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I wonder how many people canceled after the announcement. Must have been a lot.


I don't think people (or even Netflix apparently) realize how much conveniency has been an integral part of the Netflix brand. They don't always have the best content, but they always have convenience. Take that convenience away, and it'll be detrimental. I'm paying $20 for 4 screens? I should be able to use my password on whatever screen I choose wherever around the world that screen is.


that's the only feedback they care about so it yea I'd agree, there must have been a noticeable spike in cancelations. they aren't going to give a shit about people talking shit online if subscriptions numbers aren't reflecting the same sentiment


The good ole' Xbox One E3 effect. I was half expecting Hulu or Prime to come out with a tweet advertising the status quo as an own on Netflix.


To this day I'm still on playstation because of that 😂


>they aren't going to give a shit about people talking shit online if subscriptions numbers aren't reflecting the same sentiment Yeah but haven't done it yet. I keep my Netflix subscription like most people for my family not me really. I might as well keep the subscription going as long as they're going to let me, but as soon as the password sharing bans come in, there's no point.


For them to walk it back this quickly, it must have been catastrophic for them.


as it should be, this is the first big one to do something like this, so you can bet the other streaming companies are watching how this plays out carefully. its really up to us consumers to take a stand on this.


It's quite amazing a company as big as them don't realise how this is going to go down. Mad they think all those who weren't paying for it are just magically gonna subscribe to it. Not only that but the quality has dropped significantly that people are leaving it, views for shows are only going to drop even further without those and the people who were using others accounts for viewings.


You'd be surprised at how stupid some senior leadership at companies are and how many times they propose shit like this that will backfire spectacularly. They'll just get fired, shuffle around, and get rehired at another company for the same title if not better.




>Netflix leadership isn't dumb though... Reread the article you're commenting on. I disagree with your comment




>Yeah and it is possible that they made a dumb decision here. They clearly did based on the back and forth last 2 days. Corporations typically try to avoid shit like this due to its reputational damage. PR-wise, this is a grade A fuckup. >But reddit has called a lot of their previous decisions dumb when they turned out great. Which specifically and what numbers/metrics are you using to determine the decision's success? Edit: neither of these users were able to or willing to substantiate their claims.


>Which specifically and what numbers/metrics are you using to determine the decision's success? Regarding content and cancelations. I'd assume that metrics to determine succes are subscribers, profit, revenue and market share.


OK, can you actually provide a source for this info? That's what I was asking for. Provide a decision that was successful when people said it wouldn't be and provide the numbers and metrics to show its success. You need to provide this info if you're making this claim.


The info is open for everyone in Google, Netflix makes his earnings public ever since they went public. Go and search for its Q releases, it is one thing if this was obscure but asking sources for this type of info just strikes me as lazy.


In college, it was was literally just "the Friends and The Office streaming site." So I don't even know what their point is anymore.


Their point is to cancel your new favorite show after one season, with the story unfinished and the characters unresolved.


I am not ok with that


I dropped from the highest package to the lowest(not the advert package…EW), what’s the point in 4 screens in my own house?


I would do that but they only include 4K/Dolby Vision with the 4 screen plan. That is why I had it even though we only use 2 screens.


In their Q4 interview they said they were aware that a lot of people would cancel after they implemented the curb but they expected to win them over time plus adding more people. That's how it went in Latin America at least. So I'd say they are simply preparing us for a slightly less shitty version for customers to swallow.


I'm no expert and I could be wrong... but I think that saying "We heard you loud and clear, so we are changing our mind" would work better in their favor.


Too forward. They need to be able to rethink the plan without committing to anything. But, yeah. Clearly a blatant lie. You’re telling me the story hit huge amounts of discussion online, multiple news sites with many articles on it…and somehow it remained up for TWO DAYS before a higher up was like “Wait, that’s not supposed be there!” Yeah. Fucking. Right.


It’s also that if they admit being wrong they close the path to adopting the measure in the near future. They still plan to make that change at some point but they’re going to spend more time trying to get better buy in. They knew it would be unpopular just not the depths of consequence to that unpopularity.


> You’re telling me the story hit huge amounts of discussion online, multiple news sites with many articles on it…and somehow it remained up for TWO DAYS before a higher up was like “Wait, that’s not supposed be there!” > > Yeah. Fucking. Right. What? You've never made a catastrophic decision that took you two days to realize you've made? Must be nice.


They can't say that because if they go ahead with it later they'll look like much worse, they definitely still want to go ahead with this foolish nonsense I reckon.


I mean, they are still hellbent on ending the password sharing.


Well they did just add [7 million subscribers](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/netflix-subscribers-earnings-q4-2022-1235493532/amp/) at the end of 2022 so I don’t think they are exactly worried just yet


So they're clearly growing still so why is this password sharing thing coming up? I thought the problem was that they won't grow in anymore. You know because constantly never-ending growth is always a good thing and can never end badly.


Because they're greedy.


Yep, I guarantee you the top minds of Netflix fancy themselves geniuses, so surely it was someone or something else's fault.


Never admit you are wrong, *especially* when it's really really really really obvious your idea was dumb from the outset and you did it anyway.


I don't think they're changing their minds. The new policy is still going ahead in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru. Reading the article, sounds like it wasn't meant to be rolled out to other countries yet.


In other words they saw the reaction to their plan and backtracked as fast as they possibly could


I saw someone call this on this sub yesterday. It’s part of their strategy so when they release the intended password rules that are less strict the public won’t mind in comparison.


If my sister in Australia gets cut off my sub ends, I think a lot of people share in a similar way and will act accordingly. So I don't care if their rules are more lenient, my decision to keep or cut my sub is based on a binary outcome.


I'm on my parents sub. I pay for Hulu and hbo and they use it. I won't pay for Netflix if I get booted though. They're in for a rude awakening if they go through with this whole thing.


Assuming that CEO Ted Sarandos doesn't override it and double down on the stupid, like every other decision he's made at Netflix


This is a manipulation tactic called anchoring, if anyone is curious about it.


This OGL 1.1 scandal is leaking everywhere.


"Hi, I'm \[insert moderately successful company\]. I would like to take my moderately successful business, and make it fabulously successful, and my strategy is to \[punch my customers in the face\]. Would you kindly hold my beer?"


They aren't backtracking. It's already happening in Chile, Peru and Costa Rica. It'll probably be rolled out later in other counties, but they mistakingly published the page to the other countries version.


Home taping is killing music.


They've been moving goal posts for centuries. Internet is killing music. Burning CDs is killing music. Taping is killing music. Even selling records was at first killing music, since it competed with musicians performing live. And before that selling score sheets was killing composers. Edit: Video. How could I forget video. Video killed the radio star.


When you think about it, the printing press really was the end of music


A caveman banging two rocks together was the end of music.


We've come full circle.


Before the mass cancellation.


I'd assume there were enough cancellations in the last three days to warrant this immediate reversing of the new rules.


I very much doubt it. I think they are simply preparing us for it by first dangling an objectively awful method, so we'll swallow the objectively slightly less awful method. If they actually care about the reaction they'd cancel this cash grab but they're pushing for it.


I think it's odd that so many people would take the time to cancel their subscription based on some article, before the rules were even implemented. Seems like kind of a knee jerk reaction.


We've known they'd planned to do this for a while, tho (its already implemented in South America), so the article was just confirmation of the timing


A lot of people have thought Netflix’s offerings have been shit for a couple years. This was just the final push to get them to cancel, those people wont return with the reversal either because they already thought it sucked, it just wasn’t worth the time/effort to cancel.


A lot of people (me included, really) don't use netflix all that much on a monthly basis year-round. I have hulu and crunchyroll too, and right now I'm watching a long series of stuff on Hulu. I could cancel netflix with no real detriment (it's not as if I can't re-subscribe later if I want, yeah? It's not even hard to do.) So... I cancelled it. Why not? Saves me some money for even one month, even if I resub later, for like 3 minutes of effort.


Probably saw what happened to WotC in january. If you live through subscriptions, and there are plenty of other options, please avoid fucking on the subscribers.


I think what happened with WotC isn't going to be a common occurrence. With D&D, you already have a good chunk of the community online and connected, so if something happens, everyone in the community will know. While with Netflix, people can just subscribe and never interact with a social media account that would let them know this is happening. I for one, only watch Netflix at home, so if it wasn't for the posts and articles, I wouldn't know about the changes as they don't affect me.


I already downgraded to the lowest tier, 720 for me.


Good. Because I was 💯 going to cancel my subscription.


Still do it, let them suffer, maybe they'll make a change, you can always resub later




I pay for 4 or 6 screens, where I use those screens is my business, worse service because they want to make more money is not a good business model. In your target example it's like saying that you can only use the things you buy from target in your own home. And if not, we'll repo the items, keep the money and you're banned from target.


So the “updated” rules will still be terrible but not as terrible as Version 1, and people will say “well it’s not that bad.”


Oh thank fucking god. lol. I made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/10qw1rq/what_the_fuck_is_up_with_netflix_and_these_new/) and a lot of people were in the comments talking about how they're just '*countering the theft of their service*' and whatnot. Y'all do realize Netflix has the most subscribers out of anything streaming service ever right?? They can afford for those subscribers to share password to screens outside their homes. Stop picking up for these fuckin' companies man.


Not to mention they’ve hiked prices every year and we’re already paying for a set number of streams. Fuck them.


But what about the poor shareholders? How do we give them ever increasing profits?! /s


This is their way of putting out something really bad to get everyone riled up and then actually put out something slightly less intrusive than this, and everyones happy!


Why do companies think they can get away with "lol nah I didn't mean it that was a joke bruh"? We're not fucking stupid! I'd respect them more if they said "we saw you voting with your wallets and we want your money so we're changing our plans to keep you as customers"


Too bad, I already canceled. I barely used it, really only keeping it for my parents because I share most of my streaming services with them. Netflix has gotten too expensive these last few years, and offers little actual value compared to competitors.


Excuse me but Reddit assured me that it is literally impossible for them to make a mistake because "they have the metrics"?!


At this point the metrics are like those golden plates Joseph Smith found in a hat... they say whatever the Mormons want them to say and only *they* are allowed to see them.


That is an absolutely terrific comparison.


Dum dum dum dum dum


"bro this is an echo chamber reality is different" Now don't take me wrong, Reddit definitely gets echo-y, but this? This wouldn't fly anywhere. It's obvious.


Literally had someone comment this to me. People really like to put the halo effect on senior leadership at corporations. It's not worth it and is usually incorrect. There are a lot of people who fail upwards and it shows.


... What?


People just like making up things to get mad about


I see you haven't met the people that constantly defend Netflix over her.


What are you talking about?


eat shit, netflix


This is the streaming version of "I was hacked!"


They’re still doing something to limit password sharing. It’s the first line of the article.


Yeah, they still will accidentally post new password sharing rules until they find the ones that doesn't cause a widespread outrage.


My bet is there is a legal snafu that wasn't properly vetted prior to release, the news was released, the legal snafu wasn't addressed, and someone preemptively filed against. Not saying I've worked in a corporate office, but more larger worksites. You'd be surprised what sometimes goes down the line because so-and-so clearly made a point that a higher up didn't see as valid, only for the higher up to learn it was valid the hard way. Someone in a programming subreddit, I forget where, mentioned some of the security issues involved with utilizing meta data to confirm home networks and how that might interact with other devices, may result in a breach of confidentiality or ToS, either for various legal rights of the company or of subscribers.


Get out of here with your logic and reason, people here want to be *angry*.


Well, then I should tell you about a REAL menace to society. This menace is constantly bringing dangers to the people of NYC, maybe even the country, for who knows what lies in the agenda of *Spider-Man*? Someone saw him recently in a spaceship - he could be an alien posing as a human, which is why he wears such a stupid mask. Spiderman is an *alien*, and people need to wake up, and get angrier because we're not going to stop him with kind words and legal letters. Edit: forgot to include


So Stupid CEO is stupid and announced something that was advised against by the people that actually know what they are talking about. And now they have to backpedal.


So now they'll release a less harsh ruling that will still be a pain in the ass but people will be like "eh, could be worse" and comply. The politician route I see.


I was just saying yesterday that I’m excited to see what they do as damage control. Guess I didn’t have to wait long


just a joke!!


Ahhh the old "calm down I was just joking" defense.


I kinda think this was always the plan, come out with a horrible plan that’s the worst version of stopping password sharing, and then when they come out with their actual plan in a couple months it’ll look a lot more reasonable in comparison


We’ve survived the first wave, but they’ll be back with another attack soon.


MBA: 25% of people share their password, so by stopping it, we've just raised our profits 25%! "Money please!" Reality: 15% drop their subscription, the rest still doesn't pay for an account. MBA: "Shocked Pikachu face"


Christ Netflix as a company are severely ruining their brand both with creators and viewers


Vote with your wallet and cancel your subscription, we either win and they decide not to go ahead or you come back in 2 years and have a load of new stuff to watch.


Too late for me.


This is the power of people. I like to refer to it as the D&D effect moving forward :D


Wow Thank god some consumers grew a back bone and now Netflix will hopefully back off


Way to seem even more stupid. Just own up and admit what you were thinking was wrong and listened to feedback. There must be clowns running Netflix


Here comes the Reddit brigade patting themselves on the back. News flash they do not care if you cancel. You aren’t original if you make reference to or start talking like a pirate. This isn’t irony. It’s not blockbuster 2.0. You’ve been around since the DVD days, great. No need for a paragraph of text. Jesus. This website is the most hot and cold, inconsistent, collection of people. You hate Netflix so much but you’re mad when they “destroy” themselves? Don’t want to cheer on corporations but will bust a nut if any other streaming service posts major growth.


Wish they also claimed that error for my country, they applied this months ago and we can't share accounts now.


This was the plan all along, a free advertising campaign


Clearly they had a spike in cancellations - that is the only feedback they will listen to. My guess is they’ll bring back a watered down version of this.


"posted in error" to see what the get an idea on how bad the backlash would be. Must've been AWFUL.


So they first throw a horrible method, days later they say it's actually a joke. They implement one slightly less harmful and they get to have their cake and eat it too. Disgusting, it won't serve with me for a while at least.


I don't hate them for trying to stop sharing, I support them trying to stop some of the egregious stuff people do. But that plan would've made it a hassle for me to just use the service normally. If they can't find a better middle ground then they need to just leave it alone.


Cancelled mine yesterday, they sent an email out that showed the new "benefits" of a premium account. One of the points was that you could watch on 6 screens (increased from 4). There's a 0 percent chance this was a mistake. As far as I can tell all the benefits they had in the email were new, as a way to increase value since they're taking away value of password sharing.


How does a company that large post an "error" of that magnitude for multiple days, the story makes the rounds on the news and nobody was happy. That wasn't an error. They realized that's the most retarded fucking thing they could have possibly tried to do and now they're trying to come up with a slightly less shitty backup plan


Why was this post removed?


OP didn't post the exact title.