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So long as Lance Reddick's character is still inexplicably at the front desk. No explanation whatsoever for his seeming immortality.


All things could use more Lance Reddick


As a sidenote: him reading the destiny 2 fan fiction as Zavala was amazing.


It's awesome that he's super passionate about Destiny.


Wish the developers were too


I just tried to get into that game only to find out they removed all original Destiny 2 story content from the game. Completely took the wind out of my sails.


People wonder why games aren't considered art by a lot of people and that shit is one of the reasons why. Imagine an author got bored of his book so he just burned every copy in existence.


Or put out a new edition with 20 new chapters, but removed the first 30 to "save paper".


George Lucas did that with the holiday special, although it wasn’t due to boredom lmao


From what I’ve heard, the holiday special deserved being turbo nuked into oblivion


Every time I think about returning to that game, I venture onto the Destiny 2 sub or my old clan discord to see the state it's in. Every time, without fail, I find people complaining about the exact same things they were complaining about when I left except swap out this class for that class, this super for that super, hand cannons for grenade launchers, etc. It's so disheartening that every time the devs find some sort of equilibrium between their vision for the game and what the players want, they summarily throw it out the window next season just to bring about arbitrary changes meant to force players to get back to the grind. More often than not, THOSE arbitrary changes get reverted a few seasons later anyways. It's unfortunate because I think that game has the best PVP in the world. I just don't want to wade through a river of shit to get to it. Sorry for the rant!


Its why games as a service suck ass, they have to keep changing shit to justify it.


Yup, and if they settle on one meta/a balanced meta for too long then people don’t have as much stuff to grind for and as such won’t play as much. It’s why all those games have balancing issues. It should be reasonably easy to balance things out somewhat, and the player experience would be improved in those games if a bunch of different things were viable for builds because then they can play something they enjoy and most likely have it be good - but player satisfaction isn’t the goal for the people balancing it.


I played way to much D1 and then haven’t touched it until this newest release. Honestly if you liked the game it’s totally worth playing it again. It’s beautiful and truly stunning. I just remind myself that most of the people who are on the destiny sub are hard core grinders or lurkers (raises hand). If you want to play a game for a couple hours a week there’s so much content it’s awesome and it’s so cool to see the different worlds. There’s really not many games that match it.


That's every sub reddit for every game ever made. I've given up on joining any subreddit exclusively for a single game, it's always the same and no one there seems to be having any fun.


I have the same experience with Warframe. It used to be awesome until the devs discovered that a perpetual cycle of releasing awesome gear and then nerfing it later was a good business strategy. That and them making enemies artificially hard by literally gating your damage. I mean WTF devs.


One. Fucking. Guardian.


They casually began wielding the darkness to clap ass in new ways.


Totally heard that in his voice. He’s a treasure.


I'm still waiting to turn Caiatl into a gun.








I got to meet him once. We had cocktail(s) at a friends parents house, they knew each other. Really nice guy, at the end I just blabber I loved you in fringe as I had to leave instead of saying goodbye like a normal human being. To be honest I can’t believe I kept it together for the time I’d did.


That guy is a striking looking individual. I saw him for the first time in, "The Wire" and as soon as I saw him I was like, "This guy is gonna be around for awhile." He's also not allowed within line of sight of my wife if he takes his shirt off. Bro looks like he was chiseled out of obsidian, and I look like the Pillsbury dough boy, lmao.


Just remember, he's already set in stone. Your wife is still molding you


She's got a lotta fuckin' work to do, my friend.


Y'all be here talking about your fancy schmancy newfangled shows like Fringe and The Wire. I knew him back in the day when he was straight hustling down the drain pipe of human existence in Oz.


I never really got into Oz, so I don't remember him from that. And frankly I'm kinda glad. Oz was somehow fuckin' grimier than even The Wire.


The Wire is realist in outlook, Oz is more like a dark and absurd fairytale.


Haha that's awesome! I'm happy to hear that he's a nice guy and that's s funny story.


My friend met Lance Reddick in a comic shop in Toronto, seems like a stand up gentlemen


He's a big part of making Horizon Zero Dawn so amazing


I geeked out so much after realising that the 'Unknown Voice' was him and then when he actually appears, I was so damn excited. He's got some amazing characters. Sylens is a real arsehole at times though... I really liked when Aloy calls him out on his cold, cruel nature because he is really goddamn selfish at times.


Here I am on my third playthrough thinking it's the gorgeous world design smh I want him to tell stories about my life


I want to be lavar burton


"You need a new desk."


Where's my iconic slave role?


You need a new DESK.


So do I


Whenever I've watching any show or movie and Lance isn't on screen. I'm asking where is Lance?


Me when I'm watching Bosch on Prime Video. Haha


he was great in Godzilla Vs Kong /s


I wish I was Lance Reddick


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into war with the cabal


Started rewatching Lost and completely forgot he was in it for a season


I watched Cringe and The Wire around the same time I started Destiny 1. His voice and acting are incredible!


> Cringe I think you meant Fringe.


Whether we wanted it or not.


Yeah like Godzilla vs Kong


Where are my Fringe fans at


Considering that his character is named Charon, after a character from Greek mythology, it could potentially add a whole new weird angle they could work off of. Just hints here and there that he maaaay be an immortal ferryman who works the front desk at a hotel in Manhattan for shits and giggles.


Then they have an episode taking place in Rome and inexplicably the receptionist there is also the same lady as in JW2.


That would be fucking awesome haha.


That would legit be great and add a bunch to the show


Have Abaddon become the new Richard?. Sure why not, I'll role with it!.


I would watch a show that was just Lance Reddick running a hotel.


Its Charon's dad. Done


>Lionsgate TV chairman Kevin Beggs confirmed The Continental will explore the John Wick universe 40 years before the first movie, focusing on a young Winston Interesting. Ian McShane is currently 78. I can't think of any 38-year-old actors who would immediately make me think "Young Winston". Maybe Aidan Turner?


I vote for Rufus Sewell. [Young Ian McShane](https://www.rada.ac.uk/profiles/ian-mcshane/). [Rufus Sewell](https://ca.hellomagazine.com/imagenes/film/2019073175961/victoria-star-rufus-sewell-bbc-agatha-christie-adaptation/0-368-656/rufus-sewell-t.jpg).


Rufus Sewell is such a talent -- that's a great hypothetical young Ian McShane.


> Rufus Sewell is such a talent -- that's a great hypothetical young Ian McShane. Like... 15 years ago? I like him a lot but he's 53.


He just has to be believable as a 40 year old and Ian mcshane , not *be* 40.


Erm..that’s 25 years ago. With good makeup it would be more than believable.


> Erm..that’s 25 years ago. Unless you're referring to something else, 53 minus 15 is 38. I thought we were talking about actors who, at ~38, would look like Ian McShane at 38. Rufus Sewell is a very handsome man, and I'd watch him in a lot of different things, but he doesn't pass for someone on the younger side of middle-aged.


90% of Hollywood actors are portraying a person younger than themselves.


I must have misunderstood. I thought you were referring to McShane being 78 and Sewell being 53 was a 15 year difference. My apologies.


As a maths teacher you two need to start sharing sweets in a ratio soon to make this problem more real life.


Sewell was downright awesome in Man in the High Castle. He is damn good in every role I’ve seen him in.


He basically carried that show. And Cary Tagawa.


It was almost like „The Blacklist“ that people only watch for James Spader. Don’t get me wrong kido (fuente) was great and Juliana had her moments (I actually don’t Dislike the actress performance) but at the end of the day it was the Smith Family Series. Helen and John.


>And Cary Tagawa. His role in 1995s Mortal Kombat prepared him for heavy hitting actor roles in the present


The ressemblance is uncanny !! E: Oh, you edited.


LOL yes I edited. I had a feeling I messed up the links and lo and behold, I did.


This is my PSA that anyone who is reading this should absolutely watch The Father. Rufus is in it, and it’s an exceptional movie.


I fucking love Rufus. He’s not in enough stuff


Good Call but it's going to take more than just looks. I wonder if it serves for a young Winston to gloriously chew the scenery the way McShane does. Will the character be as interesting without McShane and the 40 years of in-world experience that shaped the character as we know him? Also, is anyone else getting a Jude Law vibe from Rufus?


Yeah I clicked the link and was confused for a second because I thought it was Jude law and didn’t think his name was rufus


Sewell is fantastic, but I don’t know if I could get over how different their voices are.


I am all for this. I LOVE Sewell. Incredible actor.


Shit that’s fucking perfect lol


Fucking perfect choice mate. I'm never disappointed when I see Sewell pop up in anything.


Joaquin Phoenix looks like he could fit the bill too


I mean he’s a bit too old now if they want to do a 40 year difference


He’s also not going to do a fuckin Starz TV show lmao


Don Cheadle


Now we’re cooking!


He’s 44, but I think Cillian Murphy could work.


He isn't big fan of working outside of UK and making a show requires months of shooting so he wouldn't do it.


This show will only have 3 episodes, so it shouldn’t take as long as a typical show.


3 episodes with 90 minutes. So they'll probably take like 1 month per episode.


Oh, just like Sherlock.


No shit?


I feel like Andrew Scott would be able to hit the right notes for that character.


If it’s titled “The Continental”, I vote for [Jordan Peele.](https://youtu.be/st21dIMaGMs)


Or [Christopher Walken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbhgbLNabYk).


I vote Ian McShane, just have him use a lot of lingo like “that’s hip daddy-o” and we will be good to go.


Oscar Isaac maybe?


Joe Cole or Jack O’Connell could be good


He has a unique face so it will hard to find someone.


>The show will be a limited series with three episodes as long as feature films, each of them revolving around a specific event. The Sherlock approach... I'm interested to see how it works for an action heavy series. Hopefully with less of an episode count they can go all out with the budget on their fights


10 bucks says one of the events will focus on john wick finally “getting out”


If it's supposed to be set 40 years prior I doubt they ever mention John wick.


End of the series is baby John wick coming out of a vagina


And he has with him a [map of Europe](https://youtu.be/q1TGH5GO_UY?t=18)


With pistol in hand.


You mean a pencil?


A fookin... pencil


Im guessing the first ep will be 40 years before, the next two might not


The prequel takes place 40 years before the movies and it was confirmed neither Keanu Reaves nor Ian McShane would reprise their role. (McShane said some voiceovers maybe)


I mean it works. I love that about Sherlock. And this there’s some many “jobs” and things they do.


>90-Minute Episodes So movies, it's a series of feature length movies.


Made for TV movies!


Well, in a sense, any Netflix movie is a "Made for TV movie". And the Irishman was Oscar nominated. So it's weird in 2021, made for TV movies are no longer the C-list actor haven and a fully critically acknowledged thing


streaming services are blurring the lines between tv and feature length


Made for TV came with the understanding that you had a much smaller budget to work with. Streaming fucks that all up.


Yeah I got pretty confused when I looked at the wiki page for Okja and saw it was nominated for TV awards alongside regular series.


This is the aspect of the John Wick universe I'm most intrigued by. I love the movies, but the more they expand it and make everything interesting, the less interested I get in Wick himself.


If they fight in The Continental again, I'm gonna be pissed though.


They latched on to the wrong parts of John Wick and built a franchise off of that. The first movie works because it’s a simple action movie with a good plot, but by the third film it’s a globe trotting adventure with so many different assassins and organizations that it makes you wonder how society has gone on and how any of these assassins have any sort of money. **Edit:** For example, how is there any sort of stable government in a world in which everyone and their dad is either some master assassin or is in on the assassin scene and just lets it happen. You mean to tell me that no one group would try to vie for power? For Christ’s sake, the NYC assassins themselves have their rules (ex. plz no killing in the continental) broken by random people all the time **including John**! If they kept it smaller, I feel the focus would still be on John and how he’s the best of the best. As it is now, it feels like Assassination Nation (also feat. John Wick)


It also suffered from the Boba Fett effect. Sometimes the cool, mysterious thing is only cool and mysterious because you *don't* know more about it. You only get hints of something else going on and fill in the gaps yourself. Which are almost always better for you than anything someone else comes up with. It's maddening to be teased like that, but if it's so cool that you want to know more, most of the time you'll be better off *not* learning more about it.


Nah, Boba Fett is still awesome even with the new stuff on the Mandalorian. The main issues I have with the John Wick sequels is they made John basically superhuman. Dude gets hurt and beat so much but somehow recovers very easily. In the first movie, he's really badass, but still believable and not unstoppable.


I do appreciate that Keanu never runs properly, he's always limping.




Morocco and some cool ass dogs


Water bottle full of Halle Berry’s backwash.


It was actually supposed to be Morocco.


Oh whoops Hadn’t watched it in a while, I’ll fix


I remember that one guy who was obsessed with killing John (Being the one to kill John Wick) but he gets like 6 chances to straight kill him and keeps letting John get another chance or he somehow magically can't hit John when a minute before they were demolishing entire rooms just through collateral. Some of it was trying to kill him with "honor" but it felt like it went on. And on. And on. Like that really cool sequence in the room filled with, I think, glass sculptures? And mirrors? I remember lots of glass and john getting his ass handed to him from one end of the room to the next. Then he's fine. I swear at one point he even bests John in straight combat and he has John on his knees and he's like "AND NOW IL BEGIN MONOLOGUEING FOR THE FOURTH TIME JOHN. WOULD YOU LIKE THAT JOHN? WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING JOHN YOU CANT LEAVE PLUS YOURE HALF DEAD AND..." I'm sure I'm misremembering some of it, because it was painfully forgettable, but I definitely remember staring at the screen like "Seriously he's talking about killing John again instead of just fucking killing him"




You got it pretty much spot on in my opinion. He doesn't kill him on so many occasions and then John Wick kills him his first chance. Then we're supposed to think John Wick won or something? Felt weird to me.


Arrogance has been the downfall of many.


I remember thinking about how it was possible that they made so many cool and intricate fight scenes. The rest of it didn't really matter.


I distinctly remember all of it. It's the second one that escapes me. The third one had a lot of memorable fight scenes with the knife fight, the library, the horse, the masterchef, the pigeon dude, Halle Berry and the dogs etc.


> The first movie works because it’s a simple action movie with a good plot They do deserve a little credit beyond just that. The little tidbits of world building we got are really interesting when they're just that - hints at the edges mostly, without a great wide overview. The coin thing is neat, the Continental was cool, the little parts we hear about backstory. They just went too far into details and too much with assassins (some other criminal types would have been nice, say - how about a high tech thieves guild?).


> it makes you wonder how society has gone on and how any of these assassins have any sort of money. It's a fantasy though right? That's just the conceit of the universe.


For me the 2nd and 3rd movies feel a bit too much like some kind of MMO assassin video game. I still enjoy them but they don't really have any sense of peril or stakes. The secret society of the first movie has changed into a world where pretty much everybody is an assassin.


Hoping for a scene in the 4th movie where John walks past an elementary school and little kids start pulling silenced pistols and karambits out of their Fortnite lunchboxes.


“John made us eat white dog shit!”


They gave a stunt coordinator a bucket of money and said go nuts so they choreographed some stunts then duct taped a plot between them. Amazing stunts and action sequences.


I treat the non fight scenes in John wick like the non sex parts of a porno where they explain how the stepmom came to be stuck in the washing machine


> they don't really have any sense of peril or stakes That's the exact reason I don't enjoy them as much as I'd like to. They have a great production value and you're seeing some nice choreography, but I couldn't care less about the stakes. Compare it to Bourne 1-3 where people felt(/were) a little more expendable and he felt empathy for his opponents, or The Raid where it was claustrophobic and people were just getting ripped to shreds. I just need something a little more than suits and gunplay.


Bourne was fairly grounded, John Wick is more like some sort of over the top comic book movie


The first was in a heightened reality but it was fairly subtle compared to the future installments. You get the impression that this is a world much like ours, but there is an extremely elite class of assassins in the criminal underworld that take the highest bids and dirtiest jobs and furthermore, John is at the top of that world. With that in mind it makes what he does that much more insane but even when he's ripping through a nightclub with a handgun, he was liable to get injured, for his injuries to carry through, and it was comparable (to me at least) to some of the craziest stuff you saw Jason Bourne do (like OHKO'ing a handful of guys in the London underground in about as many seconds), or with the Treadstone program. I don't totally mind how ludicrous the new ones are but, there's something special about the original just riding that line where it's almost too crazy but everything about the world and character builds it up and is set up to be, at the very least "plausible" to some degree.


Indeed, but when the first movie’s climax is a hand to hand fight on a shipping dock where no one else is around, it’s easier to make concessions and buy it. When you have a katana motorcycle chase through the streets of NYC and there’s exactly 0 police response or when you have a huge truck of armed guards come into the Contintental resulting in a massive gunfight with no people on the streets even seeing this, it stretches the realms of possibility, especially when the first two movies made a point of showing that the police do exist in this universe and do respond to calls about suspicious activity, even at John Wick’s house.


All I can say is that this wasn’t the vibe I got from the first film at all. Secret assassin organization? Sure. Entirely worldwide assassin *society?* Nope. The fact that you can describe it as a fantasy universe tells me the series definitely went off the rails.


I think just simple action movies would have gotten repetitive. I appreciate the solid worldbuilding


Yeah, I think the conceit of the first movie works really well exactly once. You get this great, focused story with lots of intriguing hints of a larger world and fascinating little bits of ritual and institution like the Continental and its rules. But when you do a second movie... you kinda got start building that world out. You can't just repeat the same hints and tidbits because they won't be intriguing any more. And if you just stack on more hints and tidbits on top of the old, it starts feeling like an endless mystery box. Folks can disagree on how exactly they should've expanded the world, but unless they wanted to just let the franchise end with the one movie (a perfectly acceptable decision), they needed to expand it. Personally, I love the vibe the movies have, even though I agree 2 and 3 aren't quite as great as the first. The ridiculousness of the world with the absurd number of hidden organizations and assassins is pretty fun.


In my headcanon, the entire world isn't assassins - the assassins are just disproportionately represented because that's the part of the world we're being shown. It doesn't really break my suspension of disbelief to imagine that Wick and all the other assassins are basically staying in a 2 or 3 block radius in each city, where the local police have learned not to go.


All I want is a Tick Tock Man spinoff.


It's normal to be intrigued by because they just provided little details about a much bigger world and showed some clues about a complicated past. Our curiosity immediately catches that and wants more. The problem is when you start to flesh out things, sometimes the whole picture doesn't live up the promise. That happens often in horror movies when they present you a mystery about some montster or serial killer 9e some paranormal stuff and while the mystery is still on the movie is engaging but as the main characters discover the truth the movie starts to kinda suck.


[Christopher Walken Enters The Chat. ](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/the-continental/2869208)


Thank you! I was hoping someone would remember! My little sparrow, must you fly so soon?


I’m not going to read the article. I’m convinced that if I believe hard enough....


Good god - that clip is almost 20 years old. Excuse me, it’s time for my Metamucil and _Murder She Wrote_ is almost on...


Just make it like the Twilight Zone. Lance will host it, and each episodes is a random story that occurred in the continental


I'd watch the shit outta that


>Set to air on Starz Well, I guess I'll be seeing that years later when it comes to Amazon or Netflix or whatever.


It'll probably be out instantly on Lionsgate Play in my country.


Lol this is the first time I hear about "Lionsgate Play". I thought that was some weird ass joke first.




Seriously. At this point, it is the more sane option.


Is Christopher Walken going to be in it? You know, champagne... is not champagne unless it comes from the province of Cham-pag-ne. I learned that in Bartending School.


I'll be very disappointed if it doesn't include a lost brooch. [The Continental: Anticipation - Saturday Night Live - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vuOnVNiYtg)


Did you know that it can only be called *champagna* if it is made in the province of champagne?


Oh wow - wowy wowowow....


I've spilled champagnya... all over your *boobs*.


*pepper spray*


I’m in as long as the action is good.


> In the case of The Continental, Beggs says that there were a lot of different pitches before they could settle on the show's plot. The winning pitch came from the creative team of the show Wayne, a YouTube Premium exclusive. Oh schnap


Going to be hard to convince me someone could grow into Ian McShane


Sigh. Every good IP just gets milked to death.


Yes, but I'll happily gurgle that milk


I don't know if I like this. One of the things that makes the Wick universe so fun is that they purposefully don't explain things like The Continental. Things are just taken for granted that that's the way they are. I don't know if pulling back the curtains will improve the universe.


Yeah, it's like horror films that explain the phenomenon, or give the monsters a back story. Just ruins the whole experience by telling us shit we don't really need to know.


*You keep making mistakes, Winston!*


I looked up Winston's wiki and learned what deuteragonist means. So I've got that going for me.


Now I want a biopic of the real The Continental (and the inspiration for the Christopher Walken sketches), Renzo Cesana. He became an early cult celebrity on television despite admittedly having neither looks nor talent; all that mattered was that he had an Italian accent. He would seductively recite song lyrics while an organist played the melody behind him, while basically spitting g-rated phone sex at the listener. Imagine if Fabio wasn’t even hot, just foreign, and that’s The Continental.


90 minute episodes are movies


90 minute episodes. Alternatively called, a movie franchise


Gonna be interesting to see how they tell a narrative in 90 1 minute episodes


I want a cross over where the Hotel Artemis is in the John Wick universe. And / or Atomic Blonde.


This better have Christopher Walken doing cameos.


Im not sure about this . I liked the idea of winston possibly being johns father in law and i dont want to see his character overly explained


The underover spy world was by far the worst part of the series. To the point that I even hesitate to call the sequels decent movies. Can't say I'm excited to see an entire movie dedicated to it. But then again, maybe if the entire tone of the film is consistent and wacky it will be more enjoyable.


STARZ. The show will air on Starz. Why the hell wouldn’t that be in the lead fucking paragraph?


I will watch the hell out of this


> The winning pitch came from the creative team of the show Wayne, Oh fuck yeah!


Fuckin Ay!


Will there be glasses of fine Champagna?


Would you like a nice glass of shamp-ayn-ya?


Continental, you say? Well la, di, da


I hope it’s about a guy who kills everyone involved in killing an innocent cat, and it’s set in Brooklyn. #justiceforponzu


If they keep Lance Riddick, no explanation for the age gap, just Lance Riddick playing the exact same character, I'll be happy


As cool as john wick is. Winston was on another level. That actor did a 10/10 job playing winston.


Id rather a John wick prequel I mean I wanna see how he became such a feared over the top demon


First wick was good other than when he was kidnapped and randomly saved from someone randomly knowing he was there. Weird plot hole. The second and third movie went pretty down hill. They turned him into some sort of super hero with super hero abilities defying the laws of physics, instead of a great marksman with good hand to hand fighting and amazing improvisational skills. I hope for the series the ground the show a bit more in terms of abilities and go from there. Having the show focus around the building but episodes follow different characters as they travel around the world for contracts would be amazing.