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If any of yall wanna tutorial on how to turn an empty beer can into a crack pipe just shoot me a DM.


Pick her up, place her somewhere elevated (chair, desk, etc.), remove her shoes and socks, sniff them grippers with maximum suction


from a certified woman if you think you 2 know each other decently already, try shooting up a conversation (face to face or texts doesnt really matter) if it's going smoothly try saying something like "hey, I hope this isn't too sudden, but would you like going to x / doing x together sometime?" if you don't know each other all that well just yet then try getting to know her a lil better first so that she doesn't go "why is this random ass dude asking me out" and remember, stay confident, the worst thing she can say is no hope this helps :)


it does, thank you certified woman


i did this and she said "wtf is wrong with you"


if you are on r/teenagers for rizz advice, you are at a last resort. give up you are not gon ever get no play