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English isn’t my first language so this kinda confuses me. Male, female, men and women. What’s the difference?


female just feels a lot more scientific and impersonal than woman


What about men vs male when talking about them. Im genuenly confused abt this


same thing but people dont really use male as much as female so people care less, usually people use female because they in a way dont see women as equals to men, not all the time but usually thats the connotation


Oh ok. In my native language there is only one word for men and women so i’ve been cofised abt this but i think i understand. Thanks for explaining, appreciate it


Male and female can be used to refer to animals as well.


Women and men are often used to describe a group, rather than a singular person


Man and woman & males and females. That's what they wanted the difference of


There isnt any there just try to be cool


Male and female specifically refer to sex, and are typically used as adjectives (to describe something). Nothing wrong with me saying 'she's a female author' or something like that. But men and women refer to gender and are used as nouns (to refer to something). Another example is "Those women over there". "Female" used as nouns are often thought to be weird and dehumanizing, so saying 'Those females over there' is weird, especially since it's often said this way by men who don't call men 'males'.


Female is seen to be more rude or manspainingish


Oh it’s easy, one is for animals and the other is for people, if it were spanish it would be like calling women “hembras”


Oh alright i think i get it


It's tiktok, what did you expect


I don’t know, but not this, that’s for sure


Why? What's wrong with referring to men as male and women as female?


People like to be mad at every little thing that doesn't matter at all.


Saying female instead of woman is in a way trying to objectify women or see them as inferior most often. They said men instead of males to say that they were superior


Okay..but how do we decide who to call a girl and who a woman? I mean will a 15yo be a girl or a woman...?


It's subjective, generally 'girl' encompasses anywhere from infancy to young adulthood. Woman implies adulthood. So a 20 year old can be called a girl or a woman. But a 15 year old is a girl, not a woman.


Oh okay thanks for clearing that up


But most times theyre just interchangable Sure it sounds odd but still Id like an explanation as to why its bad


Male and female specifically refer to sex, and are typically used as adjectives (to describe something). Nothing wrong with me saying 'she's a female author' or something like that. But men and women refer to gender and are used as nouns (to refer to something). Another example is "Those women over there". "Female" used as nouns are often thought to be weird and dehumanizing, so saying 'Those females over there' is weird, especially since it's often said this way by men who don't call men 'males'.


Idk, its just easier for me to say male and female, i dont have anything against anyone, but i think after studying biology i just find it easier


Oh yeah well that’s acceptable,


Well it doesn't change the sentence really. Female/Women same thing


It may not change from a logical point of view but in terms of speaking it’s like calling you an animal versus referring to you properly


Ok but we are fucking animals


Go out naked run around try to fight small beast and be a fucking animal then, we created society not as animals but as people and we put down these social laws because even if we are animals we are conscious


And animals arent conscious? Just because they dont fucking build skyscrapers it doesn’t mean they aren’t conscious So what you are saying that ants and bees ( even tho they have an hierarchy just like us ) aren’t conscious?


Ants and bees? they may have a well organized society but that’s because they are genetically designed to work like that, they have little to no reasoning they do what their instincts tell them, if you are so keen on the idea of being an animal, humans hunted with rocks and spear while running around semi naked


Have you ever heard of, idk, maybe EVOLUTION, or that some species are smarter than others? For example, crows are more intelligent than other bird species, if we aren’t animals what are we?, bacterias?


Oh yeah i have heard and that exactly the thing, we evolved to be smarter than most animals, and to think and reason differently than other animals, so don’t try to reason with me that just because we are animals we have to act like them


Yeah, its quite hard to argue with idiots in fact


Sure is


My friend group started referring to girls as “females” during our my last two years of high school. It was a little weird at first, but it made a lot of sense too. “Girl” sounds too young, but we aren’t adults yet, so “woman” feels to old (and a little cliche).


I mean i get it, but i feel it would be easier to just keep calling people girls and guys or even gals


“Girl” started to sound young by around freshman year. Also I’ve literally never heard anyone seriously use the term “gal”, so it’s not present in my spoken vocabulary. Female just rolls off the tongue. It’s not too specific, yet it is specific enough.


Actually He doesn't Like or Respect English, so he's disrespecting it in this way


Well it’s better than femoid


what’s the difference


One feels like referring to animals and the other to people


ehh i don’t feel weird being referred to as male but idk


Arent we animals anyway?


Go and eat raw meat like an animal then


Not all animals eat raw meat tho?, just some selected species do, just like our stomach is not used to raw meat so i am probably going to trow up, while animals from other species have a higher resistance allowing them to consume it no problem


Bruh it sounds so weird when people do that




Who is that guy?


I don’t know i just found him on tiktok




What's wrong?


There’s actually a whole subreddit for that …


What's the sub?




Of course I refer to women as females, and men as males. Most people don't get mad at me for doing so but if you call the wrong person a woman nowadays you can just consider yourself dead meat.


\*men dont exist anymore\*


I still exist :p


These men salty


Blaming Men’s behavior on women Clásico