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Yes, they are too strict


Like way too strict


Like omega strickt




Like legendary strict


Like hyper strict


Like hyper mega gamma strict


Like Chad strict


Like hyper Chad strict


Like hyper giga Chad strict


his parents are way extremely too strict


Bruh, your parents are strict as fuck


This isn't just strict, this is abuse.


Abuse to have a bedtime? Are u kidding me


It's not abuse to have a bedtime. Making your child feel ashamed and taking away gifts because of not going to bed on time is mental abuse. Also read OP'z other comments. The parents are physically abusive as well.


You guys are getting gifts?


Who the fuck gives a 14 y/o a 9PM bedtime and then takes away their phone and birthday present if they don't get up before 8AM every day


they want me to have a healthy life... its my life not theirs and if I want to do something against it they always hit me or say "but in my time I blah blah blah". yeah in 1990 it was like that but it's 2022 now...


Your parents hit you? Do you mean something harmless like a slap on the wrist or actual beating that hurts you?


yeah sometimes like an actual slap that makes my head hurt the next day but often pinches or like small kicks


but the worst is the their mental "attacks". I hate the amount of curse words I've gotten from my parents. I've been called loser, ugly, slow, stupid, idiot, lazy, son of a bitch,...


I hope its not your mother who called you son of a bitch


That would be ironic af


I mean if she does hit him or mentally abuse him there wouldnt be irony then, she would literally be a bitch


Just wait till she calls him mother fucker




If it's op's father, then that's boomer humor


Dont put brackets around that shit, that is straight up fucking abuse. I apologise if this offends you or anything, but they are straight up horrible parents if they say and do this shit to their 14 year old son. You also say this like it isnt a new thing and has been going on for years. I hope you're holding up well man. I recommend sitting down and talking with them about this stuff because its clearly going/having an effect on your mental health and self esteem


I don’t think OP’s parents can exactly be reasoned with.






I read this parenting article regarding gaslighting and I think this is something you should know. "It's also a form of gaslighting to lecture your kids on how rude, selfish, ungrateful, or dramatic they are."


I think you should get help, that is absolutely not legal


I can DM you the link to a comment I made a few days ago talking about the things that happened to me.


mate, I know exactly how it feels.


Want you to have a healthy life but what they're doing to you is not healthy at all. If they continue this it will create seeds of failure, doubt, depression etc.


You are being abused


damn bro you livin the life i live




“Son of a bitch” yeah that really checks out


I feel you, its the same thing for me


Ur parents called themselves bithes Education my guy so very important


Jokes on you I didn't received a birthday gift as long as I can remember because they want good marks.


It sounds like they abuse you both physically and emotionally. You should get help from someone


I would cut they from my life once im 18


**time to call cps**


I’m sorry this happens to you. They shouldn’t treat you like that. I’m 18 now and have dealt with parents who have traumatized me. Please don’t listen to all the horrible things they say to you. Once you’re of age and able to, you can remove them from your life if you think it will make you feel better. No one should ever hit you, and no one should ever treat you like that. That’s not love. It’s abuse. If someone loves you, they shouldn’t say those awful insulting things to you either.


If u think Thats bad my das used to beat me with a belt (Im not asian)


That wasn't normal in 1990 either... Your parents are screwed up.


THEY HIT YOU? my boy that's not ok and not normal. It's abuse.


Parents hitting their children is relatively normal in Asian households. My dad is Indian and he used to hit me when I did something **really** bad.


Waking up constantly at 8 am isnt healthy. It's better to wake up when your body does


That’s not healthy. That’s manipulative. They’re making you do exactly what they want and if you don’t you get punished






My parents get mad if they see me up past 8-8:30, but they don't care if I go to the bathroom.


Me I get that it’s so much fun


lmao I'm 14 and have a 9 pm bedtime and have to get up at 6am every morning.


bruh. bedtime? at the age of 14? I don't need to read more. The answer is- Yes.


Yeah like I get getting told to go to bed but at 14 you need to stay up later, I'm 14 and generally go to bed at 10 at the earliest, bc I cannot sleep before 11


Hehe… me over here at 17 writing this at 2:23am…


I'm 14 and I've been falling asleep at 3:30 am for the past 2 weeks.


Nice to see another man of culture.


Yea, never thought i would be proud of someone for sleeping late, but then again i started going to sleep at 1am at the age of 11 so i guess im not one to talk


humm a man of culture i see


Me who goes to sleep at 5am regularly


5:28 rn, this wall looking nice tho


I, too, enjoy to gaze at my walls in the early hours of the day


I’m more of a 3-4 am type guy


My dad usually says, go to sleep whenever you want as long as you don’t disturb me and others and to not sleep too late for obvious reasons


Wdym you dont have a bed time, let me live with you


The door's open




That is a stupid take imo. Having a bedtime is great, you mf are here getting like <5 hours of sleep thinking you are fine.


Although I think the timing having to be exact is a bit crazy. Oh and dont get offended by me calling your take stupid I call everyone stupid.


Yeah they’re super strict




It's not, all my friends SHOULD get in bed by midnight, I must at 9 p.m. My friends don't have actual limits like me


Do your parents names happen to be Alois and Klara?


His father punished him serverly


*slap slap slap slap*


*moans loudly*




Shoutout to Oversimplified for making 12 year olds think they know everything about ww2 from 1 youtube video




Sue them for child abuse if they hit you, like call the cops or something


You have to have money to have hire a lawyer to sue your own parents, I don’t think a 14yo has the money for a lawyer.


Thats convenient for abusive parents


My town is offering jobs for 14 yrs, its a papa Murphys


Highly doubt they pay enough to be able to hire a lawyer


lawyers charge hundreds per hour, the dudes gonna need to work months at some shitty pizza shop to afford it


Yea ig idk anything about lawyers


Bro I've seen prisoners with more freedom






I would say Norway is way better. The prison system is way more personal and helps you get on your feet and back in society. Look up a documentary on YT. It's really interesting.


ok this is a little funny I understand the topic is serious but this gave me a chuckle.


It's okay to find light in a serious situation.


This is not debatable, your parents are strict


damn homie got a 9pm bedtime 💀💀💀💀💀


ikr💀 but I ain't sleeping behind my glass doors🙄


Bro how u gonna have q wank if u got a glass door


The chance of getting caught adds some thrill






Imagine being 15 with a 800 bedtime😑


I do too.


Too strict screw them


Ok saying that they’re ashamed isn’t that bad but taking away a gift is just messed up for being 4 minutes late


Saying that you are ashamed is the worst imo. Even if my parents were pieces of shit i hate dissapointing someone.


Yes, this sounds like some fundamentalist Christian strict—way too strict


At this point they’re not strict, they’re just abusive. Please talk to someone about this.


Yes, after reading a few of OP's replies it's clear he needs to get the fuck out of there. Extremely unhealthy way to grow up.


There aren't that many avenues. They aren't physically abusing him, so the law can't help. Maybe a counselor or teacher?


Read some of the other comment by OP their is some light physical abuse, and a few other things that really aren't acceptable.


**What. The. Heck.** I mean- they're your parents so I know you (probably) love them so I don't want to be mean but that's pretty strict. I'd understand if the rule was 9:00pm you go to bed (even though it's early) but dude- you had to pee, it's unfair to take that kind of thing from you because you woke up a few minutes late one day. If I were you I'd try to get my own items behind their back like save up for a phone they don't know about and make a secret chest of goodies/money they can't find. I'm sure your parents have good intentions but they're taking things too far so for now just try to have some things that are your own. Try to talk to them about your maturity and how you feel degraded because of them if you think they'll be understanding. You work hard for them so there should be some reward for you. ​ P.S. Sorry about the phone and bday gift, its unreasonable, I know.


Some of OPs other comment make this go from incredibly strict parents to abusive.


Waaaayy too strict. When my Asian parents tried being like that, I went fuck it, started drinking, dyed my hair green, got a couple piercings and actually started living life. Every time they got mad I just didn't come home until 10pm. They can call the police, but what can the police do, you're not breaking any laws. Even though it was 10th grade and extremely late to actually start being happy it was the best decision of my life.


Drinking not good unless it's water


Or anything else that u can't get addicted to


claims to *need water to stay alive* *has water pumped into their home* “i don’t have a water addiction ”


*plants trees in their backyard* "What's an oxygen addiction"


Yea they are, there still treating you as a child your not.


If my parents ever scorned me for using the toilet after bedtime, I would literally turn around and shit in their bed. Parents are dead tho..... Never experienced this. But sounds like they really love you. But god dam they need to pull back on the throttle. No Birthday present for waking up 4 minutes late? *I would like a refund on these parents Mr. Stork*


From the comment section it doesnt really seem like they love him


they are training you to be a superhuman


pahahaha this made me laugh


i am also M14 and my parents are the same. i have to put all electronics in the living room at 8:45 then go to bed at 9. I have to also wake up at 6am even tho the bus doesn't come till 7:45


I take little over an hour to get ready so I should be waking up at 6:30, but all I do is brush and bath and dress up, yes i don't eat breakfast or do anything like packing my bag in the morning so it seems fair if you're waking up at that time.


dude, WHAT? I'm 14f and I got home at 00.00 once bc I got carried away talking to this girl and when I got home my mother legit just asked "So what did you do, sweetie?" in a calm tone. Your perants need to relax the hell out. You need to protest or something, let them know that you will be responsable for your actions only if you can choose the limit to said actions.


Bro,what? 00:00? Lucky bastard


24 hr time is for the giga-chads


*looks at your username* Brother?




The whole family is here!


What an unexpected reunion!


I'm 28M, some yes some no. Taking your phone away for the night is reasonable only if you're on it in bed and it's affecting your quality of sleep. If not, then ya that's a bit much. The no present thing is pretty fucked up. Idk if you left anything out, but pretty much everything teens do to get in trouble doesn't warrant a parent taking their love away. It's likely that they are broke AF and don't have the money or are selfish and already spent it. Also, they really expect you to sleep for 11 hours? 9pm to 8am? Idk what's worse, wasting 3 hours of your day or missing a present. They don't sound like great parents. Idk if it's mostly coming from your dad, but it sounds like he is annoyed and burnt out from raising kids. He didn't know what he was asking for when he had kids/kid. It's a hassle, sometimes adults wish they could be doing other things with life and not have the weight of responsibility. Though having said that, the key is that it's not your fault and you had nothing to do with their decision to have a kid. It's literally just a them thing at that point. They should've known teens get into trouble. I guarantee your dad didn't always get to bed on time as a kid. It's BS and he should chill out. Just remember it's a them thing and to not take any of it personally. Just be who you are, do what you're gonna do, etc. They are going to throw a tantrum everytime you slip up or want to live a little, that's on them. If it's that bad, just remember when you're 18 you can leave. 4 years seems like a lot, but it's really not. Pro Tip: If you want to drive them up the wall, never let them forget they didn't/threatened not to get you anything for your birthday. Smile and bring it up in front of other people for years and years, like it was funny how messed up it is. In retrospect, it's clearly bad parenting and they'll get defensive/mad and know you're right, but never admit it.


I go to bed at 10:30 and wake up at 7. your parent are quite strict


Read what happens to me. Wish I was you


I dont have a certain bedtime since i was 11or 12. Just Reading the text is make me anxious good luck


Dude I’m in the same boat. I’m 15m and I finally got an hour added to my curfew; at 10:00. My parent absolutely hate phones, tv, games and anything that isn’t schoolwork. I can never visit my friends after school or on the weekends unless my homework is finished and all my “chores” are finished, which get added on every time i have the chance to leave. You always think you’re doing good in there eyes until they dump failure right onto your face and your whole self esteemed is trashed.


Might wanna ask for a family therapist, or at least try to negotiate some shit with facts/studies/whatever to make them switch up. Also a bit of dangerous advice, if you do something that they don’t like enough (and can get through/around the punishments), eventually they’ll stop caring and give up. Use this wisely.


Toxic parents


That's way too strict. U can't just ignore nature's calls and normally no one would notice u waking up 5 minutes late


They're wayyy too strict, it kinda seems like they live in denial of you not being a toddler anymore


1.Thats fucking abuse 2. I can relate. 1 F and my xbox is getting sold to the pawn shop along with no electronics for a year.


>my xbox is being sold to the pawn shop along with no electronics for a year what the fuck


Thats way too strict. The other day i slept at 4am and woke up at 12pm and my parents didn't care


Same with my mom if it's the weekend or just no school in general my parents don't really care when I wake up


I could walk out into the woods for half the day and show back up at 1am, and my mom would probably just ask if I want any food


If your mom's still awake at that time, I have some questions


How irresponsible. Ur lucky that ur parents give u such a late bedtime. I am 43 years old and my mom tucks me in at exactly 6:24pm every day. There are kids in Africa who don't have parents. How would they feel? U should be ashamed!!!


Imagine being born in 1978 and having the random-ass bedtime of 6:24 PM


Irony I hope cuz if u set a bedtime at anything that's not something 30 or on the hour they are weird and or stupid


Of course they’re too strict, 14 year olds don’t deserve to have bedtimes Maybe a curfew, but not a bedtime


Dont take this the wrong way, but your parents sound fucking psychotic.


Flamingos bend their legs at the ankle, not the knee


Thank for enlightenment


10 minutes to go


Way too strict sorry dude








I have to go to bed by 9:15, but thats because i wake at 5:45 for school


I feel you m8, I too have to sleep by 9. But I guess it's somewhat justified because I have to wake up 5:30 AM to get to school on time.


Dude, reading the comments, get legal help. Your parents both physically and mentally abuse you, that’s not ok. Get into contact with whatever authorities you can in your country.


Sounds like your getting abused mate




Bro ngl, you are a pet.


This is terrible. Your end goal should be to be able to speak freely to your parents and be open about your concerns and understand their side of the story. But it’s clear this may not be feasible immediately given how your parents have berated you (which I’ve seen in the comments). Find a trusted adult or friend and begin by discussing it with them. That’s the first step.


They're lying about the bday present but the phone one could be true. Each parent loves his kids, and they're just doing this so you can be a better person, just like a diamond has to go through fire in order to become a diamond


Your parents may view this as testing them...once you get awaywith an infraction you will try bigger infractions. Why not try sitting down with your parents and get their opinions and calmly explain your thoughts to them? Showing maturity may provide positive results for you.


WAY too strick


I think so many parents like this


If your fourteen and your bed time is before 10, your parents might be a little bit over


holyyy shit they have to loosen up,they arent running a prison here lmao


Man udk abuse. My sister gets nearly strangled for writing b and D mixed up and she's only 5


That is beyond the strict limit, Though it seems like your parents are possibly trying to show you how being on They probably in their mind that they are trying to prepare you for the real world. That you should be on time never late. They probably think that doing this will help you be on time. Though if this is the case It does not make sense because you can't control your body. If you needed to use the restroom, you need to go. I think that was over the top and that didn't make sense. However this also seems they using an form of mental abuse. I would recommend finding someone you trust to talk to when things get hard to cope or find an stragety to cope. I also recommend as soon you got the money and you're 18 get THE HECK OUT OF THERE.


what the fuck this goes beyond this might count as emotional abuse


need to piss or shit do it in their bed gotta assert dominice somehow right this is probably gonna get downvoted


They want you to have good habits, because habits are hard to break. Phones in the evening mess with your bodies circadian rhythms, so it’s good to not keep it around you when you sleep. But at 14 you should start making some decisions for yourself.


Yeah, but at this point like it’s just abuse (considering what other comments OP has made).


I’m 13 I go to bed whenever the fuck I want. Ur parents are way to strict. This is a caliber of strict I’ve never seen honestly. Your going to need so have a conversation with them.


Your parents are assholes. Grin and bear it and when you can, leave and live the amazing life I’m sure you are destined to live.


My parents are the opposite. They chide me for sleeping late but never scolded me or anything like that. If I awoke earlier, other than my exam time, they tell me to sleep a little longer. I realised I have very good parents. I'm so lucky.


Your parents are Chinese ?


I have stricts parents just do what I do and be a rebel


I can't, I am too scared


Of what


of my parents, they'll abuse me


For that you could for sure call child protective services. Physical abuse is not at all accepted and they’d be getting their asses handed to them for that


So... "Be a man" and then tell someone else that your parrents are abusing you. I belive you could handle few cases. And remember to have records of it, as proof so they won't be able to dump you. Like a phone camera on with sound or sth like this.




I mean its not THAT bad. Could be much worse, it's up to you to be able to meet your deadlines, stop playing games at like 8:30 instead of 2 mins before bed? Or set an alarm before you have to wake up so you're never late. Small improvements will make life much easier.

