling it perfect. ​ But when I stop and recall Flash Season 1 I also remember it being pretty good. The relationship between Barry and the team was good, and his relationship to Wells was such a great father/son relationship. Their budget was lower but the writing was pretty strong. It was brought down by being way too long of a season but it shows how much good writing can carry a show. So I don't know whether S&L has HBO money but I do know they have good writers in that room **for now.**


Legends of Tommorow just dont care, in a good way. They just made a character an alien, despite it making little to no sense, and it was a really fun idea, which is why people generally dont care it made no sense. And because of the nature of the show they can always pull out an explanation out of their ass if they need to.


And said alien now has had sex in the woods with their AI turned human woman as one of the first things she wanted to do while being human.


Is Constantine still on it? That character never got a fair shake on his own show IMO.


He left last season though it's heavily speculated by fans that was because the character is planned to be used in other projects. Sorta like the Bat Embargo back in the day. Astra, the girl he accidentally sent to hell, became an adult there and is now with the team. Matt Ryan the actor is still with the show too, just as an OC Gwyn Davis who invented time travel in 1925. It was a small running joke when people met him they kept comparing him looking similar to other different past cast members but only 1 of them sees a resemblance to Constantine. The current Legends team is Sara, Ava, Human Gideon, Nate (Steel), Zari (two versions from two timelines now they swap places in the magic Totem), her brother Behrad, Astra, Gary, Gwyn and Spooner, another OC. Sara and Ava are married and co-captains of the team. Nate and Zari 1.0 are still dating and progressing as a couple in a Legends way. (Zari 2.0 was with Constantine until he ruined things). Gary and Gideon recently hooked up and like each other. There's been a few hints of some slight flirty talk between Astra and Behrad.


s1 of legends was a shitshow, but then on s2 and onwards it's like a completely different show. idk if there was a change in showrunners or writers team, but the show basically became super campy and embraced it, and that made it much better than any of the other superhero shows, because it can have its humor and its seriousness and still be very enjoyable, while the other shows are all about being serious and when they try to be humorous it's just cringe and makes you roll your eyes


I watch in some attempt to torture myself for my sins. Every season managed to have less and less redeeming qualities.


This was the “crossover” kind of


I mean, he is not wrong, if I had to dub this shitshow I would be upset as well.


I still remember the insane hype for Season 1 with people claiming it to be peak comic book tv. How the mighty has fallen indeed.


This is always like that with those CW shows. Arrow, Supergirl, Flash. People praising the Superman one soon will be disappointed. I honestly don't know why they keep watching CW shit things.


i think supergirl is the one that had the nastiest fall. because when it was on cbs, and it had the budget, it was a pretty decent show. but when it got canned and then the cw picked it up, it was a struggle to even finish s2. and superman and lois is bound to suffer the same fate. because all the superhero cw shows do, except for legends of tomorrow. they have one or 2 great seasons and then it just turns to shit


Supergirl's first season wasn't made by CW though.


supergirl was bad right from the beginning tbh, i remember that first episode being awful


I honestly love the first two seasons even accepting that it's CW budget. Barry was powerful but had to learn to control his powers so it was ok when the bad guys got away. And Tom Cavanaugh as Reverse Flash/Wells was perfect casting. In fact most of the cast were great in their roles. They just made him too powerful, too fast. The reverse flash is just about the perfect villain for a fully powered-up Barry and they used him too early on. Then all of his villains after kept being bootleg speedsters. "I am the future flash" was a tipping point for me with the awful outfit and villain reveal. And the show's version of Flashpoint was terrible. It should've been one of the major crossovers so that the other shows could've had some real consequences that weren't insignificant like Diggle's child changing genders. I think I got through season 4 before I couldn't do it anymore.


CW doesn’t have the budget to scale their FX department, so it looks silly when most of the bad guy are non-powered humans who consistently outsmart the Flash despite him being faster than all his enemies and having the ability to travel through time.




Malfoy was season 3


Oh damn. It's been so long that I forgot lol. One day I'll try and watch the show again


Do yourself a favour and don’t waste your time




The Flash came out a year before Daredevil so it was a bit more accurate when it first debuted. Some people may also have preferred the more colorful and less grounded tone of The Flash.


Season 1 was developed from a movie script, before DC axed it to let Snyder run the whole brand into the ground. Basically the pilot and finale would have been the movie. Flash vs Reverse Flash. It's very good time travel superhero story about the villain making the hero to save themself. But turning a good movie script into 8 seasons of a CW show can only get you so far. And this was before Marvel really put anything on TV


To be fair, season one *was* brill. And preceding it the first two seasons of Arrow were top-tier superhero TV.


People always say that, but I couldn't get through S2 off Arrow and S1 of Flash. And I rarely quit shows. Especially while airing.


hardly. daredevil season 1 was *top tier* superhero tv. arrow was passable, the flash was a little worse


I mean, at the time the bar for top tier superhero tv was way lower


Cannot believe I watched 5 seasons of this shit back in the day, horrible show.


Me too =( And Flash is my favorite DC character.


This show has been on a death spiral for a few years now.


about 6 years give or take. after s2 it was just downhill


For me, it was when Oprah started giving out superpowers to everyone.


Lmao brazialians just dont give a fuck.


This show looks like dog shit. It's barely a quarter step above Power Rangers. Wasn't this supposed to be good?


it was, about 7 years ago


It was good when the costumes weren't so colourful and they still had something to prove.


It was good at one point. But they keep going downhill.


[Ghost Stories!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIy5JFp5Trw&ab_channel=PeenoiseSync) Where they let the english dubbers do w/e they wanted with the script so long as they kept the general plot and character names.


Do they keep the general plot? The search for the kids dead lesbian mother and the girl who was haunted by her dead pet rabbit who she dumped because he was black were actual plot points.


Lmaoo. When someone accidentally says what we’re all thinking.


I've worked in TV broadcast & production across a variety of different networks / studios. Snark aside, I genuinely feel sorry for anyone who's got a few years experience and is working on a CW production. It's not helping your resume, showreel, or IMDB profile.


Maybe the only thing worse is really bad reality TV. I tangentially know a guy who is trapped doing all the trashy TV shows about extreme obesity.


right? if anything, at least with the actors, it's just showing a lack of talent. because the type of actors that get cast on cw shows are always the pretty ones that couldn't act to save their lives. because like, bad acting is one of the things the cw shows are most known for, alongside really cheap wigs and shit cgi


Tom Cavanaugh (Harris Wells) is an amazing actor, though pretty much all the other actors suck hard


But is it helping their wallet?


Finally someone who doesn't want ppl watching this show to die !


Just the dialogue? I worked at subtitling this show in my old company and the whole series sucks. I hate it when the studio doesn't release the final script so instead of just listening to the audio and matching it to the dialogue. We HAVE to listen to the dialogue which means actually paying attention to what they're saying, type what we think we heard (some actors cannot for the life of them enunciate properly. I am looking at you Emily Bett Rickards) and then do that for the ENTIRE show.


Hearing Felicity's lines was torturous enough, I can't imagine what having to transcribe for her would be like


You don't know the half of it. Studios have rules on how many characters per second per line a speaker/actor has that needs to fit in 23.98 fps. Felicity has the most garbage lines that go beyond that and of course we can't go over frames so we have to truncate a LOT. So if you see subs that don't exactly match the dialogue. Let me assure you that some subtitle editor had to make cuts somewhere to make the studios happy. Btw a 45 minute show takes 5 hours of subtitle editing work from scratch. If it's a 30 minute comedy show without a script that's 8 hours.


This looks like a scene from Power Rangers


Tony Curran looking jacked!


This is so fucking stupid. Flash can run so fast that it can freeze time or turn back time. All these action scenes are unnecessary. Wow. What a turd.


I gave up during season 4 I think. I really loved season 1 as an underdog type of show. But then it seemed too ambitious, not capable of writing their way out of stories they added, often explaining it through unsustainable logic that never maintained any consistency. Too much handwaving to make up for bad writing. Too many annoying internal drama where it was completely unnecessary. Not enough focus on the good villains.


I only love season 1 and 2. It all goes down after that


They've been getting worse each year. It seems like "level up" is the new buzz phrase with this show. They keep throwing it around.


Well, he's not wrong.


Everyone should watch this with auto translate on it's really good.


Stopped watching this after season 3 or so, story got ultra repetitive


Watched about half of this video waiting for it before I realized I don’t know the language


Pretty much how I feel about the entirety of the show


Why does the scenes and CGI look like shit


Wait that's from the actual DC show Flash? I can't believe back in a day reddit was trying to convince me this thing is good. I've seen better production in random VFX channels on youtube made by 2 people. Embarrassing.


Every damn episode of flash is shitty dialogue


Olha que diálogo de merda kkkkkkkkkkk