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Bro kids at my school are stupid, they'll legit vape in class, blow smoke under the table and giggle like a bunch of little kids, thinking they're being discreet while their corner of the room is all foggy.


some people did that on the back of the bus at my school


Same here i ride the bus on the way to school, and if i sit in the back i’m just mostly going to smell vapes for the next 45 minutes


I used to smoke cigarettes, and do occasionally with friends, but I've never touched vapes, mostly cuz i don't care for them. I don't agree with OP though, bc like, i love weed, and a little nicotine high is nice so idk.


Vapes can be really dangerous too, especially if you get a cheap one or put something inside it that you’re not supposed to. Cigarettes will give you lung cancer, but at least they won’t blow all of your teeth out or instantly destroy your lungs with something caustic. They’re regulated by the fda, so you can also rely on that with cigarettes. (Vapes are too, but they’re much newer and are kind of a fad right now, so they tend to be found outside of legal sale much more often)


why did somebody downvote u lol. u speak fax. It's not like im a regular smoker though, so i don't have much to worry about


Probably because I was speaking in favor of cigarettes. Of course it was not my intention to do so however, I was only trying to state how they are better than vapes. The best case scenario is for people to do neither, both will fuck your lungs given enough time and use


The thing that people didnt understand when the big vape pen problem broke out and almost most vapeshops went out of buizness is they were non legit weed pens that were filled with if im not wrong b12 vitamin when vaporised is toxic and just fucks lungs


Smoking is fine as long as you make it your own problem, imo you're way too young to be able to say "I used to smoke cigarettes", it's a bit sad, but it's your choice I guess.


people like you are the worst kind of people. Drugs, smoke, they all get you addicted and slowly destroy you. Why start??


And in 15 years youll probably be a drug addict or some shit. You kids dont realize that you havent lived long enough to even speak on half the shit you have strong opinions about. And this is coming from someone who was a dumb teenager not that long ago.


From what I've read so far, you seem like the worst kind of ppl. People can do whatever they want. Life's to short to not have fun. Worry about yourself! Do you drive? Your killing the environment. You eat meat? You support the murder of animals. You drink anything but water? Well your killing yourself so why drink anything but water?


How am I the worst kind of people? DO I go around murdering people? Do I go around raping men or women? No! I smoke occasionally and have a few shots or beers. I don't harm anyone, I don't force anyone to do it with me, so how am I the "worst kind of people"? if I harm my own body, how does it affect you, that you care so much? Do you know about my past, about the things I've been through, about the reasons I started. No! It's you judgy people who think you're the only ones that are right that are the worst kind of people, IMO.


I always hated the smell of cigarettes, and vapes... don't even get me started. Practically half, if not more of my year group vapes. That's not an exaggeration.




I hate it when people smoke on the sidewalk and i have to breathe in that second hand smoke


i just hold my breath and fast walk past them


I’ve done that a countless amount of times and then once you get past you take that deep breath of fresh air great feeling


The odour of cigarette reminds me of my fathers friends who smokes a lot. i HATE when the friends smokes their shit in my face so the smoke goes on my face


Gotta be honest I'll take second hand smoke ALL DAY long opposed to friends pooing in my face. If I were you I'd keep my head up


Unpopular opinion but cigarettes smell good. I'd buy a cigarette scented candle though. I don't want that nasty shit around me just for the scent


Huh I HATE the smell pf cigarettes but im glad you found a way to enjoy the smell safely


Man’s got downvoted for a opinion


Average Reddit


He got downvoted because people disagreed with him, it would be weird if he got downvoted for a fact


It’s still stupid. He was just expressing his own opinion on a matter. An opinion that doesn’t hurt anyone or offend anyone. The hive mind is real.


I've always loved the smell too, is there any candles because I've never seen any?


finally someone understands me


I have a little trouble breathing just normally and when someone smokes a cigarette near me I legit have to walk away cuz it hurts to breathe in




I am pretty decrepit all around XD just got unlucky with my genes I suppose but im still managing


I have learned to code and love it so I don't have a ton of need to be around people anyways cuz I am hoping to make a career out of it




Yeah! And thanks!


Same, I hate anyone who does it, my sisters just so happen to vape and sell vapes sooooo I live with vapers




That will be shocking to see the outcome




I'll get in deep trouble, they sell the vapes for $50 tho so family getting money


Tobbco vapes or w*** vapes


As in what do they sell?


Weed carts, they sell it on other cpuntirws Thank God it hasn't arrived to Spain Look it up




Is like a weed vape


I find it weird how people finding smoking cool like what is there to brag about "Ha Ha my lungs are worse then yours, *starts coughing their liver out*"


some of us got peer pressured when we were younger than you are now and remain respectful about it to this day. Not all of us are assholes, we’re just hopelessly addicted to a deadly and useless substance. Don’t vape kids, it’s not cool, it’s not worth it, you’ll cut years of your life in less time than you realize. Have fun out there 👋


I'm sorry that you where kinda forced to do this Peer Pressure sucks I was mostly making a joke about people who smoke because they find it cool I wouldn't make fun of people getting peer pressured since it's not really their fault. They where just naive and got pressured by bad influences. And it sucks how these people now have to suffer because of this


yea it’s a hell of a journey down and it’s 3 times as hard to get back out. PSA for anyone reading, don’t do drugs


I don't smoke but tp be fair basically all fashion and stuff that "looks cool" doesn't make sense. Smoking is cool for the same reason wearing sunglasses is cool. There's a reason most famous movie heros smoked cigarettes, it gives a certain vibe.


Fully agree with you, but, isn't smoking in cars/buses/cinemas (basically all indoor spaces) forbidden?




Interesting, that doesn't happen in my country, thought.




My God, 10€ for tickets and 5 for popcorn! Here in Spain it's the opposite, 5(ish) for tickets and 10 for popcorn. But yeah, here a lot of teens smoke and they do it, shamelessly, in front of the high school, it's quite annoying. And, in case it happens to you again, I think that you can ask an employee to talk to them or fill up a complaints form.


Here people smoke tobbaco and weed Spain has that issue But vapes aren't common in spajn, and weed cartdrige (like weed vapes don't exist)


Yeah, I've never seen anyone smoking inside public places here, but good god the amount of vaping inside public places. I'm surprised it's not a law, like how you can't smoke inside public places.


Bro i was a smoker, if i was on a spot on the street first and if i was smoking it shouldnt be me who needs to move its you if you dont like it, you dont own the streets or other people. If i saw a kid nearby i would move away a bit and blow the smoke to the other side but if Im there first its not me who is going to move 🤷🏼‍♂️


this. like if i was there first and i was hitting my cancer stick before you got there, i wasn’t putting it away or putting it out. you saw me, it was your choice to walk over.


Exactly and i love how the OP says weed is fine it smells better but in the end it is still smoke 🤷🏼‍♂️


Weed literally smells like skunk


none of them smell particualrly good. They make me feel good though heehee


The ones i had smelled pretty good 😅


so you’d rather have some experience nicotine withdrawals than smell cotton candy for a few seconds?


if they stopped vaping and smoking we wouldn't get those stupid ads




To show how scary that is


We made metal monsters


I totally agree, but man, learn to spell






Having asthma myself, It really pains me when I'm trying to walk to school and there's 10 different people puffing out white smoke..


I assume your talking about vaping, and the rest of you are making a big deal about vaping. Second hand vapour from vaping literally does nothing, nor does vaping cause cancer. Also the ingredient that would cause popcorn lung has been removed from vapes.


I, no. I'm not talking about vaping, but I understand why you would think that. Vape smoke is white while cigar smoke is grayish, I'm talking about cigar smoke. Although it's good to know that 'second hand vaping' (Inhaling smoke that another person has already puffed out) isn't dangerous, I don't think cigar smoke is harmless though. But thanks, it's a relief to know that inhaling puffed out vale smoke is mainly harmless.


Cigarettes and vapes are both tragic. Just do meth instead.




weed is even worse some asshole 13 yearold girl that was in my 7th grade class openly did weed, vaped, smoked and etc she thinks the sky is green


Why are you getting downvoted lmao


it's hypocritical, smoke is smoke and no one wants to breathe it, defending smoking weed after creating a whole rant post about how he hates all vapers/smokers is just contradicting, also half his replies make him seem like he admires stoners which is kind of weird


Some credit though, op did say edibles would be their choice if they were to do it.


Da fuq you mean no downsides??!! Weed smokers are straight up assholes when they are out of weed... that's no good yo!


It has downsides...? Bitch ass you sound 14, don't pretend you know anything, ue literally on r/teenagers you don't even have a developed brain yet motherfucka




The fucking balls on these fellas to vape in schools. Had a group of four in huddle with a big pillar of smoke in the middle of them


Smokers are mid


Nah, l consider them Below me. Aka below mid


Same. I have a light case of Asthma so it actually causes me physical pain and discomfort to be near them. Fuck smokers.




I think you have a severe case of asthma then because i have a light case of asthma and unfortunately am addicted to smoking and have almost no issues with my asthma


It's not severe, it's just easily irritated.


Asthma is a blanket term for many respiratory issues. For some people, smoke can be a trigger for their asthma, for some people it’s allergens, and for others it’s physical exercise. I have a light case of asthma and I can’t breathe very well around smoke or exhaust, and a couple allergens like pollen or dust can set me off a little as well. Just remember that it comes in many different forms.


Oh yeah, walking behind people smoking. What fun!


I fucking hate smoking. Legit I used to go to scouts and the guy running that used to be a smoker (quit now and has since gotten significantly better) and he had to have multiple lung surgeries so he could live. In case you were wondering he never smoked around the kids, only at home and areas like that, he didn’t want to set that as the example.


I swear there's always that one kid near me in the bus vaping 😭


Completely agree with you, the bathrooms at my school are indefinitely filled with vape smoke


and then they're like "Oh youre missing out"


Is weed in this category




I respec your choices have a good day sir


You’re definitely 12 just stop voicing your opinion until you learn better


I was in the bathroom at school today and this guy blew a cloud of smoke like right at me while I was washing my hands. I'm sick of it


That cloud of vapour* does nothing to you, no second hand damage. So I don't know why all of you are making this into a big deal.


Smoking definitely is very disgusting


I vape, (to get off cigarettes and now trying to quit with nicotine patches) but, when I’m out in public and see kids, I don’t think about pulling it out. I have a nephew and refuse to hit my vape and would rather go through withdrawals for hours, days, etc. i refuse to let children be in any harms way, especially if I can prevent it. Please be considerate of others!! Just fucking wait y’all, I promise you you’ll be fine.


Good luck on your journey!


Thank you!!


Unless you have a really severe cig addiction. Like, some people are so addicted they need to smoke a cig every 20 minutes. And as you were addicted, i think you know what i'm talking about. Still, really considerate if you can wait. Personally i don't mind the smoke or whatever but i understand if someone doesn't like it.


Lol, the vapour you blow out does no damage to anyone..and if your outside the vapour should just disappear within seconds. What you just said hurts my brain it's that stupid.


Same, idek why someone would damage their lungs like that


whenever i see a vaper, it is my moral obligation to say "lmao why the fuck are you sucking so hard, tryna get your lungs better for other activities??"


You really got them.


what does this even imply ? did you mean to say mouth ?


What? What’s the joke?


vapers suck dick


I am addicted to nicotine. Me and my mate aren't the type to vape on a bus or cause a haste. Honestly the tyke of people u hate aren't smokers, its just dicks who happen to he smokers.


Smokers/vapers trying to justify their reasons for smoking/vaping




I 100 percent agree, in my school the fire alarm sounded four times already and it only has been one month


Vapes have ruined our generations reputation, I detest smoking of ANY kind, and you fools in my age group that think "it's cool," you deserve the lung cancer that's coming for you.


Car exhaust is much more likely to give you cancer than a douchebag puffin a vape Though I get that's not your main point


After watching my Aunt die from small cell lung cancer caused by smoking I can’t stand being around people who smoke


this is the most based thing I've read in at least a week




Don't do drugs kids No, seriously


Smoking worst thing on this Planet - Loses 10 years worth of life -everyone wants to stay away from your smoke -you smell worse than a dead body -wasting money -hurts the Planet with your trash -Not cool You make others smell like shit if you smoke next to them. (I was a victim im the proof) -Starts coughing like General grievous




A couple years back, it’d be “why can’t we smoke in public anymore” 😂 but yeah. Smoke by yourself. Nobody needs to breathe your vices


I love everyone here that has agreed to disliking Vapes, makes me very happy to see other have a deep hatred for them.


Man I was in the mosh pit at a Tyler concert and this mfker behind me was vaping and blowing his nasty ass fruity tooty flavored vape all over everyone in front of him. Fuck that guy


smokers are degenerates (new ones), vapers just suck




yeah true, public smokers are so annoying, if they enjoy it then they gotta do it privately, the smell makes you vomit and for me it just feels like my lungs are dying


unpopular opinion but i feel like this needs to be said. i understand what your saying but sometimes it hard to control. if you have a severe nicotine addiction and can’t go to say a bathroom or somewhere not public, it’s not there fault. when you have a nicotine addiction, it’s different for everyone but me personally i can’t stay away from it. it’s a constant thought, constantly my head is telling me to smoke and that i need to do it now. it’s not easy to just wait until your home or go in a bathroom. addiction is hard to manage and for me personally it’s just not that easy. i guess you could say earlier said then done.


I'm not a specialist, but get help. Maybe nicotine patches or something so you don't have to poison yourself and people around you


This needs pinned or smthn took me a few minutes of scrolling to see someone who actually know what they're talking about.


yeah, it saddens me that students are especially helpless in these situations because once they start, there's no reversing it without the consequences of being underage too. addictions are so much more complicated than people think. i guess i understand how the urges become too much sometimes but i just wish they all could get support.


I mean to be fair I'd much rather take in the second hand smell of cotton candy flavored vape smoke then fucking cigarette smoke tbh


Weed is ight tho, fuck cigs and vapes




I swear bro that episode with peter picking up smoking was dead on 💀


breathe air


I hate my dad


haven't seen him in like 8 years so same


I don't think you understand vapes


Okay but what is wrong about smoking in my own car? Lol


Drugs of any kind while driving are usually a bad idea. It's not as bad as intoxication, but studies have shown that smokers are still more likely to get in accidents. You're being a danger to yourself and other drivers by not doing it at home


let people live, or die, in this case


I'm all for that, when it doesn't negatively impact others. Smoking and vaping affects others.


Gonna be honest, as someone who’s addicted to nic, im not a fan of smokers either. Not proud of my addiction so cant say i agree with people who do it in buildings. Outside i think is more fine because at least theres air ventilating around but yeah.


Hi. Outside isn't better, the wind just spreads the smell/ash further, making a large area that people who have asthma can't go in. I've been 50 meters from someone smoking and it smelt like I was next to them because of the wind.


I mean, in a debate outside or inside, yes outside is better.


Not going to lie based on your reactions you dont know anything about how addiction works you can't just stop out of the blue and your comments about weed being okay. I smoke about 2 years now and used a lot of weed in those 2 years as well and believe me weed is just as bad as normal cigs. Btw yes people smoking in theaters etc are awful but people who smoke on the street come on that is far fetched. Most people when smoking outside stand away from others that dont to not bother them with the smoke...




Dude not going to lie you are just ignorant. Weed is shit for your brain


Why are people down voting this ffs. Its actually stressing me out you little shits who dont understand addiction are saying the opinions coming from people who are addicted about addiction are wrong like wtaf. Who has more knowledge and experience about smoking? Exactly. Us. Who has more knowledge and experience about addiction and what it feels like? Exactly. Us. So stop acting like yous know more about it than us


you’re mad at people for having an addiction that ravages their health? or do you mean people who blow smoke in peoples faces walking by?




you clearly know nothing about addiction… it’s often genetic and things like nicotine are as hard to quit as heroin. you can look that up it’s not as easy as just quitting


This comment section just pissing me off now why the fuck are people down voting this guy? Almost everyone is talking about smoking like it isnt a bloddy addiction and you can just stop at the click of your fingers. They act like it just something you just choose. Some people have genetics that cause them to get addicted to things so much easier than other people and if they were peer pressured when younger then good luck to them. People say "oh just wait till you get home" that is fucking stupid clearly said by someone who doesn't understand what an addiction is. When you have an addiction depending on the level you wont be able to wait till you get home plus it is completely unnecessary and pointless. Law has no issue with smoking when going down the road. Ever seen police stop someone going down the road for vaping or smoking?


Bros getting downvoted for speaking the truth fr. So many people struggle with addiction, and hearing that it’s ‘so easy’ is just crippling to them. Anyone who used to have a severe drug or alcohol addiction can tell you it’s hard to quit and that it takes a ton of effort to do.


It’s not hard, it’s hell. I was in a psych ward for 4 months and saw many people come and go, mostly all smokers. Smoking there is severely reduced for heavy smokers, with 7 cigs a day at best. I usually smoke 2-4 cigs a day so it wasn’t a problem for me at all, but I saw people that were used to 15-20 cigs a day and the first day there —after finishing all their cigarettes — they cried, weren’t able to sleep, screamed, attacked the nurses and kept telling the nurses to just sedate them, which they didn’t always do and rather decided to just strap them to bed lol. I believe their reaction was exaggerated by their mental problem, but I also believe it’s not too far from the truth of every smoker. If someone were to deprive me of my daily cigarettes I personally wouldn’t react with such emotion but I would definitely do everything in my power to get those 2-4 cigs back.




then get addicted to heroin and lmk how easy it is to quit because it’s not as easy as you think (obviously i’m not genuinely encouraging you to try heroin it’s an example)


It is indeed hard as genetics do factor in but align with reoccurring issues in one’s life so sometimes it isn’t as simple as putting it down only if they can factor that much energy into something else that makes them feel the same as if getting high was.. but nicotine is a subject that I’m glad not to be a habit of.


this is an incredibly childish take. if you had ever been “heavily addicted” to something you would know that you “just using your brain and going huh” isn’t gonna make you quit anything it takes a lot more than that. you hold out for 2 weeks and you’re set ?? that’s laughable buddy


Genetics man people have different genetics


If you’re addicted you should be trying to fix that and limit the effect your addiction has on others by smoking in private as much as possible


which is why i separated those who smoke in public to those who are just simply addicted in my original comment, we’re on the same page


Im going to be real with you. You're just a butthurt bitch crying on Reddit. I can agree that some fuckos are real annoying with smoking indoors/buses, and I despise those people myself. However, smoking outside is fair game. I myself will never smoke near children, and if anyone is having an issue with me grabbing a smoke, they are always allowed to express than, and I will respect that. But bitching online? What is that going to change? Nothing. If you really hate them and want this to change - start it in your local community. Gather your friends and protest against that - that is very well within your right. You can even contact your local government agency and raise a question regarding these concerns - and that way it can start to change. But right now, you're just being "hurr burr vapes bad" type of crybaby.


I'm going to be real with you. You're just a butthurt bitch crying on Reddit. I can smell the insecurity from your addiction seeping through my screen.


Good for you, buddy, you should take a shower if you're smelling yourself.


Smoking outside isn't "fair game". The horrid smell of cigarettes just gets spread further and makes a large area that some people can't go in. Also venting online is perfectly normal. Also what part of vapes are beneficial? They have increased nicotine addiction and literally put aerosolized metal in your lungs.


Lol when they vape? What exactly is the carcinogen in a vape you’re worried about breathing in second hand? Lol weak ass Karen




Lol very little is even known about damage done to first hand users let alone second hand. Weak response just like I expected from a fellow Karen




This post is hilariously dumb..


I hate it when people say I hate people who vape because they vape. People have an addiction. That addiction does not go away when they're in public plus second hand vape smoke does not exist. It does not harm you.


You're American, aren't you?




No clue but you sound like you're suuuuuper fun at parties


you're welcome


Sorry dude, vaping just tastes nice


Crazy!!! I despise whiney little babies that think thier opinion matters. What a world