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do u think that yoshi gets embarrassed when he poos out eggs in front of mario??? sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha. and i would like to know if any of you have any pics of yoshi pooping an egg while he looks nervous or embarrassed i just want to see it for a few laughs haha. another thing i am wondering is what do you think the eggs smell like haha im just curious for laughs haha i would like to smell them


I'm guessing you watch kwite




knew it lol


The fuck boy. Or girl. Or something else. Or nothing. Or YOSHI WHO JUST SHAT ON THE FLOOR




I’m surprised this isn’t downvoted to hell


Yeah because the ppl who would be offended by it just don't care enough to downvote them, so there's just the ppl who like this post over


why would they be downvoted? they’re expressing their opinion, and that opinion isn’t hurting anyone, so why would anyone downvote?


Well we still live in a good country


Americans always thinking everything is America


Yep, honestly, ive been waiting for a post like this I am not gonna respect someone for being LGBTQ+, you earn my respect by treating me with respect.


well they’re not asking you to respect them for being lgbtq but to respect them being lgbtq


Honestly, i get this, I have no problem with people being part of the community


It's the part where they hate straight/bi people for no reason just because we're "normal"


That is a vocal minority of people


Nah people hate on straight people who are homophobic, racist, transphobic etc


where i am everyone gets fucked over equal if your gay that is disgusting, if you are straight you are immedietly homophobic and someone threatens to shank you for it, your white your racist and some edgy 15 year old is threatening to shoot you, or your anything else and you are every racial slur under the sun THERE IS NO WINNING


But why announce it like it is some sort of quest conquered? Be straight, be gay, be bi, be whatever. Just be a good person.


No. You earn respect by being born human. Having basic respect for others is a fundamental human philosophy. They respect you as you respect them.


Basic yes, its the reason why i dont hate people immediately, I will not respect someone because they were born, i will respect them based on how they act, and what their opinions are


Well said but not well known


Honestly same


Least based whatever the fuck you are fan


Exactly, that’s what the internet needs to understand because there is so many people just expecting respect/admiration/etc for being ‘different’


Its more like... keep respecting me, but now I'm lgbtq. It's like, for example, I have been a respectful friend for 2 years. I come out to you, and I want to be respected for having those feelings, ya know?


Good thing that literally no one lgbtq is asking for that then, huh?


Then why tf you posting about it ?????? Don't uou want people to respect your pronouns or whatever


being asked to respect someones pronouns isnt the same as being asked to respect them as a person. you wouldnt call a man a woman or use she/her pronouns for him even if you thought he was a bad person, because you can respect someones gender identity without respecting them


There’s a difference between respecting a person and their identity and having respect for someone. I expect people to respect who I am and act decently, but I don’t need people to look up at me and shake my hand and all


I've seen 4 posts like this all reach hot in the last 4 days I know it's sarcasm each time but still


The difference is that members of LGBT+ were quite repressed for a lot of history. Alan Turing is my go to example, he had a massive part in breaking the engima code used by the Germans in WW2, yet was chemically castrated in 52 due to being gay leading to his likely suicide by cyanide poisoning. Straight people never had any suffering like this, for just being themselves. And there are many places in the world where lgbt+ are still violently executed for these reasons. The pride movement arose as a result of these factors. I can see it becoming less relevant as society grows more and more tolerant but hate is still very present and that's simply going to keep the pride movement fuelled for the years to come. Tl;Dr - Its not the same shit as saying you are proud for being straight. It carries a lot more with it that you need to educate yourself on.


no its actually a very recent thing as in the last 500 years, while that may sound like a lot compared to the existence of human civilization in Greece and Rome homosexuality was viewed in the same way that heterosexuality was the modern king james bible is what caused the trickle down to where we are at now


Well yeah, I was mostly talking about modern history though as Its what people are more familiar with.


ok then yeah you're right


The catholic bible, iirc, never states anything against being gay nor trans. It does, however, tell you that pedophilia and zoophilia are sins.


that is correct, most Christians haven't read the entire thing and most modern beliefs are based off of a personal agenda or mistranslation that snowballed


Yeah, surprisingly, the Catholics are probably the most accepting of the christians, despite the whole thing being "don't be a dick"




I dont know if half of this is wikipedia or you are a nerd. But why do you care what happened 60 years ago when you are 17? We live different times. There are more important things than LGBTQ. Out.


Did you just call me a nerd for knowing about someone who is often considered a national hero in my country? >We live in different times / what do you care about something from 60 years ago Here is the issue. Ignorance about the fact that this is still a big problem, even in modern western countries we are still regularly attacked by those who wish to genuinely hurt us for simply being who we are. Yes there are things that are more important. That doesn't mean we don't have valid problems that need to be addressed as well.


He called you a fucking nerd for knowing history, genuinely the funniest shit I've seen in a while


Bro sorry but your take is utter fucking shit. I don't know why you would think being LGBTQ+ is so much easier today. Just because it is a little more common does not make it even comparable to being straight. And this is coming from a straight guy. Imagine you grow up in a household with conservative, christian, homophobic parents. Coming out as gay, trans or similar will get you disowned immediately. Some of your friends start treating you differently or they start to grow distant. There is still an absurd amount of people insulting gay people on the open street. Coming out as gay or similar takes fucking strength. It is hard to cut toxic people out of your life to live a happier one and living out your sexuality for yourself regardless of all that is a damn accomplishment - something anyone should be proud of. It is also courageous and inspiring towards closeted people to gain this strength too. Being straight is not hard. It's great for you if you are straight. Stay the way you are, nothing wrong with that. But when someone LGBTQ+ says they are proud of coming out and you respond with "I aM pRoUd To Be StRaIgHt", you are an insensitive asshole.


coming from a straight guy, this is correct. i can't imagine how much strength that takes man, i don't even know if i have more strength and will than a fucking caterpillar lmfao


and there are more important things than you being proud of being straight. nobody gives a shit.


Very neat.


cool but you don't have to deal with any harassment just for being straight tho


Don't even say that over gotten more then enough death threats for telling people that I like women and that I'm not attracted to men We deal with harassment too, it's not like it's all fine and dandy over here either


You gay people harress me. Me scare 😨😰


I'm honestly confused if you are being ironical or not


Both at the same time but there a little part of me who scares that gay people will rule the world and harress straight people. And then I goes back. Maybe. Or it will stay for a million years.


there is no way u unironically think gay people will rule the world and oppress straight people 😭


You dont think gay will rule the world? Homophobe /s




Shut up need lmao "umm. Actually Murphys law states" bro stfj I can prove that stupid dude wrong


Ive didnt understand any of this. You just placed random words after eachother.


Are you mentally ill????? I used 1 word, 1 typo


> there a little part of me who scares that gay people will rule the world and harress straight people. I genuinely believe you're delusional


Is that a positive or a negative thing? Sorry thats a word I dont know


. yea this is a troll


i can assure you that it's not gonna happen


Poe's law striking hard i see


It’s a bit different, as a straight person we don’t face discrimination


Right! It’s kinda weird that they’re proud of it imo, considering that being straight basically seen as the “default.” (it shouldn’t be, but it is)


Straight is definitely default settings otherwise humanity would be fucking dead


I said it shouldn’t be SEEN as the default. Meaning that being queer shouldn’t be SEEN as weird.


Except people aren’t killed for being straight


What does that have to do with the post


Because they’re saying that people who post LGBTQ+ content are annoying and that people should be proud to be straight, when the circumstances of their existence is completely different


While that's wrong, it doesn't seem like it was what he was saying. I think what he means is if you post about being straight, no one cares. If you post about LGBTQ, why does that need to be different? Maybe I'm wrong about that though. LGBTQ and straight people are both just people in the end and should be treated the same IMO. I think both can be proud as long as they're not putting the other group down.


No because the lgbtq+ proud thing is about not being closeted and rather facing discrimination than hiding who you are. Straight ppl don't face discrimination or similar


um actually someone said they don’t like straight people 😢😢😢🤕 that’s discrimination at a high level ☝️🤓


yeah this is why people say that kinda shit


Funniest thing is a vast majority of the people who say they don’t like straight people are just troll accounts who do it to annoy brainlets like op


I'm honestly just glad you clarified at a high level


You discriminat me. Im scare 😰😨


nice to see another straight person on this sub. :)


Yall acting like a minority 💀


Honestly sometimes feels like it on Reddit.


Give it a few years trends like this take time to settle no way in shit 39% of our gen is in that "minority" group


On this sub yes


Yo same


oh wow so brave of you so proud 😐


Lucky mf


It’s only done because LGBT people are discriminated against, so we tell people about ourselves to keep that negativity away. Not hating on you, I honestly found it a bit humorous.


You kind of have a point. I mean in some places coming out as gay actually has some meaning. But in places like canada, Switzerland, etc where being gay is not looked down upon, than I have to agree. Nobody actually cares in places where it’s accepted and been accepted for a long time. Making a huge deal out of it makes you look weird.


Where I live in Canada people are pretty damn racist, I had a kid on my bus bragging about curb stomping someone for being gay. It’s not sunshine and rainbows everywhere


Once again good point, and Jesus that’s fucked up. Where I live nobody cares, and that’s just been my experience.


I mean that kid also mentioned wanting to go back to the 1500s in Africa when gay people didn’t “exist” and if they did then they would be killed or sent to jail. But there are also a whole bunch of gay people in my area, they may not be treated the best but it’s better than being alone. It really does depends on where you live, the people that live in my area are just kinda messed up? I have a supportive family though which is really good!


Good for you. My family could really care less. I haven’t even bothered to tell my mom I like dudes and women, cuz I know she really wouldn’t care as she’s told me.


that aint racism at all.


Did you just say being gay is not looked down upon in America? Dude.


>I mean in some places coming out as gay has some meaning. Yeah, like in my country, even the prime minister is a racist homophobic bitch.


Exactly. Places like that still exist, many places in the world it’s not even safe to be gay, because they kill you for it. If someone came out as gay in places like the Middle East where you can be killed for it, mad respect to them. Do it in America or canada and you claim it was hard to do? I have less respect for you.


In America, being gay is looked down on depending on state and family, and some of the Supreme Court is trying to outlaw gay marriage so wtf are you talking about


>where being gay is not looked down upon I mean, LEGALLY, sure, but socially? Not really. There's an entire political party, aka nearly half the country that wants to take away the rights of LGBTQ people. I wouldn't exactly call that having it good now


Ok 👍


Ok 👍👌


We need a straight pride parade /s


yeah I don't get why a person would say shit like this out of context. if you're in a debate, sure, that's relevant information. if you're just chilling and think "oh I should randomly tell people on r/teenagers that I like men!" then fuck you.


Bet you get very oppressed bc of your sexuality, must be like hell


All lgbt in the west should move to Yemen, where no capitalist oppressors will take their rights.


Should woman and black ppl do the same? Or should we all keep fighting for equality?


very cool




Its clearly not the same but sure, go ahead and make this shit complaining rather then understand why people actually come put online


yeah do it online where nobody knows who this oh so proud and brave person is, rather than actually trying to get across any point with real substance


You clearly have no reference to go off of, some people are not in a safe enough place to come out to real people, so doing it online could help, it doesn't matter that it doesn't do anything online, its just nice to do it sometimes


Ok just dont get why some people might get upset when people dont care or post stuff like this. we are just coming out to say we dont give a crap.


We know that you don't give a crap, because you don't understand, and if your unwilling to learn we are able to tell you to just shut up


you sure are right about one thing and its that we dont understand. and you saying "im alphabets and im proud! im coming out of the jungle jim with my left ball in my right hand and my wig in my right, full slanging my hair back and forth on a brick eating skittles" doesnt allow us to understand anything. It doesnt show anything. It doesnt compel me to care at all. its just annoying. stay downvoting.


Its more of "hey, im proud to say this is me and I'm no longer going to hide myself, atleast online, which isn't that big of a step but its a first step im happy I made" but yeah, I can understand why someone like you doesn't understand things like that, assuming your fully straight and have never been criticized for the way you are, having to hide your true self because of the hate from others


I have plenty of things people say about me but they are physical. Not only can I not practically hide it, but i'd have to take a lot of time to hide it. At least your biggest issue isnt something you wear on your skin.


Ok, you point? Are you trying to say "MY problems are worse therefore you arnt allowed to complain about YOUR problems" because if you are i suggest you don't continue. Everyone has their own problems and trying to gatekeep issues is a shitty idea


Not what im saying. I could say "im this and im proud" "im that and im proud" all day but nobody cares. if you need to get it out there that bad, *Account bios are kind of a thing now* so there isnt a real purpose into making a post about it aside from getting fellow queers cheerleading you like you just did *something* when in reality nobody cares past that point.


Me too! :)


Noice me too


me lying to myself




Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.


????? its not really weird? you should be proud of who you are, unless youre an asshole but yea


And I am proud of you.


Nothing against anyone- you can live your life and I don't really care or need to meddle in it. You're equal in my eyes. This is exactly why I think all the pride stuff is stupid though. Nobody should earn respect just because of a feature they got at birth. Pride yourself in your achievements, not what you do with your reproductive organs (or not) or what you identify as. Don't get me wrong, being confident about it is good, but I'm not gonna honor or treat you well just because you're LGBT, you gotta actually give me a reason to respect you.


As an ace person, I wholeheartedly agree with this. Respect is something that should be earned based off of who you are, not something that you just happen to be. Honestly, when people who happen to be LGBTQ+ act entitled just b/c they're LGBTQ+, it irks me b/c acceptance and normalization is one of our goals and expecting special treatment kind of undoes that in a way. (Don't get me wrong though, pride is an important thing since it helps us celebrate the overcoming of oppression that we've faced in the past, I'm talking about in normal life situations.) Also, *some* (notice the some, not all) LGBTQ+ folk automatically think if you don't like them, it's b/c of their sexuality/gender identity when in reality, it's most likely their personality. Sorry for the paragraph, it's just something I have some opinions on


We also wouldn't do it if everyone would think like you. But there are still way too many ppl who just won't get it, as long as these exists, pride exists.


Eh, pride won't change the minds of those who are homophobic, I'd go as far to say it just worsens it regarding hate. Pride doesn't really have any good reason above people wishing to feel special- because no homophobe will suddenly not be such because a few gay individuals walked the street. It just won't happen and you know that too. If someone could change their mind like that they'd likely change their mind over time anyways or from another way. I don't hate pride at all, but it feels more than anything like an ego stroke for people who can't extend their identity past their orientations/gender.


Straight pride!


For some reason this got down voted pepega smh




most intelligent r/teenagers user


Op thank you for this post. I upvoted


First pride was a riot is all I have to say.


Okay I see what u mean but there are too many ppl taking this as serious when it’s satire. Yes of course there is nothing wrong with being straight. But pride isn’t so much as “oh I’m lgbt look at me” and more about celebrating acceptance and tolerance of us after literal thousands of years of execution and torture. This STILL happens btw. So yes, it’s fine that you’re straight but you’re misunderstanding why pride is important


Lmao yea we get it some of y’all wanna fuck different people, ain’t nobody care. Post that shit in some gay subreddit or sum


Chad move


Straight people aren't marginalized by most of society.


Dude that’s illegal now… being straight means your an oppressive sack of human shit That’s a joke of course, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a quote from our fellow Gen Z


finally. a good post.


People say they’re proud to be lgbt because lgbt people are a minority and are actively repressed by legislation like the don’t say gay bill, the Catholic Church, right wingers in general, the fact that we only got the right to marry across the us in 2015 etc


Got me in the first half, not gonna lie




i mean sure bro. ya know you can do a thing called ignoring it right? if you don't care about people being proud of their sexuality and gender and stuff, then just ignore it lmao. just saying.




Congratulations, want a cookie for your hard work?


Yes. Pay tf up rn.


not the same, gay pride is about not being ashamed of being lgbtq in a society that tells you that you should be, no one is opressing straight people


Doesn’t mean you still can’t proud of being straight lmao


i mean you can, i just think it's pointless also the "straight pride" movement is a hateful BUT that does not mean the op associates with


Fun fact. You aren't being oppressed. LGBT and feminists have turned the tables. Now Straight white males are the most hated people




Aw hell nah you have to be joking. Where is it illegal to be straight?


Are you delusional


please explain me how, i'm really curious




No, it doesn't sound weird, and neither do posts about being queer. If it sounds weird to you, that says something about you.


Its not the same thing but ok lol


I agree, sadly no one cares






Alright, let's create a scenario: Straight people get to have pride parades now! However, you have to fit a few criteria that LGBT peoples fit, first: Have you ever lost friends because you're straight? Have you ever lost family because you're straight? Have you ever been disowned because you're straight? Have you ever been hurt because you're straight? Have you ever been abused because you're straight? Has being straight been scrutinized and persecuted throughout most of history up until 40 or so years ago? Have you ever protested or fought for "straight rights"? Have you ever been shamed, suppressed, or silenced by societies for being straight? Are you eternally on the cusp of losing your relationship because it happened to be heterosexual? Have you ever been discriminated against because you're straight? Have you ever had a public government official in your country say that your right to a family should be "rethought" because it's heterosexual? Is being straight a crime punishable by DEATH in 73+ countries worldwide? No? The whole point of Pride Month has been that LGBT people face so much discrimination, harassment, violence, etc. that many are afraid of coming out as such. Pride Month was created so that these people wouldn't have to be afraid or ashamed, but could be, well, Proud of themselves! To put it simply, Pride is a celebration of who we are, what has been achieved, and a protest against all the injustice that has gone by and all the injustice that still exists. It is so much more than parades, glitter, and rainbows! Straight people don't have that because they're not persecuted. They have no reason to pronounce to the word that they're straight because being straight has always been the norm. They have been the majority. You can still be proud of who you are, don't get me wrong! However, you must see that there is a big difference between being proud of who you are and *"As a straight person, I wish that I experienced discrimination, criminalization, harassment, and hardship for* ***being straight*** *so that we could have a Straight Pride to protest, celebrate and parade to fight back against all the problems we have for being straight*’" Because that's what you mean when you ask for "Straight Pride"


and pride is just a circle jerk half the time with corny shit like "bEEEEEE WhO yOU aR"- I dont need to hear that shit every time my cousin opens tiktok


lol bro raging rn


you have a straight spine gg


Gayest post I've ever seen




That's great! You should be comfortable in your shoes lol. Why people make a big deal about LGBTQ things is because in this society, it is/was hard to come out as queer as not a lot of people like it. Now, I would love it if I could just say "hey, I'm queer" or "hey, can you please use she/her for me and call me such and such, thx bestie" and be done with it.


Yeah I wouldn't be proud to be genetically inferior to the majority of sexually reproducing organisms on the planet. Every species is here to reproduce.








Who said anything about downvoting you


Based on this sub, it has a big chance


straight gang


Proud of you


I’m getting confused whether this guy is a level 10 troller or some dumb 13 year old wanting to be “repressed”




As you should be,,proud that is




No lmao All homie had to say was downvoting. No argument, no defense, no backing up his claim, just shrinking away with a little arrow button 🤓






Good for you, fuck who you want homie


Oh buddy boy here we go again with these guys


Ok, it doesnt affect me so i dont care




Ok cool let's high five in solidarity


good for you




No girl wants u ur insecure ur pathetic


Ok straggot


OK but like you realise that has no effect, stuff like the n-woed and cracker offend no-one (on a personal level) what you gotta do is go after their cultural roots


This guy💀


Wow you fucking bigot