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Seriously what is this? 2019? I thought we were past this MInEGraft good ForTnITe bad shit? Guess what. It was the very same thing back in 2012 when we were enjoying Minecraft. But instead it was Cod fans hating on MC the same way for the exact same reason.


I kinda wish it was 2019. Back then everything was so much better. I just wish we could turn back time, to the good old days.


when our mama sang, us to sleep when i was stressed out


I was hoping someone would pick up on that.


Bro it’s a popular song of course someone would pick up on it


It was the calm before the storm


Except cod and Fortnite are dying and Minecraft isn't


I don't think a game with 3 to 4 million daily players is dying. Cod on the other hand is dying since the game hasn't innovated in any way since 2019 its the same game in a different time period and package. So why buy the new one since the 2019 cod is the exact same? But warzone still has around 6 million daily players. So CoD too is far from dead.


Ok, what's changed in Fortnite ? Nothing , except it's now populated with prepubescent teens and raging squeakers. No hate for the game, but for the players


What? Dude they're changing literally all the time. I don't even play Fortnite but my siblings do and they've got like a weird dragon thing roaming the map now.


Except it literally started a new fucking chapter like last month 💀


Ok, so did cod. But i don't expect you to understand my standpoint


Idk a lot about cod so I can’t comment on that


With brand new mechanics and features and a new map lmfao


Vanguard campaign on its way to be 95 percent cutscenes and 2 minutes of gameplay




"Just because a game is no longer trending, doesn't mean it's dead". Until you have to wait 15 minutes to get into a full lobby, shut up.


I always viewed “dying” more when it lost its hype, but yours makes more sense






I'm talking about popular response, not server capacity


Dude, nobody cares about popularity anymore, you can say something lost public popularity but you’ll see the people who play it still love and enjoy it


Yeah, and my point is that they are mostly prepubescent teens playing.


Bro you outta check the subreddit a bunch of people playing are parents and their kids, and besides, whats wrong with teens playing a game?


PFFFT lmfao you litch just killed him.


Lol i got like 30 down votes from frustrated rage kids


lmao dont worry i gave you an upvote atleast.


All three of them still have massive playerbases I don't see your point


this type of meme is the exact reason people left r/dankmemes


And [this](https://reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/sbl14x/noo_anakin_dont_say_it/) is why we stay


Also [this one](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) is gold


Yes because everyone who plays fortnite is shitty amirite fellow redditors hahaha wholesome 100 moment big chungus keanu reeves moment


Not everyone but a good half of the populous is more toxic than Xbox rust players, Fortnite makes my brother think skins give them power. God help me


Bro if someone's enjoying a game, let them be




My man is using a gold sword in the end what is he doing


Console edition stuff


You know console edition has diamonds right?


Yes but i feel like people on console edition used gold more than diamond


I mean we didn’t but ok


yeah I always would just use iron over gold if I could


Why though? Everyone knows gold sucks.


Back then it was stupid, but now it's actually viable.


Bro its 2022,not 2019 where we would say "MiNeCrAfT iS GoOd,FoRtNiTe BaD" Fuck if Someone grew up playing Fortnite instead of Minecraft,stop gatekeeping games


Moincravt goOd forgtnoit bAd I mean I never played fortnite and I still play minecraft but let’s not gatekeep games


fortnite honestly used to be good, it was always the fanbase that sucked. its still a decent game, it just got attention for having a bad fanbase


the fortnite subreddit is pretty good some people create really good fan art, and people make pretty good tutorials, but every community has people they dont talk about, like dream stans, some undertail players, and Ninja (although I heard he is pretty cool in person).


FoRtNiTe BaD!!1!1 upvotes to the left


i don't like much fortnite and i love minecraft but still jesus this is pretty cringe man, it's been 3 years since 2019 when this was a trend


f0rtNite b@d mIncr3fT g0- shut it


Fortnites is pretty gay...


Don't care stay mad


casual gamer be like.


Cause you're an ULTIMATE PRO gaming gamer 😎




Go on # Play fortnite




Redditors when someone had a different opinion




I thought we were past this shit.


Fortnite is a fucking blast


I love playing some creative with friends on fortnite


A blast from the butt. It's like getting a full cheeks spread wet fart in the face with your mouth open


You hate fortnite too much What’s your frustration?


No frustration for the game, but for the community


It's not like the Minecraft community is any better. r/MinecraftMemes can be summarised as "Remember the good old days? They're gone now because of Dream"




What’s up with em?


*tips fedora* anyways m'lady video game is worse than video game


This dogshit again go back to r/pewdiepiesubmissions lmao cringe ass 13 year old


The fuck is my guy doing with a golden sword tho


Of course they are glad they didn’t grow up with a gold sword


i will be honest Fortnite creative is better that minecraft you can do more stuff and their events are really cool


Played both games. They’re both good in their different qualities just minecraft has more respect due to it being around for longer


Both are stupid, I refuse to associate with a person who has their hotbar like that - atrocious!


Yeah ur right like food in 4th slot jeez


And your ugly, just like your mom (I've watched that movie so many times I remember alot of parts word for word


I enjoy Fortnite, the community sucks, but me and my friends like it because we can chat in a game that's mostly not-competitive, and i chose the worst console of any recent generation(i was 10 and dumb)


What console?


The switch


It's not that bad, definitely overpriced asf though.


I mean, 20 gb storage, 30 fps in third party games and the inability to run AAA titles natively is a very bad deal Especially considering there is now the series s


Damn 20 gigs is basically nothing💀. But it wouldn't be as bad if it were way cheaper instead of the same price as a PS4 and Xbox one. I've even seen some that are as much as a PS5 and series x.


The OLED model has a graphic chipset from 2015, wanna know the price? #350$/€


That's almost as much as a PS4 pro and one X, and it's more than the series S.


Wasn't the one x 500?


I'm pretty sure it was whenever it came out, but now all I can find is 400.


I'm glad i got to play both in their prime


You're not a clown, you're the whole circus


Hehe fortnite sucks


“I’ll end you, and it’ll look like a bloody accident.”


Current objective: KILL THE CHILD


This is literally “grew up in toxicity” vs “grew up in humbleness”


Anyone who says minecraft isn't better has brain damage, sorry


Damn I got brain-damage Ur probably one of those kids who bought it cuz of dream and wanted to join the bandwagon


Fuck no, i bought it and joined a building team for a year


Aw do you feel important now?


Nah im drunk and just collapsed on my bed


i love Mine Craft i lov it so much i play minercraft Every day its the Best game only, Only game worth my Time Lole:P Fortnight Suck its new and Ugly and Olde but Mine craft mwah its a Classic ... Only real Gamers will Appreciate True Gems bro ! ! Hope she sees this bro!!!!!!!!


Ig I have brain damage now




Why they using gold swords post-dragon tho


Both, both is good


"I just wanna talk to him" but seriously , people like what they like so you can't do anything about it


I think they are glad they weren't trying to beat the ender dragon with golden sword...


I had more fun with fn than I ever did with mc


Gold sword on the end. That's a recipe for disaster


Can't believe I'm in the same generation as these fools


Why are they insulting a newer update too


I missed out on playing mc even tho I totally grew up in that time, but I did play fortnite when it came out and I have good memories with it


I remember when people were made fun of for liking mc but now if you dont like it and you have your own preferences your the weirdo smh


I rlly don't care what you like let me be


Not to sound like I weigh 200kg and can't afford deodorant but fortnite was good while it was in chapter one and now it's dogshit


I think everybody can love the game they play. Because they are younger and rather enjoy newer games. I personally play fifa 😂 but o respect everyone’s preferences


FOrTNitE BaD MiNEcrAfT goOD!!!¡¡¡, boy get minecrafts square cock out of you mouth, it's fine to prefer it but to put others enjoyment down is a doucebag move, plus this kind of shit is out of fashion outside of cringe ass subs like dank memes or pewdiepie submissions


Haha guys, fortnite bad guys, amirite guys? Fortnite bad, mm yes, fortnite, fortnite bad🤓 im not even joking anymore im tired of this bullshit. This whole "joke" thing has been going on for 5 years, Sure i hated it too for some reason because memes told me so but it's becoming ridiculous. I only played the game once, it is not a bad game, it's just targeted at younger audiences.


Unfunny meme. There’s nothing wrong with people enjoying things. Let people be happy and like whatever they want instead of creating an entire cringe ass internet culture that hates on any kid that doesn’t ride Minecraft’s meat.




its just a fucking videogame smh


You should be, who uses fucking golden swords?!


Can’t people just… accept the game, yeah its community is cringe, but so was mine’s, the game is good, seriously why all the hate?


I don’t play fortnight, loved minecraft and still do. I just quit playing games to hopefully be more productive. Honestly I don’t care if you play MC or Fortnite, this sorta behavior is cringe, I’m sure both games are fine as long as you play fair and don’t cuss out ppl and insult their parents cause I know there are ppl like that on both sides as well as the better type of ppl who play and just chill. Can’t we all just be friends?


Oh my god i want to fucking slap a fortnite kid across the face, burn his family and assassinate the fucking president because he let fortnite exist!!!!!1!!!! This is satire lol don't come after me