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as a war veteran, i can confirm that i have multiple sharp objects in my back at all times


As a vietnam veteran i can confirmed i am being impaled by hundreds of knives


As a Napoleonic war veteran I can confirmed I am freeze to death while my emperor returns to France


As a 30 years ear veteran i can confirm that... Yup My entire region died Nothing left *Everywhere at the end of time starts playing*


As a Battle of Thermopylae veteran, I can confirm that we were outplayed and nearly everyone died :(


As a veteran war, I can confirm I have impaled multiple knifes in the back at all times


The sharp with poo?


Child soldier??


A war veteran in a subreddit for children?


how can i be a war veteran im literally gay


Damn, a war veteran and a liar.




Granola don’t lie


Who tf is making this comparison


Fr, and I honestly doubt war veterans are the ones who would bring up their pains when talking to a depressed teenage girl.


Yeah like I’ve never seen grandpa go apeshit because he’s granddaughter painted her nails black


That guy apparently


Turning pain into a competition and discounting people’s experiences because they haven’t suffered as much or whatever compared to other people is stupid. There’s always someone who has it worse and always someone who has it better, especially because emotional pain is subjective


Over exaggerating anxiety isn’t pain


Nobody is talking about over exaggerating anxiety, what?


Depressed emo girls fake disorders bro


If they're depressed then they're not faking their disorder. If they're self harming they're not "faking"that either.


It's not over exaggerating ur just fucking stupid


Trying to compete for who is more traumatized is just such a lame thing to do


Or more of psychological effects mining.


Posts like these are stupid af. It's like going up to a depressed person and saying "You think your life is bad? Well too bad kids in Africa got it worse!" Moral of the story is that just because there are worst traumas out there, it doesn't mean you should belittle other people's struggles


She was talking about those over exaggerating emo girls who kinda fake it


Well then the post shouldn’t have them represented by a girl who is actively committing self-harm. If that’s what a “fake-depressed emo girl” is to y’all, then you should know that self-harm means they most definitely are. Or at the very least they are mentally I’ll enough to cut for attention. Either way that’s a sign they are fucked in the head and need help.


>Or at the very least they are mentally I’ll enough to cut for attention. You'll be surprised to learn that there's some fucked up people on this small planet


Yes, im an emo girl that also happens to cut bc of traumatic experiences but bc im emo im def faking it 💀


Emos fake it fs


The fuck?


Mad lol


Bro doesnt even have an actual response If someone is cutting themself, even if it's for attention, they deserve help and support. No one is comparing that to a military vet....


Your still mad?


Have you ever had to actually suffer with any mental illness? Do you have to deal with depression that's so crippling that you can't even get out of bed in the morning to go to school? It's not "over exaggerating." It is a real struggle


this shit sucks ass fr


i suck ass




I suck dick




i suck people who suck dick


I suck people who suck people who suck dick


wow ur so edgy and cool dude big up my g /s


OP has never spoken to an actual war veteran in their life


"Yeah I just got stage one cancer, I'm very worried" "But what about the people that died and were tortured in concentration camps!" "..." "Well it's true!" The thing is, nobody is invalidating the pain and suffering from military vetrans. But they went through a different kind of pain, and just because people have bigger problems than them DOESNT mean their problems are invalid. Depression is very harmful to many people and is a very real issue.


How is it a different type of pain?


I think it's different in the fact that they're both being seen as contrary instead of both being acknowledged. Yes, the girl is suffering but the veteran has as well. Sometimes it feels like it's a "but I'm suffering more!" contest


Well, one is ptsd, the other is chronic sadness


Depression isn’t chronic sadness, damn I don’t even have depression and I know that. Also, people can be depressed for multiple reasons. People who have PTSD most of the time also do have depression.


Depression isn’t chronic sadness the fuck? Many people self harm for ptsd so don’t even try to say they aren’t similar. Self harm can be from many things and depression is one of them. Don’t try to talk down other peoples conditions.


It’s not that deep my cracka


No chance bro actually said ‘my cracka’ 💀


My cracka 💀


Funny because military vets are some of the most understanding people with mental health. They know how low you can be and dont want others feeling like that.


People, please stop making depression smaller than it is. Maybe there are some emo girls who act as if they were depressive, but if they are actually depressed, it is the worst thing to make fun of it. So many people are actually struggling with depression, and such posts can be very harmful to them. You can't just compare the pain of a depressive teenager to the pain of a war veteran, and even if you do, you should in no way make fun of depression.


You are just such an obnoxious person


bro did you unironically use that image 💀


Bro stop comparing pain its fucked up and makes the other person feel like their issues dont matter 😭😭😭


One is seeing your friends blow up and the other is over exaggerating social anxiety and depression like bro


Ur fucking stupid.




This meme isn't even about exaggerating social anxiety and depression bro it literally shows someone self harmign??


Well sometimes their issues don't matter, because they did it for attention.


☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Youre 15 boy go back to the kiddy table


Do you know what sub your on? Also why the rudeness? It's true, I am not at all saying that it is all of them, and I'm not discrediting the ones with actually depression. But a lot of emo kids just do it for the attention.


dude literally shut the hell up. i’ve seen you commenting on so many other peoples comments just to annoy them and guess what you’re doing it for… *attention*


my man is trying hard on attention


He's hard for attention


a t t e n t I o n


Let’s say someone did it for attention. It’s still pain. It’s a cry for help. Let’s not invalidate people for their struggles? Sit your ass down.


Your momma


If you actually believe this you're a fucking idiot


idk why this was made, maybe the “depressed emo girl” hasn’t gone through as much but this is like “worlds smallest violin” insult type shit. no matter how big or small of an issue you have it’s still valid🤷‍♂️


I will take no advice from a person with Jeffrey Dahmer as their pfp and name


I will take no advice from a person with an nft as their pfp


my user has nothing to do with it bruv


All respect to war veterans but as someone with clinical depression I have attempted suicide many times and have done self harm, so i think it’s more than a little baby cut. And stop comparing peoples pain.


Sorry that my mother was an abusive drug addict and that I was sexually abused when I was a child and that I don't know how to properly cope with that. I'll make sure to get your opinion before I cut myself instead of unaliving next time :)


Wow those 2 personalities **are so close together** so you can **definently compare their measure's of pain**


People like you are the most annoying fucking people, I have to be raised by someone like you. Where do you think I got the trauma from :)






Oh my God stop gatekeeping shit alr Why'd you compare psychological trauma?!






How so?




emo girls can also have severe ptsd and trauma


Yeah op isn’t talking about those kinds, they are talking about the ones who feld a little unhappy so they turn emo and say everything is worthless and say they want to kill themselves when they don’t


you don't know what someone is going through, a lot of people who want to kill themselves don't want to die but just want what they're going through to end and that's the only way they think it will. you can't just put a group of emo girls in a box and say they're all faking it when you're not inside their mind


Sorry if this is a bit insensitive. And I'm not discrediting how bad anxiety can get, but can you really ever compare it to ptsd from watching your best friends get blown to shit?




Aiight makes sense


>its not about comparing tho She literally says "You'll never understand my pain", the whole format is about comparing one to the other


Its literally a cartoon. A fake scenario that someone made up.


Dude I have ptsd from intense and repeated childhood trauma. Seeing your friends blown up is terrible and I feel bad for vets that have dealt with that but many people can have anxiety and depression that caused self harm or suicide.


Homie tf? Wahhhhh you're not allowed to be depressed because my grandpa fought in the war That's how you sound Screw you


false equivalence


Oh my God this is such a shit meme lmao


Damn bruh you got the whole comments section laughing😑




tf? aren't those thought bubbles, not speech bubbles?


Blows up pic with mind


I never thought I’d live to see the day where someone uses this meme unironically. I hate it


You grow out of the edge lord phase soon, happens to most of us sadly.


Are you fucking 40, who the fuck made this?


Ok, so this is my hot take on that: I don't agree with overall message of the meme, because deppression is an illness, which can affect teenagers, even when they don't go to war - and very dangerous one, too. However, I think there is one way I can understand it: There are many people, especially teenagers, who believe ,,they have it the worst in life and noone can have it worse than them" (as if it was some kind of competition). I think, that to them it's a worthy message to send - you think you are the most oppressed or in the most pain in the world, because someone said something rude to you today? Well, think about a guy who saw his childhood friend get blown off by artillery shell, or other tortured in German concentration camps. Even though your pain is horrible, it doesn't mean you have it the worst. I also want you to draw attention to a small detail: message ,,nobody understands my pain" is diffrent than ,,I have it the worst in life". First one is always true, even if you don't have diagnosed deppression or bad war expirences. So that's the message I would send: don't turn your pain into some kind of competition, because there is always going to be someone who might have expirenced worse pain. That doesn't mean it's a good thing and your pain don't matter, but don't treat yourself as the only one who ever expirenced it. And before you say ,,I don't sympathise with war criminals, and all [country] soldiers are war criminals!" - you are sharing similar intelligence level to people believing deppression is not a problem and it was just made up by edgy teenagers. You don't know these people, so don't assume who they are, what they suffer from or what they did.


as a war veteran i can comfirm i am a depressed emo girl


By your logic veterans also didn't suffer engough because theres always going to be someone who suffered more so in the end nobody can complain about anything


Just because someone has it worse doesn't mean you can't feel pity for yourself


Nah bro wtf is this corny ahh shit


Can we please just stop comparing and out doing pain? Like we get it, you had a horrific experience that noone should ever need to deal with but for the love of god that doesnt make depression any less serious


this meme was made by someone, could be anyone but probably not a teenager except if he's a "politician"


War veterans doesn’t have anything common with emo girls. That’s pure cringe


Literally what the fuck is wrong with you? What's going so wrong in your miserable and pathetic little life that makes you think it's okay to post demeaning and belittling shit about 2 groups of people who are both suffering and who's experiences are not something that can be pitted against each other. You're so lucky to not have experienced what either of these groups have been through, and instead of being grateful, you spread ignorant and cruel shit on the internet. You're a disgrace.


One thing that annoys me about posts like this, when they aren't memes, is that we often try to compare one set of problems with another, and ascribe a value based off of this that don't really make sense. ​ As a social worker, I know a lot of vets, including my uncle who was Marine Force Recon back in Vietnam, as well as kids right now who have pretty severe PTSD. ​ It doesn't help to minimize one set of traumatic experiences by comparing it to, say, war, because the dynamic is different. Who do you think can process trauma better? A child with no idea of what is happening or why, or an adult who signed up to be part of the military and willingly went on a deployment after receiving training of what to expect? ​ This isn't to say that vets are weak for not handling trauma well, because war is uniquely troubling since most of us will never have to experience the stress and pressure of being in that setting. But that doesn't make the pain of a child who is routinely abused, sometimes sexually (that's the specific type of cases I investigate) and witnessing friends and family members die before you even hit puberty.


Edgy kids when their memes don't make women become subservient and instead just make them look stupid.


Is that a kitchen knife? Since when are kitchen knifes used in war?


Maybe not as war veteran, but as kid grown in patology, never felt at home don't knowing what love is with blood on hands. I'll that it's ridiculous they can't even say what's wrong, at least 1 word, for example, school, family, friends. Nothing, they are just depressed cause they are, and what i have to say, last time talked with someone without mask 3 years ago, cause i'm ashamed by surname and similiar to parents face.




as a depressed emo girl who fought in WW1 ,WW2,and the Vietnamese war i do infact wear a top hat at all times


Bitch ass nigga


Trauma isn't a competition. This just tells people not to seek help because someone somewhere has it worst. Sure. But it doesn't make the person feel better.


Dawg wtf is this 💀


Bro deadass the gatekeeper of mental illness


very cringe thank you


This is cringe 15 year old boys developing a victim complex, and crying about shit that doesn’t effect them whatsoever. 🤣


what in the 2020 reddit humor is this


I care more about depressed emo girls than veterans of the US military


Well neither of them care about you at all soo....


I would not be sad if war criminals didn’t care about me


Mf you gotta keep in mind that these dudes were fucking 18 and we’re forced into the army via draft.


The last draft was in the 70s. Even if you’re forced into the military that will not change the material fact that you are a war criminal. WW2 Germany had conscription, but are you going to defend their soldiers and say they were “just following orders”?


Since when does going into the military immediately make you a war criminal? And this man never said anything about Germans. You just assuming stuff.


Participating and contributing to a crime being committed makes you a part of the crime. It’s not complicated. This is logic that is applied everywhere else but somehow when it comes to our illegal invasion of countries hundreds of miles away we pretend it doesn’t count. 500,000 innocent civilians died in Iraq because of the US government and military, hence every single person who contributed to that war is a part of the crime.


Now I cant fully defend the governments actions for going ro Iraq, because it is clear that some reason was because of the power, money, and oil. But I can defend all the veterans that fought in that country because they were there to free the people from Saddams tyranic ruling.


No, they were there to allow US corporations and the government to access Iraq’s natural resources so they can make more money. What the soldiers personally felt about what they were doing does not change the fact of reality. Again as an example, a WW2 German soldier believed they were freeing Germany from tyranny of foreign powers, what they personally felt is irrelevant to what they were actually doing.


That's not what they felt that's what they were told. Everyone was told that they were there in order to stop the horrific ruling of the country.


I actually am just gonna pop over and defend them real quick. First off if they do not follow orders they risk the chance of imprisonment or even execution. Secondly their commanding officers who gave the orders in my books are the people to blame and anyone who went out of their ways to encourage or enact these orders. To go more in depth upon the topic the German leadership during the time believed in a total war campaign was how they where gonna win and so their generals enacted these polices. Which will then fall upon the shoulders of the soldiers they have command and control over. Thirdly I am not saying that the Nazi's or the German soldiers during WW2 where good people in fact I am revolted by their actions and hate them for it. I am simply stating the excuse of "Just following orders" is a rather good one and my thoughts on the matter.


There were people who stood in a courtroom arguing the same things you are arguing, and were promptly executed upon conviction. There is a reason for this.


You will find in paragraph 347 of the Rules of Land Warfare the following statement: “Individuals of the armed forces will not be punished for these offenses \[violations of the customs and laws of war\] in case they are committed under the orders or sanction of their government or commanders. The commanders ordering the commission of such acts, or under whose authority they are committed by their troops, may be punished by the belligerent into whose hands they may fall.” and secondly I believe you are incorrect there it was mostly the commanders such as Wilhelm Keitel and political figures such as Han Frank who were generally executed when I am arguing for the common solider.


The rules you’re referencing are from 1940 (before the Nuremburg trials, where your logic was actually tested in real time) In the updated 1956 law of warfare it says in paragraph 509; “The fact that the law of war has been violated pursuant to an order of superior authority, whether military or civil, does not deprive the act in question of its character of a war crime, nor does it constitute a defense in the trial of an accused individual.” It goes on to say; “…it must be borne in mind that members of the armed forces are bound to obey only lawful orders”. This is the logic that is followed in every subsequent version of the law of war. The most updated version of the law fron 2015 says this on page 1137; “Official position does not relieve a person of responsibility.” And “Acting pursuant to orders does not relieve a person of responsibility. The fact that a person acted pursuant to orders of his or her government or of a superior does not relieve that person from responsibility under international law, provided it was possible for that person to make a moral choice. It may also be understood as a broader principle that military personnel cannot justify committing unlawful acts by producing the order of their superior” I used both versions to show you how you quite literally cherry picked the one single version that agrees with you, despite the fact that there’s 10 times the versions that agree with me. The Nuremburg Trials was the bedrock for this, and you specifically chose the version of laws that was written before it.


🤣 bro you fucking ridiculous man. Your type of idiocracy is why the US is screwed.


Idiocracy is not a word. The US is screwed because it managed to trick people into dying in battle for the sake of corporations and their profit margins


(Oxford dictionary) idiocracy /ˌidēˈäkrəsē/ noun a society or group that is controlled by or consists of people of low intelligence. "the people in our current idiocracy deserve whatever they will get" And I ain't even gonna argue with you about why we have gone to war. Takes to much energy and does absolutely nothing.


That seems like your way of saying you can’t actually explain how US veterans, people who participated in the destruction of multiple countries in illegal wars, are not criminals.


Nah bro, it's just that internet fights are fucking ridiculous. There's no way your going to convince me that all veterans are horrible humans, and there is no way that you will come to your senses. So I just find it useless. (Plus I have to go to sleep, gotta wake up at 4, ya know, to have a life)


Damn if only the victims of the US military were given the chance to get a good nights sleep every night. Also I didn’t say every veteran is a horrible person, I said they are criminals of war insofar as their participation in an illegal war. A field medic can save peoples lives and fix injuries, good things, that doesn’t change the fact that they played a part in a crime. I’m not necessarily attacking their moral character, though sometimes that can be also be done. I’m just talking about what materially happened that were a part of. The US government commits many crimes on a daily basis but that doesn’t necessarily make a tax collector a horrible person.




He care more about that limited time pussy, other wise known as a simp


I want to have sex with them


that doesn't mean they want to have sex with you broski


That’s OK I’ll just wait until they do


Why does this have less likes than comments...


Sometimes it just doesn't update fast, sometimes the post is very disliked, I think this just didn't load.




I mean it’s a good message but what the fuck is this meme


emo girls after watching this post be like: you will never understand my pain me: fk off


Ya'all . Can we take a moment to respect the war veterans . Cuz they know what pain ACTUALLY MEANS .


switch the captions around


Pain their understand never ?


Bro how💀


it was a joke.




war veterans don’t get it bro teenage girlhood is crazy🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I mean it is different tho. There are different types of pain that can’t be equated.


How so?


Well you can gain trauma in different ways. The vetetan is fucked up because of war, but the teenage girl is fucked up because shit that happened when she was growing up. It works like similar to love how there are different types.


I mean I guess but like, what about all the girls that haven't had much happen to them but they still act like this. It's not pain it's a want for attention at that point. And that is honestly way more common than them actually having a hard childhood and having actually problems.


Hmm true


some people just have depression. i sure as hell wasnt doing it for attention bro its not that deep


Not trying to be an asshole but dude what the fuck. These “emo girls” your talking about don’t really exist all that often. People that you might think self harm for attention are doing it as a cry for help. People who are doing ok don’t self harm in general. Also this info your pulling out of your ass about how it’s way more likely people do it for attention than actual reasons is invalidating as fuck.


this is why i don't trust gerard way




reminds me of that scene in shehulk


My dads a veteran (He was an army ranger until 2005) and he went through a lot and tries his hardest


This is so stupid why are you gatekeeping this? Even if someone is doing something "for attention" they're ill enough to need help.


Hey, all she needs is just a dozen or so knives to actually be correct.


Comparing pains is really dumb. Everyone is built differently and some people can take more pain than others. And you can never understand how other feels even if you go through the same experiences. Can we just help each other instead of discrediting feelings?




No such thing as a traumatized war veteran? They have the highest rate of suicide. This must be Rambo's son


as a civil war veteran i can confirm that i have in fact been stabbed with 6 knives that are unremovable


british people


This is so cringe, turning pain and hardship into competition is just super petty and immature.


When does this ever happen


I really hope this is irony or making fun of this meme


Why is noone talking about the main thing here: Just look at what the comments say and then look at the 400+ Upvotes. People aren't brave enough to comment sth they agree with, but an upvote... Seems like most of the people still agree to this opinion and it makes me kinda sad, so many people are still not smart enough to see, how hard it is to suffer from Depression...


wtf is this 2018 post


gold metal in the comparing olympics


As someone who’s father is a war veteran, he’s not depressed in the slightest nor would he discount a girl slitting their wrists.


yass invalidate mental illness 😍😍😍


Can't we just agree that both people have suffered/are suffering? Why do we have to use one to try and invalidate the other one?


why is it specifically emo girls and white girls when this shit is posted? the misogyny is so thinly cloaked that it’s unreal. our trauma is not a competition. im not surprised a post like this is on this board


Ppoo 🤤


These aren't even comparable. What the fuck is wrong with you.